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This report describes a 4-year-old goat with posterior paresis and subsequent paralysis caused by malignant lymphoma. The goat was referred to our clinic because of progressive posterior ataxia, which developed into posterior paresis and paralysis. The goat was presented in sternal recumbency but was able to assume a dog-sitting position. A neurological examination revealed reduced sensitivity to pricking of the skin with a needle, and a bilateral reduced panniculus reflex. The cerebrospinal fluid was slightly cloudy with increases in the protein concentration and leukocyte count, which consisted of 98 % lymphocytes, 1 % monocytes and 1 % neutrophils; three cells had mitotic figures. Based on the clinical findings, a tentative diagnosis of central nervous system disease of the thoracolumbar spinal cord was made, and euthanasia and postmortem examination were carried out. The lymph nodes in the ileosacral region appeared as a 15 × 12 × 5 cm confluent mass, which involved the ventral vertebral column and infiltrated the spinal canal. Histological examination of the tumour yielded a diagnosis of microcytic malignant lymphoma.  相似文献   

Multicentric B-cell lymphoma with extensive retrobulbar involvement was diagnosed in a 6-year-old Nubian goat that was presented with conjunctival swelling and exophthalmos. Serologic testing for bovine leukemia virus (BLV) was negative. Postmortem computed tomography aided in identification of the extent of soft tissue and bone lesions.  相似文献   

A 6-year-old female goat was presented with a seborrhoeic dermatosis of 5 months duration. The condition developed following a severe enteritis associated with weight loss. Dermatological examination showed a generalized greasy seborrhoeic dermatosis, which spared the head and extremities of the limbs. Microscopic examination of impression smears of lesional skin revealed numerous yeasts typical of Malassezia sp. Culture on Sabouraud's dextrose agar yielded Malassezia pachydermatis growth. Histopathological examination of haematoxylin/eosin and safranin (HES) stained sections of biopsies showed mild lymphocytic superficial perivascular hyperplastic dermatitis. Numerous budding yeasts were visible both on the surface, and follicular keratin, in HES and periodic acid Schiff (PAS) stained sections. A dramatic response was observed after 1 week of a topical anti-Malassezia treatment, and the resolution of the condition was complete after 4 weeks.  相似文献   

Lateral and ventrodorsal radiographs were obtained from 30 West African dwarf goats with dystocia. The pelvic size was estimated from the ventrodorsal radiographs as the product of the transverse and conjugate diameters of the pelvic inlet. Radiography clearly showed the number of fetuses present, their presentation and position. The posture was clearly defined in singletons but not in twins and triplets. The commonest abnormal fetal disposition was bilateral flexion of the forelimbs with the head in the pelvic canal. The major maternal abnormality was small pelvic area. Of 19 dead fetuses, 13 showed radiographic signs of intrauterine death including free intracavity gas, tissue emphysema, abnormal fetal disposition and overlapping cranial bones. It was concluded that radiography is useful during examination of goats with dystocia especially small sized goats that cannot be manipulated easily.  相似文献   

In a female Thuringian forest goat osteoporosis, dwarfism and anaemia were found. The animal was kept on a hobby farm with 30 further goats that did not show clinical signs. Radiological examination, computed tomographic imaging and pathological examination revealed reduced bone density and numerous fractures associated with limited or completely absent callus formation. Incineration of selected bones did not show any differences concerning the contents of calcium and phosphorus when compared to two control goats. Therefore, a regular mineralisation of the bone matrix was indicated. The dysfunction associated with the osteogenesis was assumed to be a copper deficiency.  相似文献   

A 4-year old pygmy goat with chronic paraparesis of the hindlimbs was referred to the Ruminant Clinic of the University of Berne. The causative lesion was localized to the thoracolumbar spinal cord after a thorough clinical examination. Because a radiographic examination of the spine had not been diagnostic, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed. A mass compressing the spinal cord in the region of L2-L5 was detected. The goat was euthanized and autopsied, which allowed for the definitive diagnosis of lymphosarcoma. In addition to the changes in the lumbar area, further neoplastic masses were detected in the region of the thoracic vertebrae, near the thoracic aperture, on the lungs and on the pericardium. However, these processes had not yet caused clinical signs. MRI investigation allowed for the ante mortem diagnosis of an infiltrative mass in the spinal canal of this goat.  相似文献   

Thirty-four Syrian goats were investigated for postnatal uterus development, from the first day after parturition to the age of six months. Structures were found to undergo conspicuously early differentiation. Full morphological uterus development was established at the age of three to four months. Syrian goat thus is sexually mature at that early age. This is considered to be essential to good suitability of Syrian goat as experimental animal.  相似文献   

The effect of gonadal hormones on the plasma elimination and urinary metabolite profile of antipyrine was studied in dwarf goats. Female goats were treated with testosterone and male goats were treated with 17β-oestradiol. Castrated males were treated with either testosterone or 17β-oestradiol. Antipyrine (25 mg/kg, i.v.) was given both before and after the hormonal treatments. The effects of the hormonal status on the plasma elimination of the parent compound were not consistent. This was possibly due to the fact that formation of the main metabolite of antipyrine in the goat, 4-hydroxy antipyrine (OHA), was not affected by sex or hormonal treatment. On the other hand, there were clear effects of hormonal status on urinary excretion of the three other metabolites. In females and castrated males testosterone suppressed the formation of norantipyrine (NORA), 3-hydroxymethylantipyrine (HMA) and 4,4'-dihydroxyantipyrine (DOHA). Intact males produced smaller amounts of these metabolites than females. It is concluded that distinct xenobiotic metabolizing pathways exist in the dwarf goat, which are influenced in their activity by gonadal hormones. This confirms previous findings in rats and mice. The possibility that sex hormones influence drug metabolism in food-producing animals could have consequences for veterinary therapeutics and public health. This study also demonstrates that, when using the antipyrine test for the assessment of hepatic drug metabolism, it is very important to include the determination of metabolites.  相似文献   

The efficacy of sulfadimidine (4 doses of 33 mg/kg body weight, IM, q48h) against Toxoplasma abortion was assessed in 3 dairy goat herds suffering from Toxoplasma abortions during the 4th month of gestation. This protocol was very effective for the control of Toxoplasma abortions (P < 0.01).  相似文献   

The fertility of ten West African Dwarf goats in which oestrus was induced with PGF2 alpha was comparable to that of the five West African Dwarf goats in the control group. Performance indices as determined by duration of oestrus and length of gestation were not affected. Similarly the birth weight of kids was not significantly influenced. However, treated goats were superior to controls when the interval from commencement of experiment to oestrus is considered, although there was no difference between the two treated groups of goats (5 mg vs 10 mg PGF2 alpha). Results showed that PGF2 alpha could be an important tool in oestrus synchronization and thus in controls of the reproductive performance of the West African Dwarf goats under humid lowland tropical environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Genital tracts from 15 cows with catarrhal and purulent inflammation of the uterus and uterine tubes, cystic hyperplasia of the endometrium, or hydrosalpinx were evaluated by the use of scanning electron microscopy to determine epithelial changes associated with these conditions. Uterine epithelium was revealed to be easily damaged, even in the course of mild inflammation, whereas epithelium of the uterine tube was more resistant.  相似文献   

In this study of the pregnant uterus of the ewe and the pygmy goat, the simultaneous use of real-time ultrasound scanning and electromyography is introduced. In unanaesthetized animals it was possible to visualize the uterine wall, the placentomes, parts of the fetal skeleton, the fetal kidneys, different parts of the fetal stomach and several structures of the fetal heart and vascular system. From these features the intra-abdominal position of the fetus could be determined. It was observed that Episodes of Myometrial Electrical Activity (EMEA's), as registered by chronically implanted uterine surface electrodes, coincided with passive displacements of the fetus in the direction of the maternal pelvis. These passive displacements could clearly be discerned from active fetal body movements. In both species the number of active fetal movements was significantly reduced during and/or shortly after an EMEA. In one of the pygmy goats, in which three different types of movement were discerned, this reduction of fetal movements could be studied in more detail.It is concluded that real-time ultrasound scanning of the fetus in small ruminants might contribute to studies of the complex maternal-fetal interactions that exist during late gestation.  相似文献   

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