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Digital terrain modeling and spatial climatic data have been used to estimate the spatial distribution of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) forest productivity on a regional-scale. The study was conducted on Japanese cedar forests in Himi city, Oyabe city, Takaoka city, and Imizu city (a total area of 683 km2) in northwestern Toyama Prefecture. On the basis of data from 146 sample stands, above-ground net primary productivity (ANPP) was calculated from tree height, age, and density using existing ANPP conversion equations for Japanese cedar stands. Six topographic factors (slope, profile curvature, plan curvature, openness, wetness index, and topographic radiation index) were calculated from a 10-m cell size digital elevation model. Three climatic factors (annual mean temperature, annual total precipitation, and annual maximum snow depth) were obtained from an existing spatial data set. Relationships between ANPP and environmental factors were analyzed by regression tree models. For the tree model with ANPP as a dependent variable, four environmental factors (annual mean temperature, wetness index, openness, topographic radiation index) were adopted as independent variables. Annual mean temperature was the first split variable in this model and explained 25.5% of the total deviance in ANPP. Wetness index, which represents soil moisture variation caused by lateral flow, explained 11.5% of the total deviance in ANPP. The resulting tree model explained approximately half of the total deviation in ANPP and indicated that the spatial distribution of Japanese cedar productivity was controlled by regional-scale interactions between climatic and topographic processes. A high-resolution map of productivity was prepared by use of the ANPP prediction model and vegetation information obtained from satellite data.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the effects of tree species on organic matter dynamics in soil, we investigated the amount of forest floor material, leaf litter decomposition rate, soil chemical characteristics, soil respiration rate and cellulose decomposition rate in a Japanese cedar forest (cedar plot) and an adjacent Japanese red pine forest (pine plot) established on a flatland. The amount of forest floor material in the cedar plot was 34.5 Mg ha−1 which was greater than that in the pine plot. Because the leaf litter decomposition rate was higher in the pine plot than in the cedar plot, it is likely that the difference in the amount of forest floor material between the plots is caused by the difference in the leaf litter decomposition rate. The C concentrations of soil in the cedar plot were 1.2–2.1 times higher than those in the pine plot. Soil pH(H2O)s in the cedar plot were significantly higher than those in the pine plot. The soil respiration rates and the rates of mineralized C in the cedar plot byin vitro incubation were higher than those in the pine plot. From this result, it is assumed that soil organic matter in the cedar plot was decomposed relatively faster compared with the pine plot. Furthermore, microbial activities, which were reflected as cellulose decomposition rates in the cedar plot, were higher than those in the pine plot. A part of this paper was presented at the 109th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Forestry Society (1998).  相似文献   

We analyzed data from 28 long-term experimental monitoring plots installed in Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) plantations in northeastern Japan to examine how site productivity and thinning practices relate to culmination in stand growth. Site productivity and thinning practices in the plots were evaluated by site index (dominant tree height at 40-years old) and by cumulative thinning rate (cumulative thinning volume divided by cumulative gross production during the entire period of measurement). Culmination of stand growth was evaluated by culmination age of the mean annual increment (MAI) and its maximum value (Max MAI). Max MAI for the mean annual gross increment (MAIgross) and mean annual net increment (MAInet) increased with increasing site index, but did not change with cumulative thinning rate. Culmination age for MAIgross decreased with increasing site index, but did not change with cumulative thinning rate. Culmination age for MAInet decreased with increasing site index. Additionally, culmination age for MAInet increased with increasing cumulative thinning rate in sites with a high site index (>19.3 m) but not in those with a low site index (<19.3 m). These results indicate that thinning extends the culmination age without changing Max MAInet under high site productivity. Therefore, thinning increases total net yield in sites with high productivity based on a long-term perspective.  相似文献   

We investigated the biomass, vertical distribution, and specific root length (SRL) of fine and small roots in a chronosequence of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) plantations in Nara Prefecture, central Japan. Roots were collected from soil blocks up to 50 cm in depth in five plantations of differing age: 4, 15, 30, 41, and 88 years old. Fine-root biomass reached a maximum (639 g m−2) in the 15-year-old stand before canopy closure, decreased in the 30-year-old stand (422 g m−2), and thereafter was stable. Except in the 30-year-old stand, fine-root biomass increased in deeper soil layers as stand age increased, and the depth at which the cumulative biomass of fine roots reached 90% exhibited a good allometric relationship with mean stem diameter. Both root-length density (root length per unit soil volume) and SRL decreased with soil depth in all stands, indicating that plants mainly acquire water and nutrients from shallow soils. The highest SRL was observed in the 4-year-old stand, but the relationship between SRL and stand age was unclear in older stands. The SRL in surface soils seemed to decrease with increases in root-length density, suggesting that branching of the fine-root system during development is related to density-dependent processes rather than age.  相似文献   

We investigated the short-term and long-term mitigation of Al toxicity by Ca and Mg in pot trials of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don). We found that in the initial stages of treatment, Al toxicity at high Al concentration (5mM) was mitigated by Ca and Mg through the stimulation of antioxidant enzyme activities in needles. However, growth reduction occurred after 11 months exposure to Al despite the coexistence of Ca and Mg. Growth reduction was related to Al3+ activity in solution rather than the concentration of Ca and Mg. Therefore, when considering the influence of soil acidification on Al toxicity in forest ecosystems, it is important to consider not only the potential for mitigation of Al toxicity by base cations, but also the potential for factors in the soil solution to change the chemical form of Al.  相似文献   

The effect of heating on the hygroscopicity of Japanese cedar wood was investigated as a simple evaluation of thermal degradation in large-dimension timber being kiln-dried at high temperatures (>100°C). Small wood pieces were heated at 120°C in the absence of moisture (dry heating) and steamed at 60°, 90°, and 120°C with saturated water vapor over 2 weeks, and their equilibrium moisture contents (M) at 20°C and 60% relative humidity (RH) were compared with those of unheated samples. No significant change was induced by steaming at 60°C, while heating above 90°C caused loss in weight (WL) and reduction in M of wood. The effects of steaming were greater than those of dry heating at the same heating temperature. After extraction in water, the steamed wood showed additional WL and slight increase in M because of the loss of water-soluble decomposition residue. The M of heated wood decreased with increasing WL, and such a correlation became clearer after the extraction in water. On the basis of experimental correlation, the WL of local parts in large-dimension kiln-dried timber was evaluated from their M values. The results indicated that the thermal degradation of inner parts was greater than that of outer parts.  相似文献   

Japanese cedar wood specimens were steamed at 80°, 100°, and 120°C over 14 days, and their equilibrium moisture content (M) at 20°C and 60% relative humidity, longitudinal dynamic Young’s modulus (E), bending strength (σ max), and breaking strain (ε max) were compared with those of unheated specimens. Steaming for a longer duration at a higher temperature resulted in a greater reduction in M, σ max, and ε max. The E of wood was slightly enhanced by steaming at 100°C for 1–4 days and 120°C for 1–2 days, and thereafter it decreased. The slight increase in the E of sapwood was attributable to the reduction in hygroscopicity, while sufficient explanation was not given for a greater increase in the heartwood stiffness. Irrespective of the steaming temperature, the correlations between M and the mechanical properties of steamed wood were expressed in terms of simple curves. M values above 8% indicated a slight reduction in E and s max, whereas M values below 8% indicated a marked decrease in the mechanical performances. In addition, the e max decreased almost linearly with a decrease in the value of M. These results suggest that hygroscopicity measurement enables the evaluation of degradation in the mechanical performances of wood caused by steaming at high temperatures.  相似文献   

Growing interest in the use of planted forests for bioenergy production could lead to an increase in the quantities of harvest residues extracted. We analysed the change in C and N stocks in the forest floor (LFH horizon) and C and N concentrations in the mineral soil (to a depth of 0.3 m) between pre-harvest and mid-rotation (stand age 15 years) measurements at a trial site situated in a Pinus radiata plantation forest in the central North Island, New Zealand. The impacts of three harvest residue management treatments: residue plus forest floor removal (FF), residue removal (whole-tree harvesting; WT), and residue retention (stem-only harvesting; SO) were investigated with and without the mean annual application of 190 kg N ha−1 year−1 of urea-N fertiliser (plus minor additions of P, B and Mg). Stocks of C and N in the forest floor were significantly decreased under FF and WT treatments whereas C stocks and mass of the forest floor were significantly increased under the SO treatment over the 15-year period. Averaged across all harvesting treatments, fertilisation prevented the significant declines in mass and C and N stocks of the forest floor which occurred in unfertilised plots. The C:N ratio of the top 0.1 m of mineral soil was significantly increased under the FF treatment corresponding to a significant reduction in N concentration over the period. However, averaged across all harvesting treatments, fertilisation prevented the significant increase in C:N ratio of the top 0.1 m of mineral soil and significantly decreased the C:N ratio of the 0-0.3 m depth range. Results indicate that residue extraction for bioenergy production is likely to reduce C and N stocks in the forest floor through to mid-rotation and possibly beyond unless fertiliser is applied. Forest floors should be retained to avoid adverse impacts on topsoil fertility (i.e., increased C:N ratio). Based on the rate of recovery of the forest floor under the FF treatment, stocks of C and N in the forest floor were projected to reach pre-harvest levels at stand age 18-20. While adverse effects of residue extraction may be mitigated by the application of urea-N fertiliser, it should be noted that, in this experiment, fertiliser was applied at a high rate. Assessment of the sustainability of harvest residue extraction over multiple rotations will require long-term monitoring.  相似文献   

Fine roots are a key component of forested ecosystems, but available information is still limited. This study examined the production and mortality of fine roots less than 1 mm in diameter in a Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) plantation located on the Kanto Plain in central Japan. We used a minirhizotron technique in combination with soil coring, and collected data for 1 year (May 2002–May 2003). Fine root production and mortality were determined from changes in the lengths of individual fine roots on minirhizotron tubes. Both fine root production and mortality rates were greater in the upper soil than in lower soil levels. Both rates were seasonal, with higher values in summer than in winter; this trend was more pronounced in upper soil levels. These results suggest that environmental conditions, such as temperature or soil properties, affect the production and mortality rates of fine roots. Fine root production and mortality occurred simultaneously, and their rates were similar, which may have led to unclear seasonal changes in fine root standing crop estimates. Soil coring indicated that the fine root biomass of this stand was about 120 g m−2, of which 40% was from Japanese cedar. The estimated rates of dry matter production and mortality of total fine roots, including understory plants, were both approximately 300 g m−2 year−1.  相似文献   

I investigated the relationships between stem surface area outside bark and other stem dimensions for Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) and Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa Endl.) trees. The stem dimensions used here were the basal area and the product of diameter at breast height (dbh) and total tree height. The regression equation of the stem surface area s against basal area g was s = 184.216g for the cedar trees and s = 156.878g for the cypress trees. The slope of the equation was significantly different between the two species. For the same dbh, the cedar trees tended to have a higher total tree height than the cypress trees. The cedar trees also had a larger surface area of relative stem form than the cypress trees. These results indicated that the difference in the slope was produced by the differences in both the stem slenderness and tapering between the two species. On the other hand, the regression equation between the stem surface area and the product of dbh and total tree height dh was s = 1.937dh for the cedar trees and s = 1.921dh for the cypress trees, whereas no significant difference in the slope was found. The obtained slopes for the cedar and cypress trees seemed to be in accord with that for other coniferous species reported in earlier studies, suggesting that the variation in the slope among coniferous species would be small. The estimation from the basal area would provide a simpler means for estimating the stem surface area and would be useful in obtaining an approximation of the surface area. By contrast, the estimation from the product of dbh and total tree height would provide a more accurate and precise estimate as well as a wider applicable range, i.e., a parameter for physiological growth models. In conclusion, it could not be judged which regression equation examined in the present study was superior to the other, and thus it was important to select an appropriate equation depending both on the purpose and on the time and labor available.  相似文献   

To investigate the potential effects of nitrogen (N) deposition on Japanese forests, a chronic N-addition experiment that included three treatments (HNO3, NH4NO3, and control) was carried out in a 20-year-old Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) stand in eastern Japan over 7 years. The amount of N applied was 168 kg N ha−1 year−1 on the HNO3 plots and 336 kg N ha−1 year−1 on the NH4NO3 plots. Tree growth, current needle N concentration, and soil solution chemistry were measured. Nitrogen application decreased the pH and increased NO3 , Ca2+, Mg2+, and Al concentrations in the soil solution. The needle N concentration increased in both of the N plots during the first 3 years. Nevertheless, the annual increments in height and in the diameter at breast height of the Japanese cedars were not affected by N application, and no visible signs of stress were detected in the crowns. Our results suggest that young Japanese cedar trees are not deleteriously affected by an excess N load.  相似文献   

Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa Endl.) and Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) are common species for plantation forestry in Japan. Cypress is conventionally planted on sites of low fertility whereas for cedar high fertility sites are used. Objectives of this study were to compare the productivities of cypress and cedar plantations grown on adjacent sites where common properties of soils, such as pH values and C and N contents, were similar, and to relate the N cycling at their site with productivities. The stem diameter of trees, aboveground litter production and fine root biomass were measured as indices of forest productivity. Parameters of N cycling included pools of total N and mineral N (ammonium + nitrate), annual N leaching, and potentially mineralizable N. The radial stem increment of the two tree species was similar. However, cedar site had higher total basal area and annual basal increment than cypress site reflecting higher tree density on the cedar site. Aboveground litter, fine root biomass, soil organic matter, and N turnover were higher on the cedar site than on the cypress site. However, litter production and fine root biomass per unit basal area was greater at the cypress site. Phenological pattern of stem growth and periodical litter production were similar for both species during the study period (1992–2000), but showed distinct annual variations caused by the fluctuation in the ambient temperature and precipitation. Mineral N content and the N mineralization potential were greater on the cedar site, indicating greater N availability and higher total tree productivity at the cedar site than those at the cypress site. When provided with more space in the canopy to expand more needles and in the soil to develop more fine roots to exploit sufficient resources, the individual cypress trees have the potential to grow faster. On fertile site and at lower tree density, thicker logs of cypress might be yielded.  相似文献   

The effects of the absorption of artificial acidic solutions only from below-ground parts on root systems were examined for 60 days in summer and 72 days in fall using cuttings and saplings of Japanese red cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don). Cuttings and saplings absorbed the solutions through the potted soils from the reservoir of an autoirrigator and/or a simplified-autoirrigator. Nitric acid solutions of pH 2.0, 4.0 and 6.0 and distilled water (control) were used in summer, mixtures of H2SO4 and HNO3 solutions of pH 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0, HNO3 solution of pH 3.0, H2SO4 solution of pH 3.0 and distilled water (control) were used in fall. Although no detrimental effects of acidic solutions on saplings were observed, the rooting rate of cuttings treated at pH 2.0 in summer was significantly lower than that of the control. Root lengths and root dry weight per cutting at pH 2.0 in summer and fall were smaller than those of the control, and the difference in fall was significant. The present study revealed that the acidic treatment only from below-ground parts had detrimental effects on the root systems of cuttings, suggesting the importance of quantification of the effects on below-ground parts, as well as on above-ground parts, to evaluate the effects of acidic precipitation on trees.  相似文献   

The long-term response of total soil organic carbon pools (‘total SOC’, i.e. soil and dead wood) to different harvesting scenarios in even-aged northern hardwood forest stands was evaluated using two soil carbon models, CENTURY and YASSO, that were calibrated with forest plot empirical data in the Green Mountains of Vermont. Overall, 13 different harvesting scenarios that included four levels of aboveground biomass removal (20%, 40%, 60% and 90%) and four different rotation lengths (60 year, 90 year, 120 year, and No Rotation (NR)) were simulated for a 360 year period. Simulations indicate that following an initial post-harvest increase, total SOC decreases for several decades until carbon inputs into the soil pool from the re-growth are greater than losses due to decomposition. At this point total SOC begins to gradually increase until the next harvest. One consequence of this recovery pattern is that between harvests, the size of the SOC pool in a stand may change from −7 to 18% of the pre-harvest pool, depending on the soil pool considered. Over 360 years, the average annual decrease in total SOC depends on the amount of biomass removed, the rotation length, and the soil pool considered. After 360 years a stand undergoing the 90yr-40% scenario will have 15% less total SOC than a non-harvested stand. Long-term declines in total SOC greater than 10% were observed in the 60yr-60%, 60yr-90%, and 90yr-90% scenarios. Long-term declines less than 5% were observed in scenarios with 120 year rotations that remove 60% or less of the aboveground biomass. The long-term decreases simulated here for common management scenarios in this region would require intensive sampling procedures to be detectable.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of forest thinning on soil nitrogen mineralization, nitrification and transformation in a Cryptomeria japonica plantation at high elevation to provide basic data for forest management. We chose four study plots for control, light, medium and heavy thinning treatment, and three sub-plots for buried bag studies at similar elevations in each treatment plot to measure the net N mineralization and nitrification rates in situ. The contents of soil inorganic N(ammonium and nitrate) were similar between treatments, but all varied with season, reaching maxima in September 2003 and 2004. The seasonal maximum net Nmin rates after four treatments were 0.182, 0.246, 0.303 and 0.560 mg·kg-1·d-1 in 2003, and 0.242,0.258,0.411 and 0.671 mg·kg-1·d-1in 2004, respectively. These estimates are approximate with the lower annual rates of N mineralization for this region. Forest thinning can enhance net N mineralization and microbial biomass carbon. The percentage of annual rates of Nmin for different levels of forest thinning compared with the control plot were 13.4%, 59.8% and 154.2% in 2003, and 0.1%, 58.8% and 157.7% in 2004 for light, medium, and heavy thinning, respectively. These differences were related to soil moisture, temperature, precipitation, and soil and vegetation types. Well-planned multi-site comparisons, both located within Taiwan and the East-Asia region, could greatly improve our knowledge of regional patterns in nitrogen cycling.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of line thinning on stand structure, microclimate and understory species diversity of two Cryptomeria japonica D. Don plantations in south-central Japan. In each of two study sites we compared stand structure between the thinned stand and an adjacent unthinned stand and found that line thinning increased the growth rate of residual trees such that stand basal area may recover within 10 years after thinning. In the thinned stand, more open canopy conditions resulted in higher maximum temperatures on the forest floor during the early growing season than in the unthinned stand. The thinned stand had greater understory plant species richness and biomass than the unthinned stand. This study suggested that line thinning could potentially enhance biodiversity while simultaneously increasing tree-growth rates in overstocked Cryptomeria japonica plantations.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of soil water content on growth and transpiration of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) and Hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa (Siebold et Zucc.) Endl.), potted seedlings were grown in well-watered soil (wet treatment) or in drying soil (dry treatment) for 12 weeks. Seedlings in the wet treatment were watered once every 2 or 3 days, whereas seedlings in the dry treatment were watered when soil water content (Theta; m3 m(-3)) reached 0.30, equivalent to a soil matric potential of -0.06 MPa. From Weeks 7 to 12 after the onset of the treatments, seedling transpiration was measured by weighing the potted seedlings. After the last watering, changes in transpiration rate during soil drying were monitored intensely. The dry treatment restricted aboveground growth but increased biomass allocation to the roots in both species, resulting in no significant treatment difference in whole-plant biomass production. The species showed similar responses in relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (NAR) and shoot mass ratio (SMR) to the dry treatment. Although NAR did not change significantly in either C. japonica or C. obtusa as the soil dried, the two species responded differently to the dry treatment in terms of mean transpiration rate (E) and water-use efficiency (WUE), which are parameters that relate to NAR. In the dry treatment, both E and WUE of C. japonica were stable, whereas in C. obtusa, E decreased and WUE increased (E and WUE counterbalanced to maintain a constant NAR). Transpiration rates were lower in C. obtusa seedlings than in C. japonica seedlings, even in well-watered conditions. During soil drying, the transpiration rate decreased after Theta reached about 0.38 (-0.003 MPa) in C. obtusa and 0.32 (-0.028 MPa) in C. japonica. We conclude that C. obtusa has more water-saving characteristics than C. japonica, particularly when water supply is limited.  相似文献   

The histological reaction of current shoots of the Japanese cedar,Cryptomeria japonica, inoculated withCercospora sequoiae was investigated. Wound periderm was formed on current shoots of the cedar on and after the 4th day after inoculation. In the cells of the cork layer, lignin and suberin were deposited, and a phenolic substance was accumulated. In other inoculated samples, plasmolysis, contraction of the cells and necrosis of the tissues were also observed. On the 32nd day, wound perioderm and phellogen were observed in samples of the tissue inside the necrotic tissues in response to hyphal invasion. Occurrence of wound periderm and phellogen in tissues of the needles was confirmed in the inoculated samples although no hyphae were observed in and around the tissues. These results suggest that this fungus causes necrosis of host tissues and induces defense responses. A part of this paper was presented at the 106th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Forestry Society (1995).  相似文献   

Effects of forest management on soil C and N storage: meta analysis   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
The effects of forest management on soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) are important to understand not only because these are often master variables determining soil fertility but also because of the role of soils as a source or sink for C on a global scale. This paper reviews the literature on forest management effects on soil C and N and reports the results of a meta analysis of these data. The meta analysis showed that forest harvesting, on average, had little or no effect on soil C and N. Significant effects of harvest type and species were noted, with sawlog harvesting causing increases (+18%) in soil C and N and whole-tree harvesting causing decreases (−6%). The positive effect of sawlog harvesting appeared to be restricted to coniferous species. Fire resulted in no significant overall effects of fire on either C or N (when categories were combined); but there was a significant effect of time since fire, with an increase in both soil C and N after 10 years (compared to controls). Significant differences among fire treatments were found, with the counterintuitive result of lower soil C following prescribed fire and higher soil C following wildfire. The latter is attributed to the sequestration of charcoal and recalcitrant, hydrophobic organic matter and to the effects of naturally invading, post-fire, N-fixing vegetation. Both fertilization and N-fixing vegetation caused marked overall increases in soil C and N.  相似文献   

We estimated fine root biomass in a Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) plantation using a min-irhizotron technique. Since data obtained from minirhizo-trons are limited to the length and diameter of fine roots observed on minirhizotron tubes, data conversion is necessary to determine the fine root biomass per unit soil volume or unit stand area. We first examined the regression between diameter squared and weight per unit length of fine roots in soil core samples, and calculated the fine root biomass on minirhizotron tubes from their length and diameter. Then we determined conversion factors based on the ratio of the fine root biomass in soil core samples to that on minirhizotron tubes. We examined calculation methods, using a single conversion factor for total fine root biomass in the soil for depths of 0–40cm (Cal1), or using four conversion factors for fine roots in the soil at 10-cm intervals (Cal2). Cal1 overestimated fine root biomass in the lower soil or underestimated that in the upper soil, while fine root biomass calculated using Cal2 better matched that in soil core samples. These results suggest that minirhizotron data should be converted separately for different soil depths to better estimate fine root biomass.  相似文献   

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