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Zhang Hongji Li Longjian 《保鲜与加工》1992,(2):32-39
The effect of the convective heat transfer in the entrance region of the tube on the temperature field and the maximum temperature of the tube material in the tube -mouth region of the high temperature heat exchange equipment is examined by numerical analysis. The computations on the basis of four different formulas for convection heat transfer coefficient are performed. The computed results indicate that the efect can not be ignored as for heat protection of the tube -mouth region and it is resapnable and secure that the mean convective heat transfer coefficient with taking account of the effect of the entrance region is used in the thermal design of the tube -mouth region. 相似文献
In this paper,the comparative experimental research that air flows through theout-surface of a single row finned tubes is done in a drawing wind tunnel and the three differnetshapes of rectangluar finned tubes are compared with a plain finned tube that is usually used in therefrigerant heat exchanger, the useful results are obtained. The results show that,in the range ofwind velocity flowing through the marrowest area, W_(max)=2.5m/s to 8.5m/s,the average convec-tion heat transfer coefficient of the two-side V-groove finned tube is higher than that of rectangluarplain finned tube,It is a new type finned tube that has good heat transfer performance and it isworth poplarlzing. 相似文献
在总结广西辖区高温高湿储粮生态区科技储粮的基础上,依据储粮生态理论和粮食储藏学原理,综合考虑仓储设施配置、粮食入库质量、有害生物因素及物理因子对粮食安全状况的影响,提出高温高湿储粮生态区以氮气气调为主综合防治和以空调控温为主综合控温的绿色储粮技术体系. 相似文献
针对春夏季粮温上升,导致粮食品质下降、虫霉危害增加的问题,利用杭嘉湖地区丰富的地下水资源和高效换热器技术,研发地下水风机盘管机组控制仓温工艺技术。实仓试验结果表明,该技术能够有效地控制仓内空间空气温度,最高仓温低于26℃,粮堆上层最高粮温低于25℃,同时延缓各层粮温的上升,并将整仓平均粮温控制在18.3℃以内。对照仓最高仓温约为36℃,粮堆上层最高粮温从第四周开始高于25℃,最高达到28.7℃,同时各层粮温的上升速度较快,整仓平均粮温达到21.0℃。使用该技术11周,吨粮电耗成本为1.175元。因此,应用该技术在试验仓实现了准低温储粮,在保证储粮安全方面发挥了重要的作用。 相似文献
通过模拟储藏,研究了高湿(85%)条件下温度对储藏稻谷水分和脂肪酸值的影响。结果表明储藏环境的温度和时间对稻谷的水分、脂肪酸值有显著影响,随着储藏温度的升高和时间的延长,水分呈上升、平稳、下降的趋势,而脂肪酸值呈增加的趋势。稻谷水分(W)和脂肪酸值(F)、储藏温度(T)、时间(D)的二元线性回归方程分别为W=-0.04411T-0.02783D+17.4809(R2=0.457271,P<0.01),F=0.432343T+0.549133D-2.99971(R2=0.91418,P<0.01)。进一步的研究表明稻谷霉菌量和脂肪酸值相关系数高达0.798521,稻谷脂肪酸值的变化主要是由霉菌引起。 相似文献
Heat transfer in the tube-mouth region of high temporature heat exchangeequipment was further analysed. The finite difference method(FDM)was employed for investigat-ing emphatically the effects of contact thermal resistance on heat transfer.Temperature distributionin the tube-mouth region with the different contact thermal resistance was found.The computation-al results were compared with that which were obtained with no contact thermal resistance,and thecorresponding heat transfer mechanism was fully analysed. 相似文献
为评价温度对锈赤扁谷盗的长生发育与种群变动的影响,测定比较了不同温度条件下锈赤扁谷盗发育历期及子代种群数量的差异,并在温度30℃、相对湿度70%条件下组建了锈赤扁谷盗实验种群生命表。结果表明:温度对锈赤扁谷盗发育历期及子代种群数量有显著的影响。18℃时,锈赤扁谷盗发育历期最长,可达94.76d;34℃时,发育历期最短,只有25.7d。锈赤扁谷盗从卵到成虫的发育起点温度为17.28℃,有效积温为53.93日度。30℃时最为适宜锈赤扁谷盗成虫产卵,其单雌子代种群数量最大,达到8.4头;当温度达到38℃时,锈赤扁谷盗成虫已经无法正常产卵。由此建立锈赤扁谷盗发育历期(y)与温度(x)关系模型y=418.25e-0.085x和锈赤扁谷盗子代种群数量(y)与温度(x)的关系模型y=0.00695x2+3.9133x-47.916。实验种群趋势指数(I)为22.238,说明锈赤扁谷盗下代种群数量为上代数量的22.238倍。 相似文献
运用远红外电热幕对装有0.8m3稻谷的钢板仓进行热辐射,研究太阳辐射对钢板仓中粮温传递的影响。稻谷初始湿基水分含量为14.75%±0.35%,辐射时控制模拟仓辐射面温度分别为30℃、45℃和60℃,每个条件试验周期为6d,辐射时间为8:00到20:00。结果表明,距辐射面相同粮层温度上升速率随辐射温度上升而增大;相同辐射条件下升温速率随粮层厚度增大而下降。距辐射面5cm和15cm粮层受环境温度影响,粮温白天上升夜间下降;25cm、35cm和55cm粮层在整个试验过程中粮温持续缓慢上升;75cm粮层从第36h开始温度缓慢上升,相同辐射条件下不同粮层升温速率差异性显著(p0.05)。拟合得到时间(T)和粮层厚度(S)的二元二次粮温上升速率方程:V=a-bT-cS+dT2+f(T-72)(S-0.35)-g(S-0.35)(T2-6336),a、b、c、d、f、g为常数,R2≥0.832,该方程可预测不同时间、不同粮层厚度的升温速率。 相似文献
Dong Liang Zhang Hongji Chen Junguo 《保鲜与加工》1990,(1):35-41
On the basis of the mechanism of the boiling heat transfer on low finned tube, the influence of the geometric parameters of low finned tube on boiling heat transfer is synthetically analyzed and relevant criteria which affect the optimal structure of low finned tube is deduced in this paper. The boiling heat transfer experiment on low finned tube is conducted. Distilled water and R-113 are used as test fluids The experiment is performed at local atmospheric pressure. Synthesizing a large amount of experimental data, the semiempirical equations for the optimal geometric parameters of lowfinned tube are established 相似文献
Da Yang Xin Mingdao 《保鲜与加工》1989,(5):27-34
An analytical model was proposed for the condensation heat transfer on the horizontal low-finned tube attached by a porous drainage strip, and compared with the experimental data with a good agreement. The permeability of the porous drainage strip was also experimentally determined. 相似文献