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A Comparison of Repair Methods for Gap Healing in Equine Flexor Tendon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In nine horses (18 forelimbs), a 3 cm section of superficial digital flexor tendon was removed and the tendons were repaired with immobilization for 6 weeks and (1) no suture (n = 6); (2) a double locking loop tenorrhaphy with carbon fiber (n = 6); or (3) a double locking loop tenorrhaphy with size 2 nylon suture (n = 6). Clinical assessment, gross evaluation, morphometry, histology, and mechanical testing were performed on two limbs from each treatment group at weeks 6, 12, and 24. At weeks 6 and 12, the unsutured tissue was less mature than the tissue sutured with nylon. By week 24, the carbon fiber repair had breaking stress (mean, 12.5 M Pa) similar to the unsutured repair (mean, 10.6 M Pa). There was necrosis and a granulomatous foreign body reaction around the carbon fiber. The nylon suture repair had significantly greater strength per unit area (mean breaking stress, 20.4 M Pa) because of a smaller area of repair tissue in the gap (mean, 3.6 cm2). At week 24, the nylon suture repair tissue was the most mature with the least inflammation of the three repair methods. A nylon double locking loop suture was the preferred method for equine flexor tenorrhaphy of a tendon gap because of greater breaking stress, histologic maturity, biocompatibility, and the adequate functional and cosmetic outcome.  相似文献   

Endoscopy of the Digital Flexor Tendon Sheath in Horses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An arthroscopic procedure for examination of the digital flexor tendons and tendon sheath was developed in 16 equine limbs and 12 horses. Distension of the tendon sheath and insertion of the arthroscope was accomplished through a cul-de-sac on the palmar or plantar surface of the tendon sheath 1 to 2 cm palmar or plantar to the digital neurovascular structures and between the annular ligament and proximal digital annular ligament. A single arthroscope entry point allowed examination of all regions of the tendon sheath cavity and most surfaces of the digital flexor tendons within the sheath. Distal to the fetlock, surgical procedures could be performed through additional entry portals on the lateral, medial, or palmar surfaces of the tendon sheath. The palmar digital vessels and nerves were avoided by palmar placement of the instrument incisions and insertion of a needle before incising the skin. The fetlock canal and proximal regions of the tendon sheath were examined by redirecting the arthroscope. Flexion of the fetlock aided passage of the arthroscope into the proximal tendon sheath regions. Evaluation of the palmar surface of the superficial digital flexor tendon was limited by the midline attachment of the tendon sheath, otherwise the surfaces of the tendons and tendon sheath could be examined with 25 degrees and 70 degrees arthroscopes. The tendon sheath was more tightly invested to the tendons in the proximal regions, limiting the arthroscope movements and second instrument access.  相似文献   

Desmotomy of the accessory ligament of the deep digital flexor tendon is advocated to allow for lengthening of the deep digital flexor musculotendinous unit and axial realignment of the bones of the digit. This procedure has several indications. It can be performed using either the open or the minimally invasive surgical approach. This article describes both surgical approaches. Corrective shoeing before surgery contributes to success in both surgical approaches. The cosmetic results obtained after the minimally invasive procedure are much better as compared with those after the open surgical procedure. The minimally invasive approach compares favorably with results reported after using an open surgical approach and offers the advantages of minimally invasive surgery including reduced incision length, reduced morbidity, and improved cosmetic outcome. The minimally invasive approach may be also performed on the standing sedated horse.  相似文献   

The following report documents an unusual anatomical finding in two cases of aseptic tenosynovitis of the digital flexor tendon sheath. Disruption of the vinculum attachment between the palmar/plantar border of the superficial digital flexor tendon and the adjacent palmar/plantar annular ligament was identified in combination with other tendon pathology within the digital flexor tendon sheath. This tenoscopic finding has not been described previously in the literature.  相似文献   

Injury of the distal aspect of the deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT) is a recognized cause of lameness, but diagnosis is difficult. This study aimed to improve understanding of DDFT morphology and pathology using retrospective evaluation of magnetic resonance (MR) images. We hypothesized that: (1) The distal aspect of the DDFT in normal horses would have a repeatable proximal/distal pattern and symmetry between limbs and between lobes; (2) DDFT dimensions would be related to bodyweight, navicular bone dimensions and hoof size; (3) this symmetry and pattern would be lost in DDFT injury; and (4) DDFT size would increase with injury. MR images of 64 live horse limbs, 26 with no identified DDFT lesion and 38 with identified DDFT abnormalities, and 19 normal cadaver limbs were analyzed. Using standardized transverse images, measurements of DDFT cross-sectional area, medial-lateral (ML) width and dorsal-palmar depth were obtained at six preselected sites. A uniform distal to proximal shape pattern was identified in all horses. The flattened crescent shape at the insertion changed to a deeper bilobed shape more proximally, with the mid-navicular area having the greatest cross-sectional area. Strong ML (P < 0.0006) and left/right symmetry (P < 0.02) were observed. In addition, there was a strong association between DDFT cross-sectional area and horse weight (P = 0.005) and between DDFT and navicular bone ML width (P = 0.004). Symmetry between sides or between lobes was lost at sites with a unilateral lesion and correlation between horse weight and DDFT cross-sectional area was lost in the presence of lesions. DDFTs with core lesions had a consistent increase in cross-sectional area overall, but other lesion types had no significant increase in size. The shape and symmetry seen in normal tendons could be related to the mechanical demands placed upon individual lobes. The limited increase in cross-sectional area with injury may be explained by the restrictive structures of the hoof, possibly explaining the ongoing pain seen in such lesions.  相似文献   

Deep digital flexor tendon transection at the mid-metacarpus was performed in 20 horses with severe acute or chronic laminitis that was not responsive to conventional treatment. Sixteen horses improved within 72 hours, one horse worsened, and two horses were unaffected by the surgery. Eleven horses survived less than 1 month after surgery and six horses survived longer than 6 months. Three horses surviving longer than 6 months have remained lame and no horse has returned to athletic performance. Transection of the deep digital flexor tendon at the mid-metacarpus may decrease the pain associated with the acute refractory stage of laminitis and may be useful as an immediate salvage procedure; however, despite the early clinical improvement observed after tenotomy, the survival rate of affected horses may not be altered.  相似文献   

The vascular and microvascular anatomy of the equine deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT) within the digital sheath was studied by injecting the vasculature with either colored latex or barium sulphate for radiographic, microangiographic, histologic, and computed tomographic (CT) evaluation. Consecutive 4-mm thick two-dimensional CT slice data were reconstructed to 3-dimen-sional volumetric images to enhance spatial evaluation of the blood supply. Gross dissection and angiographic studies identified three major vascular sources. Above the fetlock, the DDFT was supplied by either a branch of the medial palmar artery (Arteriae digitalis palmaris communis II) or a branch of the medial palmar digital artery (A. digitalis [palmaris propria III] medialis). Below the fetlock, the DDFT was supplied by branches from the lateral and medial palmar branches to the proximal phalanx (Ramus palmaris phalangis proximalis). The most distal aspect of the tendon received small branches from the medial and lateral palmar digital arteries. Using histology and microangiography we observed an extensive and uniform intratendinous vascular network above and below the fetlock, with a relatively avascular region of tendon palmar to the fetlock. The most distal 2.0 to 2.5 cm of the tendon within the sheath was heavily infiltrated with fibrocartilage along its dorsal aspect.  相似文献   

Dissections were performed to study the surgical anatomy for desmotomy of the accessory ligament of the superficial digital flexor tendon (proximal check ligament [PCL]). The surgical approach was initiated by incising the skin cranial to the cephalic vein and caudal to the distal radius. A palpable foramen in the antebrachial fascia that transmits a branch of the cephalic vein was used to advance deeper dissection. After the antebrachial fascia was incised, the fan-shaped PCL was exposed by retracting the en-sheathed tendon of the flexor carpi radialis muscle caudally. Desmotomy was performed gradually to avoid severing branches of the palmar carpal rete that pervade the ligament. Complete transection was evidenced by visualization of the membranous roof of the carpal canal distally, the muscle belly of the radial head of the deep digital flexor centrally, and loose areolar connective tissue along the caudal radius proximally. The vessels of the palmar carpal rete were visible coursing between the severed edges of the PCL. This report highlights relevant anatomic landmarks to facilitate an accurate desmotomy.  相似文献   

Twelve tarsi from six horses humanely destroyed for reasons unrelated to the study were dissected and measurements of the calcaneal insertions of the superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT) were acquired. The medial calcaneal insertions of the SDFT ranged in length and thickness from 4.0 to 5.4 cm and 0.3 to 0.5 cm, respectively, and the lateral calcaneal insertions ranged in length and width from 4.0 to 6.3 cm and 0.3 to 0.5 cm, respectively. The calcaneal insertions of the SDFT of both hind limbs of six horses with no history or clinical signs of hind limb lameness and no palpable abnormality of the tarsi were examined ultrasonographically. The medial calcaneal insertion of the SDFT was of uniform echogenicity, thickest at the attachment to the SDFT, and smoothly tapering to its insertion on the plantaromedial aspects of the calcaneus. The lateral calcaneal insertion was less echogenic adjacent to the SDFT than the tendon itself but was of similar echogenicity toward the insertion on the plantarolateral aspect of the calcaneus. Three horses with full-thickness incomplete tears of the medial calcaneal insertion of the SDFT had variable enlargement of the calcaneal bursa, an unstable (n = 2) or stable (n = 1) SDFT and lameness. The presence of an extensive but incomplete full-thickness tear of the medial calcaneal insertion of the SDFT was determined ultrasonographically in all horses.  相似文献   

Transection of the accessory ligament of the deep digital flexor muscle (distal check ligament desmotomy) was completed in 44 horses using an ultrasound-guided technique. The technique used real-time ultrasound with a 7.5 MHz transducer to observe the dissection and isolation of the check ligament through a 1 to 1.5 cm incision and to check for complete transection of the check ligament. The technique was effective in correcting flexural deformity of the distal inter-phalangeal joint and the metacarpophalangeal joint in all but three horses. Check ligament desmotomy at a young age (median, 6 months) resulted in more horses with normal foot conformation than when surgery was completed at an older age (median, 12 months). Age at surgery had no effect on subsequent appearance of the surgical site. Based on the authors experience this technique reduced immediate postoperative wound morbidity.  相似文献   



To evaluate the frequency of inadvertent penetration of the digital flexor tendon sheath (DFTS) and/or distal interphalangeal joint (DIPJ) when using a direct endoscopic approach to the navicular bursa, and to evaluate an alternate direct approach to the navicular bursa.

Study Design

Cadaveric study.

Sample Population

Equine cadaver limbs (n = 40 for direct; n = 12 for alternate approach).


Four surgeons performed the direct endoscopic approach to the navicular bursa on 10 limbs each. Frequencies of inadvertent synovial penetration and iatrogenic damage were compared between surgeons. Use of an alternate direct approach, adopting a straight parasagittal trajectory, was evaluated by 2 surgeons.


Inadvertent synovial penetration occurred in 45% of limbs (DFTS 37.5%; DIPJ 17.5%; and both structures 10%). Successful bursa entry was achieved on the first attempt in 45% of limbs. Significant variation in frequency of inadvertent synovial penetration was observed between surgeons (range 10–80%). Inadvertent synovial penetration did not occur when using the alternate direct technique. Iatrogenic damage to navicular bone fibrocartilage and/or deep digital flexor tendon occurred in 55% of limbs using the direct endoscopic approach and in 0% of limbs using the alternate direct approach.


Because of the considerable risk of inadvertent penetration of the DFTS and/or the DIPJ when making a direct endoscopic approach to the navicular bursa, it is advisable to investigate for inadvertent penetration when treating navicular bursa sepsis using a direct approach. The alternate direct technique may reduce the risk of inadvertent penetration; however, the view within the bursa may be restricted.  相似文献   

During endoscopy (tenoscopy) of the distal aspect of the equine digital flexor tendon sheath (DFTS), the digital manica flexoria can be visualized connecting the distal branches of the superficial digital flexor tendon. However, this structure has been inconsistently described and variably named in the veterinary literature. The objectives of this study were to describe the presence, configuration and variability of the digital manica flexoria in the equine distal limb. Dissection of 144 equine cadaveric limbs revealed the presence of this structure in all the feet, although different types and conformations were identified. In the forelimbs, a membranous digital manica flexoria predominated (94%; < 0.001), in particular a synovial bridge type (83%; < 0.001). In the hindlimbs, a tendinous digital manica flexoria predominated (93%; < 0.001), in particular the oblique‐crossing of tendinous bundles (61%; < 0.001). Passage dorsal to the digital manica flexoria towards the distal DFTS was only possible in 22 of the 144 limbs, all forelimbs. Clinicians should be aware of the intra‐ and inter‐individual anatomical variations of the digital manica flexoria to avoid misinterpretation during ultrasonographic and tenoscopic examinations of the DFTS.  相似文献   

At 114 ranches in the Hidaka District of Hokkaido, a total of 1,118 Thoroughbred foals that were born from January to June 2003 were examined at different times from May to September of the same year to ascertain the occurrence of clubfoot. Clubfoot was seen in a total of 179 foals (16%) at 89 ranches (78%). Also, 124 of the 179 foals (69.3%) had clubfoot of grade II or higher, and it was found that grade I was likely to be overlooked or rapidly advance. In the present study, the occurrence of clubfoot was higher than expected in the investigated region. Hence, it is necessary to establish accurate diagnostic techniques and clubfoot guidelines to minimize the impact.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to determine the efficacy of urinary bladder matrix (UBM) in collagenase-induced superficial digital flexor (SDF) tendonitis by using clinical, ultrasonographic, and histologic data. A total of eight healthy adult horses were used in this study. Bilateral forelimb SDF tendonitis was created in the horses by injecting collagenase. After 14 days, one randomly selected forelimb SDF tendon was blindly treated with UBM and the opposite tendon was treated with a control (saline). Clinical and ultrasonographic parameters including lameness, lesion size, ultrasonographic fiber pattern, and echogenicity were measured throughout the study. After 84 days, horses were euthanized and SDF tendon lesions from the two groups were compared statistically using an analysis of variance with significance set at P ≤ .05.Results showed that there were no significant differences between the treated and control tendons for any of the clinical, ultrasonographic, gross, or histologic variables. UBM does not appear to be an effective treatment for collagenase-induced SDF tendonitis. However, there may be differences in clinical tendonitis that might render the treatment more effective in the clinical setting.  相似文献   

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