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Around the design of air flow and distribution about the laminated air conditioning in summer in the powerhouse of Sanxia hydropower station, the system division, air flow pattern, air supply state and volume etc have been analyzed separately. Based on the existing domestic achievements, the relative calculation model has been established and the application method has been explored. From this the program named as AFDC/LACS has been compiled with language FORTRAN77 and the calculation on the airflow and distribution of the place mentioned above has been done with several design conditions. Thus some batches of the technical parameters have been provided to plan the test conditions in the heat simulated test..  相似文献   

In this paper, the model experiment of laminated air conditioning in the powerhouse of Three-Gorges Hydropower Station was introduced. To assure the effect of air conditioning, the influence of different roof temperature, air supply velocity and Ar number on air distribution was analyzed and studied. Some conclusions have been drawn.  相似文献   

The model experiment of stratificated air conditioning in the powerhowse of Three Gorges Hydropower Station is briefly precented. On the basis of ensuring the effect of air conditioning, the influences of two types of outlet, three modes of air supply under the same outlet type on air distribution performance in occupied area was emphatically analyzed arrowd the measured data of occupied area's temperature and velocity in winter condition,and the best outtet type and air supply mode is obtained. By changing air supply temperature,its influence on the occupiod area's temperature is also analyzed,thus,some wecessary techincal data for follow enperiments and some condusions for reference have been draw.  相似文献   

By investigating the space development rule of the epigenetic deformation and fracture trace and the combination pattern of epigenetic structure in dam area of Xiluodu hydropower station, the formation mechanism of epigenetic reformation is discussed in conjunction with the analysis of geologic physiological evolvement mechanism. Slaty rock mass structures which being made up of flat faults have played important role in controlling epigenetic reformation. The typical combination pattern of epigenetic structure is formed from steep dipping and flat faults. It is very important for understanding the feature of valley rockmass structure.  相似文献   

The computer monitor and control system for hydropower station is always a structure system of laminate distribution and open style. The system can adjudge active power and inactive power of water turbine according to the requirement. The operators in active-control level give the value of active power and inactive power for water turbine by computer workstation. PLC of LCU run the power control procedure by net communication in order to realize power adjust. The power adjust of water turbine mainly by speed control system and magnetization system. The 2-D Fuzzy PID Control Model is proposed in order to carry out power adjust of water turbine . In this new method the parameter of PID can self-neaten on line according to power deviation and power deviation rate. By means of this procedure the machine unit can obtain given power value rapidly, exactly and stably. It can make the power adjust of monitor and control system obtain good control characteristic and robust, and it is benefit to extend the work life of machine unit.  相似文献   

通过正交试验设计可以大大减少试验次数,得到不同因素水平的最优组合,从而确定合理的试验方案及工艺条件等,因此在科学研究中应用非常广泛。为了更深入地理解正交试验设计方法,以表和图的形式对正交试验设计的特点进行了详细分析;对正交性的意义、体现从向量信息不相关及向量内积计算的角度进行详细的分析及解释,以期为广大师生的学习及应用提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   

为了更好的理解夏玉米乳熟期灾害性渍涝过程的天气学成因,更好地服务于河南省气象防灾减灾工作,利用美国NCEP/NCAR的2.5°×2.5°再分析日平均资料和常规气象观测数据,对河南省一次高影响、长时间的渍涝过程的环流背景、气象要素条件进行分析。结果表明:1)渍涝过程有显著的环流特征,即对流层中高层稳定维持着乌拉尔山及鄂霍次克海的异常高脊和巴尔喀什湖以北及日本上空的异常低槽; 出现并维持的200 hPa高空急流;持续偏东偏北的南亚高压和持续偏西的副热带高压。2)渍涝过程中边界层内维持偏东风,偏东风的开始和结束与降水起始时间相对应;偏东风的增强和东风异常配合西南风异常暖湿往往对应连阴雨过程中降水量级的明显增大。3)500 hPa平均高度场和高度距平场沿50°E的纬度-时间剖面(简称55图)在中期时段内能较好的预报连阴雨过程的开始和大致维持时间。  相似文献   

荞麦的营养特性及其加工技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
荞麦是一种杂粮作物,荞麦食品具有特殊的食疗和保健作用,如何有效地加工和利用荞麦是人们研究的重点。叙述了荞麦的营养特性,并对荞麦加工工艺及设备选择作了重要阐述。  相似文献   

目的:优化双黄连口服液制备工艺。方法:本研究采用正交试验法设计对双黄连口服液制备工艺进行优化,以产品的外观评分为评价指标,考察了不同的口服液制备工艺对口服液色泽及澄明度的影响。结果:正交试验优选双黄连口服液制备工艺的最佳条件,即煎煮时加水用量为中药材的8倍,乙醇沉淀所用浓度为75%,pH值为7.0,静置时间为12h。结论:研究实验结果可靠,以优化的工艺制备的口服液工艺澄清度好,且生产耗时短,有利于大生产。  相似文献   

孙瑞 《种业导刊》2021,(2):29-33
作物的生长发育、产量和品质的形成受到气象因素的制约.研讨作物对气象因素的要求及其反应规律,可为农作物生产管理提供科学依据和实践指导.分析了正阳县夏花生各生育时期所需的气象条件需求,利用正阳县1959-2018年近60 a来5-10月气温、降水、日照等气象资料,分析其变化特征,阐述各主要气象因素对夏花生生长的影响,同时指...  相似文献   

池塘内循环养殖模式关键工艺参数设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨菁  管崇武 《中国农学通报》2019,35(15):142-145
为确立科学、合理的池塘内循环养殖模式关键工艺参数范围,运用物质平衡等相关原理,对系统内循环量、养鱼槽体面积与池塘面积比工艺参数进行科学设计,并讨论鱼粪及残饵收集率等基本参数对其影响。结果表明:在水体容积为198m3(22×5×1.8m)、溶氧为6mg/L的槽体中开展养殖密度达100kg/m3大宗鱼类养殖,当鱼粪及残饵收集率为30%时,池塘内循环养殖模式内循环量设计为653.59 m 3/h(约每18min槽内水体交换一次),槽体面积与池塘面积比设计为1.05~1.58%;当鱼粪及残饵收集率为60%,池塘内循环养殖模式内循环量设计为573.11m 3/h(约每21min槽内水体交换一次),槽体面积与池塘面积比设计为1.20~1.80%。需综合考量设定最佳鱼粪及残饵收集率,以降低模式运行能耗。本设计为提升模式技术性能,促进池塘内循环养殖技术发展及广泛推广提供支持。  相似文献   

工作过程导向的食品分析与检验课程设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了食品营养与检测专业的核心专业课程食品分析与检验课程的方案设计,介绍了基于工作过程的课程方案开发思路和步骤,重点介绍了学习情境设计、教学实施过程,以及考核方式的改革。以学习情境为载体,可以使学生掌握相关知识,激发学生的兴趣和思维,达到提高学生综合职业能力的目的。  相似文献   

朱琳  宋磊 《中国农学通报》2010,26(6):223-225
线是造型要素中最基本的元素,也是设计师表达设计理念的基本语言。通过对线的特质、线在园林景观中运用形式以及具体应用的研究,使设计师更加明确线的灵活运用在园林景观设计中存在的精神内涵和艺术价值,以提高中国现代园林设计水平。  相似文献   

赵繁盛  李燕  程航 《中国农学通报》2015,31(24):228-236
利用常规资料及NCEP资料对大连地区夏季大雾天气特征及物理机制进行分析。结果表明:大连大雾日数东部最多,北部最少,总体呈增长态势,2005或2006年出现峰值。南部和东部6、7月大雾日数明显偏多,其他地区无明显月份差异。大雾多出现在夜间至次日早晨。大连夏季持续大雾天气时,中高层副高呈纬向分布,偏西流场中有弱槽脊活动;低层位于副高后部槽前部,西南水汽输送场中;地面位于低值系统前部或顶部,持续较弱的偏东风或偏南风;近地面有逆温层,有弱的散度、涡度和垂直运动场,有利于水汽在近地层的输送和聚集,有利于大雾的形成和长时间维持。该研究获得大连地区夏季大雾天气气候特征及持续大雾天气的预报指标,为大连夏季大雾预报提供参考。  相似文献   

Analysis of the Effect of Compositive Meteorology Index on Power Load   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The four indexes sensory temperature,temperature-humidity index,cold-humidity index,amenity index in biology meteorology are introduced to compositive analyses the effect of meteorologic factor to power load.Take Chongqing for example,the relation between each compositive index and load is analyzed,and the relation curve of power load and compositive index in observation year is also drawn.The analysis indicates: the load amenity index ratio curve is very stable in all axis range,this indicates amenity index can better reflect the change of power load relative to temperature.At the same time,the effect of rainfall to power load is qualitatively analyzed.  相似文献   

The structure of type CYM hydraulic anchor station and its principle ofoperation are briefly introduccd,and its strength and stability are analyzed.  相似文献   

For the benefit of environment protection and sustainable economic development especially in western china, to build more hydroelectric power stations is a basic policy of our government. Xiluodu project is the biggest underground hydroelectric power station. which includes 18 power generation units with a capacity more than 12 600 MW. By establish a set of heat and humidity balance equations applying on the Xiluodu project underground workshop with its boundary conditions, this paper has present an one_dimensional heat conduction model to simulate its dynamical heat transfer process. On the purpose of compare deferent design schemes of HVAC system, a package of software for numerical simulation is developed. In this paper,we have also recommend some criteria for the evaluation of HVAC system design schemes. The computation result has show that if utilizing the reservoir water and AC chiller to process the air,combing other anti_humidification technical measures,it will assure the anticipated air quality of underground facilities.  相似文献   

河南工业大学粮油食品专业具有鲜明的专业和行业特色。为满足社会对高素质创新应用型人才的需求,粮油食品特色专业进行了毕业设计(论文)创新模式的研究和探索,主要从毕业设计(论文)选题、中期检查、论文写作及答辩等方面对创新模式的质量体系进行监控。  相似文献   

Combined with some engineering experiences,this paper primarily estabishes computer calculating models of simulating building thermal process and load estimation index,with orthogonal testing ways and square error analysis,and lays a foundation for researching the air_conditioning load property of office building by way of all_sidely investigating and analysing numerous factors of the building air_conditioning cooling load.Some experimental formulas are given finally.  相似文献   

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