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水稻条纹叶枯病发生规律及防治技术研究进展 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
水稻条纹叶枯病自1990年以来在江苏省及其周边地区,呈逐年严重发生态势。就近年来水稻条纹叶枯病发生规律及防治技术研究进展进行了综述。 相似文献
小麦全蚀病发生规律及防治技术 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
小麦全蚀病是由禾顶囊壳菌Gaeumannomycesgraminis引起的病害,是我省补充植物检疫对象之一。受侵小麦常因种子根、地下茎及次生根受侵害腐解而导致植株矮小、粒小、千粒重下降,有的后期形成枯孕、枯白穗,一般减产10%~20%,严重的减产5... 相似文献
阳春砂仁叶枯病的发生与防治阳春砂仁属姜科,为草本多年生林下荫蔽喜高温作物,是我国著名南药之一。广西各地均有种植,年种植面积在2000公顷左右,年产干果达4万~5万公斤,产值300万元左右。据笔者在扶绥、隆安等地调查,砂仁由于受叶枯病的严重为害,产量损... 相似文献
洪泽县大面积发生水稻条纹叶枯病 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
20 0 0年 6月中下旬洪泽县发生一种危害水稻的新病害 ,经江苏省农科院、江苏省植保站、南京农大等专家鉴定 ,该病为水稻条纹叶枯病 (ricestripevirus)。1 田间症状该病主要表现在秧苗移栽到水稻拔节孕穗期。首先在心叶及下一叶基部出现褪绿黄斑 ,然后向上扩展形成不规则的黄绿相间条纹 ,粳稻品种心叶变黄白色 ,卷曲下垂 ,似假枯心 ;老叶开始时仍保持正常绿色 ,随着时间推移 ,其叶片渐渐出现黄绿相间条纹 ;根系变黄发黑 ,到分蘖后期绝大部分病株逐渐死亡。病株、健株在田间交叉分布明显 ,无发病中心 ,有的一个穴中个别植株及… 相似文献
小麦黑潜叶蝇(Agramyza albipennis Meigen)又称白毛潜蝇、白翅潜叶蝇.隶属潜蝇科.该虫是近年来嘉祥县小麦田的1种新害虫.该虫于2003年在本县嘉祥镇、马集乡等地发现.一直未造成大的为害.其发生规律及产量损失等未做系统调查.2007年在本县部分地块发生为害.冬前被害株率15%~30%,被害叶率10%~20%;2008年又在嘉祥、马集、满硐、纸坊、仲山、卧龙山、马村、疃里等10余个乡(镇)发生为害,冬前一般地块被害株率20%~40%,被害叶率20%~30%,严重的地块被害株、叶达50%~80%.随着近年来暖冬气候的不断出现,小麦黑潜叶蝇的逐年加重发生,给本县的小麦生产安全构成了一定的威胁.为此,笔者对该虫的生活习性、发生规律及综合防治技术进行了初步的观察和研究.现介绍如下. 相似文献
经多年调查研究 ,初步明确引致安庆地区小麦成株期叶枯病的病原主要为 4种真菌 ,其中细链格孢菌(Alternaria tenuis)发生最普遍 ,雪霉叶枯菌 (Gerlachia nivalis)危害最重。一般是几种叶枯病混合发生 ,较少单一出现。病害由下向上蔓延 ,中下部叶片发生多 ,小麦中后期多雨高湿病重。不同品种抗病差异明显。两年药剂试验表明 ,复配剂36%粉霉灵悬浮剂防病增产效果显著 相似文献
A number of commercial varieties of wheat were investigated with regard to the relationship between the degree of their susceptibilitv toAlternaria triticina Prasada and Prabhu, and the sugar and phenol contents of their leaves. No correlation between these properties could be established. 相似文献
小麦条纹叶枯病发生特点及重发原因初步分析 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
小麦条纹叶枯病是苏北洪泽县等地近年来新发展起来的一种病毒病,发生有逐年加重的趋势。为了解和掌握该病发生的基本规律,我们对其发生、发展情况进行了初步调查。1为害症状开始时病株矮化不显著,分蘖减少,心叶或是剑叶基部出现黄白色斑纹,然后沿中脉或叶缘向叶尖发展成宽、窄不一的黄白色条纹。到孕穗末、抽穗初期症状最为典型,剑叶和部分倒二叶出现黄、绿相间的条纹,或叶片大部分呈黄白色,抽出的穗全呈黄白色,穗部扭曲皱缩较为明显,穗短,粒少或不结实,大部分田块出现“金镶边”现象。2发生主要特点2.1发生时期小麦返青、拔节前未发现有症… 相似文献
ABSTRACT Sequential sampling models for estimation and classification were developed for the incidence of strawberry leaflets infected by Phomopsis obscurans. Sampling protocols were based on a binary power law analysis of the spatial heterogeneity of Phomopsis leaf blight in commercial fields in Ohio. For sequential estimation, samples were collected until mean disease incidence could be estimated with a preselected coefficient of variation of the mean (C). For sequential classification, samples were collected until there was sufficient evidence to classify mean incidence as being below or above a threshold (p(t)) based on the sequential probability ratio test. Monte-Carlo simulations were used to determine the theoretical average sample number (ASN) and probability of classifying mean incidence as less than p(t) (operating characteristic) for any true value of incidence. Estimation and classification sampling models were both tested with bootstrap simulations of randomly selected data sets and validated by data sets from another year that were not utilized in developing the models. In general, achieved (or calculated) C after sequentially sampling for estimation was close to the preselected C of 0.2, and mean incidence was estimated with little bias. Achieving a C of 0.1 with less than 75 sampling units (the nominal value for many original data sets) was more problematical, especially with true incidence less than 0.2. ASN for classification was only 9 to 18 at disease incidence values near p(t), and approximately five or less at incidence values far from p(t). Correct classification decisions were made in over 88% of the validation data sets. Results indicated that it is possible to estimate Phomopsis leaf blight with high precision and with high correct classification probabilities. 相似文献
小麦纹枯病(Pellicularia gramineum Ikata et Matsmura)是一种土传病害.在我国各麦区均有发生.近年来,该病在我市发生逐年加重,特别是小麦-水稻、小麦-玉米连作田发病面积大、为害重.一般田块病株率40%~70%,减产10%~20%.重病地病株率100%,减产达30%以上.目前小麦纹枯病已上升为我市春季麦田一大病害,成为制约小麦高产稳产的重要因素.因此,认识和掌握小麦纹枯病的发病因素及防治对策,对提高小麦的产量,增加农民的经济效益有着重要的意义. 相似文献
ABSTRACT To determine the relationship between incidence (I; proportion of diseased spikes) and severity (S; mean proportion of diseased spikelets per spike) for Fusarium head blight of wheat and to determine if severity could be predicted reliably from incidence data, disease assessments were made visually at multiple sample sites in artificially and naturally inoculated research and production fields between 1999 and 2002. Ten distinct data sets were collected. Mean disease intensity ranged from 0.023 to 0.975 for incidence and from 0.0003 to 0.808 for severity. A model based on complementary log-log transformation of incidence and severity performed well for all data sets, based on calculated coefficients of determination and random residual plots. The I-S relationship was consistent among years and locations, with similar slopes for all data sets. For 7 of the 10 data sets and for the pooled data from all locations and years, the estimated slope from the fit of the model ranged from 1.03 to 1.26. Time of disease assessment affected the relationship between incidence and severity; however, the estimated slopes from each assessment time were also close to 1. Based on the width of the 95% prediction interval, severity was estimated more precisely at lower incidence values than at higher values. The number of sampling units and the index of dispersion of disease incidence had only minor effects on the precision with which S was predicted from I. The estimation of mean S from I would substantially reduce the time required to assess Fusarium head blight in field surveys and treatment comparisons, and the observed relationship between I and S could be used to identify genotypes with some types of disease resistance. 相似文献