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With investigation and storey of indoor air pollutants of newly fitment residences in Chongqing , the average consistency of formalolehyde is 0.22 mg/m^3, and the over standard rate is 76.3%. The concentration of the third months after the completion of decoration is the highest , with those of the sixth month is the lowest. The result shows that the indoor-air pollutants caused by decoration should not be ignored anymore.  相似文献   

综述了绿色植物对室内空气污染物的净化效果、作用途径与转化机理、影响因素及植物的生理与分子耐受机理等方面的最新研究。不同室内观赏植物对室内挥发性有机污染物甲醛、苯系物(苯、甲苯、二甲苯、乙苯)等的清除能力不同,且同种植物对不同室内污染物的净化具有选择特性。植物会吸收空气中的污染物,通过自身新陈代谢途径将其分解、转化或作为碳源同化,但不同处理下,相关代谢酶的作用并不相同,信号转导与代谢通路亟待深入研究。植物种类、空气污染物分子特性、气孔与角质层的成分、植物叶面积、光照条件与光合作用类型等均会影响植物的净化效率。植物对污染物的净化能力与自身对污染物的抵抗能力无明显正相关性。笔者认为还需进一步强化高效净化植物的筛选、深入研究复合污染问题与联合修复技术、改善实验装置、持续考察净化过程、加速代谢组学研究和生物技术应用,从而更有效地净化与美化环境。  相似文献   

Nowadays,IAQ(Indoor Air Quality) becomes a topic of general interest.This paper discusses the definition and influencing factors of IAQ and puts forward some measures for improving indoor air quality.  相似文献   

Formaldehyde (FA) is usually the most abundant air pollutant in the decorated residential buildings and also the most studied due to its potential role in allergic diseases and its carcinogenic properties. In the present work, according to Indoor Air Quality Standard (GB/T 18883-2002), a series of investigations were carried out at 83 decorative residences by Intescan 4160-19.99 formaldehyde detector in Changsha from November 2008 to October 2009. It is showed that formaldehyde pollution was very serious in decorated residences with a 100% occurrence in the specimens and mean concentrations of 0.11±0.07 mg/m3. Concentration of formaldehyde was ranging from 0.01 to 0.31 mg/m3 with 53.3% of the over the standard rate. The maxium level reached 4.5 times of the standard. The mean concentration of formaldehyde in different rooms was the following: Children room>bedroom (sanctum)>living room. Formaldehyde concentration in decorative residences was gradually on the decline with prolonged time. Indoor formaldehyde droped it concentration by 0.04 mg/m3seven months later. Therefore, the formaldehyde concentration in residential buildings was connected with the type of the room,decorated time, furnituring and other factors.  相似文献   

The density of indoor CO 2 is an important value for newly_built commercial buildings. It affects comercial buildings in two aspects, one is the indoor air_quality, the other is the consumption of energy. The aim of design is to keep good indoor air_quality and using little ventilation. The authors measure a typical department store and analyze the measurement. The conclusion as well as the opinion is given, which argues for improving the efficiency of new_wind.  相似文献   

Radon is a natural radioactive noble gas that is naturally found in the ground. Exposure (excessive) to radon can pose a threat to the public health and get the public attention wordwide. Requiring the balanced mixing of radon and its daughters in indoor radon and outdoor air, a quantitative calculation model is deduced. The results showed that the indoor radon levels reach a steady value with the increases of ventilation radio and time, resulting in the balance for radon concentration indoor and outdoor air ultimately. Based on the model calculation, radon in door air has a theoretiacl value ranging between 6.35 and 40 Bq/m 3, which are in accordance with the actual measurements(6.0~50 Bq/m 3)by Tianshan Ren and Mei Wang, etc. The established quantitatively model for calculating the change of radon levels in indoor air could provide the technical support for indoor radon control and environmental assessment.  相似文献   

Ventilation design is the difficulty of transformer room design. Temperature field and velocity field in a transformer room was simulated by CFD method . By comparing simulation value with the experimental value in related document , the effectiveness of the mathematical model was verified. Based on it, an indoor substation transformer built was taken as the simulation object, then designed and simulated six kinds of ventilation condition by changing the location and area of air inlet, focused on the influence of air inlet on the ventilation effect by comparing the temperature field ,velocity field and temperature characteristic value in different condition. The simulation results show that when air inlet area is fixed, the air inlet should be arranged in the radiator side and its center height should be controlled in the radiator center height or slightly offset position, it should not be higher than the radiator. When the air inlet location is fixed, air inlet area should be increased along the high direction to improve ventilation effect. The conclusions can provide technical support for the ventilation design of transformer room.  相似文献   

The importance of indoor air quality and the effect of volatile organic compounds(VOC) on human health are discussed in this paper,TVOC as a measurement for evaluation of VOC and the VOC pollution control methods and technology for indoor air are also presented.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the results obtained from the first year atmospheric corrosion test of carbon steel specimens exposed in 12 sites in Asia. As shown by the results, the corrosion rates of carbon steel vary with the atmospheric environment and the difference can reach a factor of 16. Among the environmental pollution factors, the most detrimental factor is atmospheric sulfur deposition for atmospheric corrosion of carbon steel. Especially, in Chongqing, the high SO_2 levels plus humid and warm climate lead to the most serious atmospheric corrosion of carbon steel.  相似文献   

大气污染影响下凯里植物、土壤氟含量特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了解大气氟污染对植物、土壤的影响,采用氟离子选择电极法对凯里的植物和土壤的氟含量进行了测定并对其特征进行了分析。结果表明:该区植物的氟含量在135.62~1420.97 μg/g之间,平均含量为513.99 μg/g;土壤氟含量在240.50~340.36 μg/g之间,平均含量为279.60 μg/g。植物、土壤的氟含量都超过了背景值,该区植物和土壤都受到了不同程度的氟污染。不同植物的氟含量存在较大差异,油茶的氟含量最高,马尾松的氟含量最低。不同类型植物的氟含量不同,灌木>藤本>草本>乔木;常绿植物>落叶植物。不同研究点植物和土壤的氟含量存在差异,但有些植物差异较大,有些差异不明显。  相似文献   

Particle deposition in a fully developed turbulent flow of ventilation duct with a rectangular cross section of 0.3 m×0.2 m and 3 m in length was investigated. The effects of thermophoretic force and air humidity were also considered. Trajectories of 3 000 particles were tracked on the basis of the random walk model from Lagrangian approach. The profile of dimensionless deposition velocity with relaxation time was achieved and the comparison with the previous studies was made with particle size range of 0.01 50 μm and air flow velocity of 5 m/s. It is found that the trend of dimensionless deposition velocity is in agreement with the previous studies and the profile of dimensionless deposition velocity showed a V shaped curve. The effects of temperature and air humidity were also investigated with particle size of 1 μm. Thermophoretic force caused by temperature gradient between air flow and wall surface accelerated particle deposition. Meanwhile, it is also found that the deposition velocity increases with the increase of air relative humidity.  相似文献   

Analyzes the potentials of natural resource to improve the indoor thermal environment in Chongqing through the statistical analysis of natural resource including solar energy, wind, water and earth etc. The building forms, systems and principle of usage of natural resources are briefly analyzed through the building site-decision, building form design and computer simulation which will be the real reference for the design of building energy efficiency.  相似文献   

对浓缩苹果汁生产车间空气进行采样分析,分离得到了1株污染浓缩苹果汁的嗜酸耐热菌。在耐热、耐酸性检验中,这株菌可以较好地生长,符合脂环酸芽孢杆菌属嗜酸耐热的特点。再通过与标准菌A.acidoterrestris进行细胞、菌落形态观察、生长条件、生理生化特征和糖、醇利用等方面的比较,结果表明这株菌与标准菌各方面都表现出较大的相似性,故与标准菌应为同属不同种。  相似文献   

为实现沼液农田安全应用,研究了规模化养猪场沼液在不同贮存时间条件下,有机物和重金属变化规律,并对污染因子进行分析。结果表明沼液中污染物总量随贮存时间增加而下降,主要致污因子为3种有机污染物,5种重金属均无超标,沼液贮存时间大于9天综合污染评价为安全级,且农田应用需兑水稀释。评价结果还为沼气工程的工艺改进提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper is attempted to solve the problem of contradiction of building energy efficiency with indoor air quality.Quadrangle has the character of improving indoor air quality,since it always refreshes air intelligently.The courtyard has a long air column covering over the courtyard and the insulation of such a thick air layer can resist heat loss.As oxygen from outer space enters the courtyard,the energy can be recovered by oxygen.So,the contradiction of building energy efficiency with indoor air quality can be solved.The indoor air quality can be improved by the quadrangle combined with solar houses.  相似文献   

为筛选出对烟草青枯病有效防治的生防菌,通过稀释涂布法从烟株根际土壤分离到一株具有明显拮抗作用的菌株69-1,经16S rDNA鉴定该菌株为壮观链霉菌(Streptomyces spectabilis),并用该菌株进行烟草青枯病田间防治试验。结果表明,与对照相比,经菌株69-1处理烟株茎围、有效叶片数、最大叶宽、最大叶长、上中下部烟叶单叶干重、最大叶面积、产量均显著增加,且对烟草青枯病的相对防效达60.42%,同时对不同处理组的初烤烟叶进行化学成分的检测分析,发现菌株69-1处理相对于对照组烟叶品质更佳。该菌株菌剂处理不仅可以提高烟株对烟草青枯病的防效,而且还提高烟叶品质和产量,可为烟草青枯病生物防治提供一定参考。  相似文献   

Around the design of air flow and distribution about the laminated air conditioning in summer in the powerhouse of Sanxia hydropower station, the system division, air flow pattern, air supply state and volume etc have been analyzed separately. Based on the existing domestic achievements, the relative calculation model has been established and the application method has been explored. From this the program named as AFDC/LACS has been compiled with language FORTRAN77 and the calculation on the airflow and distribution of the place mentioned above has been done with several design conditions. Thus some batches of the technical parameters have been provided to plan the test conditions in the heat simulated test..  相似文献   

四川省农村生活非点源污染负荷估算及评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究旨在明确现阶段四川省农村生活非点源污染状况,及对农村生活非点源污染控制提供依据。笔者依托输出系数模型,考虑农村生活垃圾、生活废水和人体粪尿污染物三方面,从污染物产生、输出到入河三阶段建立了农村生活非点源污染负荷估算模型。在模型支撑下,估算了2012年四川省各地级市(州)农村生活非点源污染物中TN(总氮)、TP(总磷)和COD(化学需氧量)的负荷量,并对TN、TP和COD的负荷总量、来源比例进行分析,同时结合地表水三级水质标准(GB 3838—2002),计算了农村生活非点源污染中TN、TP和COD的入河贡献率。结果显示四川省农村生活非点源产生负荷 TN 421070 t,TP 91122 t,COD 2023186 t;输出负荷TN 120675 t,TP 26298 t,COD 419969 t;入河负荷TN 44499 t,TP 5780 t,COD 142049 t。各地市州中,南充、达州和成都产生、输出负荷最大;宜宾、南充和达州入河量最大。全省农村生活非点源污染TN、TP和COD的入河贡献率总体不大,仅遂宁、内江入河TN负荷对水体污染的贡献率超过地表水三级水质标准100%。随经济发展,四川省农村生活非点源污染部分区域较为严重,对其控制不容忽视。研究采用的方法可为其它区域的农村生活非点源污染负荷估算提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

A new method for assessment of ambient air quality is proposed by using matter element analysis.This model is simple and reasonable in assessment.The practical example is given,and compared with other methods.  相似文献   

The internal shading can both impact on the sunshade and indoor daylighting, and work as an indoor heat source by absorbing heat. Presently the evaluation of overall energy efficiency of the internal shading is perceptual and qualitative. Therefore, the tests of the internal surface temperatures of house envelopes and the daylighting illuminance were carried out. It is shown that the surface temperature of interior walls with internal shading are 0.6℃~1℃ lower than those without; however,the surface temperature of internal shading is 3℃~5℃ higher than that of the interior walls. It can be seen that internal shading also forms an indoor heat source. The energy consumption of air-conditioning with internal shading decreases by 17.24% than that without, which indicates the internal shading can certainly reduce the indoor air conditioning load; however, the daylighting illuminance declines by 81%, with the results that the artificial lighting energy consumption is 1.88 times as much as that without the internal shading.  相似文献   

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