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桦南县中部是黑龙江省商品粮基地的重要组成部分,粮豆产量、商品率、人均产量在全省名列前茅,严重的水土流失阻碍了当地经济的可持续发展。在分析当地生态经济现状和水土流失危害及成因的基础上,运用生态经济学和系统工程学原理和方法,研究了水土流失治理措施,提出了分水岭及坡面治理措施、农田治理措施、沟壑防护体系以及村屯道路建设防护体系。通过综合治理,在生态上可以促进人与自然的和谐,推动社会走上生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的文明发展道路,在效益上实现粮食增产、农民增收。  相似文献   

<正> 我们阳店水利水保站始建于1982年,现有管理人员9人。建站10年来,在上级业务部门的关怀、支持和全站职工辛勤耕耘下,我乡水利水保建设已初具规模,共治理水土流失面积9180公顷。其中坡改梯2420公顷,新淤沟坝地20公顷,造水保林6280公顷(内有经济林1000公顷),种草10公顷,其他措施450公顷。另外还修建小型水库9座,建淤地坝7个,修建谷坊20多个。农田水利基本建设的迅猛发展,不仅提高了土地的利用效率,而且也为我乡经济的  相似文献   

山西隰县坚持开发性治理,沟道打坝淤地种植粮食和经济作物,25°以上坡面栽植灌草发展畜牧业,25°以下坡面建山地果园,地埂栽植黄花等发展地埂经济,配套建设节水微灌工程,培植产品加工、销售龙头企业,形成了公司+农户+基地的水保产业开发格局,推动了水土保持生态环境建设和农村经济的发展,全县水土流失治理度达 58. 6%。1998年全县整体跨越温饱线,1999年全县农民人均粮食 537kg,农民人均年收入1 376元。  相似文献   

固原县地处黄土高原西部,是黄土高原水土流失严重地区之一。1979年以来,全县进行了综合考察,制订了“以牧为主,兴牧促农,农林牧综合发展”的生产建设方针和建成牧业基地,粮食基本自给,发展林业保持水土的建设目标。从这一方针和目标可以看出,兴牧促农是建设方针的重要环节,农田退耕还林还牧则是实施兴牧促农的关键步骤。但退耕与当前人民生活贫困、不得温饱之间产生了矛盾。“民以食为天”。温饱不予解决,退耕种草种树也将成为空谈;即使免强退耕  相似文献   

鄂河片水土保持综合治理项目是在黄土高原利用世行贷款治理水土流失的一个子项目,实施期5 a,累计完成水土流失治理面积16 683.8 hm2。通过实施坡改梯、造林种草、建设苗圃、封育治理等,项目区水土流失得到初步控制,取得了显著的经济、社会、生态效益,促进了农村经济的可持续发展,也带动临汾市水土保持工作上了一个新台阶。  相似文献   

黑龙江省土壤侵蚀的垂直分布规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 黑龙江省是中国重要的商品粮基地,对保证中国的粮食安全具有重要的战略地位。水土流失是制约黑龙江省乃至中国粮食产业可持续发展的重要因素之一,综合分析土壤侵蚀的垂直分布规律,对研究和治理水土流失具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

全国生态环境建设规划   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态环境是人类生存和发展的基本条件,是经济、社会发展的基础。保护和建设好生态环境,实现可持续发展,是我国现代化建设中必须始终坚持的一项基本方针。发挥社会主义制度的优越性,发扬艰苦创业精神,大力开展植树种草,治理水土流失,防治荒漠化,建设生态农业,经过...  相似文献   

黄土高原水土保持治理阶段研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究表明,区域经济社会发展和国家宏观政策与水土流失治理紧密相关。黄河中游黄土高原地区近40年的治理过程可以分为三个阶段:第一阶段(1980年—20世纪90年代初期),主要特征是减少入黄泥沙,治理生态退化,大力实施包括淤地坝在内的基本农田建设,提高造林种草措施的保存率;第二阶段(20世纪90年代初期—21世纪初期),主要特征是贯彻以经济建设为中心的方针,水土保持进入以经济效益为中心发展小流域经济阶段;第三阶段(21世纪初期以来),主要特征是把治理水土流失、保护生态环境与经济社会发展相结合,进入生态文明建设阶段。  相似文献   

陕西是我国水土流失最严重的省份之一,生态环境存在的主要问题是林草覆盖率低,水土流失严重,土地沙化、荒漠化问题突出,水资源严重短缺且地区分布不均,自然灾害频繁,投入严重不足,边治理、边破坏现象时有发生。其主要对策:一是植树种草,涵养水源,营造区域良好环境;二是理顺思路,调整结构,大力发展生态农业;三是加强管理,增加投入,提高小流域综合治理水平;四是全面规划,分类指导,确保退耕还林的质量和效果;五是加强管护,强化监督,实现有序开发和综合利用。  相似文献   

宁夏自2003年启动实施国家农业综合开发水土保持项目以来,把水土流失综合治理与高效利用水资源及特色种植、种草养畜结合起来,全力打造示范工程和精品工程。截至2008年底,累计完成水土流失治理面积644.7 km2,各种措施每年可增加水源涵蓄能力2 092万m3,减少土壤流失242万t,年增产粮食1 401万kg,人均纯收入由治理前的1 156.5元提高到2 438.3元,全面提升了流域的治理水平、质量和效益,彰显出水土保持强大的生命力。  相似文献   

Maps from 1904 and 1915 and air photographs from 1963, 1980, 1985, 1993 and 1996 provide a record of landslide incidence in a 92.1-km2 drainage basin, a headwater tributary of the Cho-Shui River in Taiwan. Interpretation of landslide patterns from the early maps indicate that in four sub-basins (36 km2) structural geological factors control chronic landsliding regularly reactivated by intense rains. Within these four sub-basins, all later air photographs reveal a continuing high incidence of landslides (with landslide densities of 3–11 ha/km2). Air photographs taken in 1963, following extensive logging, in 1985, following highway construction, and in 1996, following the very large typhoon Herb event demonstrate the short-term effects of disturbance in these structurally weak sub-basins. Air photographs from 1980 and 1993 demonstrate recovery of the land surface from logging and highway construction impacts, respectively. For the adjacent sub-basins (56 km2), two modes of response to perturbations were identified: six sub-basins (48 km2) showed direct response to logging, road construction and typhoon Herb and five sub-basins (8 km2) were more buffered and showed some lagged responses. Even this last category of sub-basins is more active than the average for Taiwan, where the mean landslide density is 0.84 ha/km2. It is proposed that, for the 92.1-km2 Hoshe basin, the ‘formative event’ sensu Brunsden [Z. Geomorphol. Suppl. 79 (1990) 1] is one that produces approximately 200 ha of landslides, a value that has been equaled or exceeded in each of the periods of study (1963–1980, 1980–1985, 1985–1993 and 1993–1996). Logging activity, major road construction, and extreme typhoon and earthquake events produce short-term acceleration of landslide incidence. In principle, recovery rates of the land from pulsed perturbations of about 20 years for logging activity and about 8 years for major road construction may also be suggested.  相似文献   

Population growth, urban expansion and intensive agriculture and thus increased use of fertilizers aimed at increasing the production capacity cause extensive loss of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus and lead to reduced quality of soil and water. Therefore, identification of nutrients in the soil and their potential are essential. The aim of this study was to evaluate the capability of the SWAT model in simulating runoff, sediment, and nitrogen and phosphorus losses in Tamer catchment. Runoff and sediment measured at Tamar gauging station were used to calibrate and validate the model. Simulated values were generally consistent with the data observed during calibration and validation period (0.6 < R2 and 0.5 < NS). In the case of nitrogen loss, the model performed an almost good simulation (0.6 < R2 and 0.47 < NS), but phosphorus simulation yielded better results (0.76 < R2 and 0.66 < NS). The results showed that cultivated lands had higher loss of nitrogen and phosphorus than other types of land use. Among the various forms of nitrogen and phosphorus, the loss of organic nitrogen and nitrate and soluble phosphorus and mineral phosphorus attached to the sediments showed the greatest sensitivity to the type of land use. Results also showed that the average nutrient loss caused by erosion in this catchment, was 6.99 kg/ha for nitrogen, 0.35 kg/ha for nitrate, 1.3 kg/ha for organic phosphorus, 0.015 kg/ha for soluble phosphorus, and 0.45 kg/ha for mineral phosphorus.  相似文献   


Land application of farm dairy effluent (FDE) to pasture soils is the preferred practice in New Zealand. Recently, a new FDE treatment technology has been developed to recycle the water for washing the yard Cameron and Di (J Soils Sediments 2018). Here we report a lysimeter study to compare the leaching losses of Escherichia coli, phosphorus (P), and nitrogen (N) and emissions of greenhouse gases from the treated FDE compared with the untreated original FDE.

Materials and methods

Lysimeters were collected from a Balmoral silt loam soil (Typic Dystrudept, USDA) and installed in a field trench facility. Treatments included (1) treated effluent (TE), (2) a mixture of TE and recycled water (M), (3) untreated original FDE (FDE), and (4) water as control. The effluents were applied at a surface application rate of 24 mm on each lysimeter in May and again in September 2017. Measurements included leaching losses of E. coli, total phosphorus (TP), dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP), total mineral nitrogen (TN), ammonium-N (NH4+-N), and nitrate-N (NO3?-N); emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), and methane (CH4); herbage yield; and N uptake.

Results and discussion

The results showed that E. coli, TP, and DRP leaching losses from the TE were 1.31?×?1010 cfu/ha, 0.26 kg P/ha, and 0.009 kg DRP/ha and from M treatments were 6.96?×?108 cfu/ha, 0.18 kg P/ha, and 0.004 kg DRP/ha, respectively, which were significantly (P?<?0.05) lower than those from the FDE which were 4.21?×?1010 cfu/ha, 1.75 kg P/ha, and 0.034 kg DRP/ha, respectively. There were no significant differences in NO3?-N leaching losses amongst the different forms of effluents. There were no significant differences in total N2O, CO2 emissions, and CH4 uptakes from the different effluents (P?<?0.05). Herbage dry matter yields and N uptakes were also similar in the different effluent-treated lysimeters.


Results from this research indicate that land application of the treated effluents (TE) or a mixture of TE plus clarified water (M) would result in significant environmental benefits by reducing E. coli and P leaching without increasing greenhouse gas emissions.


连翘(Forsythia suspensa)是一种优良的经济和水土保持灌木。七十和八十年代先后在陕西北部的安塞和宁夏固原引种成功。可采用种子繁殖和压条、插条、分株等营养繁殖方法培育苗木。造林后成活率高,生长快;且采用盘旋法造林当年可由单株发展为株丛,能加快郁闭,保持水土。造林后第二年开始结实,第3、第4年平均每公顷产干果1,084.5公斤,第5年产1,618.5公斤,第7年可达2,670公斤,最高达4,000公斤。  相似文献   

Wetland development offers the opportunity to replace and enhance ecological functions lost through permitted wetland impacts. Components necessary for the restoration and creation of wetlands are presented and examples of wetland construction are described to illustrate the application of wetland design. Land contours, top soil, hydrology and vegetation were manipulated to develop wooded wetlands at sites in Ohio and South Carolina. In Ohio, approximately 30 ha of former crop land/sod farm were modified to bring water from the adjacent creek onto the site and hold it to saturate soils for wetland development. A 2.8 ha ponding area and channels were constructed, berms were built to slow the exit of stormwater runoff, and trees were planted in spring 1994. The mitigation site lies adjacent to a park and high school, thereby also providing community benefits and wetland education opportunities. In South Carolina, 9.5 ha of an abandoned soil borrow pit were converted into wooded wetlands, hydrologically connected to an adjacent swamp. Native plants were removed from the 4 ha of isolated wetlands to be impacted, and were augmented with nursery stock to create the mitigation wetland. Monitoring of vegetation, hydrology and wildlife usage of the constructed system continues to document wetland development and success.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial changes in land use, vegetation cover, deforestation and reforestation in the Zambian Copperbelt were studied using a combination of aerial photograph analysis, literature review and inquiries among relevant government institutions. The study showed that between 1937 and 1984 loss of natural woodlands in the Copperbelt of Zambia (total area of Copperbelt: 9,615 km2) amounted to 41 per cent woodland area (8,419 km2). The major causes of this deforestation are woodfuel collection (for firewood and charcoal), cultivation and replacement of natural woodland with forest plantations. These accounted for 38 per cent, 37 per cent and 15 per cent of the total deforestation, respectively. Before 1962 the copper mining industry used large quantities of firewood to generate electricity and this resulted in the loss of 150,413 ha of woodland between 1937 and 1961. When the mining industry switched to hydroelectricity, urban households became the major users of woodfuel. The urban population in the Copperbelt increased from 0.412 million in 1960 to 1.400 million in 1984 and its consumption of woodfuel led to the deforestation of at least 89,436 ha between 1962 and 1984. Deforested areas are left to regenerate naturally. However, due to poor management about 34 per cent of the area deforested before 1962 has failed to regenerate. Although 50,200 ha have been reforested with exotic trees, only 5,020 ha of this is on land previously deforested. Thus only about 10 per cent of reforestation efforts have contributed to the rehabilitation of damaged land. Ninety per cent of the reforestation has actually replaced standing indigenous woodland. Uncontrolled bushfires have destroyed forest plantations and have also caused the failure of woodland regeneration in deforested areas. These observations indicate that if forest resources in the Copperbelt of Zambia are to be properly managed it will be necessary:
  • 1 to effectively regulate land use changes and;
  • 2 to control bushfires.

Karst watersheds are a major source of drinking water in the European Alps. These watersheds exhibit quick response times and low residence times, which might make karst aquifers more vulnerable to elevated nitrogen (N) deposition than non-karst watersheds. We summarize 13 years of monitoring NO 3 ? , NH 4 + , and total N in two forest ecosystems, a Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) forest on Cambisols/Stagnosols (IP I) and a mixed beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) spruce forest on Leptosols (IP II). N fluxes are calculated by multiplying concentrations, measured in biweekly intervals, with hydrological fluxes predicted from a hydrological model. The total N deposition in the throughfall amounts to 26.8 and 21.1 kg/ha/year in IP I and IP II, respectively, which is high compared to depositions found in other European forest ecosystems. While the shallow Leptosols at IP II accumulated on average 9.2 kg/ha/year of N between 1999 and 2006, the N budgets of the Cambisols/Stagnosols at IP I were equaled over the study period but show high inter-annual variation. Between 1999 and 2006, on average, 9 kg/ha/year of DON and 20 kg/ha/year of DIN were output with seepage water of IP I but only 4.5 kg/ha/year of DON and 7.7 kg/ha/year of DIN at IP II. Despite high DIN leaching, neither IP I nor IP II showed further signs of N saturation in their organic layer C/N ratios, N mineralization, or leaf N content. The N budget over all years was dominated by a few extreme output events. Nitrate leaching rates at both forest ecosystems correlated the most with years of above average snow accumulation (but only for IP I this correlation is statistically significant). Both snow melt and total annual precipitation were most important drivers of DON leaching. IP I and IP II showed comparable temporal patterns of both concentrations and flux rates but exhibited differences in magnitudes: DON, NO 3 ? , and NH 4 + inputs peak in spring, NH 4 + showed an additional peak in autumn; the bulk of the annual NO 3 ? and DON output occurred in spring; DON, NO 3 ? , and NH 4 + output rates during winter months were low. The high DIN leaching at IP I was related to snow cover effects on N mineralization and soil hydrology. From the year 2004 onwards, disproportional NO 3 ? leaching occurred at both plots. This was possibly caused by the exceptionally dry year 2003 and a small-scale bark beetle infestation (at IP I), in addition to snow cover effects. This study shows that both forest ecosystems at Zöbelboden are still N limited. N leaching pulses, particularly during spring, dictate not only annual but also the long-term N budgets. The overall magnitude of N leaching to the karst aquifer differs substantially between forest and soil types, which are found in close proximity in the karstified areas of the Northern Limestone Alps in Austria.  相似文献   

智慧农业是现代农业的发展方向,无人农场是实现智慧农业的重要途径。为了探索和推广无人农场在现代农业中的应用,华南农业大学对大田无人农场的关键技术进行了深入研究,包括无人农场作业环境、作业对象和作业机械装备信息的数字化感知技术;土地整治、耕整、种植、播种、田间管理和收获方案的智能化决策技术;农机自动导航和农机精准作业的精准化作业技术;农作物生长、农机运维和农场经营管理的智慧化管理技术。2020年在广东增城创建全球首个水稻无人农场,实现了五大功能,包括耕种管收生产环节全覆盖,机库田间转移作业全自动,自动避障异况停车保安全,作物生产过程实时全监控,智能决策精准作业全无人。取得了显著的经济、社会和生态效益,2021 年广东增城水稻无人农场种植的优质丝苗米十九香产量达到9934.35 kg/hm2,比当地的平均产量高32%;2023年湖南益阳千山红镇再生稻无人农场两季产量达到18625.5 kg/hm2,说明了人不下田也能种地,也能种好地。截至2023年11月,在国内15个省启动了 30 个无人农场的建设,包括水稻、小麦、玉米和花生4种作物,实践结果证明了无人农场和智慧农业发展的巨大潜力,为解决“谁来种地”和“如何种地”提供了重要途径。  相似文献   

施氮量与栽插密度对超级早稻中早22产量的影响   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
以超级早稻中早22为材料,采用裂区设计,研究了不同施氮量与栽插密度组合对其产量的影响.结果表明,施氮量和栽插密度及其互作对产量的影响均达显著水平.在中、低施氮水平下,不同密度间产量差异很小,而在高氮水平下,适当降低密度有利高产.在0~195 kg/hm<'2>施氮范围内,有效穗数、生物产量、产量、氮素积累总量、最高茎蘖...  相似文献   

施氮与灌水对夏玉米产量和水氮利用的影响   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
通过田间裂区试验,研究了不同灌水量(900、 1200和1500 m3/hm2)和施氮量(0、 150、 210和270 kg/hm2)对夏玉米生长状况、 产量构成及水、 氮利用效率等的影响。结果表明: 当灌水量超过最低量 900 m3/hm2、 施氮量超过150 kg/hm2时,二者对玉米产量、 产量构成因素(穗粒数、 百粒重及穗粒重)和收获指数(HI)以及各生育期干物质积累量等均没有明显影响; 氮肥农学效率和氮肥偏生产力随氮肥用量的增加呈明显降低趋势; 灌水生产效率和水分利用效率随灌水量的增加也显著降低,二者均表现为900 m3/hm21200 m3/hm21500 m3/hm2。因此,在本试验条件下,以W900N150处理的水、 氮利用效率、 产量及其构成因素等较高,并且对环境造成潜在危害最小,为当地地域气候条件下夏玉米生产中节水减氮的较为适宜的水氮配比。  相似文献   

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