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犬特应性皮炎(Canine atopic dermatitis,CAD)又称异位性皮炎,是一种区别于犬类过敏性皮炎(Canine atopic-like dermatitis,CALD)以皮炎和瘙痒为主要临床特征并具有遗传倾向的犬易患皮肤病。近年来,随着CAD发病机制研究的逐步深入,CAD的诊断和治疗方法也随之得到了发展。本文将针对近年来CAD上述方面的进展进行综述。  相似文献   

正犬特应性皮炎(Canine atopic dermatitis,CAD)又称异位性皮炎,是一种区别于犬类过敏性皮炎(Canine atopic-like dermatitis,CALD)以皮炎和瘙痒为主要临床特征并具有遗传倾向的犬易患皮肤病。近年来,随着CAD发病机制研究的逐步深入,CAD的诊断和治疗方法也随之得到了发展。本文将针对近年来CAD上述方面的进展进行综述。  相似文献   

正跳蚤过敏性皮炎是一类常见的犬过敏性皮炎,是由于犬对跳蚤唾液中蛋白质过敏,引起的瘙痒性皮肤病。一、原因及临床症状并不是所有受跳蚤叮咬的犬都会发生过敏性皮炎,只有对跳蚤唾液中几种蛋白质过敏的犬才会发生过敏性皮炎。在受到跳蚤叮咬后,机体可以立即或迟发免疫介导反应,其本质是机体的变态反应。犬跳蚤叮咬过敏性皮炎,多发生在跳蚤流行季节。犬最常见的症状是瘙痒。多数犬会呈现中  相似文献   

<正>(接上期)3.3脂溢性皮炎3.3.1症状及病因。犬皮脂腺分泌过盛亦称皮脂溢。犬的皮脂溢多发生于背、腿、会阴、颈和耳内侧,其患部常有浅黄色蜡样聚集物,并伴有脱毛、轻度瘙痒等症状,蠕形螨感染、内分泌紊乱亦常伴皮脂溢。皮脂溢目前认为与遗传因素、内分泌紊乱、营养缺乏和皮肤感染有关。3.3.2治疗。治疗时应先查清病因,而后对症治疗。一般可用硫磺皂清洗犬体,如果患部有组织渗出或感染,需进行全身或局部抗菌治疗。较严重的  相似文献   

<正>犬皮肤病是兽医临床上最常见的疾病,病种多达数百种。其病因较复杂,有传染性、非传染性、营养性、代谢性原因,也有因免疫缺陷和遗传等原因所致。犬患皮肤病时,其症状有斑疹、丘疹、水疱疹、脓疱疹、溃疡、糜烂、皮屑增多,皮肤增厚等。病犬在临床上以瘙痒、疼痛、脱毛、疹块为最常见的症状。1流行特点年轻动物易患蠕形螨病,幼犬易患蜂窝织炎,青年犬和成年犬易发生变态反应性疾病,如吸入性过敏性皮炎。成年犬、老年犬则易出现肿瘤,如淋巴肉  相似文献   

犬角膜炎、结膜炎是临床上较为常见的犬眼科疾病,该类疾病是由各种原因引起的犬角膜、结膜炎症,临床上主要表现为角膜周围充血、角膜混浊或角膜溃疡,以及结膜充血、羞明、流泪等症状.犬角膜炎、结膜炎的一般治疗原则是祛除病因,控制感染,促进炎症消散,症候性犬角膜炎、结膜炎还应积极治疗原发病,对于溃疡性角膜炎,还应减少斑痕的形成,在临床上一般通过各种药物的使用来达到上述治疗目的,笔者通过犬的自家血疗法配合其他疗法,同样治愈了数例犬角膜炎、结膜炎病例,总结如下.  相似文献   

近年来,随着宠物犬家庭地位的提升,犬类疾病的预防与治疗逐渐被人们所重视。犬子宫蓄脓病在宠物疾病中的发病率较高,本文就犬子宫蓄脓病的病因、症状、诊断和治疗等方面进行阐述,以期为兽医师的临床诊断和治疗提供帮助与参考。  相似文献   

过敏是动物机体的一种免疫病理反应:药物引起的过敏反应在犬病诊治病例中比较常见,轻者出现瘙痒、皮疹等症状,重者导致休克,甚至死亡。兽医临床上,常因为对某种药物过敏反应症状认识不足或处理不当,致使犬病情加重或死亡。笔者分析了107例犬药物过敏反应病例,总结经验,为预防和治疗犬药物过敏反应,以及实现安全用药提供参考。  相似文献   

脓皮病是犬临床常见病,多发生于夏秋季节,病因复杂,病程长,治疗难度大。病因多为虫咬蚊叮、真菌感染、螨虫感染、湿疹或脂溢性皮炎引起皮肤瘙瘁时,犬啃咬抓挠使得皮肤屏障破坏继发感染化脓茵而发病。在长期的临床治疗实践中,我们对该病有了较为深刻的认识,并掌握了一套有效的治疗方法,用适当的药物组合进行全身治疗,并结合局部使用促进化脓创愈合的方法治疗了犬脓皮病,效果好,治愈率高。  相似文献   

犬肿瘤性疾病是兽医临床上常发的一种疾病,其发病率较高,是造成世界范围内犬死亡的重要原因之一,由于其病理学分类、自发性、基因和信号通路等方面与人类肿瘤有相似之处,可作为人类肿瘤的研究模型。表观遗传是基于DNA序列没有发生改变的情况下所致基因功能和表达水平发生了可遗传的变化,主要通过基因转录或翻译过程的调控,影响其功能和特性。表观遗传改变主要包括DNA甲基化水平改变、组蛋白修饰、染色质重塑和非编码RNA调控等。DNA异常甲基化在犬的多种肿瘤中均有研究,包括犬白血病、淋巴瘤及黑色素瘤等,且犬与人类肿瘤的DNA异常甲基化模式相似。在肿瘤中组蛋白各种修饰酶表达失调,是抗肿瘤药物开发分子靶点研究的主要焦点,但目前在犬肿瘤中的研究较少。非编码RNA中microRNA与lncRNA是目前的研究热点,已有较多研究致力于开发针对非编码RNA的靶向研究药物,但目前在兽医领域应用较少。作者主要综述了犬肿瘤疾病的流行病学、DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰、非编码RNA等表观遗传学变化在犬肿瘤中的研究进展,揭示表观遗传异常与犬肿瘤发生发展的关系,以期为开发犬肿瘤性疾病诊断、靶向治疗及预后的特异性标志物提供参考依据。  相似文献   

The pharmacotherapy of canine atopic dermatitis has relied primarily on the use of glucocorticoids and anti-histamines. During the last decade, other anti-inflammatory drugs have been investigated in clinical trials. This paper will review the studies using misoprostol, cyclosporine, tacrolimus, phosphodiesterase inhibitors, capsaicin, leukotriene inhibitors and serotonin-reuptake inhibitors for treatment of dogs with atopic dermatitis. For each drug the mechanism of action, the rationale for use in atopic dermatitis, the clinical efficacy, reported adverse effects and strength of recommendation for treatment of canine atopic dermatitis are described. At the time of this writing, there is fair evidence to support the recommendation for using cyclosporine, misoprostol and pentoxifylline for treatment of canine atopic dermatitis. This recommendation can be strengthened by the performance of additional blinded randomized controlled trials with larger number of dogs. In contrast, there is insufficient evidence to recommend for or against treatment with tacrolimus, leukotriene inhibitors, serotonin-reuptake antagonists and capsaicin.  相似文献   

There is an increasing incidence of atopic diseases (asthma, allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis) in humans, especially in developed countries. Although there is a genetic predisposition to the development of these diseases, the rapid rise in incidence is suspected to be caused by environmental rather than genetic factors. Neither the incidence nor the prevalence of atopic dermatitis in the general canine population has been studied. As many of the environmental factors associated with the increasing incidence of atopic dermatitis in humans are consistently found in the environment of dogs, it would seem likely that a similar increase in the incidence of this disease would be occurring also in dogs. Epidemiological studies of canine atopic dermatitis are needed to characterize the incidence and prevalence of atopic dermatitis, and to further study the factors that contribute to the development of this disease.  相似文献   

In humans, skin barrier dysfunction is thought to be responsible for enhanced penetration of allergens. Similar to conditions seen in humans, canine atopic dermatitis (CAD) is characterized by derangement of corneocytes and disorganization of intercellular lipids in the stratum corenum (SC) with decreased ceramide levels. This study was designed to evaluate the effects of a moisturizer containing ceramide on dogs with CAD. Dogs (n = 20, 3~8 years old) with mild to moderate clinical signs were recruited and applied a moisturizer containing ceramide for 4 weeks. Transepidermal water loss (TEWL), skin hydration, pruritus index for canine atopic dermatitis (PICAD) scores, and canine atopic dermatitis extent and severity index (CADESI) scores of all dogs were evaluated. Skin samples from five dogs were also examined with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) using ruthenium tetroxide. TEWL, PICAD, and CADESI values decreased (p < 0.05) and skin hydration increased dramatically over time (p < 0.05). Electron micrographs showed that the skin barrier of all five dogs was partially restored (p < 0.05). In conclusion, these results demonstrated that moisturizer containing ceramide was effective for treating skin barrier dysfunction and CAD symptoms.  相似文献   

Canine atopic dermatitis sensu stricto and food-induced allergic dermatitis are common canine skin conditions, which are often considered clinically undistinguishable. Several attempts have been made to describe populations of atopic dogs and determine breed predisposition but the results were often biased by the use of hospital populations as control group. The present study aims to describe a population of Swiss atopic and food-allergic dogs and to compare it with a data set representing more than 85% of all Swiss dogs. The study, which was carried out during 1 year in several practices and teaching hospital in Switzerland, describes a group of 259 allergic dogs, determines breed predisposition for atopic dermatitis and food-induced allergic dermatitis, compares the clinical signs and features of both conditions, and outlines the clinical picture of five frequently affected breeds.  相似文献   

In mammalian skin, the stratum corneum exerts a barrier function that protects from transepidermal water loss and the penetration of exogenous molecules, such as allergens, from the environment. Recently, skin barrier defects have been shown to be of prime importance in the pathogenesis of human atopic dermatitis. In this review, we summarize the latest research data pertinent to the stratum corneum and barrier function of dogs with atopic dermatitis. At the time of this writing, there is increasing evidence that a skin barrier defect likely exists in dogs with atopic dermatitis. This barrier dysfunction is characterized by abnormal intercellular stratum corneum lipid lamellae, abnormal stratum corneum morphology, reduced and abnormal ceramide content and, in some but not all dogs, abnormal filaggrin expression. In association with these changes, there is higher transepidermal water loss in atopic than in normal canine skin. Furthermore, atopic inflammation appears to worsen transepidermal water loss and filaggrin expression. It remains unknown, however, if the changes observed are primary (i.e. of genetic origin) or secondary to atopic inflammation that also exists even in clinically normal skin. Finally, whether or not a therapeutic intervention aimed at restoring a dysfunctional skin barrier is of any clinical benefit to atopic dogs has not yet been proven unequivocally.  相似文献   

瘙痒是犬皮肤病的典型临床症状之一,通常除瘙痒外还常伴脱毛、红斑等皮肤症状。瘙痒问题不仅困扰动物本身,也影响到饲养者的生活质量。瘙痒的发生机制复杂,目前国内外已有大量对人和犬瘙痒性皮肤病的临床和基础研究,揭示了瘙痒和神经免疫系统之间的关系,引入了“瘙痒-抓挠”循环的概念,且表明了免疫系统、皮肤屏障和神经系统的单独促进作用和交互作用是瘙痒产生的关键因素,任一环节的问题都可开启“瘙痒-抓挠”的恶性循环。临床上引起犬瘙痒的病因复杂,参照2007年由国际瘙痒研究论坛成员提出的瘙痒分类,将引起犬瘙痒的疾病根据病因类比对应分为了六大类,引起皮肤病性瘙痒的疾病分为了感染性、过敏性、肿瘤性等,其中在临床上最主要的是犬过敏性瘙痒。犬瘙痒性皮肤病的诊断方法及鉴别诊断多样,需从多方面对患病犬进行信息收集,按一定顺序进行排查和鉴别诊断。犬瘙痒性皮肤病的治疗周期长且疾病易反复,目前常用的西医药物存在副作用大、靶点单一、价格昂贵等不足,中药方剂成分复杂,有效成分多,可从多通路多途径治疗机制复杂的瘙痒,在犬瘙痒性皮肤病的治疗上具有优势和广阔前景。文章对瘙痒发生的机制、犬瘙痒性疾病的分类、诊断及中西医治疗思路等最新研究...  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the percentage of dogs with spontaneous atopic dermatitis that show a positive patch test reaction to a commercially available 20% house dust mites mixture containing equal parts of Dermatophagoides farinae and Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus in white petrolatum. In addition, we evaluated whether skin reactions induced after the epicutaneous application of house dust mites were clinically and histologically similar to naturally developed skin lesions of dogs with atopic dermatitis. Furthermore, we investigated if the reactions induced by house dust mites were true allergic reactions by comparing them to atopic lesional skin and to patch test reactions induced by an irritant substance (sodium lauryl sulphate). White petrolatum alone and nonlesional skin sites were used as negative controls. Macroscopic and microscopic evaluations of the patch test and control sites were performed in a blinded fashion at 48 and 72 h after patch test application. Microscopic results were evaluated in a qualitative and quantitative manner. A chi‐square test for homogenicity was used for the quantitative analysis to compare the proportion of each dermal inflammatory cell type among positive histopathological tested sites. P values ≤ 0.05 were considered significant. The study included 12 healthy nonatopic dogs and 13 dogs with nonseasonal atopic dermatitis. None of the nonatopic dogs reacted to house dust mites and white petrolatum. Ten (77%) of the 13 atopic dogs reacted macroscopically and histopathologically to house dust mites. Macroscopic reactions induced by house dust mites were characterized by erythema, oedema and papules. The macroscopic reactions induced by house dust mites were identical to lesional skin in 20% of the dogs and identical to reactions induced by sodium lauryl sulphate in 40% of the dogs. Qualitative histopathological findings showed that the reactions induced by house dust mites were similar to atopic lesional skin in 80% of the dogs and were similar to sodium lauryl sulphate in 20% of the dogs. Quantitative analyses showed that the proportion of neutrophils in reactions induced by sodium lauryl sulphate was significantly higher (P < 0.05) compared to house dust mites reactions, which could be a differentiator factor between an allergic and an irritant reaction. These results showed that the epicutaneous application of house dust mites in dogs with atopic dermatitis induced histopathological lesions similar to spontaneous atopic lesions in dogs. Therefore, this study demonstrated that house dust mites penetrated the skin of dogs with atopic dermatitis and induced an inflammatory response that resembled a true allergic reaction. Funding: Small Companion Animal Grant, University of Minnesota.  相似文献   

Skin barrier dysfunction exists in both human and canine atopic dermatitis, leading to increased water loss and potentially facilitating allergen penetration and sensitization. Both lipid (e.g. ceramides) and protein (e.g. filaggrin) abnormalities have been described. Some are genetically inherited (e.g. filaggrin mutations are one of the major risk factors in humans) and some are secondary and linked to inflammation. In humans, numerous studies have shown efficacy of emollients and moisturizers in barrier restoration, and this approach has been for years the mainstay of therapy. Recently, this strategy has shown promise as a preventative function. In veterinary medicine, evidence regarding skin barrier impairment is rapidly building. Decreased ceramides and filaggrin (in some subsets of dogs) have been described. Altered metabolism of ceramides has also been proposed. Despite these preliminary data and the availability of products marketed to improve the skin barrier, evidence regarding the clinical benefit of skin repair intervention is still limited. Preliminary studies have demonstrated that topical application of fatty acids and ceramides and systemic administration of fatty acids improve lipid deficiencies in the skin of dogs with atopic dermatitis, but limited clinical evidence exists. Disease remission in humans is paralleled by an improved skin barrier, both with calcineurin inhibitors and glucocorticoids. In veterinary medicine, a preliminary study on ciclosporin and prednisone failed to detect significant improvement of water loss, while successful immunotherapy correlated with an improved skin barrier. Controlled, large studies are needed to address the question of which skin repair approach is clinically most effective and whether this can be used as a preventative strategy.  相似文献   

Sera from 154 West Highland White Terrier puppies between 6 and 12 weeks of age were assayed for total IgE using a sandwich ELISA method. Development of clinical signs of atopic dermatitis in these dogs was monitored by use of an annual owner questionnaire, until the dog reached 3 years of age. Of 114 evaluated dogs, skin disease severe enough to warrant veterinary examination was reported in 52 (46%) during the three study years. A diagnosis of atopic dermatitis was made by the attending veterinarian in 28 dogs (25%). Certain litters had an especially high prevalence of apparently atopic dogs, consistent with the genetic predisposition towards atopy in this breed, but clear evidence of consistent heritability was not present. The median IgE concentration in 154 puppies at 6–12 weeks of age was 0.9 units mL−1, with a skewed distribution. Significant ( P < 0.01) variation in serum IgE concentrations was observed between litters, with median serum IgE concentrations for a litter ranging from 0 to 27.7 units mL−1. The median serum IgE concentration in puppies that later developed clinical signs of atopic dermatitis was not significantly different from that of puppies that remained healthy. There were no apparent correlations or significant differences found between serum IgE concentration as a puppy, parental history of skin disease, and subsequent emergence of clinical signs of atopic dermatitis. We conclude that early total serum IgE determinations seem to have little usefulness in predicting the later onset of atopic dermatitis in this breed.  相似文献   

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