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The role of inheritance in behavior   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Inheritance plays a major role in behavior as shown by selection and strain studies for animal behavior and by twin and adoption studies for human behavior. Unlike simple Mendelian characteristics, genetic variance for behavioral dimensions and disorders rarely accounts for more than half of the phenotypic variance, and multiple genes with small effects appear to be involved rather than one or two major genes. Genetic research on behavior will be transformed by techniques of molecular biology that can be used to identify DNA sequences responsible for behavioral variation. However, the importance of nongenetic factors and the multigenetic control of behavior require new strategies to detect DNA markers that account for small amounts of behavioral variation.  相似文献   

在真核细胞中,许多小的非编码RNA与Argonaute蛋白结合形成RNA诱导沉默复合体,并通过识别互补的靶标RNA来调控基因表达,此过程叫RNA干扰。在植物的RNA干扰途径中,Argonaute-sRNA复合物可以通过多种不同的机制发挥作用,进而参与病原体防御、植物发育调控等关键的生物过程。综述了Argonaute蛋白的分类和结构特征、在植物体中参与RNA干扰的机制及生物学功能等研究进展。  相似文献   

Guanosine 5'-triphosphate (GTP)-binding proteins (G proteins) are involved in exocytosis, endocytosis, and recycling of vesicles in yeast and mammalian secretory cells. However, little is known about their contribution to fast synaptic transmission. We loaded guanine nucleotide analogs directly into a giant nerve terminal in rat brainstem slices. Inhibition of G-protein activity had no effect on basal synaptic transmission, but augmented synaptic depression and significantly slowed recovery from depression. A nonhydrolyzable GTP analog blocked recovery of transmission from activity-dependent depression. Neither effect was accompanied by a change in presynaptic calcium currents. Thus, G proteins contribute to fast synaptic transmission by refilling synaptic vesicles depleted after massive exocytosis.  相似文献   

Neutral cannabinoids with a pentyl side chain-for example, cannabidiol, tetrahydrocannabinol, and cannabinol-are generally accompanied by homologs with a propyl side chain, of which at least one has psychotropic activity. Samples of hashish and marihuana from Asia especially sometimes have abundant amounts of propyl cannabinoids, the quantities being of the same order as that of the accompanying pentyl cannabinoids. Detection and identification of the propyl and pentyl cannabinoids in gas chromatography and thin-layer chromatography is discussed.  相似文献   

Encephalitogenic protein: structure   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Amino acid sequences of encephalitogenic proteins from bovine cord and rabbit brain are reported. The bovine protein contains 45 residues. The rabbit protein is identical except for two isopolar substitutions, a dipeptide and amino acid deletion. Analysis of this protein and a 140-residue myelin basic protein indicates that the smaller protein is a portion of the larger encephalitogen. The larger myelin protein contains at least two encephalitogenic sites.  相似文献   

Protein actions are usually discussed in terms of static structures, but function requires motion. We find a strong correlation between phosphorylation-driven activation of the signaling protein NtrC and microsecond time-scale backbone dynamics. Using nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation, we characterized the motions of NtrC in three functional states: unphosphorylated (inactive), phosphorylated (active), and a partially active mutant. These dynamics are indicative of exchange between inactive and active conformations. Both states are populated in unphosphorylated NtrC, and phosphorylation shifts the equilibrium toward the active species. These results support a dynamic population shift between two preexisting conformations as the underlying mechanism of activation.  相似文献   

Li L  Lok SM  Yu IM  Zhang Y  Kuhn RJ  Chen J  Rossmann MG 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2008,319(5871):1830-1834
Many viruses go through a maturation step in the final stages of assembly before being transmitted to another host. The maturation process of flaviviruses is directed by the proteolytic cleavage of the precursor membrane protein (prM), turning inert virus into infectious particles. We have determined the 2.2 angstrom resolution crystal structure of a recombinant protein in which the dengue virus prM is linked to the envelope glycoprotein E. The structure represents the prM-E heterodimer and fits well into the cryo-electron microscopy density of immature virus at neutral pH. The pr peptide beta-barrel structure covers the fusion loop in E, preventing fusion with host cell membranes. The structure provides a basis for identifying the stages of its pH-directed conformational metamorphosis during maturation, ending with release of pr when budding from the host.  相似文献   

The primary structure and heterogeneity of tau protein from mouse brain   总被引:74,自引:0,他引:74  
Tau protein is a family of microtubule binding proteins, heterogeneous in molecular weight, that are induced during neurite outgrowth and are found prominently in neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimer's disease. The predicted amino acid sequences of two forms of tau protein from mouse brain were determined from complementary DNA clones. These forms are identical in their amino-terminal sequences but differ in their carboxyl-terminal domains. Both proteins contain repeated sequences that may be tubulin binding sites. The sequence suggests that tau is an elongated molecule with no extensive alpha-helical or beta-sheet domains. These complementary DNAs should enable the study of various functional domains of tau and the study of tau expression in normal and pathological states.  相似文献   

Tungsten carbide has been shown to be an effective catalyst for a number of reactions that are readily catalyzed by platinum, but not at all by tungsten, and it was speculated that this behavior is due to changes in the electron distribution when carbon is added to tungsten. A test of this hypothesis, made by measuring the valence band x-ray photoelectron spectrum of tungsten carbide and comparing it with the spectra of tungsten and platinum, shows that, near the Fermi level, the electronic density of states of tungsten carbide more nearly resembles that of platinum than that of tungsten.  相似文献   

简要介绍了当前蛋白质结构研究技术的发展、主要方向、以及蛋白质研究技术的应用前景  相似文献   

Newly emerged, juvenile wolf spiders do not settle on clothed or shaved areas of their mother's abdomen until after a period of days. Spiny, knobbed hairs, peculiar to adult female lycosids, apparently provide the stimulus and means for attachment by the inner layer of spiderlings. Innervated long, smooth hairs are mechanoreceptors which probably serve in other aspects of brood care.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C, the major phorbol ester receptor, was purified from bovine brain and through the use of oligonucleotide probes based on partial amino acid sequence, complementary DNA clones were derived from bovine brain complementary DNA libraries. Thus, the complete amino acid sequence of bovine protein kinase C was determined, revealing a domain structure. At the amino terminal is a cysteine-rich domain with an internal duplication; a putative calcium-binding domain follows, and there is at the carboxyl terminal a domain that shows substantial homology, but not identity, to sequences of other protein kinase.  相似文献   

The v-sis oncogene encodes a platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-related product whose transforming activity is mediated by its functional interaction with the PDGF receptor. PDGF, as well as processed forms of the v-sis gene product, is a disulfide-linked dimer with eight conserved cysteine residues in the minimum region necessary for biologic activity. Site-directed mutagenesis of the v-sis gene revealed that each conserved cysteine residue was required directly or indirectly for disulfide-linked dimer formation. However, substitution of serine for cysteine codons at any of four positions had no detrimental effect on transforming activity of the encoded v-sis protein. These results establish that interchain disulfide bonds are not essential in order for this protein to act as a functional ligand for the PDGF receptor. The remaining four substitutions of serine for cysteine each inactivated transforming function of the molecule. In each case this was associated with loss of a conformation shown to involve intramolecular disulfide bonds. These studies provide insight into the role of individual cysteine residues in determining the structure of the sis/PDGF molecule critical for biological activity.  相似文献   

Intrinsic and extrinsic factors in protein antigenic structure   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  
Recent advances in the preparation of synthetic peptide vaccines and the use of synthetic peptides as probes of antigenic structure and function have led to renewed interest in the prediction of antigenic sites recognized by antibodies and T cells. This review focuses on antibodies. Features intrinsic to the antigen, such as hydrophilicity and mobility, may be useful in the selection of amino acid sequences of the native protein that will elicit antibodies cross-reacting with peptides, or sequences which, as peptides, will be more likely to elicit antibodies cross-reactive with the native protein. Structural mobility may also contribute to protein-protein interactions in general. However, the entire accessible surface of a protein is likely to be detectable by a large enough panel of antibodies. Which of these antibodies are made in any individual depends on factors extrinsic to the antigen molecule, host factors such as self-tolerance, immune response genes, idiotype networks, and the immunoglobulin structural gene repertoire.  相似文献   

The terrestrial snail Cepaea nemoralis, when placed on a 40 degrees C hot plate, lifts the anterior portion of its foot. The latency of this response is influenced by morphine and by naloxone in a dose-dependent and time-dependent manner. Morphine increases the time taken to respond, whereas naloxone reduces it. Furthermore, naloxone abolishes the effect of morphine. These results indicate that an opiate system may have a role in this behavior, which resembles that reported in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Contemporary methodology for protein structure determination   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The techniques used for the characterization of protein and peptide structure have undergone great changes that have improved the speed, reliability, and applicability of the process. High-performance liquid chromatography and gel electrophoresis have made the purification of proteins and peptides a routine procedure, even when the compound of interest is a minor component of a complex biological mixture. The chemistry and instrumentation used in amino acid analysis and amino acid sequencing now permit the analysis of as little as 5 to 50 picomoles of samples. This represents an increase in sensitivity of more than a thousandfold over the last 10 years and has made possible the structural analysis of a wide variety of scarce but important compounds.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP receptor protein: role in transcription activation   总被引:174,自引:0,他引:174  

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