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为发掘大麦中抗条纹病的新基因,采用三明治法通过人工接种大麦条纹病菌Pyrenophora graminea强致病力菌株QWC对甘啤2号(免疫)与Alexis(高感)杂交F_1代及F_2代分离群体进行抗性遗传分析,利用群体分离分析法鉴定与抗病基因连锁的SSR标记,并通过QTL IciMapping软件构建遗传连锁图谱完成对抗病基因的定位。结果显示,甘啤2号与Alexis杂交F_1代对大麦条纹病菌强致病力菌株QWC表现为免疫,F_2代表现3∶1抗感分离,表明甘啤2号对菌株QWC的抗性由1个显性抗性基因控制,将该抗病基因暂命名为Rdg3;该基因位于大麦7H染色体上的SSR标记Bmag206和Bmag7之间,与二者的遗传距离分别为1.78 cM和2.86 cM。经与已定位于7H染色体上的抗病基因比较,发现Rdg3是一个新的抗条纹病基因,可作为大麦抗病育种的新种质资源。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Crown rust of barley, caused by Puccinia coronata var. hordei, occurs sporadically and sometimes may cause yield and quality reductions in the Great Plains region of the United States and Canada. The incompletely dominant resistance allele Rpc1 confers resistance to P. coronata in barley. Two generations, F(2) and F(2:3), developed from a cross between the resistant line Hor2596 (CIho 1243) and the susceptible line Bowman (PI 483237), were used in this study. Bulked segregant analysis combined with random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers were used to identify molecular markers linked to Rpc1. DNA genotypes produced by 500 RAPD primers, 200 microsatellites (SSRs), and 71 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) probes were applied to map Rpc1. Of these, 15 RAPD primers identified polymorphisms between resistant and susceptible bulks, and 62 SSR markers and 32 RFLP markers identified polymorphisms between the resistant and susceptible parents. The polymorphic markers were applied to 97 F(2) individuals and F(2:3) families. These markers identified 112 polymorphisms and were used for primary linkage mapping to Rpc1 using Map Manager QT. Two RFLP and five SSR markers spanning the centromere on chromosome 3H and one RAPD marker (OPO08-700) were linked with Rpc1 and, thus, used to construct a 30-centimorgan (cM) linkage map containing the Rpc1 locus. The genetic distance between Rpc1 and the closest marker, RAPD OPO08-700, was 2.5 cM. The linked markers will be useful for incorporating this crown rust resistance gene into barley breeding lines.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Spot blotch, caused by Cochliobolus sativus, is an important disease of barley in many production areas and is best controlled through the deployment of resistant cultivars. Information on the genetics of resistance in various sources can be useful in developing effective breeding strategies. Parents of the doubled haploid mapping population Calicuchima-sib/ Bowman-BC (C/B) exhibit a differential reaction to pathotypes 1 and 2 of C. sativus. To elucidate the genetics of spot blotch resistance in this population, C/B progeny were evaluated with both pathotypes at the seedling stage in the greenhouse and at the adult plant stage in the field. At the seedling stage, progeny segregated 84 resistant to 26 susceptible based on the qualitative analysis of infection response (IR) data to pathotype 1. This fit best to a 3:1 ratio, indicating that two genes were involved in conferring resistance. Quantitative analysis of the raw IR data to pathotype 1 revealed a single quantitative trait locus (QTL) on chromosome 4(4H) explaining 14% of the phenotypic variance. Adult plant resistance to pathotype 1 was conferred by QTL on chromosome 2(2H) and chromosome 3(3H), explaining 21 and 32% of the phenotypic variation, respectively. Bowman contributed the resistance alleles on chromosome 3(3H) and chromosome 4(4H), whereas Calicuchima-sib contributed the resistance allele on chromosome 2(2H). Resistance to pathotype 2 was conferred by a single gene (designated Rcs6) on chromosome 5(1H) based on qualitative analysis of data. Rcs6 was effective at both the seedling and adult plant stages and was contributed by Calicuchima-sib. This result was corroborated in the quantitative analysis of raw IR (seedling stage) and disease severity (adult plant stage) data as a single major effect (r(2) = 0.93 and 0.88, respectively) QTL was identified on chromosome 5(1H). Progeny with resistance to both pathotypes were identified in the C/B population and may be useful in programs breeding for spot blotch resistance.  相似文献   

小麦抗条锈病基因Yr24的SSR标记   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
 抗性鉴定表明,含有抗小麦条锈病基因Yr24的近等基因系Yr24/3*Avocet S对我国流行的条锈菌小种CY30、CY31和CY32均具有良好的抗性。遗传学分析证明,Yr24/3*Avocet S的抗条锈病性状为显性遗传。利用Yr24/3*Avocet S×感病品种铭贤169的F2群体进行SSR分析,筛选到2个位于目的基因两侧的标记Xgwm273和Xgwm11,遗传距离分别为6.1和7.1 cM。双侧分子标记的建立可为标记辅助选择育种提供更有力的分子选择工具。  相似文献   

Bacterial blight disease of Persian walnut (Juglans regia, L.), caused by Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis (Xaj), leads to significant nut losses in northern, central and western areas of Iran. To identify the natural sources of resistance to disease in the endemic walnut genotypes of Iran, sixteen walnut genotypes, collected from different areas of Hamedan province, were inoculated with Xaj in a randomized complete block design with five replicates for each genotype. Two-year old genotypes were gently sprayed with a suspension of bacteria adjusted to approximately 2 × 109 cfu ml−1 of distilled water in May. Infected leaves were rated for disease 28 and 42 days after inoculation, using a 0 to 5 severity scale, based on the number, size and distribution of lesions on the leaves. Data analyses showed that there were variations among genotypes in response to pathogen. Upon inoculation by bacterial suspension genotype 94 showed the highest resistance to both disease incidence and its progress after 4–6 weeks of infection. Genotype 65 showed high susceptibility to disease and genotype 69 showed high susceptibilities both to disease incidence and its progress after 4–6 weeks of infection.  相似文献   

Ascochyta blight [Ascochyta rabiei (Pass.) Lab.] is the major foliar disease of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). In search of better sources of resistance to ascochyta blight, 201 accessions of 8 annual wildCicer species were evaluated in field and greenhouse for 3 years (1988 to 1991) at Tel Hadya, Syria. One accession each ofC. judaicum Boiss (ILWC 165) andC. pinnatifidum Jaub. & Spach. (ILWC 159) were consistently rated resistant in both field and greenhouse evaluations. Another three accessions ofC. judaicum (ILWC 61, ILWC 154, ILWC 199) and six accessions ofC. pinnatifidum (ILWC 78, ILWC 88, ILWC 155, ILWC 160, ILWC 162, ILWC 203) were resistant or moderately resistant. The blight-resistant accessions ofC. judaicum originated from Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Turkey; and those ofC. pinnatifidum from Syria and Turkey. None of the accessions ofC. bijugum, C. chorassanicum, C. cuneatum, C. echinospermum, C. reticulatum andC. yamashitae were resistant to blight.  相似文献   

Inheritance of resistance to bacterial blight in 21 cultivars of rice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT Genetic analysis for resistance to bacterial blight (Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae) of 21 rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars was carried out. These cultivars were divided into two groups based on their reactions to Philippine races of bacterial blight. Cultivars of group 1 were resistant to race 1 and those of group 2 were susceptible to race 1 but resistant to race 2. All the cultivars were crossed with TN1, which is susceptible to all the Philippine races of X. oryzae pv. oryzae. F(1) and F(2) populations of hybrids of group 1 cultivars were evaluated using race 1 and F(1) and F(2) populations of hybrids of group 2 cultivars were evaluated using race 2. All the cultivars showed monogenic inheritance of resistance. Allelic relationships of the genes were investigated by crossing these cultivars with different testers having single genes for resistance. Three cultivars have Xa4, another three have xa5, one has xa8, two have Xa3, eight have Xa10, and one has Xa4 as well as Xa10. Three cultivars have new, as yet undescribed, genes. Nep Bha Bong To has a new recessive gene for moderate resistance to races 1, 2, and 3 and resistance to race 5. This gene is designated xa26(t). Arai Raj has a dominant gene for resistance to race 2 which segregates independently of Xa10. This gene is designated as Xa27(t). Lota Sail has a recessive gene for resistance to race 2 which segregates independently of Xa10. This gene is designated as xa28(t).  相似文献   

水稻抗纹枯病的研究进展   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
多年来通过对水稻抗纹枯病的筛选 ,没有发现免疫品种 ,但筛选鉴定出不同程度的抗性品种。本文就水稻抗纹枯病的机制、抗性遗传及生物工程育种进行了综述 ,对今后水稻抗纹枯病基因工程等研究进行了讨论与展望  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to find a technique for plant resistance screening to alternaria leaf blight (ALB), caused by the fungus Alternaria dauci , in controlled environments. Glasshouse and laboratory screening methods were compared using three cultivars and F2 genotypes segregating for ALB resistance evaluated against self-pollinated F3 field-grown plants. Plant disease was assessed through a disease index obtained from the size and number of symptoms on carrot leaves. The results indicated the value of glasshouse evaluation and the inadequacy of detached leaf and hypocotyl assays for carrot screening for ALB resistance. Spearman's rank correlation, applied to results obtained with both F2 plants and their progeny, indicated that the optimal evaluation stage for ALB resistance in carrot is 20 days after inoculation. This test was powerful enough to be used as a prescreening test in breeding programmes.  相似文献   

马铃薯品种对枯萎病菌的抗性鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过室内接种试验与田间接种试验,调查评价供试马铃薯品种对枯萎病菌的抗性。结果显示,供试的马铃薯品种中没有免疫品种,脱毒组培苗接种病原菌测定的19个品种中,表现为中抗的品种有2个,占供试品种的10.53%;表现为中感的品种有10个,占供试品种的52.63%;表现为高感的品种7个,占供试品种的36.84%。田间接种病原菌测定的20个品种中,中抗及以上品种有9个,占供试品种的45%,中感及高感品种11个,占供试品种的55%。  相似文献   

水稻抗纹枯病苗期快速鉴定技术研究   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
 以抗感反应不同的5个水稻品种为试验材料,在人工气候箱、控温室中进行水稻苗期抗纹枯病接种试验,并与田间相应的成株期抗性试验进行比较,研究水稻苗期快速鉴定技术。结果表明:85%的相对湿度为纹枯病菌侵染危害水稻苗期植株的适宜湿度;苗期5个水稻品种对纹枯病抗性差异极显著,可将其分为相对感病(Lemont、武育粳3号)和相对抗病(YSBR1、Jasmine85、特青)2大类;接种叶龄对发病程度有显著的影响,5个品种在四叶期接种时的平均病级显著高于五叶期接种的平均病级;苗期水稻品种间抗感差异小于田间鉴定试验结果,但两者间品种抗感趋势基本一致。苗期快速鉴定技术可用于大规模水稻品种(组合)的抗性筛选或初步鉴定。  相似文献   

Field trials in 1996, 1997 and 1998 with six potato cultivars differing in levels of foliar and tuber race-nonspecific resistance to late blight were treated with 100, 50 and 33% of the recommended dose of the fungicide fluazinam at application intervals of 7, 14 and 21 days. Using a mixed inoculum of six or seven indigenous isolates of Phytophthora infestans small potato plots were inoculated via infector plants. A foliar blight model for the relationship between the effects of resistance, fungicide application and disease pressure was developed using multiple regression analysis. Cultivars with a high level of quantitative resistance offered the greatest potential for fungicide reduction. The model showed that the effect of resistance on integrated control increased exponentially with increasing cultivar resistance. Reducing fungicide input by lowering the dose resulted in less foliar disease than extending application intervals. The higher the disease pressure, the greater the risk associated with reducing fungicide input by extension of application intervals. The field resistance of cultivars to tuber blight mainly determined the frequency of tuber infection. Exploiting high foliar resistance to reduce fungicide input carried a high risk when cultivar resistance to tuber blight was low. When field resistance to tuber blight was high, a medium level of resistance in the foliage could be exploited to reduce fungicide dose to c . 50%, provided application was at the right time. At a high level of field resistance to both foliar and tuber blight, application intervals could be extended.  相似文献   

Bacterial spot of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is caused by four species of Xanthomonas. The disease causes significant yield losses and a reduction in fruit quality. Physiological races have been described with tomato race 3 (T3) corresponding to strains of Xanthomonas perforans. The breeding line Hawaii 7981 (hereafter H7981) shows a hypersensitive reaction (HR) to race T3 strains conditioned by the interaction of the host resistance locus Xv3 and the bacterial effector avrXv3. The Xv3 gene is required for H7981-derived resistance to be effective under field conditions, though its expression is subject to genetic background. The segregation of HR in F(2) populations derived from H7981 crossed to processing tomato parents OH88119 and OH7870 was studied in 331 progeny, with the two independent crosses providing validation. We screened 453 simple-sequence repeat, insertion/deletion, and single-nucleotide polymorphism markers and identified 44 polymorphic markers each for the OH88119 and OH7870 populations covering 84.6 and 73.3% of the genome, respectively, within 20 centimorgans (cM). Marker-trait analysis using all polymorphic markers demonstrated that Xv3-mediated resistance maps to chromosome 11 in the two independent crosses. Allelism tests were conducted in crosses between lines carrying Xv3 derived from H7981, Rx-4 derived from plant introduction (PI) 128216, and resistance derived from PI 126932. These allelism tests suggested that the loci conditioning HR to race T3 strains are linked within 0.1 cM, are allelic, or are the same gene.  相似文献   

Introduction of alien genes into wheat has been proposed as a strategy to breed cultivars with improved resistance to Fusarium seedling blight (FSB) and Fusarium head blight (FHB). In this study, we co-transformed different anti-fungal peptides (AFPs) into an elite wheat cultivar Yangmai11. We identified the genetically stable transgenic wheat lines carrying single or multiple genes by PCR, qRT-PCR and Southern blot analyses. Transgenic wheat lines 451 and 513 expressing two AFPs displayed a consistent, significantly improved overall resistance to FSB and FHB, whereas only FHB resistance was observed from other lines. Furthermore, crude proteins extracted from the lines 451 and 513 showed a clear inhibitory activity against F. graminearum in vitro. Taken together, it was essential to properly combine and express AFPs in transgenic wheat in order to obtain an improved overall resistance to Fusarium pathogens.  相似文献   

采集桔全爪螨敏感种群 ,在室内用甲氰菊酯处理 ,以选育其抗药性。结果显示 :选育至 12代 ,抗性达 17 11倍 ,且发展速度越来越快。交互抗性测定结果显示 ,甲氰菊酯抗性品系对功夫和哒螨灵有非常明显的交互抗性 ,对卡死克有非常明显的负交互抗性现象。  相似文献   

玉米作为重要的粮、饲、工兼用作物, 是重要的战略资源, 在国民经济中具有举足轻重的作用。但在实际生产过程中, 玉米受多种病虫害的威胁, 其中由玉蜀黍平脐蠕孢Bipolaris maydis引起的玉米小斑病严重影响玉米产量与品质, 是制约玉米高产与稳产的重要因素之一。近些年该病害的发病频率与严重程度均呈快速增长的态势, 对我国玉米安全生产构成巨大的潜在威胁。本文综述了玉米小斑病发生概况, 包括发生时期和引起的主要症状; 概括了玉米小斑病菌的侵染过程和相关功能基因的致病机制; 总结了抗玉米抗小斑病基因的定位、克隆与功能分析方面的研究进展, 玉米小斑病的防治措施等, 并对未来研究提出了一些建议和展望, 以期为玉米小斑病可持续治理提供理论参考和研究思路。  相似文献   

为研究小麦UDP-葡萄糖基转移酶7(UDP-glycosyltransferase 7,TaUGT7)的抗赤霉病功能,利用DNAMAN 6.0软件对Ta UGT7及其同源蛋白进行序列比对,应用实时荧光定量PCR(quantitative real-time PCR,qRT-PCR)技术分析经赤霉菌Fusarium graminearum和脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇(deoxynivalenol,DON)处理后的苏麦3号小穗中TaUGT7基因的表达特征,利用基因枪在洋葱表皮细胞瞬时表达TaUGT7-eGFP进行亚细胞定位,采用农杆菌介导法在小麦品种Fielder中过量表达TaUGT7基因并进行赤霉病抗性鉴定。结果表明,TaUGT7在氨基酸序列上与已知赤霉病抗性相关UGT相似性较低;TaUGT7在赤霉菌接种24 h后开始被诱导表达,在DON处理2 h后逐步被诱导表达;Ta UGT7蛋白亚细胞定位于细胞膜和细胞核中;qRT-PCR检测发现,TaUGT7在8株独立的过表达转基因株系中均有不同程度的上调表达;与野生型对照相比,过表达株系TaUGT7-395和TaUGT7-457中的平均病小穗率显著下降。...  相似文献   

不同水稻品种对条纹叶枯病抗(耐)病性比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田间对比试验表明,供试7个水稻品种对条纹叶枯病的抗性可初步分为高抗、中抗、中感、高感4个类型。其中常优1号、常农粳3号抗病性较强,丰产性能也好。  相似文献   

Fire blight (Erwinia amylovora), a potentially devastating disease in apple, can cause floral, fruit and structural damage and even tree death. Most commercial apple cultivars are susceptible and the resistance/susceptibility of many modern cultivars has not been evaluated. Fire blight resistance/susceptibility is difficult to phenotype due to quantitative resistance, impacts of tree vigour and environment on susceptibility, and the erratic nature of the disease. Resistance/susceptibility levels were determined for 94 apple cultivars and important breeding parents. In 2016 and 2017, multiple actively growing shoots per tree (about three trees per cultivar) were challenged with E. amylovora Ea153n via a cut-leaf inoculation method. Proportion of current season's shoot length blighted (SLB) was calculated for each shoot. To classify cultivar responses, estimated marginal SLB means were compared to four controls, representing highly susceptible (HS) to highly resistant (HR), via Dunnett's tests. Cultivar responses ranged from HS to HR with estimated marginal SLB means of 0.001–0.995 in 2016 and 0.000–0.885 in 2017. Most cultivars demonstrated similar resistance/susceptibility levels in both years (ρ = 0.657, P < 0.0001). K-means clustering was used to classify cultivars into three resistance/susceptibility groups based on incidence, average severity (SLB), and maximum severity values (maximum SLB and age of wood infected). Sixteen cultivars were consistently moderately resistant (MR) to HR while the remainder ranged from HS to MR. An updated comparison of susceptibility of important cultivars is provided. Resistance/susceptibility information gained could be used to identify genetic loci associated with resistance/susceptibility and/or inform parental selection in apple scion breeding programmes.  相似文献   

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