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Within-tree variations of derived wood properties of Runkel ratio, Luces shape factor, slenderness ratio, and solids factor were examined for Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Eucalyptus globulus trees and the tendency difference in the within-tree variations between individuals and between species, in both radial and axial directions by statistical data analysis. These properties are important for quality breeding of pulpwood. In both species, within-tree variations were generally observed as higher values in the upper and outer parts compared with other parts of the trunk for Runkel ratio and Luces shape factor. In E. camaldulensis, within-tree variations were observed as higher values in the upper and outer parts compared with other parts of the trunk for slenderness ratio and solids factor. In E. globulus, within-tree variations were observed as higher values in the outer parts compared with other parts for slenderness ratio and solids factor. However, significant difference of tendency was observed in radial variation between individuals of E. globulus for Runkel ratio and in both radial and axial variations between species for solids factor. Furthermore, within-tree variations of derived wood properties were analyzed to determine a sampling height in the trunk which can be used to represent whole-tree values. Representative heights of derived wood properties from two trees were found to be 2.8m in E. camaldulensis (except for Runkel ratio and Luces shape factor) and 1.8m in E. globules (except for Runkel ratio), regardless of differences in tree height (growth rate) and in tendency of within-tree variation of derived wood properties.  相似文献   

Wood discs were sampled from 6 heights up the stem of 248 trees representing 10 subraces and 116 families grown in an E. globulus base-population progeny trial. The lower stem had the least favourable wood properties for kraft pulpwood and most solidwood applications: bark was thickest, basic density was lowest and kino, decay and shrinkage traits were greatest at or below 12% of tree height. Significant genetic differences at the subrace level were revealed in diameter, bark thickness, basic density, decay and gross shrinkage and at the family within subrace level in diameter, basic density and decay. However, subrace-by-height-category interactions in bark thickness, basic density, decay and gross shrinkage indicated that differences among subraces were dependent on height in these traits. Examination of longitudinal trends revealed some evidence that the zone of thick basal bark extended further up the stem in thicker-barked subraces and that the Southern Tasmania subrace might be less effective than other subraces in restricting the longitudinal spread of decay after infection.  相似文献   

杨树新无性系木材性质的变异研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
方升佐  杨文忠 《林业研究》2003,14(4):263-268
The wood basic density, cellulose content and fiber form were investigated for all sample trees at breast height (1.3m) in seven poplar clones, and at 0 (butt), 5.6, 9.6, 13.6, 17.6, 19.6 and 21.6 m for clone Nanlin-95 and Nanlin-895, respectively,for providing information on variation patterns of wood density, fiber characteristics and holocellulose content within trees and among clones. The results showed that significant variations about wood density, cellulose content, fiber diameter and the ratio of fiber length to diameter existed among poplar clones examined. Variance analysis indicated that there were significant differences in wood basic density, fiber length, fiber diameter and cellulose content among the growth rings, which had an increasing tendency along the direction from pith to bark. The significant differences also existed in wood basic density, fiber length and fiber diameter at different tree height. The mean wood basic density had a general increase trend with increasing height of trees and the lowest was found at the base, while fiber length and fiber diameter had a general decline pattern with increasing height of trees and the biggest value was observed at the height of 5.6 m. Regression analysis indicated that the relationship between examined wood properties and growth ring number (cambial age), and the relationship between examined wood properties and tree height can be described by polynomial functions.  相似文献   

  • ? Eight-year old trees from two Eucalyptus globulus Labill. clones planted across three different sites in Tasmania, Australia, were sampled for wood and kraft pulp/handsheet properties.
  • ? Site had a significant effect on all measured properties. Compared with the poor site (Parkham) the wood from the good site (West Ridgley) had on average 11 % lower wood density. The poor site had also greater microfibril angles, shorter fibres at lower pulp yields.
  • ? The handsheets produced with pulp from the poor site resulted in comparatively higher bulkiness, lower burst, lower tear and tensile indices, lower zero span tensile strength, but higher opacity, higher light scattering and higher surface roughness. Significant height effects were found with all wood properties, and also with tear index, zero span tensile strength and opacity.
  • ? Discriminant analysis showed that for 76 out of 100 handsheets the raw material source, i.e. growth site, could be predicted correctly using a set of handsheet properties with tear index and bulk index being most prominent.
  • ? This is unique evidence that site conditions are strongly reflected in handsheet properties produced from Eucalyptus pulp.
  •   相似文献   

    Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy has been demonstrated as a means for rapid nondestructive determination of the chemical composition and final pulp yield of Eucalyptus camaldulensis in Thailand tree plantations. Multiple linear regression (MLR) analysis and partial least squares (PLS) analysis were introduced to develop statistical models in terms of calibration equations for total pulp yield, screened pulp yield, and contents of -cellulose, pentosans, and lignin in wood. In MLR analysis, a reasonably good calibration equation was found only for pentosans (standard error of prediction (SEP): 0.98%). The PLS analysis improved the accuracy of prediction for every criterion variable, especially for pentosans (SEP: 0.91%) and lignin (SEP: 0.52%). Also, in the case of screened pulp yield, we were able to use such a statistical result as an indicator of the characteristics of the pulp and paper. Thus, NIR spectroscopy could be satisfactorily used as an effective assessment technique for Eucalyptus camaldulensis plantation trees.  相似文献   

    Mechanised harvesting operations are growing in popularity in South Africa, as motor-manual and manual harvesting operations pose significant health and safety risks to workers. Potential damage inflicted by single-grip harvester feed rollers and delimbing knives on the log surface during debranching and debarking of eucalypts may affect chip size distributions during chip production. Chip size is important as it influences pulp quality and recovery in the kraft pulping process. The study investigated the influence of two mechanised debarking treatments in eucalypts (three feed roller passes and five feed roller passes along the stem surface) with feed-roller-induced log surface damage on pulp value recovery. The two mechanised treatments were compared against chips produced from manually debarked logs with no surface damage. In addition, the effect of two log drying periods (one week and two weeks) and three log classes (base, middle and top logs) on chip quality were also analysed. An economic evaluation was conducted to quantify potential recoverable pulp value losses associated with debarking treatments and log drying periods. Logs subject to manual debarking produced significantly less undesired sized chips than both three-pass and five-pass mechanically debarked logs and therefore had significantly greater pulp value recovery. Mechanically debarked logs had a projected pulp value recovery of R62, R86 and R123 less per bone dry tonne of chips produced from base, middle and top logs, respectively, when compared with manually debarked logs with no log surface damage after a one-week log drying period. Mechanically debarked logs also had a projected pulp value recovery of R77, R40 and R59 less per bone dry tonne of chips produced from base, middle and top logs, respectively, when compared with manually debarked logs with no log surface damage after a two-week log drying period. Logs dried for two weeks also produced significantly less under-sized chips than chips produced from one-week-dried logs and therefore had greater pulp value recovery. However, two-week-dried logs produced wood chips with significantly more over-thick chips than logs dried for one week. The volume of undesirable-sized chips produced during chipping increased with decreasing log size.  相似文献   

    Summary High-yield pulps have been obtained by means of steam explosion pulping. This process was carried out as follows: 1) chips soak impregnation (60 °C, 24 h, L/C = 6) in solutions containing 8% Na2SO3 and a variable concentration of either Na2CO3 or NaHCO3, ranging from 0 to 2%; 2) cooking at high temperature (190–200 °C) for short time (2-1 min); 3) rapid pressure release. This work shows that mechanical properties were substantially improved when adding a second chemical to the Na2SO3 impregnation solution. Moreover, refining energy requirement was significantly reduced. However, the higher chemical charge used made the optical properties drop. In this paper, mathematical models have been proposed in order to accurately predict specific refining energy and paper properties from sulfonate content and pulp yield. In addition, the relative importance of these two parameters has been studied.Thanks are due to the Natural Science and Engineering Council of Canada (NSERC) and Fonds pour la Formation de chercheurs et l'aide à la recherche of Quebec (FCAR) for their financial support.  相似文献   

    With emphasis on tree breeding for wood quality in Picea jezoensis, we aimed to evaluate radial and between-family variations in the microfibril angle (MFA) of the S2 layer in the latewood tracheids in 10 open-pollinated families of 43-year-old P. jezoensis trees. In addition, the relationships between MFA/wood density with the modulus of elasticity (MOE) or modulus of rupture (MOR) were investigated. Significant differences in MFA between families were found from the pith toward the bark. MFA showed higher values around the pith area, although some families showed relatively lower values than others around this area. In addition, due to a larger coefficient of variations of MFA near the pith, the potential for juvenile wood MFA improvement may be greater compared with mature wood. MOE was correlated with MFA in juvenile wood and with wood density in mature wood, whereas MOR was mainly correlated with wood density at radial positions in both woods. Therefore, to improve the MOE and MOR of P. jezoensis wood, both MFA and wood density would be factors to consider in both juvenile and mature woods. On the other hand, there are indications that, only wood density would be an important criterion for improving mature wood properties.  相似文献   

    通过对桉树木材市场需求、销售价格以及生态环境等因素分析,要求经营桉树必须增强营林措施,长、中、短周期复合经营,从集中培育小径材为主向培育小径材、规格材合理比例转变,并适量培育无节材,适应及拓宽市场需求,满足纸浆材、木箱板材、胶合板材需求,拓宽家具材、实木地板材需求,保证经营桉树高效益和生态环境的良性发展,并进行经营效果分析。  相似文献   

    2003年至2004年对湛江桉树病虫害进行调查,发现桉树病害有9种,虫害有5种,大多数是危害叶片,根据病虫发生规律,提出防治措施。  相似文献   

    We studied two clones of Eucalypt urograndis hybrid (Eucalyptus grandis 9 E. urophylla), GR283 and GR330, grown in Tumkur district of Karnataka (India), and felled 5–6 years old three trees of each clo...  相似文献   

    对2006年以来引种的桉树及其无性系,取样地调查其生长量,纪录冻害、病虫害,讨论了2007年生长量较差的原因。  相似文献   

    2003年至2004年对湛江桉树病虫害进行调查.发现桉树病害有9种,虫害有5种,大多数是危害叶片,并根据病虫发生规律.提出防治措施。  相似文献   

    调查结果表明 ,桉树在引种驯化区域内 ,渐尖赤桉和薄皮大叶桉具有生长快、抗性强的特点 ,适合在宜昌区域内作为用材树种栽培发展 ;大叶桉、葡萄桉、细叶桉虽易受风折、雪折和冻害 ,但萌发能力强 ,适宜在本地区内进行矮林作业营造薪炭林或桉油林。  相似文献   

    Mechanised harvesting operations are becoming more prevalent in South Africa, with the realisation that motor- manual and manual harvesting operations pose significant health and safety risks to workers. However, the potential damage caused by single-grip harvester feed rollers and delimbing knives on the log surface during debranching and debarking of eucalypts pulp logs may negatively affect fibre recovery as opposed to manually debarked logs, which show little or no log surface damage. Compared with manual debarking, this study investi- gated the influence of two mechanised debarking treatments on wood fibre loss on eucalypt log assortments debarked by harvester head feed rollers and delimbing knives. The two mechanised debarking treatments consisted of three and five feed roller passes along the stem surface. In addition to quantifying the magnitude of this fibre loss, a financial evaluation was done to calculate the value of these losses. The three- and five-pass debarking treatments caused significant fibre losses of 1.425 green tonnes per hectare (gt ha?1) and 2.275 gt ha?1, respec- tively, as opposed to manually debarked logs, which produced no fibre losses. Wood fibre losses in terms of total potential (or available) wood mass for three- and five-pass mechanically debarked trees were 1.06% and 1.70%, respectively. These represent a fibre value loss of R441.75 ha?1 and R705.25 ha?1 for three- and five-pass operations, respectively. For the 6.48 million gt y?1 currently mechanically debarked for the South African pulp and paper industry, this equates to fibre value losses of R21.36 million and R34.10 million annually for three- and five-pass operations, respectively.  相似文献   

    福建桉树冻害情况调查报告   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
    调查了2005年福建桉树冻害情况,分析了遗传因子、环境因子和经营措施对桉树冻害形成的影响,初步总结出各区域适宜的桉树树种、无性系,为福建省今后进一步发展桉树短周期工业原料林提供科学依据。  相似文献   

    《Southern Forests》2013,75(2):107-111
    Near-infrared spectroscopy has been used to develop calibration models for the rapid determination of kraft pulp yield (KPY) and lignin in Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Leucaena leucocephala. The correlation coefficient for cross-validation is 0.90 for KPY and 0.95 for lignin prediction, while the root mean square error for cross-validation for KPY and lignin prediction are 1.46 and 0.77, respectively. The method has been validated with 37 samples of E. camaldulensis and 18 samples of L. leucocephala. The root mean square error of prediction for KPY (1.53) is higher than for lignin (0.77). The method is rapid and can be used for screening a large number of samples.  相似文献   

      Within-tree variation in kraft pulp yield, predicted using near infrared reflectance analysis, was studied in thirty trees of E. globulus and fifty trees of E. nitens to develop a non-destructive sampling strategy. Trees, aged 5 to 9 years, were sampled across a range of sites in southern Australia. Simulated core samples were removed at six fixed heights easily accessible from the ground (0.5, 0.7, ... 1.5 m) and at seven percentage heights (0, 20, 30, ... 70%). Whole-tree values, calculated from percentage height data, were correlated with the core data to determine the optimal sampling height. Core samples were found to be good predictors of whole-tree pulp yield for E. globulus, with simulated cores taken from the recommended sampling height (1.1 m) explaining more than 50% of variation in whole-tree pulp yield. Results for E. nitens were variable with large site differences apparent. On high quality sites, core samples from the recommended sampling height (0.9 m) were good predictors of whole-tree pulp yield, explaining around 60% of the variation. On poor quality sites, cores were poor predictors of whole-tree pulp yield. Radial orientation of cores was not important and predicted pulp yield was not related to tree size, basic density or fibre length. To estimate stand mean pulp yield to an accuracy of ±1% would require sampling 6 trees of E. globulus and 4 trees for E. nitens using either multiple discs or core samples. A single sampling height (1.1 m) is recommended for sampling for basic density, fibre length, fibre coarseness and predicted pulp yield in E. globulus. For E. nitens the recommended sampling height for basic density and fibre length is 0.7 m and 0.9 m is recommended for predicted pulp yield on good quality sites. Received 17 September 1998  相似文献   

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