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Pulmonary arterial perfusion was evaluated by perfusion lung scans in ten dogs experimentally infected with heartworm. After larval inoculation, scans were done once a month for 11 months. In 8 of 10 dogs, pulmonary arterial perfusion deficits were detected. The perfusion deficits involved the left cranial, right cranial, and right caudal lung lobes. Generally, there was a poor correlation between vascular abnormalities detected on the survey thoracic radiographs and the perfusion deficits detected by lung scanning. The perfusion deficits did not produce clinical signs or pulmonary infarction.  相似文献   

Six healthy beagle dogs were infected with Leishmania infantum (MCAN/ES/92/BCN-83/MON-1) by intravenous inoculation of 5 x 10(7) promastigotes and two others were used as controls. When animals showed clinical signs of disease at 29, 37, 41 and 45 weeks post-infection (p.i.), they were treated with meglumine antimoniate (20.4 mg Sb/kg/12 h) subcutaneously for two periods of 10 days each. Sera were tested periodically for Leishmania antibodies by Dot-ELISA, ELISA and Western blot (WB). Aspirates of popliteal lymph node (PLN), peripheral blood sample (PB) and healthy skin were cultured in NNN and Schneider's medium. PLNs were positive between 8 and 20 weeks p.i. and in one animal PB was positive 6 weeks p.i. Samples of healthy skin, obtained before treatment, were also positive. Dot-ELISA and ELISA detected specific antibodies at an early stage between 4 and 12 weeks p.i and surpassed the cut-off between 16-24 weeks p.i., while the WB was positive between 10-19 weeks p.i. The pattern of bands revealed during the first stages of infection was variable and only in two cases did the positivity start with bands of low molecular weight (12-14 kD); the number of bands increased until 15-24 weeks p.i., after which sera revealed a complete pattern of bands, from 12 to 85 kD, in the antigen of Leishmania. After treatment the clinical improvement of the animals was accompanied by a decrease in antibody titers (Dot-ELISA and ELISA) although the parasites remained in the PLN. This was reflected in the WB by a decrease in the intensity of bands, especially those in the region of 12-30 kD. A new increase in the antibody levels between 3 and 5 months after terminating the therapy was detected in the WB by a restoration of the initial complete pattern of bands.  相似文献   

Taenia saginata infections were established in four groups of calves by administering doses of 10, 10(2), 10(3) and 10(4) infective eggs respectively by gavage. A fifth group remained as uninfected controls. Sera were collected from all calves over a period of 210 days. The sera were examined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with a fraction of larval Taenia hydatigena cyst fluid as antigen for the presence of anti-T. saginata IgG antibodies. At slaughter, the tongue, masseter, diaphragm and cardiac muscles and liver were examined for cysticerci. The higher dose rates of T. saginata eggs were reflected in higher numbers of cysticerci found in the calves at necropsy. There was also a correlation between higher levels of antibodies produced as measured by the ELISA and the numbers of eggs given. Sero-conversion was first detected about 25 days postinfection in heavy infections and later in the lighter infections. Maximal levels of antibody occurred between 40 and 60 days postinfection, followed by a gradual decrease in levels of antibody. A secondary increase in antibody occurred between 160 and 200 days postinfection which might have been due to release of antigen after death of the cysticerci. The low level of circulating antibodies in light infections may result in false positive or false negative diagnoses depending upon the selection of the cut-off point.  相似文献   

Platelet aggregation studies were performed on nine Beagle dogs experimentally infected with Rickettsia rickettsia. Platelets from dogs with Rocky Mountain spotted fever tended to be more aggregable than controls.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of dogs to infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis was studied through different ways of experimental infection. The examination shows, that in most cases the disease runs subclinically with pathological changes localized mainly in the lungs, lymph nodes, small intestines, liver, kidneys and spleen. Histological findings demonstrate granulomatous inflammation with caseosation and predominance of epitheloide macrophages and single lymphocytes. Tissue samples from internal organs of experimentally infected dogs as well as non-infected but contact animals were investigated by direct PCR. Specific PCR-products were obtained in 44 of 96 studied samples. Eighty-three (86.5%) of PCR results coincided with bacteriological finds, 82 (85.4%) with the pathological and 71 (74.0%) simultaneously with bacteriological and pathological results. The observed specific DNA products in tissue samples of infected and non-infected dogs demonstrate significant sensitivity of PCR method. It could be assumed that the transmission of M. tuberculosis infection is possible by close contact between ill and healthy dogs and that the naturally infected dogs or dogs suffering from tuberculosis may serve as a permanent source of infection to humans and other animals.  相似文献   

Fourteen caesarean-derived, colostrum-deprived pigs and seven conventional swine were exposed to low passage, cloned, field isolates of Mycoplasma flocculare. Sera were collected at varying intervals postexposure (PE) and tested against M. flocculare and M. hyopneumoniae antigens in a semi-automated ELISA. Swine were killed six to 17 weeks PE and their lungs examined grossly for lesions and culturally for mycoplasmas. Pure cultures of M. flocculare were recovered from the lungs of 11 of 14 swine killed six to 12 weeks PE. Mycoplasmas were not isolated from the swine killed 15 to 17 weeks PE. Only one pig had gross lesions of pneumonia. Immunoassays revealed that swine were slow to seroconvert and titers (expressed in terms of optical density) were low. Three of 21 swine had antibodies to M. flocculare five weeks PE, five of 17 had seroconverted at seven to eight weeks and all surviving swine had antibodies to M. flocculare 76 days PE and beyond. Net optical density of positive sera was in the range of 0.201 to 0.412 (an optical density of 0.2 regarded as the breakpoint between negative and positive reactions in our ELISA). All of the sera were ELISA-negative when tested against M. hyopneumoniae antigen. This is regarded as a very significant finding. There has been concern that field sera might contain antibodies to M. flocculare and that such antibodies could render serodiagnostic tests for mycoplasmal pneumonia of swine nonspecific. Results of the present study suggest that swine infected with M. flocculare do not develop sufficient levels of antibodies to interfere with enzyme immunoassays for M. hyopneumoniae.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the platelet count, coagulation time and platelet activity in dogs experimentally infected with Rangelia vitalii during the acute phase of the disease. For this study, 12 young dogs (females) were used, separated in two groups. Group A (uninfected control) was composed by healthy dogs (n=5), and group B consisted of R. vitalii-infected animals (n=7). After being inoculated with R. vitalii-infected blood, animals were monitored by blood smear examinations, which showed intra-erythrocytic forms of the parasite five days post-inoculation (PI). Blood samples were collected on days 0, 10, 20 and 30 PI. The material collected was placed in tubes containing EDTA for quantification of platelets, citrate anticoagulant platelet aggregation, and measuring the clotting time. Right after blood collection on days 10 and 20 PI, dogs were anesthetized for collecting bone marrow samples. A significant reduction (P<0.01) of the number of platelets was observed in R. vitalii-infected blood, when compared with uninfected dogs on days 10 and 20 PI. Additionally, macro-platelets were observed only in infected dogs. Prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time did not differ between infected and uninfected dogs. The megakaryocyte count increased (P<0.01) significantly in infected dogs when compared with uninfected ones on days 10 and 20 PI. Platelet aggregation decreased (P<0.01) significantly in infected dogs in comparison to the control on days 10 and 20 PI. Therefore, rangeliosis in dogs causes a severe thrombocytopenia during the acute phase of infection. This platelets reduction probably occurred due to splenic sequestration and/or immune-mediated thrombocytopenia.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma brucei infection produced an acute and fatal disease in Nigerian mongrel dogs due to a rapidly developing anaemia. Infected dogs responded with increased reticulocytosis, which was not sustained with chronicity. In comparison the response to artificially-induced haemolytic anaemia was progressive, marked and sustained. The anaemia of T. brucei infection of dogs was either normocytic normochromic in acute infection or microcytic normochromic in chronic infection. Artificially-induced haemolytic anaemia was either macrocytic normochromic or normocytic normochromic. The erythropoietic potential of plasma in vivo in mice increased in T. brucei-infected dogs except at the terminal parasitaemia. The anaemia in Trypanosoma brucei-infected dogs is therefore initially responsive but becomes poorly involved with chronicity.  相似文献   

Serums from 103 sheep and 24 cattle experimentally infected with one of 3 serotypes of bluetongue virus isolated in Australia were tested for antibody to bluetongue virus in the serum neutralisation test and the agar gel diffusion precipitin test. Antibody to bluetongue virus was first detected by these tests 8 to 10 days after intravenous infection in 4 sheep that were bled daily for serum analysis. The agar gel diffusion test failed to detect antibody in 28% (29/103) of sheep which had seroconverted in the serum neutralisation test. A further 7% (7/103) of sheep serums were negative in both tests 14 to 22 d after infection. Both tests detected antibody to bluetongue virus in all cattle serums by 10 days after detection of viraemia. In comparison with the intravenous route of infection, extended prepatent periods for the commencement of viraemia resulting from intradermal, subcutaneous and intrauterine routes of infection in the cattle caused corresponding delays in the detection of antibody. For example, one cow that was infected by intrauterine inoculation did not become viraemic until 22 d after inoculation and antibody was not detected until 32 d after inoculation.  相似文献   

Local and systemic immune responses were studied in six dogs experimentally infected with the dog/sheep tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus. All dogs developed similar IgG antibody response to parasite antigens. In contrast, IgE and IgA responses differed widely. No relationship between IgA responses and parasite burden at the end of the infection were observed. Further, clear differences in the anti-parasite IgA response in serum as compared with specific IgA forming cells in mesenteric lymph nodes were observed within the same dog. An inverse association of anti-parasite IgE and parasite load seemed to be present, with the strongest IgE response in the one dog that had no worms in the intestine at the end of the experiment. No differences were observed in the numbers of intestinal mast cells and goblet cells among all infected dogs. However, the dog with no detectable parasite load had a marked reduction of detected mast cells in the submuscular and muscular layer of the mucosa. Our data give new insight into the immune response of dogs during E. granulosus infection and provide information that may be useful for the rational design of vaccines for the control of hydatid disease.  相似文献   

A serological study was conducted with calves experimentally infected with the protozoan parasite Neospora caninum. The animals were inoculated with either a low or high dose of N. caninum tachyzoites and temperature responses monitored daily for the first 2 weeks after inoculation. Blood samples were collected before inoculation, and at regular intervals thereafter for 1 year. Serological analysis was achieved using an indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT), an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and an IgG avidity ELISA.Injection of Neospora produced a significant rise in rectal temperature in the high dose group. In addition, the lymph node draining the site of inoculation increased in size following injection in all animals, in both infected groups, before returning to normal by day 14 after injection. Both groups given N. caninum produced specific antibody that was detected by the IFAT and the ELISA, which remained elevated for the 12-month duration of the experiment. The specific Neospora antibodies produced did not cross-react in an IFAT for the detection of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii. IgG avidity increased 2 weeks after inoculation, in both infected groups, until week 12 when infection was well established. There was a little difference between the two infected dose groups. This study demonstrates that the two different doses of N. caninum produced a similar antibody response, and that the higher dose also induced a febrile reaction. The IgG avidity ELISA was successful at distinguishing between recent and long-standing infection in this study. However, in both groups, there was fluctuation in the levels of specific antibody throughout the yearlong study, which accords with similar experiments in pregnant cattle, where it has been suggested that fluctuation may indicate periodic recrudescence of infection and a re-stimulation of antibody production by antigen.  相似文献   

Seven, adult, female beagles were inoculated with a Swedish granulocytic Ehrlichia organism closely related to Ehrlichia equi and E. phagocytophila. Blood and bone marrow changes were evaluated throughout the acute phase of infection. All dogs developed moderate to severe thrombocytopenia during the parasitemic period. The mean platelet volume and platelet distribution width increased, and large platelets were seen on blood smears when platelet numbers were low. In bone marrow, absolute numbers of megakaryocytes and immature megakaryocytes were increased. These results suggested the thrombocytopenia was caused by increased platelet destruction. The dogs also developed mild, normocytic, normochromic anemia, with simultaneous decreases in serum iron concentration and total iron-binding capacity that resembled the anemia of inflammation. In bone marrow, there was a slight increase in immature erythroid cells and no erythroid hypoplasia; iron stores were normal to increased. Myeloid hyperplasia was seen in all infected dogs, despite neutropenia in peripheral blood. Lymphopenia occurred early in the parasitemic period, but lymphocytes responded strongly and numbers increased above baseline levels by the end of parasitemia. Blast-transformed lymphocytes (5% to 20%) were seen in peripheral blood for a few days. Experimentally-induced canine granulocytic ehrlichiosis caused cytopenias of short duration, coincident with the appearance of ehrlichial inclusions in neutrophils.  相似文献   

Following natural infection with Bartonella, dogs and humans develop comparable disease manifestations including endocarditis, peliosis hepatis, and granulomatous disease. As the immunologic response to infection in these hosts has not been clearly established, data presented here was derived from the experimental infection of six specific pathogen free (SPF) beagles with a known pathogenic strain of Bartonella. Six dogs were inoculated intravenously with 10(9)cfu of B. vinsonii ssp. berkhoffii and six control dogs were injected intravenously with an equivalent volume of sterile saline. Despite production of substantial levels of specific antibody, blood culture and molecular analyses indicated that Bartonella established chronic infection in these dogs. Flow cytometric analysis of monocytes indicated impaired bacterial phagocytosis during chronic Bartonella infection. There was also a sustained decrease in the percentage of CD8+ lymphocytes in the peripheral blood. Moreover, modulation of adhesion molecule expression (downregulation of L-selectin, VLA-4, and LFA-1) on CD8+ lymphocytes suggested quantitative and qualitative impairment of this cell subset in Bartonella-infected dogs. When compared with control dogs, flow cytometric analysis of lymph node (LN) cells from B. vinsonii infected dogs revealed an expanded population of CD4+ T cells with an apparent na?ve phenotype (CD45RA+/CD62L+/CD49D(dim)). However, fewer B cells from infected dogs expressed cell-surface MHC II, implicating impaired antigen presentation to helper T cells within LN. Taken together, results from this study indicate that B. vinsonii establishes chronic infection in dogs which may result in immune suppression characterized by defects in monocytic phagocytosis, an impaired subset of CD8+ T lymphocytes, and impaired antigen presentation within LN.  相似文献   

Studies on relapsing Trypanosoma brucei brucei infections in dogs after Berenil treatment revealed that the first relapse occurred 13 to 64 days after chemotherapy and 36 to 79 days after inoculation. A second relapse infection was observed in two dogs 43 and 60 days after a second Berenil treatment. During the aparasitaemic period following chemotherapy in four dogs, successful transmission (as evidenced by subsequent parasitaemia) following the intraperitoneal inoculation of homogenate of brain from two of the dogs into recipient rats was obtained. Transmission with blood collected just before the animals were sacrificed was, however, negative. Hornogenates of other organs (liver, spleen, eyes, testes, kidneys, heart and lymph node) were also non-infective. One dog inoculated with relapsed trypanosomes and treated with Berenil soon after showing parasitaemia was completely cured of the infection. It was considered that the brain is the source of relapse in T b brucei infection after Berenil therapy and that the relapse was not due to drug resistance.  相似文献   

Granulocyte function was studied in six dogs inoculated with a Swedish granulocytic Ehrlichia species and in four control dogs. Whole blood chemiluminescence (CL) was enhanced in the dogs with granulocytic ehrlichiosis. Both CL after stimulation with zymosan and spontaneous CL was significantly increased at peak of infection compared with pre-infection levels. Ingestion of FITC-labelled serum-opsonized yeast cells was high and stable in both groups. The ingestion was lower when the yeast cells were opsonized with anti-yeast IgG. However, there was no difference between groups. The labelling intensity of anti-human CD11b, CD18 and CD32 mAb on the granulocytes in dogs with ehrlichiosis was similar to that in control dogs. The opsonic activity in serum collected at the peak of infection was not different from serum drawn prior to inoculation. Opsonic activity was investigated both by yeast cell ingestion and by chemiluminescence after stimulation with zymosan. The serum from infected dogs enhanced the respiratory burst without stimulation with zymosan of leukocytes from healthy dogs. This suggests that serum at the peak of infection contains granulocyte activators. In this study we found normal phagocytosis together with evidence of enhanced oxidative metabolism in the granulocytes from dogs with granulocytic ehrlichiosis.  相似文献   

In this study one spleen-intact dog (A) and two splenectomised dogs (BSE, CSE) were infected with Babesia canis. All animals developed an acute disease characterised by fever, haemoglobinuria and anaemia, the latter being more severe in the splenectomised dogs. Fever and parasitised red blood cells were detected for three days after imidocarb treatment in the splenectomised animals. Haematological abnormalities included regenerative anaemia, thrombocytopenia and leukopenia (due to neutropenia and lymphopenia) in the acute phase, soon followed by leukocytosis, neutrophilia and left shift a few days later. Acute hepatopathy was detected in all dogs with elevated ALT activity, which was more seriously altered in the splenectomised dogs. Diffuse changes in liver structure and hepatomegaly were seen by ultrasonography. Liver biopsy and histology revealed acute, non-purulent hepatitis in the splenectomised dogs. Both splenectomised dogs were successfully cured after collection of 400 ml highly parasitised blood, proving that large-amount antigen production is possible with rescuing the experimental animals. Whole blood transfusion, imidocarb and supportive care with infusions, antipyretics, glucocorticoids and diuretics were applied. The spleen-intact dog clinically recovered after receiving supportive treatment, with no imidocarb therapy. Microbial infections developed in both splenectomised animals (BSE: haemobartonellosis, CSE: osteomyelitis caused by Escherichia coli), probably as a consequence of immunosuppression after splenectomy and glucocorticoid therapy.  相似文献   

The water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) is an important natural host for Neospora caninum. Serologic responses to N. caninum were studied in experimentally and naturally infected water buffaloes in Brazil. Antibodies were assayed by the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) using a cut off value of 1:25. Six buffaloes were each inoculated subcutaneously with 5 x 10(6) live culture-derived tachyzoites of the cattle Illinois strain of N. caninum, and two calves were kept as uninoculated controls. Post-inoculation (p.i.) blood samples were collected weekly for 8 weeks and then monthly until 1 year p.i. All inoculated buffaloes developed IFAT titers of 1:100 or more between 7 and 11 days p.i. and the titers remained elevated until 7 weeks p.i. Antibody titers peaked to 1:1600 in 1, 1:800 in 3 and 1:400 in 2, usually by 3 weeks p.i. Antibody titers declined to 1:25 or 1:50 in all the six buffaloes by 12 months p.i. IFAT titers to N. caninum remained at an undetectable level (< 1:25) in both control uninoculated buffaloes. To follow the dynamics of N. caninum antibodies, sera from 29 buffaloes and their calves were collected for 1 year and assayed for N. caninum antibodies; 23 of 29 calves were seropositive (IFAT of 1:100 or more) at 1-2 day of age. Of these 23 calves, 17 remained seropositive during the study, while six became seronegative at four (two calves), six (one calf) seven (two calves) and eight (one calf) months of age. These findings suggest a high rate of neonatal transmission of N. caninum in buffaloes.  相似文献   


Following EDS'76 virus (BC14 virus) infection of breeder chickens by the conjunctival route, vertical transmission occurred in the first week after infection. In the progeny which had been infected with EDS'76 virus by the vertical route, increasing haemagglutination inhibiting (HI) litres to BC14 virus and increasing numbers of birds with HI litres were observed from 3 weeks to 15 weeks of age. Sixty‐one per cent of the hens and 77 per cent of the cocks had 2log HI BC14 virus litres exceeding 4 at an age of 15 weeks.

Some birds which had been serologically negative throughout the rearing period, seroconverted between 25 and 28 weeks of age. This phenomenon occurred in hens as well as in cocks. Simulation of stress twice during the laying period by injection of corticosteroid hormone did not increase the number of birds serologically positive to EDS'76 virus.

EDS'76 was observed in the group of hens that was vertically infected, since egg production was significantly depressed between 28 and 34 weeks of age. Probably this was mainly the result of a production drop in the hens showing seroconversion at 27 or 28 weeks of age.

In the group of fowl vertically infected with EDS'76 virus, serologically positive birds appeared to be protected for the greater part to BC14 virus challenge at 50 weeks of age, while negative birds seemed to be fully susceptible. Chicks hatched from eggs collected in the third and fourth week after infection of the dams had maternal antibodies. Fertility and hatchability of apparently normally shelled eggs seemed not to be affected after BC14 virus infection of the dams. Intensive contact with contaminated faeces is probably an indispensable condition for lateral transmission of the virus.  相似文献   

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