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造林、绿化种子(元/500 g),量大可优惠5%~20%红豆杉60、柳杉28、雪松200、三角枫18、重阳木40、青冈栎20、桂花25、猴欢喜60、紫楠28、泡桐45、杜鹃40、黄山栾18、香椿20、刺槐10、枸桔15、山茶花25、落羽杉30、四照花35、黄栌30、大叶女贞10、深山含笑60、红叶乌桕35、三尖杉25、杉木20、马褂木35、鸡爪槭40、黄连木25、红椎20、香樟10、红楠30、喜树10、枫香100、灯台18、爬山虎30、樱花40、枫杨8、酸枣8、苦楝8、花榈木100、海桐40、乌桕10、常春藤20、乐昌含笑100、闽楠40、水杉100、马尾松35、观光木80、红枫80、青钱柳80、  相似文献   

今年顺义区苗圃绿化、美化苗木达1120多种、1.12亿株。其中油松、白皮松、华山松、雪松、桧柏、侧柏等常绿树13157亩,1650万株,占育苗总面积的23%;连翘、碧桃、榆叶梅、紫叶李、紫蔽、紫荆、月季、玫瑰、黄刺梅、黄杨、女贞等花灌木5468亩,1455万株,占育苗总面积的10%;白腊、元宝枫、栾树、国槐、银杏、合欢、龙爪槐、杜仲、千头椿、金丝柳、各种品种杨等落叶乔木37375亩,8095万株,占育苗总面积的67%。  相似文献   

1、谷类:高粱米、荞麦、小麦胚、薏米、大麦等。2、豆类:黑豆、黄豆、白扁豆、赤小豆、青豆等。3、蔬菜类:苋菜、韭菜、茄子、萝卜、荠菜、小葱、香菜等。  相似文献   

1号生根粉 主要用于促进珍贵植物及难生根植物插条不定根的诱导,如金花茶、玉兰、玫瑰、米兰、香木兰、苹果、黑加仑、山葡萄、山楂、柑桔、海棠、枣、梨、李、铅笔柏、落叶松、榆树、按树、泡桐、刺槐、国槐、红松、银杏等0。  相似文献   

一、应用价值 1.果色特点 观果植物夏季、秋季五彩斑斓,可以打破园景寂寞单调之感,与观花植物具有同等的美化作用. (1)黄色.银杏、梅、柚、甜橙、香圆、佛手、枸桔、梨、木瓜、贴梗海棠、沙棘、杏、枇杷、柑、橘、柿等. (2)红色.紫叶小檗、山楂、冬青、枸杞、火棘、花楸、樱桃、郁李、欧李、枸骨、金银木、南天竹、珊瑚树、紫金牛、橘、柿、石榴、葡萄、杨梅、苹果、花红、枣、荚蒾、水枸子等.  相似文献   

金樱子(Rosa laevigata Michx.)别名:刺榆子、刺梨子、金罂子、山石榴、山鸡头子、糖莺子、糖罐、糖果、蜂糖罐、槟榔果、金壶瓶、糖橘子、黄茶瓶、藤勾子、螳螂果、糖刺果、灯笼果、刺橄榄、灯笼果、刺兰棵子等。根皮提制栲胶;果实入药,有利尿、补肾作用;  相似文献   

据《辽宁家居》编辑部统计,2009年《辽宁家居》又新增用户960家,其中商业大型市场近700家,覆盖北京、上海、天津、重庆、黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、内蒙古、河北、河南、山东、山西、陕西、甘肃、新疆、浙江、江苏、安徽、福建、广东、广西、云南、四川、海南等20多个省、市、自治区。许多大型企业和市场还纷纷为其子公司、各地办事处及市场入住企业订阅。在有的卖场,其全部用户都是《辽宁家居》的忠实读者,  相似文献   

本苗圃现低价供应下列1~2年生小苗:香樟、大叶樟、池杉、水杉、国外松、杉苗、杜鹃、红檵木、桂花、马尾松等。长期求购胸径15~80厘米的下列绿化苗木:香樟、大叶樟、桂花、栾树、玉兰、重阳木、银杏、腊树(大叶女贞)、合欢、红果冬青等。能送货者优先考虑,欢迎有意愿合作者来人来电联系。  相似文献   

一、大会组织奖 1.最佳组织奖(35个)安徽、湖北、江西、福建、湖南、甘肃、黑龙江、北京、四川、江苏、河南、辽宁省林业厅(局)。龙江森工总局、大兴安岭林业集团公司,以及浙江省丽水、湖州、义乌、杭州、衢州市林业局。义乌市台办、义乌台商会、东阳红木家具协会,国家林业局治沙办,  相似文献   

造林、绿化种子(元/500 g),量大可优惠5%~20%红豆杉60、柳杉28、雪松200、三角枫18、重阳木40、青冈栎20、桂花25、猴欢喜60、紫楠28、泡桐45、杜鹃40、黄山栾18、香椿20、刺槐10、枸桔15、山茶花25、落羽杉30、四照花35、黄栌30、大叶女贞10、深山含笑60、红叶乌桕35、三尖杉25、杉木20、马褂木35、鸡爪槭40、黄连木25、红椎20、香樟10、红楠30、喜树10、枫香100、灯台18、爬山虎30、樱花40、枫杨8、酸枣8、  相似文献   

林木低磷胁迫适应机制研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
土壤有效磷缺乏在自然环境中是一种非常普遍的现象,近年来世界各国针对植物的觅磷和耐磷机制进行了大量研究,然而目前相关的综述性报道多限于农作物,对林木低磷胁迫适应性的综述性报道尚不多见。在长期进化过程中,林木为利用土壤中现有的含量极低的有效磷,形成了各种适应低磷胁迫的机制。文中从林木根系的形态学变化、根系分泌物对土壤难溶性磷的活化作用、林木对土壤低浓度有效磷的吸收利用以及应对低磷胁迫的遗传调控等方面综述了低磷环境中林木的适应机制,为揭示林木对缺磷环境的适应机理、发掘林木自身对土壤有效磷高效率的吸收利用能力、以及进一步筛选林木的磷高效品种和合理经营管理人工林提供参考。  相似文献   

为了揭示安吉县竹产业发展趋势,进一步分析其原因,本文选取了安吉县2010-2015年春、秋季共10次招聘会的招聘数据信息,对安吉县竹产业发展趋势进行了分析。结果显示:近年来安吉县竹产业招聘企业和岗位数量及其比例均不断下降,反映了安吉竹产业正处于逐步下行的趋势,其在国民经济中的相对地位也在不断下降。分析其原因主要是:竹产品市场份额减少,产品相对过剩;中西部竹产业发展带来冲击;在竹资源培育方面投入劳动力不足,在加工方面机械化程度低;竹产业自身转型急需升级等,并就此提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

Seasonal fluxes of CO2 from soil and the contribution of autotrophic (root + mycorrhizal) to total soil respiration (SR) were estimated for a mixed stand of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) in Central Europe. Mature trees of each species were girdled in August 2002 to eliminate carbohydrate allocation to roots. SR was measured at distances of 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5/2.0 m from the bole of each tree at 1–2 weeks intervals throughout the fall of 2002 and monthly during the spring and summer of 2003. The contribution of roots and mycorrhizae to total SR was estimated by the decrease in SR compared to ungirdled control trees to account for seasonal patterns evident in controls. SR decreased with soil temperature in the fall 2002 and increased again in 2003 as soil warmed. During most of the study period, SR was strongly related to soil temperature. During the dry summer of 2003, however, SR appeared to be uncoupled from temperature and was strongly related to soil water content (SWC). Mean rates of SR in beech and spruce control plots as well as root densities did not show a clear pattern with distance from the bole. SR decreased to levels below controls in beech within a few days after girdling, whereas spruce did not show a significant decrease until October 2002, 6 weeks after girdling. In both beech and spruce, decreased SR in response to girdling was greatest closest to the bole, possibly reflecting increased mycorrhizal activity close to the bole. Autotrophic respiration was estimated in beech to be as much as 50% of the total SR in the stand. The contribution of autotrophic respiration was less certain for spruce, although close to the bole, the autotrophic fraction may contribute to total SR as much as in beech. The large fraction of autotrophic respiration in total SR requires better understanding of tree level stresses that affect carbon allocation below ground.  相似文献   

Deciduous trees with high-density wood that occur in dry seasonal tropical regions respond to rainfall seasonality with synchrony in phenophases. However, they may exhibit interannual differences in sy...  相似文献   

谭寒冰 《林产工业》2020,57(1):75-76,79
我国加入世界贸易组织后,大量木制品开始走出国门,一定程度上提高了我国木制品的世界影响力与竞争力,对塑造民族品牌起到了积极作用。从全球范围内来看,对于木制品的需求逐步上升,尤其是美国、日本、欧盟等国家和地区,这给我国木制品加工企业带来了前所未有的机遇。然而,我国木制品在走向世界的过程中,也遇到了相关困难及贸易壁垒,这些都需要国内木制品企业进行有效应对,以便更好地适应新形势下的国际木制品市场需求。简述了世界和我国木制品及贸易的基本情况,分析了我国木制品拓展国际市场面临的机遇和挑战,在此基础上,提出了新形势下我国木制品深化发展的基本策略。  相似文献   

冬樱花物候及观赏期观测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
云南各地冬樱花花期有一定差异,但大都集中在12月上旬至1月中旬,紫色叶呈现期为12月下旬至1月上旬.果实成熟期为3月至4月.最佳观花期为12月中旬至1月上旬,持续时间昆明为12~15 d,思茅和景谷为10~12 d.最佳观紫色叶期为12月下旬至1月上旬,昆明为7~8 d,思茅为4~5 d.最佳现果期昆明为4月上、中旬,持续10~15 d,思茅和景谷为3月下旬至4月上旬,10~12 d.由不同地区和同一地区不同年份冬樱花物候的差异,认为冬樱花属低温春化才能开花的植物.  相似文献   

日本的抗松材线虫育种研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
经历20世纪六七十年代松树大面积枯死威胁之后,日本在不断探索对该病的防治方法的同时,寄希望于培育抗松材线虫的松树苗木。始于1973年的抗松材线虫育种,从松树造林材料的遗传改良、国内外松树对松材线虫的抗性、抗性检测方法以及抗性育种的可行性等方面进行了大量的研究。文中从抗松材线虫育种的历史背景、抗性判定方法、树种变异、选择育种、杂交育种等方面叙述了日本抗松材线虫育种的情况。  相似文献   

中国“南竹北移”始于20世纪50年代,是适应当时国家经济和社会发展的需要而采取的一项战略措施。经过60余年的曲折发展,在新的时代背景下“南竹北移”再次迎来重要发展机遇。站在生态文明建设的新起点上,回顾“南竹北移”发展历程,总结经验和教训,展望发展潜力,探索发展路径,无疑有着重要的现实意义。文中综述了中国“南竹北移”的发展历程、取得的经验,介绍了“南竹北移”工作的最新进展以及进一步发展的路径,以期为新时代发挥竹子优势、推动黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展以及加快我国生态文明建设和乡村振兴提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Snow is an important ecological factor limiting vegetation distribution, growth, and regeneration, and the importance of snow in the latitudes of Central Europe is expected to increase in the future. We assessed snow damage to secondary spruce stands (not of native provenance therefore not adapted to local conditions) in a mountainous region of 14500 ha in Central Europe (Moravian-Silesian Beskids, Czech Republic). We used neural networks-based regression modeling to study the relationship between stand and environmental parameters and four types of snow damage (top tree, crown, and stem breakage, and uprooting) that occurred during heavy snowfalls in winter 2005/2006 and 2009. Almost 40000 trees were sampled in 345 plots after each of these two events.The results suggest that parameters that can be controlled by forest management (mainly stand density and taper) were not closely associated with spruce forest resistance to snow damage. Investigated snow damage types were primarily related to the developmental stage of the stand, as indicated by stand volume, age, height, and diameter. Damage in 2009, which was caused by shorter-lasting and lower snow loads than the damage in 2005/2006, was also associated with elevation and snow depth. The response of snow damage to all stand development-related variables was clearly unimodal.We infer that forest management can reduce snow damage to secondary spruce forests in Central Europe only to a limited extent, especially under heavy snow loads. This conclusion is supported by the heavy snows that have frequently fallen on forests in Central Europe in the past and the projected increase in winter precipitation in mid- and northern latitudes; thereby increasing snow damage to forest in the future. Therefore, managers of such spruce forests should not specifically consider forest resistance to snow damage but should apply general practices that maintain forest health and productivity.  相似文献   

A number of complaints, regarding the presence of resin-infiltrated splits in seasoned boards produced from Pinus elliottii sawlogs supplied from certain stands in State Forests, led to an investigation to determine the incidence of the defect and to find possible causes.

This paper deals mainly with the study of the first aspect. In the investigation two samples of stems were selected by a semi-random method from one mature stand, being clearfelled, in Entabeni State Forest (Northern Transvaal) and from three stands receiving, or due to receive, their fifth thinning. The clearfelling and thinning had produced logs containing heart shakes and this had given rise to the complaints.

During log preparation it was attempted to prepare as much as possible of the stem length into the longest sawlogs, working as closely as possible to the maximum limits for sweep and knots allowed by the departmental log specifications. This attempt resulted in the preparation of some logs containing slightly more than the permissible defects. Observations were made on stump surfaces of the orientation of shakes, and on log ends of their occurrence higher up in the stem, in an attempt to find a link between shake orientation and the known direction of strong winds, and to determine the height in the stem to which shakes extended from the stump. The orientation study produced no definite proof that wind was responsible, although there were strong indications.

This was followed by sowings up the logs mainly into structural timber, kiln seasoning and grading in two ways, viz A ignoring the resin-infiltrated checks and splits but taking all other defects pertinent to the relevant grades into consideration, and B taking all defects, including the checks and splits into consideration (Table 4). During the grading further measurements were taken on boards containing splits, to determine to what heights in the stem the shakes extended.

From the grading results, total and graded yields of sawn timber were computed, the differences in yields between the two grading procedures being a measure of the incidence and seriousness of the shake defect. Within log classes, (see footnote to Table 2) the yields obtained separately for each 2 cm top U.B. diameter class into which the logs had been segregated prior to sawing, were weighted according to the percentage size distributions of the logs yielded by the clearfelling and thinning operations in the relevant compartments, to obtain a weighted average for the log class.

The heights to which shakes were present in the stems of the two samples are shown in Table 3(a) while their incidence in logs of the various size classes are shown in Table 3(b). It is seen that shakes were more frequent and serious in the larger logs.

The presence of shake in the log samples, taken as a whole, caused only minimal yield losses (Table 4) but had the effect of somewhat reducing average board length (Table 5). However, sawn and graded yields are still excellent and the species should not be discriminated against in afforestation, because of the sporadic occurrence of the defect.

The yield figures should be of some value to sawmillers processing both normal and shake-containing logs of this species.  相似文献   

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