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凌志勇 《内陆水产》2001,26(8):39-39
1微囊藻 包括铜绿微囊藻和水花微囊藻,喜生长在温度较高 (28~ 32℃ )和碱性较重 (pH值 8~ 9.5)的水中,因此多在夏、秋季旺发。当在 1升水中有 50万个群体以上时,水中溶氧往往不敷其需要,而会自身大量死亡。藻体死亡后,向水中释放大量毒素,对鱼类生长非常不利,甚至毒死鱼类。 防治方法: (1)经常加注新水,不使水中有机质含量过高,注意水的 pH值调节 (定期泼洒生石灰 )可控制微囊藻的繁殖。 (2)对已发现有微囊藻的池塘,在形成初期可用 0.7克 /米 3硫酸铜全池泼洒,连续 2次即可杀灭,下药后适当加注新水或开动增氧机。 (3)微囊…  相似文献   

<正> 当池塘中微囊藻大量出现后,很难用换水或药物控制等方法杀灭。笔者根据多年的观察发现,通常前一年生长微囊藻的池塘,第二年一般会继续生长。因此,找出了一个可以预防苗种池塘中微囊藻繁殖、生长的方法。通过对几个池塘的实验,效果很好。 防治工作主要在放苗前进行。 1.池塘中加入20~30cm的水,3~4d后用高浓度硫酸铜溶液全池泼洒或喷雾(包括水面以上的池堤部分),使水中硫酸铜浓度达(2  相似文献   

(一)杀灭清泥苔一般用生石灰清塘,草木灰或硫酸铜泼洒法。生石灰清塘只能在放养前使用;硫酸铜的有效用量则有争议;草木灰每亩需100斤,在生产中应用困难较多,实际难于满足,且草木灰、硫酸铜在杀灭青泥苔的同时也杀死大量的浮游生物,导致缺氧。我们根据何晏开的有关报道,进行了用青蒿培水杀灭青泥苔的试验,取得了良好效果。方法是每亩用100斤以上的青蒿,堆于池周四角的水面下,三天后,每天翻动一次,使腐烂分解的液体向池中扩散,随着水质逐渐变肥,青泥苔逐渐死亡,一周后全部被消灭。  相似文献   

介绍了近年来淡水池塘养殖虾蟹的主要有害藻类青泥苔、水网藻及微囊藻的生态习性、危害性和用草木灰、生石灰及硫酸铜等的传统防治方法,提出了用有益水生植物、贝类、鱼类以及益生菌的综合生物防治方法。  相似文献   

养虾池进入高温季节后,微囊藻为主的有害藻类容易滋生泛滥(俗称“水华”)。影响虾池水质培育,严重抑制虾类正常生长。据有关资料报道,微囊藻大量产生的条件主要有两个:一是连续晴热高温气候;二是水体呈碱性(pH值8.8-10)。由于每池泼施10mg/L生石灰浓度可提高塘水pH值0.2,为此它在放养前或养殖前期大量施用生石灰杀菌消毒,到高温期间则谨慎施用生石灰或仅用百毒净、农康宝1号等含氯消毒剂杀菌防病,以免地水PH值过高形成“水华”。预防:放养虾苗前曝晒池塘,彻底清塘除野,灭绝池塘中有害藻类种源,可以有效预防微囊藻等有…  相似文献   

麦穗鱼趋食蓝藻及调节水质的试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通常的生石灰消毒与泼洒药物虽然不失为一种池塘养鱼调节水质的方法,但对浮游生物是一种无选择的杀灭。丝状蓝藻很快的增殖对养殖鱼类是极为不利的,如果蓝藻的鱼腥藻、微囊藻、束丝藻和胶刺藻集结成水华,它们在无风和高温天气下就会很容易腐败,水中含氧量下降,有害气体放出,影响鱼类正常生长。由于条件所致,整个饲养期不能排水,只能是各池之间根据用水量互相倒水,使得麦穗鱼(Pseudorasbora Parva)大量繁生,伴饲养期始  相似文献   

硫酸铜属于重金属盐类,别名结晶硫酸铜,蓝机,为蓝色颗粒状或淡蓝色粉末;在空气中易风化,过于潮湿时也可期解,但不影响药效;易溶于水,水溶液呈弱酸性。为水产养殖中常见的杀虫、消毒剂,对鱼体表寄生的原虫类、鱼体病原菌等有较强的杀灭能力。但在使用时,应注意以下几个方面。1.溶解时,水温不要超过60℃。否则容易失效。2.由于水溶液呈弱酸性,与生石灰等碱性药物不能同时混合使用,以免降低药效。3实践中常与硫酸亚铁配合按比例5:2合用,以达到防治鱼病的良好效果。其中硫酸亚铁起收敛作用,是一种辅助剂,为硫酸铜杀死虫体扫…  相似文献   

0.7mg/L硫酸铜对裸藻的杀灭作用不明显,但76.8h以上能明显抑制裸藻活动;1.4mg/L硫酸铜对裸藻的杀灭作用也不明显,48h以上能明显抑制裸藻活动;2.8mg/L硫酸铜对裸藻的抑制作用迅速而明显,杀灭作用也显著;5.6mg/L以上硫酸铜能迅速杀灭裸藻。在罗非鱼养殖池塘中,控制裸藻只宜用0.7mg/L以下浓度的硫酸铜,处理时间不能超过57.2h。  相似文献   

王志迁 《内陆水产》2001,26(5):44-44
1 体外鱼病的预防一般采用定期用药遍洒鱼池。漂白粉在细菌性鱼病流行季节,每半月泼洒1次,用量1克/米3。生石灰水每667米2水深1米施生石灰15~20千克,可改良水质,杀灭水中致病菌。硫酸铜和硫酸亚铁合剂预防寄生性鱼病,如鳃隐鞭虫、口丝虫病、斜管虫病、车轮虫病和中华鳋病等,每月或每两月进行1次,使池水呈0.7克/米3浓度(硫酸铜和硫酸亚铁之比为5∶2)。敌百虫全池泼洒90%晶体敌百虫,使池水呈0.2~0.5克/米3浓度,对指环虫、三代虫、中华鳋的幼虫有较好的杀灭效果。体外鱼病药物预防还可采用食场消毒法进行。在使用时要使药物充分溶…  相似文献   

洪学 《中国水产》2009,(9):66-66
生石灰在淡水养殖中常用来杀灭病菌、调节水质等,为保证其使用效果,泼洒生石灰必须注意以下四点:一、注意池塘对象一般精养鱼池,鱼类摄食生长旺盛,经常泼洒生石灰效果较好;新挖鱼池因无底淤,缓冲能力弱,  相似文献   

Saprolegnia parasitica is a severe fish pathogen that causes important economic losses worldwide. Copper is an important additive in the aquaculture industry for control of algal growth, ectoparasites, and fungal disease. However, at present no data is available on the specific interaction of copper sulfate with oomycete. In our study, the efficacy of copper sulfate on the mycelium and zoospore of S. parasitica was assessed in vitro, and S. parasitica infection experiment was conducted to assess its performance in vivo. The results indicated that copper sulfate at ≥0.5 mg/L inhibited the growth of mycelium, no primary zoospores were released at ≥1.0 mg/L. Additionally, 0.5 mg/L copper sulfate could reduce the infection rate of S. parasitica in the grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idellus. This study demonstrates the good efficacy of copper sulfate on the control of S. parasitica infection in grass carps, and suggests that copper sulfate could be used as a drug additive to control the S. parasitica infection in the aquaculture industry.  相似文献   

阿维菌素等三种常规渔药对卡拉白鱼的急性毒性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用半静态法,研究了三种常规渔药阿维菌素、三氯异氰脲酸和硫酸铜对卡拉白鱼(Chalcalburnus chal coides aralensis)急性毒性效应。结果表明:阿维菌素对卡拉白鱼24、48、72、96 h的半致死浓度分别为6.25、4.66、3.66和2.82 mg/L,安全浓度为0.77 mg/L;三氯异氰尿酸对卡拉白鱼24、48、72、96 h的半致死浓度分别为3.22、2.49、2.19、1.79 mg/L,安全浓度为0.45 mg/L;硫酸铜对卡拉白鱼24、48、72、96 h的半致死浓度分别为5.56、3.96、2.03、1.74 mg/L,安全浓度为0.6 mg/L。三种药物对卡拉白鱼毒性高低依次为:硫酸铜三氯异氯尿酸阿维菌素。三种常规渔药的安全浓度近于或高于生产中常用泼洒浓度,可放心使用。  相似文献   


Copper sulfate is an algicide that is commonly used for phytoplankton and filamentous algae control and has been used as a therapeutant in aquaculture. The objectives of this study were to determine the acute toxicity of copper sulfate and the safe level for use in freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, production ponds in a high calcium and alkalinity environment. Six concentrations of copper sulfate (0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0 mg/L) were tested in 8-L glass aquaria for 48 hours with three replicate aquaria per treatment. Concentrations of calcium hardness and alkalinity were set at 100 mg/L using calcium chloride and sodium bicarbonate, respectively. After 48 hours, survival of the control treatment (0% CuSO4) averaged 97%, which was significantly higher (P< 0.05) than that of all other treatments. The survival in the 0.2 mg/L and 0.4 mg/L (70% and 73%, respectively) concentrations of CuSO4 were significantly greater (P< 0.05) than higher dose treatments; but were not significantly different from each other (P> 0.05). Treatments containing 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0-mg/L copper sulfate demonstrated a dramatic decrease in prawn survival, which averaged 30, 7, and 0%, respectively. Regression analysis of the data predicted 48-hour LC50 for copper sulfate tobe0.46 mg/L. Since recommended application rates for use of copper sulfate as an algicide are 1.0 mg/L or more for water with alkalinities of 100 mg/L, copper sulfate treatments are not recommended for prawn production ponds.  相似文献   

刺激隐核虫病是双斑东方鲀养殖生产中的主要致死性寄生虫病,为安全、有效地防治刺激隐核虫病,开展了硫酸铜对双斑东方鲀幼鱼的急性毒性试验及硫酸铜对双斑东方鲀刺激隐核虫病的治疗效果试验。急性毒性试验结果显示,硫酸铜对双斑东方鲀幼鱼24、48、72、96 h半致死质量浓度分别为7.94、7.12、5.32、4.44 mg/L,其安全质量浓度为1.72 mg/L。刺激隐核虫病治疗试验结果表明,1.0、1.5 mg/L的硫酸铜质量浓度对病鱼治疗有效,药浴后刺激隐核虫虫体活力下降,第3 d部分虫体解体或脱落,药浴5 d治愈;0.5 mg/L硫酸铜对病鱼治疗效果不佳,病情继续发展,第8 d病鱼死亡。临床上建议使用硫酸铜质量浓度1.0 mg/L治疗双斑东方鲀刺激隐核虫病。本研究对其他鱼类刺激隐核虫病及其纤毛虫病治疗也具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Survival and growth of 0.3–0.9 g red drum Sciaenops ocellatus were measured for fish reared in water-recirculating culture systems containing one of the following media: 6g/L diluted seawater; 1g/L diluted seawater; 1g/L diluted seawater with either 1 or 5g/L of additional salt. Salt was added as sodium chloride, calcium chloride, or magnesium sulfate. Mean survival over the 42-d study period was 56.3%. The 5g/L sodium chloride treatment had the highest survival rate (80.0%) and the calcium chloride treatment had the lowest (26.7%). The biomass-change rate for fish in the 5g/L calcium chloride treatment was significantly lower ( P < 0.05) than for fish in the 5g/L sodium chloride, 1g/L sodium chloride, or 5g/L magnesium sulfate treatments. The latter three treatments gave biomass-change rates that did not differ ( P > 0.05) from those obtained in the 1 or 6g/L diluted seawater.  相似文献   

采用0、100、200、400、800μmol/L的硫酸铜和0、200、400、800、1600μmol/L的氯化锌分别处理泥鳅鳍细胞系,培养24 h后,用单细胞凝胶电泳检测其DNA损伤情况,同时对金属硫蛋白基因的表达进行研究。试验结果表明,随着两种重金属浓度的增加,泥鳅鳍细胞的DNA损伤程度呈现明显的剂量依赖性。当硫酸铜浓度≥200μmol/L、氯化锌浓度≥400μmol/L时,细胞的拖尾率、彗尾DNA比例、彗星尾长、彗星尾距和Olive尾矩均显著增大(P<0.05)。泥鳅细胞金属硫蛋白基因的表达量随着硫酸铜浓度的升高呈现出短暂稳定后显著下降的趋势,而随着氯化锌浓度的增大呈现出显著上升再显著下降的趋势,表明氯化锌浓度≤400μmol/L时可显著诱导泥鳅鳍细胞系金属硫蛋白的转录表达。综合来看,与锌相比,泥鳅鳍细胞对铜的解毒能力和耐受力更差。因此,铜污染对泥鳅细胞的遗传毒性更加明显。本研究将为探讨重金属对生物的毒性效应及生物学监测提供理论依据。  相似文献   

祁秋霞 《齐鲁渔业》2005,22(12):39-41
初步研究了硫酸铜对海洋微藻扁藻、角刺藻、小球藻和角毛藻生长的影响。结果表明,硫酸铜抑制不同微藻生长的最低浓度具有种类特异性,在生产实际中可以利用铜的抑制作用来提高微藻的分离效果。  相似文献   

Copper sulfate (CuSO45H2O) is used to reduce the abundance of blue-green algae and combat off-flavor in channel catfish culture. Copper sulfate usually is applied at a concentration of one-one hundredth of the total alkalinity. A study was performed at the Auburn University Fisheries Research Unit to determine the duration of elevated copper (Cu) concentration following copper sulfate applications. Two alkalinity treatments, 20-40 mg/L and 110-130 mg/L (as CaCO3), were examined. Copper sulfate was applied biweekly for 14 wk at 03 mg/L for the low alkalinity treatment and 1.2 mg/L for the high alkalinity treatment. Total copper concentrations in pond waters declined to the background level by 48-h post treatment. In addition, total copper concentrations were determined in waters of 38 catfish production ponds located in west central Alabama. The mean and standard deviation were 0.0092 ± 0.0087 mg Cu/L. Copper quickly precipitates from the water or is absorbed by sediments following copper sulfate treatment. Although concentrations of copper in pond waters increase immediately following copper sulfate treatment, they rapidly decrease and seldom exceed the United States Environmental Protection Agency's National Recommended Water Quality Criteria for Priority Toxic Pollutants of 0.013-mg Cu/L. Findings of this study suggest that copper sulfate treatment will not contaminate effluent from catfish ponds because of the short time that applied copper remains in the water column. Furthermore, the most frequent applications of copper sulfate occur in late summer months when rainfall is minimal and pond overflow is rare.  相似文献   

在常温静水条件下,采用甲醛、硫酸铜、食盐和高锰酸钾4种常用水产药物对彩鲫鱼苗进行急性毒性试验。试验鱼规格3.0~4.5cm/尾,平均体重2.5g/尾。结果表明:彩鲫鱼苗对试验药物的敏感性大小依次为:硫酸铜〉高锰酸钾〉甲醛〉食盐。硫酸铜、高锰酸钾、甲醛和食盐的安全浓度分别为0.64、1.80、21.00和4500.00mg/L。  相似文献   

A coated copper sulfate algicide designed for controlled release of copper was evaluated for its effectiveness in controlling phytoplankton in hybrid catfish, ♀Ictalurus punctatus × ♂Ictalurus furcatus, ponds. Copper concentrations were greater in ponds receiving weekly treatments with copper sulfate crystals than in ponds in which the coated copper sulfate was suspended in porous bags and left in ponds during the study. However, the coated copper sulfate treatment provided a similar degree of phytoplankton control for a period of about 4 mo. Copper additions did not negatively affect catfish survival, production, or feed conversion in either the copper sulfate crystal treatment or in the coated copper sulfate treatment as compared with the control (P > 0.05). Flavor scores for fish did not differ between control and treatments (P > 0.05). The coated copper sulfate appeared to be a potentially effective method for controlling phytoplankton in aquaculture ponds. It would be easier to apply and require fewer applications, and the coated copper algicide would not present a fish toxicity issue that can arise from high copper concentration immediately following copper sulfate crystal treatment.  相似文献   

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