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Levin A  Baider A  Rubin E  Gisi U  Cohen Y 《Phytopathology》2001,91(6):579-585
ABSTRACT The ability of Phytophthora infestans, the causal agent of potato and tomato late blight, to produce oospores in potato tuber tissue was studied in the field and under laboratory conditions. In 1998 and 2000 field experiments, the canopy of potato cvs. Alpha and Mondial, respectively, were coinoculated with A1 + A2 sporangia of the fungus, and the infected tubers collected at harvest were examined for the presence of oospores. In 1998, only 2 of 90 infected tubers had oospores, whereas none of the 90 tubers examined in 2000 had any oospores. In the latter experiment, infected tubers kept in storage up to 12 weeks after harvest had no oospores. Artificial co-inoculations of whole tubers with A1 + A2 sporangia resulted only rarely in the formation of oospores inside the tubers. Co-inoculations of potato tuber discs taken from dormant tubers 0 to 16 weeks after harvest failed to support any oospore production, whereas discs taken from sprouting tubers of >/=18 weeks after harvest allowed oospores to form. Tuber discs showed enhanced oospore formation when treated before inoculation with either sugars, amino acids, casein hydrolysate, beta-sitosterol, or chloroethylphosphonic acid. In contrast, reducing airflow into the petri dishes where potato tuber discs were incubated reduced the number of oospores produced. The number of oospores produced in tuber tissue was lower compared with that in leaf tissue regardless of the origin of isolates used. The data show that the ability of Phytophthora infestans to produce oospores in potato tuber tissue is very limited and increases with tuber aging.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Sixty Ecuadorian isolates of Phytophthora infestans from potato and 60 isolates from tomato were compared for dilocus allozyme genotype, mitochondrial DNA haplotype, mating type, and specific virulence on 11 potato R-gene differential plants and four tomato cultivars, two of which contained different Ph genes. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) fingerprints of subsamples of isolates from each host were compared by using RG57 as the probe. All potato isolates had the allozyme genotype, haplotype, and mating type of the clonal lineage EC-1, which had been previously described in Ecuador. With the same markers, only one isolate from tomato was classified as EC-1; all others belonged to the globally distributed US-1 clonal lineage. RFLP fingerprints of isolate subsets corroborated this clonal lineage classification. Specific virulence on potato differentials was broadest among potato isolates, while specific virulence on tomato cultivars was broadest among tomato isolates. Some tomato isolates infected all tomato differentials but no potato differentials, indicating that specific virulence for the two hosts is probably controlled by different avirulence genes in P. infestans. In two separate experiments, the diameters of lesions caused by nine isolates from potato and 10 from tomato were compared on three tomato and three potato cultivars. All isolates produced larger lesions on the host from which they were isolated. No isolates were found that were highly aggressive on both tomato and potato. We conclude that there are two different populations of P. infestans in Ecuador and that they are separated by host.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT To test the hypothesis that host-related differences in the genotypic composition of populations of the late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans can be explained by differential pathogenicity, the aggressiveness of isolates of the pathogen collected in France from potato and tomato was measured on detached leaflets of potato (cv. Bintje) and tomato (cv. Marmande). A preliminary trial with four isolates (two each from potato and tomato) showed that lesion appearance and development were similar for each isolate in detached leaflets and in whole plant tests in growth cabinets. Isolates collected from tomato were more pathogenic to tomato than isolates collected from potato. This was particularly the case for isolates belonging to the A2 mating type. Isolates originating from potato had a higher infection efficiency and a higher sporulation capacity on this host, but they induced lesions that generally spread more slowly than those caused by isolates from tomato. Extensive variation for components of aggressiveness on potato, and to a lesser extent on tomato, was observed in collections of isolates from each of the two hosts. Competition experiments between one potato isolate and one tomato isolate in field plots of the susceptible potato cv. Bintje clearly demonstrated the higher competitive fitness of the potato isolate on its host of origin. Therefore, differential pathogenicity to potato and tomato certainly contributes to the differentiation between P. infestans populations present on potato and tomato in France; however, additional factors, possibly related to survival ability or random genetic drift, are probably also involved and may explain the persistence of weakly pathogenic isolates in these populations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Phytophthora infestans causes a destructive disease on tomato and potato. In North Carolina (NC) potatoes are mostly grown in the east, whereas tomatoes are grown in the mountainous areas in the western part of the state. Five genotypes of P. infestans were identified from 93 and 157 isolates collected from tomato and potato over a 5 year period between 1993 and 1998. All isolates collected from potato in eastern NC were the US-8 genotype, whereas only a single isolate was the US-1 genotype. Tuber blight was found on immature daughter tubers in a single field in 1997, however infection on mature tubers was not observed. Within potato fields, a range of sensitivity to metalaxyl was observed among isolates but all were either intermediate or highly resistant to the fungicide. In contrast, isolates from tomatoes included previously reported US-7 and US-8 genotypes and two new genotypes called US-18 and US-19 (A2 mating type, allozyme genotype Gpi 100/100 and Pep 92/100). These genotypes had unique restriction fragment length polymorphism banding patterns, were sensitive to metalaxyl, and have not been reported elsewhere. All genotypes, with the exception of the US-1, were the Ia mitochondrial haplotype. Thus, isolates of P. infestans from tomato were more genetically diverse over time in NC than those from potato and include two new genotypes that are sensitive to metalaxyl.  相似文献   

Rubin E  Baider A  Cohen Y 《Phytopathology》2001,91(11):1074-1080
ABSTRACT Tomato fruits at the mature green stage coinoculated with A1 + A2 sporangia of Phytophthora infestans, the late blight causal fungus, showed abundant oospores in the vascular tissues, pericarp, columella, and placenta. Oospores were also formed on the surface of fruits kept in moisture-saturated atmosphere. Occasionally, oospores were enclosed between the epidermal hairs of the seed coat. In a few seeds, oospores were detected inside the embryo. The data suggest that blighted tomato fruits may carry a large number of oospores, thus making them a threatening source of blight inoculum. Such fruits may also release airborne oosporic inoculum that may introduce recombinant genotypes within a growing season. Although Phytophthora infestans is seedborne in tomato, to our knowledge, this is the first report on the occurrence of oospores in tomato seeds. Whether such tomato seeds produce blighted seedlings remains to be shown.  相似文献   


A survey on the tomato late blight situation and current practices for disease management was carried out in Uganda using an informal structured questionnaire approach. Ten districts from different agroclimatic zones were selected for the survey. Phytophthora infestans isolates from tomatoes were obtained from the zones and only the A1 mating type was recovered. Tomato cultivation is practised year-round. The major commercial varieties grown, Moneymaker, Marglobe, Heinz and Roma, were susceptible to late blight. Late blight and bacterial wilt ( Pseudomonas solanacearum ) were the major diseases, with bollworm ( Helicoverpa armigera ) and thrips ( Thrips spp .) the major insect pests. Fungicides, mostly mancozeb, were the predominant control method used by farmers. Sanitation is practised by some farmers, but only in association with fungicides, to control late blight. Plant nutrition is not perceived as playing a major role in late blight management. Problems associated with pesticides and poor marketability were identified as major constraints to tomato production in Uganda.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The temporal and spatial patterns of Phytophthora infestans population genetic structure were analyzed in the Del Fuerte Valley, Sinaloa, Mexico, during the crop seasons of 1994 to 1995, 1995 to 1996, and 1996 to 1997 by geographical information systems. Isolates of P. infestans were obtained from infected tissue of tomato and potato collected from two areas: (i) where both potatoes and tomatoes are grown, and (ii) where only tomatoes are grown. The isolates were characterized by mating type, allozymes at the glucose-6-phosphate isomerase and peptidase loci, restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) fingerprint with probe RG57, metalaxyl sensitivity, and aggressiveness to tomato and potato. The results suggest presence of an asexual population with frequent immigrations from outside the valley. There was a shift of mating type in the population from predominantly A2 to completely A1 in this period. The co-occurrence of mating types was restricted to very few fields in the area around Los Mochis where tomato and potato crops are grown. Genotype variation based on allozyme analysis and mating type was low with only one genotype affecting both crops each year. The genotypes affecting both crops were the only genotypes highly aggressive to both tomato and potato in laboratory aggressiveness tests and the only genotypes widespread on both the tomato and potato crops in the valley each year. These predominant genotypes were highly resistant to the fungicide metalaxyl. Data on metalaxyl sensitivity indicate that allozyme analysis can discriminate between sensitive and resistant isolates in the Del Fuerte Valley. RFLP analysis with the probe RG57 gives further discrimination of genotypes within an allozyme genotype. In the 1995 to 1996 season, four different RFLP genotypes were found within an allozyme genotype. However, there were five other dilocus allozyme genotypes that could not be further split by RFLP analysis in 1995 to 1996 and 1996 to 1997 seasons. Spatial analysis of genotypes suggests that each season individual fields near Los Mochis became infected with one or more genotypes, but only a single genotype, aggressive on both potato and tomato, occurred south and east to the Guasave area.  相似文献   

Groves CT  Ristaino JB 《Phytopathology》2000,90(11):1201-1208
ABSTRACT A wide range of commercially formulated fungicides cause in vitro effects on mating behavior in specific isolates of Phytophthora infestans, the causal agent of late blight of potato and tomato. Four isolates of P. infestans representing each of the four common US genotypes, US-1, US-6, US-7, and US-8 and varying in their sensitivity to metalaxyl, were exposed to a variety of fungicides used to control late blight in petri dish assays at concentrations ranging from 1 to 100 mug a.i./ml. Exposure of each of these normally heterothallic single mating type isolates of P. infestans to 9 of the 11 commercial fungicide formulations tested resulted in the formation of oospores after 2 to 4 weeks. The highest numbers of oospores were formed on media amended with Ridomil 2E (metalaxyl) and Ridomil Gold EC (mefenoxam) at 0.1 to 10 mug a.i./ml, averaging as many as 471 and 450 oospores per petri dish, respectively. Several other fungicides including Maneb, Manzate (Mancozeb), Curzate (cymoxanil + mancozeb), and Acrobat MZ (dimethomorph + mancozeb) also induced oospore formation, producing from 0 to 200 oospores per plate at fungicide concentrations from 0.1 to 10 mug a.i./ml. The metalaxyl resistant isolates formed oospores in response to the fungicides more often than the metalaxyl sensitive isolates. No oospores were formed on media amended with Bravo (chlorothalonil) or Tattoo C (chlorothalonil + propamocarb HCl) and these compounds completely suppressed growth of the isolates at 0.1 and 1 mug a.i./ml. Three metalaxyl resistant A2 isolates mated with both A1 and A2 isolates after exposure to the fungicides Ridomil 2E and Ridomil Gold EC. Alterations in mating type expression were also observed in a metalaxyl sensitive A1 isolate after exposure to Benlate (benomyl). Copious amounts of chemicals are applied annually to potato and tomato production areas to control late blight. Our results indicate that a wide range of chemically diverse fungicides can induce normally heterothallic metalaxyl resistant isolates of P. infestans to form oospores in vitro after short exposures to the fungicides.  相似文献   

This work shows that the infection of potato (Solanum tuberosum) detached leaves by the late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans, was drastically reduced by adding deferoxamine, an exogenous iron chelator. Reactive oxygen species in leaves inoculated with P. infestans were also reduced after adding deferoxamine. A leaf ferritin cDNA fragment was obtained by PCR and used as probe for screening a tuber cDNA library. A cDNA (named StF1) encoding the iron-storing potato ferritin was cloned. StF1 is 915 bp in length and has an open reading frame of 230 amino acids that contains the information for the mature 28 kDa subunit of potato ferritin. StF1 was used as probe in northern blot hybridizations to analyze expression of the ferritin gene. In leaves, ferritin mRNA accumulated in response to pathogen attack. In tubers, ferritin mRNA increased upon treatment with the elicitor eicosapentaenoic acid. These results suggest that iron plays a role in the potato-P. infestans interaction.  相似文献   

Production, survival and infectivity of oospores of Phytophthora infestans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The formation of oospores of Phytophthora infestans was studied in tomato and potato crops and volunteer plants under field conditions, and in laboratory tests with leaf discs of potato cultivars differing in their level of race-nonspecific resistance. Oospores were readily detected in blight-affected tomato leaflets and fruits, and in leaflets of field crops and volunteer potato plants. Oospores extracted from blighted potato leaflets yielded 13 oospore-derived progeny. Oospores were also produced following inoculation of leaf discs of eight potato cultivars expressing different levels of race-nonspecific resistance with a mixture of sporangia of A1 and A2 isolates. The highest numbers of oospores were produced in cvs Bintje (susceptible) and Pimpernel (resistant), and the lowest in Nicola (intermediate resistance). The relationship between lesions per leaflet and oospore incidence, affected by varying A1 : A2 ratios, was explored using a simple mathematical model, and validated by comparing actual oospore production in leaflets with multiple lesions of the race-nonspecific-resistant potato clone Lan 22-21 with the predictions generated by the model. Survival of oospores was investigated after their incorporation in either a sandy or a light clay soil in buried clay pots exposed to the local weather conditions. Over 6 years these soils were regularly assessed for their infection potential using floating leaflets in a spore-baiting bioassay. Sandy and clay soils contaminated with oospores remained infectious for 48 and 34 months, respectively, when flooded. Infections of floating potato leaflets occurred within 84–92 h and ceased after 11 days. Soil samples remained infective if dried and re-flooded on two, but not more, occasions.  相似文献   

Thirty-six isolates of Phytophthora infestans originating from three different potato growing regions in the Netherlands were tested for their aggressiveness to leaves of potato cultivar Bintje under controlled conditions. Measurements of latent period, maximal growth rate, infection efficiency and sporulation intensity were made and a composite aggressiveness index was calculated. Large variation in aggressiveness was present among isolates for each regional P. infestans population studied. The three populations differed significantly in latent period, but not for maximal growth rate and infection efficiency. Phenotypic variation existed for all components of aggressiveness and the aggressiveness index in P. infestans from each regional source. No association was found between mating type and aggressiveness. It is concluded that high levels of variation for aggressiveness are being generated and maintained through sexual reproduction in P. infestans strains from regional potato growing practices.  相似文献   

The proteolytic activity present in the extracellular preparation (ECP) from suspension media of infective structures of the late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans was partially characterized. The proteolytic activity was analyzed in gelatin-containing SDS-PAGE. A discrete band of digested gelatin was visualized at approximately 45 kDa in ECPs from zoospores and germinating cysts media. Treatment of ECP with the protease inhibitor phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) or incubation at 100°C for 5 min completely abolished the proteolytic activity in the zymograph assay. When microinjected in potato leaves, ECP induce localized necrosis within 24 h post inoculation. This necrosis appeared in potato and was not visible in two non-host plants. Moreover, the necrosis seems to be dependent on active host metabolism. Treatments of ECP with Proteinase K, PMSF and boiling inhibited their ability to induce the necrotic response. These results suggest a correlation between, proteolytic and necrosis-inducing activities in ECP. A preliminary characterization with protease inhibitors suggests that the ECPs contain serine protease(s).  相似文献   

Samenvatting Uit combinaties van A1- en A2-paringstypen vanPhytophthora infestans werden zowel bij tomaat als bij aardappel oösporen verkregen in de plant. Oösporen werden niet in de bladeren gevormd, maar werden veelvuldig aangetroffen in de epidermis van de stengels. De proeven werden uitgevoerd in de klimaatkamer; de veldsituatie moet nog onderzocht worden.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Genetic structure of Phytophthora infestans, the causal agent of potato and tomato late blight, was analyzed spatially in a mixed potato and tomato production area in the Del Fuerte Valley, Sinaloa, Mexico. Isolates of P. infestans were characterized by mating type, allozyme analysis at the glucose-6-phosphate isomerase and peptidase loci, restriction fragment length polymorphism with probe RG57, metalaxyl sensitivity, and aggressiveness to tomato and potato. Spatial patterns of P. infestans genotypes were analyzed by geographical information systems and geo-statistics during the seasons of 1994-95, 1995-96, and 1996-97. Spatial analysis of the genetic structure of P. infestans indicates that geographic substructuring of this pathogen occurs in this area. Maps displaying the probabilities of occurrence of mating types and genotypes of P. infestans, and of disease severity at a regional scale, were presented. Some genotypes that exhibited differences in epidemiologically important features such as metalaxyl sensitivity and aggressiveness to tomato and potato had a restricted spread and were localized in isolated areas. Analysis of late blight severity showed recurring patterns, such as the earliest onset of the disease in the area where both potato and tomato were growing, strengthening the hypothesis that infected potato tubers are the main source of primary inoculum. The information that geostatistical analysis provides might help improve management programs for late blight in the Del Fuerte Valley.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A means for determining the rate of release, Q (spores per square meter per second), of spores from a source of inoculum is paramount for quantifying their further dispersal and the potential spread of disease. Values of Q were obtained for Phytophthora infestans sporangia released from an area source of diseased plants in a potato canopy by comparing the concentrations of airborne sporangia measured at several heights above the source, with the concentrations predicted by a Lagrangian Stochastic simulation model. An independent estimate of Q was obtained by quantifying the number of sporangia per unit area of source at the beginning of each sampling day by harvesting diseased plant tissue and enumerating sporangia from these samples. This standing spore crop was the potential number of sporangia released per area of source during the day. The standing spore crop was apportioned into time segments corresponding to sporangia concentration measurement periods using the time trace of sporangia sampled above the source by a Burkard continuous suction spore sampler. This apportionment of the standing spore crop yielded potential release rates that were compared with modeled release rates. The two independent estimates of Q were highly correlated (P = 0.003), indicating that the model has utility for predicting release rates for P. infestans sporangia and the spread of disease between fields.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The use of partially resistant cultivars should become an essential component of a sustainable management strategy of potato late blight, caused by Phytophthora infestans. It is therefore important to determine to what extent P. infestans populations can be selected for increased aggressiveness by potato cultivars with different levels of partial resistance. To this end, we sampled P. infestans populations from France and Morocco, chosen as locations where late blight occurs regularly but which differ in the distribution of potato cultivars. Cross-inoculation experiments were used to determine the aggressiveness of all populations to potato cvs. Bintje (prevalent in France but not grown in Morocco) and Désirée (popular in Morocco but cultivated to a very small extent in France). French populations were more aggressive on cv. Bintje than on cv. Désirée, irrespective of the site they were sampled from. Their aggressiveness increased between early and late samplings, suggesting that both cultivars selected for increased aggressiveness during epidemics. By contrast, Moroccan populations were more aggressive on Désirée, regarded as partially resistant in Europe, than on Bintje, highly susceptible under European conditions. These data indicate that P. infestans populations adapt to locally dominant cultivars, irrespective of their resistance levels, and can therefore overcome polygenic, partial resistance. This adaptive pattern may render partial resistance nondurable if not properly managed.  相似文献   

One hundred and eight isolates of Phytophthora infestans were collected from infected potato and tomato crops in the middle-north of Morocco during 1997–2000. Pairings of these isolates with tester isolates of mating type A1 and A2 revealed that 60% of the isolates were mating type A2 (65/108) and 40% were mating type A1. After 10 days incubation at 20 °C and a 16-h photoperiod, approximately 25% and 18% of the oospores produced in-vitro germinated in potato soil extract and potato root extract, respectively. Oospores were observed in potato leaf tissues in pairings that were fertile in-vitro. Maximum production of oospores was obtained in potato leaves of cultivars that were moderately susceptible (Desirée, Nicola) after 10 days of incubation at 15 °C and a 16-h photoperiod. These results confirm the presence of P. infestans strains that are sexually compatible under Moroccan climatic conditions. Production of oospores constitutes a threat for these crops because of the occurrence of recombinants with new virulences which may be difficult to control and as a consequence survival of oospores in absence of the host plant in the soil.  相似文献   

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