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A wavelet function generator making u se of the characteristics of switched capacitor filter is constructed,it can produce anveniently the waveforms of wavelet signals in different scales.A concrete practical scheme is also proposed.The mean square error between practical signal and theoretical signal can be made as small as possible so long as the number of samples is large enough and sample duration is small enough.  相似文献   

According to biochemistry principle and chemical reactor th-eory, the process of treating brewery wastewater has been discussed and the conception of the specific substrate removal rate of packing area and thespecific substrate removal rate of blanket volume are put forward in this pa-per. The basic form of anaerobic treating organic wastewate kinetic modelis U=U_(max). S/ (K+S). The coefficiente of the reactor to treat brewery waste-water are determined.  相似文献   

The paper analyses the relations between closed-loop system dynamic qualities and linear optimal control weighting matrix Q and offers a sensitivity method for selecting weighting matrix Q. As a practical example, a linear optimal supplement excitation control system is designed for a single machine-infinite bus power system using the presented method. Theoretical . analysis and simulation results have shown that the dynamic qulities of the control system are very satisfactory.  相似文献   

This paper introduces formula total water headloss of MC media filter anddiscusses the parameters of design calculation of MC media filter through the experiment.In the end,the optimal design calculation method and its program diagram are given.The method is important toguide the design of MC media filter.  相似文献   

For the first time, we point out the new idea that we can approximate the involute tooth profile transmission to circular arc tooth profile transmission. Looking upon it as a fourbar linkage we try to minimax the error of the velocity ratio and evaluate the strong-weak point of circular arc tooth profile transmission.  相似文献   

In this paper, the duplex yield character (DYC) of dualphase steel has been discussed. The results of the tests show that the DYC is due to the martensite deformation from the elastic state to the plastic state and the microvoid formed from the interphase boundaries. The DYC is directly affected by the phase ratio and the shape of structure. According to the different deformation character of the duplex phase, the uniform deformation of dual phase steel divide into three stages.  相似文献   

The mechanism of heat transfer during sheet metals heating with impinging jet in a rapid heating furnace is studied with experiments and mathematical simulating methods. It is shown that the heat exchange between metals and impinging jet occurs mainly in the lower region of the hearth,most of which is carried out in the manner of convective heat transfer,and the convective portion of the total heat fluxing to metal is up to 80%. Furthermore,it is also found that the reverse heat flux from metals to the wall, which is a new heat transfer phenomenon, takes place in the late heating period, and the intenser the convective heat transfer in the furnace is, the earlier the reverse radiation occurs.  相似文献   

The conditions that the stamping pillow block replaces the founding pillow block is discussed with testing, analyzing, computing and simulative experimenting. In addition,the stamping pillow block s effects on the working internal clearance, the fitting characters and the bearings' durability are analyzed. And finally, the practical parameters of the stamping pillow block are obtained in different working conditions.  相似文献   

大豆主要性状演化的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文概述了从野生大豆进化到栽培大豆各个性状演化趋势。进化程度以产量性状最大;三种类型中以半野生型变异最大;各性状变异情况以荚大小、每荚粒数、全生育期变化最小,而单株荚数、粒数及粒重变异最大;从各性状相关分析看出:三种类型相关性均相似,其相关值大小可顺序排列为叶面积—叶宽>产量性状>全生育期—出苗到开花日数>植株性状。  相似文献   

玉米叶形系数研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 叶片是玉米的主要同化器官,叶面积大小是产量高低的主要因子之一。因此叶面积的计算是玉米生产和科研工作中一个重要的计量指标。计算方法一般是先求得各个叶片的面积,各叶片面积的总和即为株叶面积。其叶片面积的计算公式为:S=KLB 式中 S 为叶片面积,K 为叶形系数,L 为叶片长度,B 为叶片最大宽度。  相似文献   

The minimum sizes of specimens that can get effective K_(10) values by 3-point bending, 4-point bending and CT methods are derived on the basis of their notch sensitivity laws and size effect equation of concrete. The results show that the minimum heights of 3-point bending and 4-point bending specimens are very similar to those from Modeer's results, and the minimum height of CT specimen increases as the relative crack length increases.  相似文献   

小麦温光发育模型的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1981~1984年,选用代表不同生态类型的25个小麦品种,在大田进行分期播种.通过分析温光等主要生态因子与小麦生长发育的关系,建立了各品种主要发育阶段的温光模型:播种至出苗为G=104.4751/(T-1.1032),出苗至二棱、出苗至拔节为V=a+bG+cP_(t1),二棱至抽穗、拔节至抽穗为V=a+bT+cL.文中认为,播种至出苗的日数(G)既能反映当时的温度条件,又可表示萌发时的“田间春化效应”;温光积(Ptl)则给“温度与光照之间存在明显的互补作用”找到了量的表达基础;因此,建模时采用这两个变量,是很有意义的.  相似文献   

The instantaneous center of the cross-spring pivot is studied in this paper. It is also pointed out in this paper that three different kinds of center(the static geometric center the moving geometric center and the instan-tanaous canter), exist when the cross-spring pivot is deflected. Their relationship is calculated, the variation character of the moving geometric center almost condcides with the curve of S.Hildebrand's experiments.  相似文献   

用石蜡切片扫描电镜观察技术,研究了陆地棉和棉属远缘杂种六倍体(陆地棉×雷蒙德氏棉)F_1的成熟胚囊结构。可清晰地观察到胚囊组织的各组成部分及其超微结构,如细胞核的核膜、核仁中的核仁丝、液泡膜、液泡中的内含物以及胚囊内突等。在六倍体(陆地棉×雷蒙德氏棉)F_1的一些异常胚囊中。除具有不完全的胚囊组成外,其它物质可分辨为细胞解体残物;一些未分化小细胞的堆积;或两者兼有。在光学显微镜下这三者分辨不清,都视为败育残体。  相似文献   

Starting from the optical factors of Climate and on the basis of CIE formulasof brightness distribution for clear and overcast sky,this paper suggests a kindof formula which can be used to compute brightness distribution on average skybrightness.Besides,it proposes a simple method by which it is easy to carryout the design of natural lighting under the condition of average sky brightnessmodel.  相似文献   

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