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Effect of Main Parameters on Cutting of the Pulsed Abrasive Water Jet   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relationship between abrasive concentration, length of oscillating chamber, standoff distance and cutting depth, erosion rate as well as cutting specific energy was investigated by experiments in the submerge and surface conditions. The cutting and erosion capabilities of the pre-mixed abrasive water jet and the pulsed abrasive water jet were analyzed in contrast. It is shown that the maximum cutting depth and erosion rate of the pulsed abrasive water jet are respectively 1.67,1.72 and 1.39, 1.47 than the pre-mixed abrasive water jet in submerge and surface conditions. These results attained from the research are useful to increase the cutting efficiency, decrease the energy ratio and expand the application domains of the abrasive water jet.  相似文献   

Abrasive water jets can incise objects with strong rigidity under water. The analytical means of kinetic theory is optimal for theoretical problems of submerged abrasive water jets. The flow characteristics in submerged abrasive water jets were analyzed based on kinetic theory for multiphase flows. The impact characteristics of every phase in submerged abrasive water jets was analyzed and continuity and momentum equations subsequently were developed for solid, gas and liquids in submerged abrasive water jets. It is shown that if the distributing function of every phase were given, the law of its movement could be ascertained.  相似文献   

The effects of cavitation and abrasive acceleration in the self excited oscillation pulsed abrasive water jets are directly determined by its oscillating frequencies, so the wave speed in the jets and its effects on pulsed frequencies are discussed. The numerical results show that the oscillating frequencies of the jets increase obviously with decreasing wave speed, and the abrasive parameters have almost no effects on the wave speed, whereas the exit of air in fluid has significant consequences on the wave speed.It was found that these conclusions were applicable for design the nozzle of the jets.  相似文献   

The cutting property is studied with the grey theory and method for the premixed abrasive water jet.The relationship between the primary and secondary is obtained about the cutting specific energy influenced by pressure,the standoff distance,the abrasive concentration and transverse velocity.The guidance is provided for further research and pratical application.  相似文献   

A mono-liquid model is established according to formative character of the premixed abrasive water jet. The hydraulic structure is analyzed by the model. The relationship that is obtained between the axial shaft line velocity and the forget distance by the law of conservation of momentum is verified with the experiment.  相似文献   

The tests for the effects of jet position on drag bit cutting process were described. The influence of jet position on rock chips formed ahead of bit was analyzed. And the effects of cutting depth,bit velocity on bit force reductions were discussed. One of the most interesting results is that the water jet has the largest effect on drag bit forces when it is directed towards the center beneath drag bit.  相似文献   

昆明市城镇化对土地利用效率影响的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析昆明市城镇化对土地利用效率影响程度,为昆明市城镇化发展提供一种视角和实践依据。运用SPSS主成分分析及格兰杰检验对昆明市土地利用效率的城城镇化影响进行综合评价。结果表明:(1)近年来昆明市城镇化进入稳健发展期,但土地开发利用欠佳;(2)协整检验结果显示,在长期内一个变量的变动可引起另一个变量的改变,即城镇化综合水平和土地利用综合指数之间存在长期稳定的均衡关系;(3)城镇化的有序进程与土地利用状况变动在短期内不存在因果关系。长期来看,城镇化综合水平有利于土地的集约利用的改进;但短期内,城镇化综合水平不利于土地集约利用,二者还未形成一个稳定的相互关系。  相似文献   

为了提高作物的水分利用效率,通过盆栽试验,研究了阿魏酸对不同土壤水分条件下小麦叶片水分利用效率的影响。结果表明,在土壤水分含量较高时用100 μmol/L的FA处理可以降低小麦叶片的光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度和WUE,而在较低的土壤水分条件下FA却可以显著提高光合速率和WUE等生理指标。因此,采用100 μmol/L的FA可以在一定程度上提高小麦叶片的水分利用效率。  相似文献   

节水灌溉对夏玉米蒸腾效率的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对高、中、低三个不同代水量下的夏玉米蒸腾效率研究结果表明,在强光照下,供水不足引起WUE明显下降,而在北光照下,不同供水量的WUE相差不大,灌浆期复水后则产。供水不足时WUE由供水量和光照共同决定,这是由于在强光照下不同供水量之间Pn差异很大,Tr无差异,而在弱光照下,Pn无差异,Tr差别明显所致,在强光照下,供水445mm的WUE明显高于供水350mm和280mm的WUE;在弱光照下,上述三个供  相似文献   

地力和养分管理模式对水稻产量和氮肥利用率的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
为促进水稻高效生产,降低肥料投入对环境的影响,采用田间小区试验,研究了中、低两种地力水平下三种养分管理模式对水稻产量和氮肥利用率的影响。结果表明,施用氮肥在水稻生产中增产效果显著,与对照相比,早稻施氮比不施氮增产23.00%~26.10%,晚稻增产36.66%~71.43%,并且在相同的氮素水平下,低肥力地块平均增产效果要好于中肥力地块;三种养分管理模式中,最佳养分管理模式能显著提高氮肥利用率,早稻生产氮肥利用效率分别比相同地力水平的农民习惯施肥处理提高10.00%和8.36%,晚稻生产分别提高19.60%和16.89%;在不同的地力水平下,充足的氮素供应能提高水稻的实粒数和有效穗数,对氮素向籽粒的转化也起着积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

A new kind of filter media, zeolite, is used to enhance filtration for an improvement on tap water quality. The experimental results show that zeolite can remove not only turbidity but also ammonia-N and partial organic pollutants in water. In the experments, zeolite can remove about 65% of turbidity and over 10% of COD Mn , 95% of ammonia-N from water, the removal efficiencies of anianon detergent(LAS), chloroform and phenol are over 17.7%, 44.45% and 34% respectively, and metal ion contamination has not been found in filter effluence. Therefore, zeolite enhanced filtration is an efficiency and security method for an improvement on water quality.  相似文献   

草莓果实含水量对品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将土壤水分控制在不同水平,获得了130个不同含水量的果实,分析表明:随着果实含水量的减少,果实大小、滴定酸含量降低,可溶性总糖、糖酸比、色相和硬度增加。在提高糖含量的过程中,蔗糖、葡萄糖和果糖提高的幅度并不一样,从而改变了3种单糖占可溶性总糖的比例,果实含水量与果实Brix、糖酸比的相关系数为-0.71和-0.61。  相似文献   

为研究黄腐酸钾、腐植酸钾、生化腐植酸钾对不同水分条件下西葫芦幼苗生长的影响,以西葫芦为试验材料,将3种腐植酸钾与3种水分处理相结合,研究西葫芦幼苗生长、生理及水分利用的响应特征。结果表明,在相同程度水分条件下,与未添加腐植酸钾的幼苗相比,添加腐植酸钾处理的西葫芦幼苗株高、茎粗和叶面积均显著增加,且生化腐植酸钾作用最显著。在同种腐植酸钾作用下,随着水分胁迫程度的增加,西葫芦幼苗抗氧化酶CAT和SOD活性呈增加趋势,水分利用率提高,且生化腐植酸钾处理的幼苗水分利用最充分。综合分析表明,添加腐植酸钾可缓解水分胁迫对幼苗的影响。  相似文献   

灌溉方式和播期对玉米水分动态与水分利用效率的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
为明确不同灌溉方式、不同播期下产量与水分利用效率和耗水量的关系,通过设置滴灌、喷灌、漫灌3种灌水处理和3期分期播种的对比试验,在浇底水前、播种、收获和每旬未每区用土钻法取1 m深土样,用烘干称重法测定土壤含水率,用对比分析的方法研究同一品种在滴灌、喷灌、漫溉条件下和不同播期玉米需水耗水规律。结果表明,滴灌的土壤水分分布及变化对玉米生长最有利,喷灌次之,漫灌最差。滴灌实产最高,耗水量最小,水分利用效率最高,产量次高耗水最少的第三期玉米用水效率最高。滴灌在保证玉米需水的前提下储水能力最强,是干旱缺水地区的高效灌水方式。晚播、晚熟玉米品种有更好、更大的生产潜力和可推广性,就水热匹配来看晚播、晚熟玉米品种也是提高水分利用效率的一种途径。滴灌平均实产较喷灌增加1.69%,较漫灌增加6.53%,耗水量较喷灌减少2.9%,较漫灌减少16.1%,水分利用效率较喷灌增大4.7%,较漫灌增大26.9%,第三期平均实产较第一期增加2.76%,较第二期减少2.81%,耗水量较第一期减少18.2%,较第二期减少18.3%,水分利用效率较第一期增大25.6%,较第二期增大19%。  相似文献   

保水剂对黄瓜穴盘苗基质水分状况及秧苗质量的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
现代蔬菜穴盘育苗技术的应用中,秧苗营养面积很小,基质的持水量和保水性成为提高秧苗质量的重要限制因子。采用两种保水剂和三种施用浓度研究了对基质保水性和黄瓜秧苗质量的影响。结果表明:试验的两种保水剂最大浓度处理T3(西沃特4‰)每克基质吸水后质量为2.400g;T6(科翰4‰)为2.475g,而对照基质的饱和持水后质量仅为2.250g。且失水速率与保水性规律一致。证明在实行营养基质育苗时,能够有效解决长期以来存在的育苗中需水严格与供水保水不足的矛盾,但高浓度保水剂最终的秧苗质量较差,实验中发现,秧苗质量以科翰保水剂2‰处理最高。  相似文献   

液膜对棉花叶片蒸腾特性及水分利用效率的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了液膜不同浓度对棉花叶片净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、叶绿素荧光诱导动力学参数及水分利用效率的影响。结果表明,液膜不同浓度均能降低棉花叶片的蒸腾速率和气孔导度;较高浓度液膜增大叶片qN值,降低叶片净光合速率;适宜浓度液膜(40~50倍)显著提高叶片水分利用效率,对净光合速率无明显影响。  相似文献   

为了探索日光温室番茄栽培时痕量灌溉管适宜埋深,以番茄仙客1号为试材,研究了春季日光温室栽培条件下,痕量灌溉管不同埋深对灌溉量、产量和品质的影响。试验结果表明,灌溉管埋深20cm和30cm处理与表面覆土相比,分别增产6.1%和15.2%,同时品质有所改善。灌溉管埋深10cm、20cm和30cm与表面覆土相比,耗水量分别降低15.7%、10.6%和5.7%,水分利用效率分别提高13.5%、19.6%和24.0%。灌溉管埋深30cm处理产量和水分利用效率最高。因此,灌溉管埋深30cm是本试验条件下日光温室春茬番茄较适宜的灌溉管埋设深度。  相似文献   

In Central Europe, drought is the most important limiting factor for autumn‐sown cereals. Due to the decline in groundwater, it is a priority to use less water‐demanding forms of crop production. Water use efficiency (WUE) can only be increased if cultivars with satisfactory water management traits are grown, so that they can exploit the water reserves of the soil even if drought occurs during the vegetation. Water consumption and water use efficiency of winter wheat genotypes were investigated in a model experiment carried out in a climate‐controlled glasshouse. The plants were grown either with optimum water supplies or with simulated drought in three phenophases, and measurements were made on the yield parameters, phenological traits and water use parameters of the plants. Substantial differences were observed between the water demands of the cultivars, and it was found that the later the phenophase in which drought was simulated, the greater the decline in water uptake. The analysis of WUE led to the conclusion that the WUE values of cultivars with short vegetation periods dropped to the greatest extent when water deficit was suffered at first node appearance, while cultivars with longer vegetation periods were more sensitive to drought during the heading and grain‐filling stages.  相似文献   

探究竖管通气对覆盖栽培条件下雷竹生长的影响,为雷竹林集约化经营提供更为科学合理的技术。本试验共设置4个处理:不覆盖不通气(CK)、不覆盖通气(A)、覆盖不通气(M)、覆盖通气(MA),分析各处理的土壤氧气浓度、土壤矿质元素以及雷竹根系活力、光合参数等指标,探究通气对集约经营雷竹林生长及立地条件的影响。与不覆盖处理(CK)相比,覆盖处理(M)显著增加了土壤表层的有机质、全氮、全磷等的含量,而覆盖加通气处理(MA)则促进了土壤有机质、全氮、全磷等物质的分解;在0~10 cm、10~20 cm、20~30 cm、30~40 cm的各土层中,覆盖通气处理(MA)下的土壤氧气含量比覆盖处理(M)分别提高了:26.19%、28.36%、30.77%、26.92%(P<0.05)。MA处理下的雷竹根系活力比M处理增加了57.16%(P<0.05),叶片净光合速率增加了49.47%(P<0.05)。竖管通气显著改善了雷竹林因长期覆盖经营而引起的土壤缺氧、雷竹根系生长不良、净光合速率降低等问题。  相似文献   

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