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Management of fisheries directed at a particular species (the target) is often complicated by the capture of other species (the bycatch), each of which may be subject to competing management objectives. Optimal management depends upon a good understanding of how catches of the target species vary in relation to bycatch of other species of commercial and conservation concern. This paper considers the composition of trawl catches taken on a Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) ground off the NE coast of England, examining the factors that determine catch rates of Nephrops and various commercial finfish species taken as bycatch. We describe the results of a trawl survey undertaken using four commercial vessels deploying standard commercial gear. Only about 19% of the variance in Nephrops catch rates could be accounted for by variations in local density, as measured independently by underwater television survey of Nephrops burrows. Variations in Nephrops catch rates were dominated by changes over time, particularly in relation to tidal state. Five commercial bycatch species were taken alongside Nephrops in significant quantities. Catch rates of haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), whiting (Merlangius merlangus) and lemon sole (Microstomus kitt) varied independently of Nephrops, whereas catches of cod (Gadus morhua) and plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) were inversely related to Nephrops. We conclude that it is possible for the commercial Nephrops fishery to use spatial and temporal targeting to maximise catches of N. norvegicus whilst minimising the bycatch of some fish species. If catch statistics are used to identify Nephrops-directed fishing métiers for fishery management purposes it is vital that data are examined at the level of individual hauls or fishing trips. Aggregation of data at a higher level risks obscuring the effectiveness with which the fishery is targeted at Nephrops.  相似文献   

This paper presents a summary of all catch-comparison gear tests performed between 2002 and 2006 with Nordmøre-type sorting grids in the Swedish Nephrops trawl fishery in the Skagerrak and Kattegat. The overall aim was to minimise fish by-catch while maintaining catch rates for the target species, i.e. Nephrops. The results showed that a trawl fitted with a grid and a square-mesh cod-end, caught less small and marketable cod, haddock, whiting, hake and plaice than did a standard commercial trawl. For cod larger than 35 cm, the catch reduction was close to 100%. For marketable Nephrops no difference in catch amounts was detected. Results of three modified grid variants are also reported here. None of these showed convincing results in terms of better species-selectivity or superior handling characteristics than the standard grid. The results on fish by-catch reduction indicate that the Swedish grid may be a useful tool to reduce non-target mortality and to decouple Nephrops from cod and other demersal fish species under existing and future recovery plans.  相似文献   

The relationship between fishing line height (FLH), shrimp catch and bycatch in a semi-pelagic ocean shrimp (Pandalus jordani) trawl was investigated using a newly developed recording inclinometer. The inclinometer was effective at measuring FLH and indicating trawl performance deficits. FLH was determined to be stable during a haul and also between hauls within a given footrope and groundline configuration. FLH was readily adjusted with simple modifications to the footrope “dropper” chains. Inclinometer data showed that FLH can be unequal between double-rigged nets of identical configuration. Shrimp catch and the bycatch of flatfish and juvenile rockfish varied inversely with FLH, suggesting FLH can be adjusted to equalize the catch of shrimp, flatfish and juvenile rockfish between two double-rigged shrimp nets.  相似文献   

Abstract  The bycatch in a tropical Australian banana prawn, Penaeus merguiensis (de Man), fishery is described and contrasted with the closely related tiger prawn, Penaeus semisulcatus De Haan and Penaeus esculentus Haswell, fishery. Most of the similarity between banana prawn fishery catches was accounted for by three teleost species constituting 51.4% of the total bycatch weight. The bycatch assemblage structure of this fishery was significantly different ( P  <   0.05) from the adjoining tiger prawn fishery. The banana prawn fishery had a higher mean bycatch catch rate from shorter duration trawls, but lower estimated total annual bycatch (1502 t yr−1) than the longer duration trawls of the tiger prawn fishery (20 073 t yr−1). This study provides new data for quantifying bycatch and improving the accuracy of quantitative risk assessments currently being used to demonstrate sustainability of bycatch populations. The information will be incorporated into collaborative development of a long-term monitoring programme.  相似文献   

This study was carried out for three successive years during 1999–2001 to evaluate growth and yield performance of fish, prawn and paddy under rice–fish integration system in rainfed medium land ecosystem. Irrespective of stocking density, faster growth rate was recorded for Catla catla followed by Cyprinus carpio, Cirrhinus mrigala, Labeo rohita and Macrobrachium rosenbergii. C. carpio and C. mrigala performed better growth rate against that of L. rohita probably due to the fact that being bottom dwellers, C. carpio and C. mrigala are more tolerant to fluctuation of oxygen concentration. Productivity of fish and prawn was, however, higher (p<0.05) in refuges with 10-cm weir height plots, irrespective of stocking density, while overall yield performance was good at stocking density of 25,000 ha−1. It was observed that, even with supplemental feeding, with increase in stocking density, biomass yield increased up to an optimum and then decreased. An average minimum and maximum yield of 906.6–1282.3 kg ha−1 of fish and prawn has been achieved, which was much higher than the earlier recorded productivity in a season under rice–fish integration system. Highest grain yield was recorded at 15-cm weir height plot (3629 kg ha−1), probably contributed by higher number of panicles per square meter (235.5) and number of filled grains per panicle (121.7). Percentage increase in rice yield under rice–fish integration system was 7.9–8.6% against control, where paddy was cultivated without integration of fish and prawn probably due to better aeration of water, greater tillering effect and additional supply of fertilizer in form of leftover feed and fish excreta. Irrespective of stocking density, the overall rice equivalent yield (REY) of the system was high (4.22–4.55 tons ha−1) at 12.5-cm weir height plots-cum-refuge, without using any pesticide, herbicide, etc.  相似文献   

Abstract Many US states have recreational and commercial fisheries that occur in nursery areas occupied by subadult sharks and can potentially affect their survival. Georgia is one of few US states without a directed commercial shark fishery, but the state has a large, nearshore penaeid shrimp trawl fishery in which small sharks occur as bycatch. During our 1995–1998 investigation of bycatch in fishery‐dependent sampling events, 34% of 127 trawls contained sharks. This bycatch totalled 217 individuals from six species, with Atlantic sharpnose shark, Rhizoprionodon terraenovae (Richardson), the most common and finetooth shark, Carcharhinus isodon (Müller & Henle) and spinner shark, Carcharhinus brevipinna (Müller & Henle), the least common. The highest catch rates for sharks occurred during June and July and coincided with the peak months of the pupping season for many species. Trawl tow speed and tow time did not significantly influence catch rates for shark species. Gear configurations [net type, turtle excluder device (TED), bycatch reduction device] affected catch rates for shark species. Results of this study indicate gear restrictions, a delayed season opening, or reduced bar spacing on TEDs may reduce shark bycatch in this fishery.  相似文献   

Since bycatch reduction devices (BRDs) were first tested in Australian penaeid-trawl fisheries almost 20 years ago, there have been ongoing refinements to a discrete range of legislated designs; mostly in response to dynamic fishery-specific operational requirements. This study assesses the relative utility of the latest versions of two generic BRDs that have evolved/devolved in an estuarine fishery. Compared with a codend containing no BRD, a simplified Nordmøre-grid and radial escape section significantly reduced the total weight of bycatch by 74 and 36%, respectively. Catches of the targeted school prawns (Metapenaeus macleayi) were also reduced by 4 and 11%, respectively, although, at least for the Nordmøre-grid, these losses were apparently offset by the practicality of the revised design in terms of a simpler and cheaper construction. The presence of large quantities of displaced submerged plants (e.g. Egeria densa and Hydrilla verticillata) on the trawl grounds at certain times (which preclude using the Nordmøre-grid) may similarly compensate for the reduced efficiency of the radial escape section. In addition to quantifying the performance of the revised BRDs, the results provide direction for their future refinement in this and other similar fisheries.  相似文献   

The selectivity of a 99 mm trawl codend was assessed using a codend cover fitted with a MultiSampler, which was acoustically triggered to take separate samples at three different phases of the haul. The first sample was collected during towing, the second during haul-up and the third at the surface. A total of 18 hauls were conducted with a commercial fishing vessel west of Scotland. It was demonstrated that escapes take place not only during the tow but also in the short period when the trawl is hauled back from the seabed and when the codend is at the surface. For haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), whiting (Merlangius merlangus) and Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus), respectively, the mean percentages escaping at the surface were 16, 12 and 38% of the total escape while 17, 8 and 28% escaped during the haul-up phase. Compared to towing, the escape rate (no./min) increased for haddock by a factor 2.7 during haul-up and by a factor 1.7 at the surface, whereas the escape rates of whiting were similar for the three phases. The escape rate of Norway lobster increased by a factor of approximately 7 for both the haul-up and surface phases, compared to the towing phase. The selectivity parameters L50 (50% retention length) and SR (selection range = L75–L25) were estimated and compared for the three different phases and for the whole haul for haddock, whiting and Norway lobster. For all three species there was no significant (P > 0.05) difference in L50 between the three phases of the haul. There was also no significant difference for whiting and Norway lobster when comparing the SR of the three phases, whereas the SR was significantly lower for haddock when comparing the surface phase with towing and haul-up. The estimate of L50 when towing was about 6 cm lower for haddock and whiting and 9 mm for Norway lobster compared to the selection curve estimated conventionally for the whole haul. Finally, the effect of sea state, duration and codend catch on the selectivity parameters were estimated for the individual phases and for the whole haul. A significant effect of at least one variable was found in all phases.  相似文献   

We studied the breeding biology, growth, mortality, recruitment pattern and yield per recruit of a freshwater siluroid catfish (Schilbe intermedius) in the Cross River, Nigeria. Monthly variation in mean gonadosomatic and mean condition indices shows that the species breeds twice in a year (March and September). We used 12 consecutive months length–frequency data together with FiSAT software to study the population dynamics of this catfish which is exploited by artisanal fishermen. Fitting the seasonalized von Bertalanffy growth function to our length–frequency data gives the following growth parameters: L=27.5 cm total length, K=0.29 yr−1, C=0.5, WP=0.46. Using the seasonalized length converted catch curve, we estimated the instantaneous total mortality coefficient Z as 1.85 yr−1. The instantaneous natural mortality coefficient M was 0.81 yr−1 while the instantaneous fishing mortality coefficient F was 1.04 yr−1, giving the current exploitation rate E=0.56. From the analysis of probability of capture of each length class we estimated the length at first capture Lc to be 10.9 cm. The relative yield per recruit analysis predicted the maximum exploitation rate Emax=0.54. The current exploitation rate E is more than this predicted maximum Emax. Thus, the species is on the verge of being overexploited.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted for 8 weeks at the Cantho University, Vietnam, to determine the acceptable level of mangrove leaf litter load and its effect on water quality, growth and survival rate of tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon). Shrimps were cultured in plastic tanks containing 50 L of brackish water (salinity of 15‰). Leaf litter of Rhizophora apiculata, Avicennia officinalis, Excoecaria agallocha and Acacia auriculiformis were loaded to tanks at rates of 0.0 (control), 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 g L− 1 with and without aeration. Tiger shrimp post-larvae (PL; 0.05 ± 0.01 g) obtained from the shrimp hatchery of Cantho University were stocked at a density of 20 PL per tank and fed with pelleted feed containing 38% protein at a rate of 10% body weight (BW) day− 1.

The high leaf-loading rates significantly reduced dissolved oxygen (DO) and survival rates of shrimp in the non-aerated treatments, and all shrimps died after 2 days in the treatments with loading rates above 0.5 g L− 1. Leaf litter loads significantly increased tannin content, chemical oxygen demand (COD), H2S and pH in the aerated treatments. Stepwise regression analysis showed COD, tannin and H2S concentrations had negative effects on shrimp growth in the aerated treatments. Tannin concentration was found to be highest in the treatments with Excoecaria (32 mg L− 1) and Avicennia (24 mg L− 1) leaves. However, there were no significant differences in growth and survival rates of shrimp among the aerobic treatments loaded with different leaf types. The results of this study showed that moderate load of mangrove leaves could play an important role in promoting shrimp growth and survival in aerobic condition. Mangrove leaves at a loading rate of 1 g L− 1 positively influenced both the survival and growth rate of shrimps.  相似文献   

Disease epizootics have negatively affected production and expansion of the shrimp culture industry. This, along with environmental concerns regarding limited water resources and contamination of receiving streams, has caused the industry to investigate more sustainable and biosecure management practices. A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of limited water exchange on water quality, growth and survival of the Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei postlarvae (PL) in greenhouse-enclosed raceways. Concentrations of NH4-N did not exceed 2.0 mg l−1 during this period; whereas, NO2-N exceeded 26.4 mg l−1, indicating assimilation of primary amines by primary productivity. Periodic removal of suspended solids by a common pressurized sand filter and injection of oxygen into culture water resulted in high-survival rates for both raceways (97.5 and 106.0%) with an average biomass yield of 4.29 ± 0.06 kg m−3. Shrimp samples collected during the nursery trial and at harvest showed no signs of bacterial or viral pathogen infections.  相似文献   

The U.S. Atlantic coastal pelagic longline fishery that targets tunas and swordfish also interacts with a wide range of non-target species including billfishes and sea turtles. Preliminary studies indicate that a change in terminal gear from J-style hooks to circle hooks may reduce bycatch mortality, but the effects of this change on catch rates of target species are unclear. To evaluate this, we monitored catch composition, catch rates, hooking location, and number of fish alive at haulback during 85 sets in the fall and spring seasonal fisheries from a commercial vessel operating in the western North Atlantic. Circle (size 16/0, 0° offset) and J-style (size 9/0, 10° offset) hooks were deployed in an alternating fashion. Hook–time recorders were used to assess time at hooking and temperature–depth recorders to measure gear behavior. Catch rates for most species categories were not significantly different between hook types (P < 0.05), although circle hooks generally had higher tuna catch rates in the fall and lower swordfish catch rates in the spring. In the fall, both total catches and catches of pelagic rays were significantly higher on J-style hooks. Yellowfin tuna in the fall and dolphinfish in the spring caught on circle hooks were significantly larger than those caught on J-style hooks. In both seasonal fisheries, circle hooks caught fishes in the mouth more frequently than J-style hooks, which hooked more often in the throat or gut, although these differences between hook types were not statistically significant. Yellowfin tuna in the fall fishery were over four times more likely to be hooked in the mouth with circle hooks than with J-style hooks. Several target and bycatch species showed higher rates of survival at haulback with circle hooks, although only for dolphinfish in the fall fishery was this difference statistically significant. Our results suggest that the use of 0° offset circle hooks in the coastal pelagic longline fishery will increase the survival of bycatch species at haulback with minimal effects on the catches of target species.  相似文献   

Abstract  The ability of a commercial fisher to limit red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus (Linnaeus), bycatch was evaluated by comparing the catch of directed sets (net site chosen by the commercial fisher) vs randomly placed gillnets during 70 days of gillnetting ( n  = 691 sets). Catch rate did not differ between directed sets and nets set randomly. Thus, fisher experience did not lead to reduced bycatch; however, this may have been influenced by overall low red drum bycatch (0.41 fish net−1 for 12 h sets and 0.59 fish net−1 for 24 h sets). Catch rates of southern flounder were much higher at 3.97 and 3.37 fish net−1 for 12 h and 24 h sets, respectively. Fishing 10 nets per day, the catch of red drum exceeded the daily bag limit of seven red drum on 23% of the days. Of the 326 red drum retrieved from gillnets, 32.5% were dead at the time of retrieval; but only 15 of the 106 dead red drum had to be discarded due to size limits, and six were discarded dead based on bag limits. Current fisheries management regulations (bag limit and window limit of 457–686 mm) are supported by these findings given the conditions (e.g. red drum densities) at which the study was performed.  相似文献   

Dependence of the in situ acoustic target strength (TS) of smelt (Osmerus eperlanus (L.)) on the total fish length (L) was estimated from TS measurements made with a split-beam 120 kHz echo sounder with reference to fish length–frequency distributions in trawl catches. The studies were conducted in the eutrophic and turbid Lake Hiidenvesi in southern Finland. Smelt dominated the catches-in-number with proportions at different sampling stations ranging from 91.8 to 100%. A TS–length equation of the form TS = alog L − b was fitted through the modes in the TS-distributions and in the respective fish length distributions. The estimated model (±parameter standard error) was TS = 23.4 (±2.24)log10 L − 68.7 (±1.82). With a pre-defined slope of 20, the fitted equation was TS = 20 log10 L − 65.9 (±0.23). The estimated day–night difference in TS–length relationship was not significant (t-test, p = 0.37).  相似文献   

This paper uses objective classification methods, a combination of principal components analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis, applied to long-term average data, to define areas of similar seasonal patterns of whiting abundance in Scottish waters, based on fishery data on landings and effort (by month and by ICES rectangle). A geographic information system (GIS) is used to qualitatively describe the relationships of these spatial patterns of whiting abundance with (a) trawl survey catch rates by age-class, and (b) environmental factors. The results show that the spatial patterns of whiting abundance are related to age, as well as to depth and to spatial patterns of sea surface temperature (SST) in winter. The area (within the North Sea) of highest whiting abundance, and the largest seasonal change in whiting abundance, corresponds to the area of highest survey catch rates for older (>2 years old) whiting in winter, a particular spatial pattern of SST in winter and water depths of 100–200 m. This spatial pattern of SST may indicate an effect of the inflow of the North Atlantic water. This study provides a guide for selecting study areas for future quantitative analysis and the methods proposed may also provide a useful management tool.  相似文献   

The effects of body weight, water temperature and ration size on ammonia excretion rates of the areolated grouper Epinephelus areolatus and the mangrove snapper Lutjanus argentimaculatus were investigated. Under given experimental conditions, L. argentimaculatus had a higher weight-specific ammonia excretion rate than E. areolatus. Weight-specific ammonia excretion rates of fasted individuals of both species showed an inverse relationship with body weight (W, g wet wt.), but a positive relationship with water temperature (t, °C). The relationships for total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) were: E. areolatus: TAN (mg N kg−1 d−1)=21.4·exp0.11t·W−0.43 (r2=0.919, n=60); L. argentimaculatus: TAN (mg N kg−1 d−1)=121.5·exp0.12t·W−0.55 (r2=0.931, n=60). Following feeding, the weight-specific ammonia excretion rate of E. areolatus increased, peaked at 2 to 12 h (depending on temperature), and returned to pre-feeding levels within 24 h. A similar pattern was observed for L. argentimaculatus, with a peak of TAN excretion being found 6 to 12 h after feeding. Stepwise multiple regression analysis indicated that weight-specific TAN excretion rates of both species increased with increasing temperature and ration (R, percent body wt. d−1): E. areolatus: TAN (mg N kg−1 d−1)=22.8·t−28.8·R−378.2 (r2=0.832, n=24); L. argentimaculatus: TAN (mg N kg−1 d−1)=22.9·t−25.4·R−216.4 (r2=0.611, n=24). The effect of body weight on weight-specific postprandial TAN excretion was not significant in either species (p>0.05). This study provides empirical data for estimating ammonia excretion of these two species under varying conditions. This has application for culture management.  相似文献   

With an increasing number of seabird species, particularly albatross and petrels, becoming threatened, a reduction of fishery impacts on these species is essential for their future survival. Here, mitigation methods to reduce and avoid seabird bycatch are assessed in terms of their ability to reduce bycatch rates and their economic viability for longline, trawl and gillnet fisheries worldwide. Factors influencing the appropriateness and effectiveness of a mitigation device include the fishery, vessel, location, seabird assemblage present and season of year. As yet, there is no single magic solution to reduce or eliminate seabird bycatch across all fisheries: a combination of measures is required, and even within a fishery there is likely to be refinement of techniques by individual vessels in order to maximize their effectiveness at reducing seabird bycatch. In longline demersal and pelagic fisheries, a minimum requirement of line weighting that achieves hook sink rates minimizing seabird bycatch rates should be tailored with a combination of strategic offal and discard management, bird‐scaring lines (BSLs) and night‐setting, particulary in Southern Hemisphere fisheries. Urgent investigation is needed into more effective measures at reducing seabird interactions with trawl nets and gill nets. In trawl fisheries, a combination of offal and discard management, the banning of net monitoring cables, paired BSLs, and a reduction in the time the net is on or near the surface are likely to be the most effective in reducing seabird interactions with the warp cables and net. Few seabird bycatch reduction methods have been developed for gillnet fisheries, although increasing the visibility of the net has been shown to reduce seabird bycatch. Further studies are required to determine the efficacy of this technique and its influence on target species catch rates.  相似文献   

Otter-trawl catch rates and population structure of the prawn Melicertus kerathurus were studied at the fishing ground of Thermaikos Gulf (North Aegean Sea, Eastern Mediterranean), where the stock is exploited both by otter-trawlers and the artisanal local fleet. Sampling was conducted on board commercial trawlers on a monthly basis in two consequent open fishing seasons (October to May 2000–2001 and 2001–2002) resulting to a total of 70 hauls. Samples were also obtained through experimental trawling (24 hauls) during the closed season. The main trawling ground is located near the border between the outer and the inner gulf, and along the western and northeastern coasts of the outer gulf in depths ranging from 35 to 70 m (most frequently at 40–50 m). Catch per unit effort (CPUE) varied significantly with month but not with fishing season (mean CPUE 3.18 and 1.78 kg/h for the 2 successive years) or depth. Catches were at maximum (up to 7.5 kg/h) at the beginning of the open season in autumn and decreased sharply as the season proceeded (<2.5 kg/h), which is likely to be due to induced fishing mortality in the preceding months, to prawn dispersal and/or to its tendency for longer burrowing. Commercial fishing trips consisted of multiple, short efforts when catches were high, whereas low yields during winter–spring led to less hauls of longer duration: ln CPUE = 2.974 − 2.047 ln HD, r = −0.57. Prawn size ranged from 17 to 60 mm CL, showing a consistent difference in favor of females. A weak recruitment to the fishery was observed from autumn through winter, while, as shown by experimental trawling, the main recruitment pulse to the fishery occurs just prior to the season's opening. The delayed arrival of the prawns on the fishing ground during the second fishing season, accompanied by smaller prawn size and shallower exploitation depth, was possibly related to decreased autumn rainfall. In both years, sex ratio showed a temporal pattern, which seems to be the result of sex-related differences in fishing vulnerability, in timing of inshore migration and in mating mortality.  相似文献   

The critical condition of the North Sea cod stocks has resulted in restrictions on not only cod, but also haddock and other species that are caught together with cod. Thus full exploitation of the haddock stock is unachievable unless cod can be excluded from the haddock catch. We designed a selective trawl based on the behavioral differences between haddock and cod as they enter a trawl, i.e., cod stay close to the seabed whereas haddock rise above it. The trawl's fishing line is raised ~60 cm above the seabed to allow cod to escape beneath the trawl while haddock are retained. To collect the escapees, three sampling bags were attached beneath the raised fishing line. The selective haddock trawl reduced the total catch of cod by 55% during the day and 82% at night, and 99% of the marketable haddock was caught during the day and 89% at night. Cod escape rates were highly length dependent: smaller cod escaped the trawl in greater numbers than did larger individuals. Whiting, saithe, lemon sole, and plaice were included in the analysis.  相似文献   

Filtration rates of hatchery-reared king scallop (Pecten maximus L.) juveniles, fed a single species alga diet (Pavlova lutheri (Droop) Green), were measured at a range of temperatures (6–21 °C). Weight specific filtration rate (ml min−1 g−1 (live weight)) of juveniles of a selected size range of 17–19 mm shell height (0.26–0.36 g live weight) increased with temperature above 16 °C and decreased below 11 °C, but was not significantly different between these two temperatures. Measurements at 16 °C using juveniles with a wider size range of 10–25 mm shell height (0.05–0.8 g live weight) gave the allometric equation: filtration rate (ml min−1)=12.19×weight (g)0.887. Filtration rate decreased significantly when the cell concentration was greater than 200 cells μl−1 (4.25 mg (organic weight) l−1). With six other algae food species, filtration rates similar to those with P. lutheri were only achieved with Chaetoceros calcitrans (Paulsen) Takano. All other algae species tested were cleared from suspension at significantly lower rates. Experiments with diet mixtures of P. lutheri and these other algae suggested that this was usually a reflection of lowered filtration activity, rather than pre-ingestive rejection of cells. In experimental outdoor nursery rearing systems, the filtration rate was inversely proportional to the concentration of cells in the inflow, in the range 5–210 cells μl−1. It was not affected by flow rate (2–130 l h−1, equivalent to 0.12–28.38 l h−1 g−1 (live weight)) with scallop juveniles stocked from 2 to 62 g l−1. The results are discussed in relation to on-growing scallops at field sites.  相似文献   

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