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Ten stable hybridoma cell lines secreting monoclonal antibodies to grapevine fleck virus (GFkV) were selected after fusing spleen cells of immunized Balb/C mice with mouse myeloma cells (SP2/0-Ag 14). All MAbs reacted positively in ELISA with leaf extracts from fifty GFkV-infected grapevines from various geographical origins. MAb 2B5 was used for routine detection of GFkV and appeared to be more sensitive than polyclonal antibodies. The first attempt to purify GFkV by immunoaffinity chromatography using MAb 2B5 led to highly purified coat protein. This procedure encompassed fewer steps and allowed the use of tissues other than rootlets for satisfactory purification.  相似文献   

Thirty six isolates of Phoma tracheiphila from Italy, the causal agent of the mal secco disease on Citrus species, were characterised by different molecular tools in comparison with representative isolates of other phytopathogenic Phoma species. These included analysis of the distribution of RAPD and microsatellite markers and sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the nuclear rRNA genes. The results obtained with 12 RAPD primers (92 markers) and 7 microsatellite primers (56 markers) suggest that Italian isolates of P. tracheiphila are genetically homogeneous, leading to identical patterns upon amplification with all the tested primers. Accordingly, ITSI-5.8S-ITS2 sequences were highly conserved (98–100% identity along a 544-characters alignment) among all the isolates of P. tracheiphila. A neighbor-joining analysis of ITS sequences of P. tracheiphila in comparison with those of other Phoma species, as well as with alignable sequences from anamorphic and teleomorphic taxa retrieved in BLAST searches, revealed a close relationship between P. tracheiphila and Leptosphaeria congesta. A pair of P. tracheiphila-specific primers was designed on the consensus sequence (555 residues) obtained from the alignment of the newly generated P. tracheiphila ITS sequences. A PCR-based specific assay coupled to electrophoretic separation of amplicons made it possible to detect P. tracheiphila in naturally infected Citrus wood tissue collected from both symptomatic and symptomless plants. The limit of detection was 10 pg of genomic DNA and 5 fg of the ITS target sequence.  相似文献   

PCR-based methods were developed for the detection and quantification of the potato pathogen Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea (S. subterranea) in peel, tuber washings and soil. A partial sequence was obtained for S. subterranea ribosomal DNA and specific PCR primers (Sps1 and Sps2) were chosen from the internal transcribed spacer regions. These primers amplified a 391bp product from S. subterranea DNA but did not amplify DNA from potato or a range of soil-borne microbes, including related species. Diluted S. subterranea DNA was detected at a concentration equivalent to 25×10–5 cystosori or 1 zoospore per PCR. Amplification was detected from peel and washings of infected and apparently healthy tubers, but not from peel of Scottish classified seed potatoes or axenically micropropagated potatoes. A rapid method for extracting S. subterranea DNA from soils was developed. This yielded DNA pure enough for PCR within 3h and facilitated the detection of 1–5 cystosori per gram of soil. A PCR quantification technique was developed involving comparison of product ratios obtained after co-amplification of S. subterranea DNA along with an internal standard (competitor DNA fragment). This quantitative technique was also adapted for use in soil. PCR detection of S. subterranea in soil was considerably more sensitive than previously reported immunoassays and was quicker and easier than conventional bait plant bioassays. Such an assay could be useful for developing disease risk assessments for field soils and seed potato stocks and for future studies on the ecology and control of S. subterranea.  相似文献   

Hydroponically grown cucumber (Cucumis sativus) seedlings were inoculated with zoospores of 1 mycoparasitic (Pythium oligandrum) and 2 pathogenic (Pythium aphanidermatum and Pythium group F) Pythium spp. During the first 2 days after inoculation, all the Pythium spp. caused reduction in the root length. However, roots treated with Pythium oligandrum quickly reached the length of the control and on the 8th day, and for the rest of the experimental period, stimulation of root elongation was noted. Pythium oligandrum was not pathogenic on cucumber and no differences in the fresh weights of control and Pythium oligandrum inoculated plants were observed in the course of the experiment. Pythium group F and Pythium aphanidermatum were pathogenic on cucumber seedlings, but their pathogenicities differed. Thus, while Pythium group F had a constant, negative influence on root length and plant growth, measured as fresh weight, Pythium aphanidermatum caused generalized necroses of the root system, inhibiting consistently root elongation and plant growth and finally causing plant death. Moreover, the zoospores of 2 mycoparasitic species, Pythium oligandrum and Pythium periplocum, were not attracted to roots of cucumber and accumulated on the roots in very low numbers compared to those of the pathogenic species, Pythium aphanidermatum, which were strongly attracted and accumulated in large numbers. Finally, it was also found that Pythium oligandrum colonized the roots very poorly, while Pythium group F and Pythium aphanidermatum were significantly better root colonizers. The significance of these findings is discussed in relation to the ecology of Pythium species and biocontrol.  相似文献   

Cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium), an important staple food crop for many people in the tropics and subtropics, suffers great losses from a root rot disease which is most probably caused by Pythium myriotylum, although it has been claimed that a complex of three root pathogens is needed to cause the disease. In this study, we compared two Pythium isolates from diseased cocoyam roots, CRPm and Bokwai, with other putative P. myriotylum isolates from culture collections and from Cameroonian soil, with respect to host range and isozyme patterns. Pathogenicity was tested on tomato, bean, cowpea, tobacco and cocoyam. CRPm and Bokwai were only pathogenic to tobacco and cocoyam. On cocoyam, these isolates caused typical symptoms within 48h on 100% of the inoculated plantlets. Only two other isolates of P. myriotylum from culture collections were moderately to weakly pathogenic to cocoyam. Isolates of P. myriotylum were very variable in their pathogenicity to bean, cowpea, tomato and tobacco. Isozyme patterns of - and -esterases were used to differentiate CRPm and Bokwai from all other isolates. Unlike the other P. myriotylum strains, cocoyam isolates were unable to grow at 37°C. Malate dehydrogenase isozyme bands originating from CRPm were consistently detected in CRPm-infected cocoyam roots grown in vitro and in vivo. These findings indicate that CRPm can penetrate cocoyam roots and cause disease in the absence of other root pathogens. This study also indicates that P. myriotylum from cocoyam developed a certain degree of host specialisation.  相似文献   

The potential of Cartapip, an albino Ophiostoma piliferum, as a biocontrol agent against sapstain in logs has been tested in Germany. To detect the albino strain in field-tested wood, the usefulness of the -tubulin gene as a target region for developing PCR-based assays was evaluated with 102 strains of O. piliferum and 31 strains of other wood-inhabiting species. A partial -tubulin gene sequence of O. piliferum strains from different geographic origins was amplified by PCR and analyzed by restriction enzyme digestions and DNA sequencing. Variation in size and nucleotide sequences was found in intron regions indicating that intraspecific variation is present in the -tubulin gene. Consequently, -tubulin gene-derived PCR methods using PCR–RFLP patterns generated by HinfI and SpeI and sequence-specific primers Cat1 and Cat2, were developed and their specificity for Cartapip was accessed with field-tested logs and lumber. The -tubulin gene-based PCR methods were found to be valuable tools for rapid and reliable identification of Cartapip in field-tested logs and lumber in Germany. Specificity tests against other wood-inhabiting species and wild type O. piliferum strains from diverse nations showed that the Cat1 and Cat2 primers have potential to be used in other European countries, New Zealand, Alberta and British Columbia.  相似文献   

A pathogen was transmitted from apricot trees showing symptoms of viral infection to GF305 peach seedlings which reacted by stunting, shortened internodes and chlorotic mottling. The agent was transmitted to cherry, apricot, peach and plum by grafting and to several herbaceous hosts by mechanical inoculation. Isometric nepovirus-like particles of 30–31 nm diameter extracted from infected Chenopodium quinoa sedimented as two peaks in sucrose gradients. These particles contained two single stranded RNAs of approximately 5.9 and 7.9 kb, and a single coat protein subunit of 53.7 kDa. No cross-reactions were observed with a number of nepoviruses infecting fruit trees. Inoculation of purified particles to herbaceous or woody hosts reproduced the same symptoms caused by the original isolate. Sequencing of a 2.2 kbp cDNA clone covering the 3 end of the small genomic RNA identified an open reading frame encoding a 317 aa N-truncated protein exhibiting significant similarities with the coat protein of nepoviruses. The 1257 nt long 3 non-coding region showed up to about 65% homology to the equivalent region of members of the subgroup C of nepoviruses. The properties of this pathogen do not match those of any previously described nepovirus. It should therefore be considered as a new member of the subgroup C of nepoviruses, for which the name of Apricot latent ringspot virus (ALRSV) is proposed.The nucleotide sequence reported in this work has been deposited in the EMBL databank under the accession number AJ278875.  相似文献   

Ten types of plant baits were tested in the laboratory to assess their capacity to detect pathogenic Pythium species. These were orange tree leaves, tomato leaves, pepper leaves, geranium leaves, Bermuda grass leaves, pine needles, immature carnation petals, hemp-seed cotyledons, pepper and cucumber fruits. The Pythium spp. tested were P. aphanidermatum, P. irregulare and Pythium group F from hydroponic market garden crops in the Poniente region of Almería (south-east Spain). The test consisted of observing the velocity at which five baits were colonized and the day of colonization of the first bait. Results indicated that the slowest baits to be infected were immature carnation petals and pine needles. These two, together with Bermuda grass leaves, were also the baits infected in lowest number, such that practically no further infection was produced in the baits after the fifth day of contact with the inoculated water. The other plant baits tested were equally suitable for detection of Pythium spp. over the first two days, although only orange leaves and hemp-seed cotyledons were infected on the first day.  相似文献   

Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV)-PAV isolates from USA have been separated into two distinct clusters (Chay et al. (1996) Virology 219: 57–65; Chay et al. (1996) Phytopathology 86: 370–377). Following this finding we have shown that BYDV-PAV is divided into two groups cpA and cpB based on their coat protein gene sequence, and distinct host preferences (Mastari et al. (1998) Phytopathology 88: 818–821). We have sequenced the complete 3 half of the genomes of two lethal and two mild cpA isolates and compared them with those of several known PAV cpA isolates to assess variability and locate potential determinants of severity. Open reading frames (ORFs) 3, 4, 5, 6 and the 3 untranslated regions had different percent homologies between isolates: ORF5 (92–97%), ORF3 (88–98%) 3-translational enhancer (87–100%) ORF4 (85–99%), 3 untranslated region (72–97%) and ORF6 (61–99%). In contrast to the mild isolates, the field-lethal isolates (FHv1 and FHv2) fell into the same cluster, regardless of the genomic region analysed. The isolates FHv1 and FHv2 differed from mild isolates by eight amino acid substitutions in ORFs 3 and 4, and insertions in ORF5. Four amino acid substitutions in the 17-kDa protein encoded by ORF4 caused a change in local net charge in the field-lethal isolates. Two insertions of four amino acids were identified in the C-terminal half of ORF5 of the field-lethal isolates, but were not present systematically in all lethal isolates analysed. The potential relationships of these differences in predicted amino acid sequences to disease severity are discussed.  相似文献   

Differential accumulation of [14C]imazalil and [14C]fenarimol by germlings of wild-type and DMI-resistant isolates ofPenicillium italicum was studied at various pH values. At pH 7 and 8 the low-resistant isolate E300–3 accumulated 22% and 35%, respectively, less imazalil than the wild-type isolate W5. Imazalil accumulation at pH 5 and 6 was similar. Isolate E300–3 also accumulated less fenarimol as compared with the wild-type isolate. This difference was much more obvious than for imazalil and was observed at all pH values tested. Differences in accumulation of both imazalil and fenarimol between low (E300–3), medium (H17) and high resistant (I33) isolates were not observed. These results suggest that decreased accumulation of DMIs is responsible for a low level of resistance only and that additional mechanisms of resistance might operate in isolates with a medium and high degree of resistance. With all isolates fenarimol accumulation was energy-dependent. This was not obvious for imazalil.The wild-type and DMI-resistant isolates had a similar plasma membrane potential as determined with the probe [14C]tetraphenylphosphonium bromide ([14C]TPP+). Various test compounds, among which ATPase inhibitors, ionophoric antibiotics and calmodulin antagonists, affected the accumulation of [14C]TPP+, [14C]imazalil and [14C]fenarimol. No obvious correlation between the effects of the test compounds on accumulation levels of the fungicides and [14C]TPP+ could be observed. These results indicate that the plasma membrane potential does not mediate the efflux of DMI fungicides byP. italicum.  相似文献   

An inoculation procedure was developed to obtain efficient and synchronous infection on detached tomato leaves by Botrytis cinerea. In spray-inoculated leaves incubated at 20 °C, the infection process consisted of three phases: the formation of primary necrotic lesions (until 20 hpi), a quiescent phase (20-72 hpi), and the expansion of a proportion of the primary lesions (from 72 hpi onwards), resulting in full tissue maceration. At 4 °C, the infection progressed slowly but steadily without inducing necrotic responses in the host. The actin and -tubulin genes of B. cinerea were cloned, characterized and used as probes on blots containing RNAs from leaves at various stages of the infection. The genes displayed a similar expression pattern throughout the infection and the hybridization signal reflected the amount of fungal biomass. The actin mRNA accumulated to higher levels than the -tubulin mRNA. Tomato PR protein mRNAs (chitinase, -1,3-glucanase and PR-1) were induced during the infection, albeit with different kinetics and to different levels. At 20 °C, -1,3-glucanase and PR-1 mRNAs were induced more rapidly than chitinase mRNAs. At 4 °C, mRNAs encoding extracellular -1,3-glucanase and intracellular, as well as extracellular chitinase were hardly induced.  相似文献   

Lily symptomless virus (LSV) was purified by clarification with chloroform, precipitation with polyethylene glycol and NaCl, and differential centrifugation. The influence of the source material and some buffers on virus yields were determined.Antisera were prepared against intact and pyrrolidine degraded LSV. It was concluded that intact and degraded LSV have very few antigenic determinants in common or none at all. The sensitivities of the micro-precipitin test and the single immunodiffusion drop test were about the same, but lower than that of electron microscopy.In the testing of lilies for LSV the most reliable results in leaves were obtained during the period from two weeks after flowering until close to the end of the growing season, and in leaves growing at a level about one-fourth of the distance from the top of the stem. In contrast to secondary infections, primary infections were detected more successfully in stored bulbs than in leaves taken from plants in the preceding growing season.In the testing of tulips, LSV was detected better in flowers than in leaves. Detection of primary infections was almost impossible. Except for those with a pink flower, experimentally infected tulips remained symptomless.Samenvatting Het symptoomloos lelievirus (LSV) were gezuiverd door klaring met chloroform, precipitatie met polyethyleenglycol en NaCl en differentieel centrifugeren. Het effect van het uitgangsmateriaal en enkele buffers op de virusopbrengst werd nagegaan.Antisera werden bereid tegen intact en met pyrrolidine afgebroken LSV. Geconcludeerd were dat intact en afgebroken LSV geen of slechts enkele antigene determinanten gemeenschappelijk hebben.De gevoeligheid van de microprecipitatietoets en de enkele immuno-diffusiedruppeltoets is ongeveer gelijk. Met het elektronenmicroscoop kunnen echter lagere virusconcentraties worden aangetoond.Het toetsen van lelies op LSV gaf de betrouwbaarste resultaten met bladeren die op ongeveer driekwart hoogte van de stengel groeien en in de periode tussen 2 weken na de bloei en vrijwel het einde van het groeiseizoen worden geplukt. Primaire infecties konden, in tegenstelling tot secundaire infecties, beter worden vastgesteld aan bolmateriaal tijdens de bewaring dan aan bladeren in het voorafgaande groeiseizoen.Bij het toetsen van tulpen werd het LSV met grotere zekerheid vastgesteld in bloemen dan in bladeren. Het vaststellen van primaire infecties was bijna niet mogelijk. Na infectie van tulpen met LSV vertoonden alleen die met een rose bloemkleur symptomen.  相似文献   

A field experiment was set up in 1988 to study the development of rhizomania disease of sugar beet at different inoculum levels of beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) in soil. Five, tenfold different, inoculum levels were created by addition of the approximate amounts of 0, 0.5, 5, 50 and 500 kg infested soil per ha (the latter corresponding to 0.01% v/v calculated to the tillage layer). A drip irrigation treatment was applied to study the influence of soil moisture on disease. Susceptible sugar beet, cv. Regina, was grown for three consecutive years.In the first year, root symptoms were not observed, but BNYVV-infected plants were detected by ELISA in low numbers at all inoculum levels at harvest. After late drilling in 1989, high numbers of infected plants, up to 90–100% in plots with the highest inoculum level, were detected already in June. Root symptoms were also observed from June onwards. In both these years disease incidence increased in time and was significantly influenced by the initial inoculum level. In the third year, the whole field was heavily diseased, and only for the non-irrigated plots incidence differed for different initial inoculum levels. The expression of symptoms by BNYVV-infected plants was influenced by initial inoculum level, thus by the amount and timing of primary infection.Root weight at harvest was not affected, but sugar content decreased with increasing inoculum level already in 1988, leading to a reduction in sugar yield of 10% at the highest inoculum level. In 1989, both root weight and sugar content decreased progressively with increasing inoculum level, resulting in sugar yield reductions of 11–66% (down to approximately 3000 kg ha–1) for low to high inoculum levels compared to the control. As the control plots became contaminated, all yields were low in 1990, still showing a decrease with increasing inoculum level in the non-irrigated plots, but an overall mean sugar yield of 3323 kg ha–1 for the irrigated ones.Sodium and -amino nitrogen content of the root, additional quality parameters determining extractability of sucrose, showed an increase and decrease, respectively, with increasing initial inoculum level already in the first year. The relative differences in contents compared to those from the control were largest for Na content. A significant negative correlation was found between Na (mmol kg–1 root) and sugar content (% of fresh weight); linear for 1988, exponential for 1989 and 1990.In spring 1989, the infestation of individual plots was assessed using a quantitative bioassay estimating most probable numbers (MPNs) of infective units of BNYVV per 100 g dry soil. The relationship between the MPns determined and root weight, sugar content and sugar yield at harvest could be described by Gompertz curves. The increase in disease incidence with increasing MPN in 1989 was adequately fitted with a logistic equation.  相似文献   

The sexual preferences of Japanese isolates of Phytophthora infestans were determined by mating on agar, in broth, or in plants. The influence of their sexual preference was confirmed in the host tissues. Three wild-type isolates and a -glucuronidase (GUS) transformant were co-cultured to identify the origin of antheridia and oogonia. Japanese A1 isolate had a unique sexual preference compared with foreign isolates. It produced self-fertile oospores with about 40% of total gametangia but tended to form antheridia on V-8 agar medium. In addition, oospores were formed in plants, but their sexual preference could not be reflected in vitro.  相似文献   

Leaves of strawberry plants growing in fields were collected and assayed by ethanol immersion treatment (SDEI) to detect latent infection by Glomerella cingulata and Dendrophoma obscurans. SDEI revealed that 83% of the plants in growers fields were latently infected by G. cingulata and 58% by D. obscurans. In such fields, only 0.8%–2.5% of the plants later became wilted or died because of G. cingulata. When the latently infected plants from naturally infested fields were kept under optimal conditions for disease development for 5 weeks, 70.0%–83.3% of them wilted or died from G. cingulata. However, only 5.6%–6.7% of the plants diagnosed by SDEI as being without latent infection wilted or died. The results indicate the importance of selecting healthy plants, suggesting that SDEI is an effective method for detecting latent infection and reducing losses from G. cingulata.  相似文献   

Acibenzolar-S-methyl (Novartis) is a chemical inducer of systemic acquired resistance in several annual plants. The ability of this novel chemical to induce resistance was studied in a perennial plant (apple) affected by fire blight caused by Erwinia amylovora. Acibenzolar-S-methyl (100 and 200mg/l active ingredient) protected Golden Delicious seedlings, scions and trees from artificial infection when applied before inoculation. The protection of apple seedlings was similar to the protection obtained with the standard for fire blight control, plantomycin (100mg/l streptomycin sulfate), applied immediately before inoculation. The mean levels of control in scions in the greenhouse and in trees in orchards were approximately 69% and 50%, respectively. The protection of apple seedlings was constantly associated with the activation of two families of defense-related enzymes, peroxidases and -1,3-glucanases. Accumulation of both enzymes was induced locally in treated leaves and systemically, especially for -1,3-glucanases, in upper untreated leaves, and was sustained for at least 17 days. These results suggest that acibenzolar-S-methyl promotes induced systemic resistance in apple by increasing defense-related compounds. This chemical could provide a new approach of control of fire blight but its practical use needs further investigation.  相似文献   

An experimental protocol consisting in the colonisation of pregerminated bean seeds dressed withTrichoderma sp. was used in order to study the mechanisms correlated with the protective effect againstPythium splendens. Seed dressed with TH-11 (T. koningii) for 24 h presented a higher protective effect and a higher level of seed colonisation as compared to those dressed with TH-13 (T. longibranchiatum). The levels of seed coat colonisation by TH-11 and TH-13 was shown to be correlated with the carboxymethylcellulase activity, as measured in the seed coats retreived from germinating dressed bean seeds. The seed coat colonisation was also associated with an increased activities of endo-1,3--glucanase and endochitinase measured in seed extracts, and an inhibitory effect of seed extracts onPythium sporangia germination. Pretreatment of TH-13-dressed seeds with a commercial cellulase improved all parameters mentioned above, thus suggesting a role of cellulase activity in the colonisation process and the linked protective effect. The possible role of hydrolytic enzymes in the protective effects is discussed.  相似文献   

Cereal eyespot fungi Tapesia acuformis and Tapesia yallundae are closely related species which show different behaviours upon treatment with sterol 14-demethylase inhibitors (DMIs). T. acuformis is naturally resistant to DMIs belonging to the triazole family and susceptible to the imidazole ones, whilst T. yallundae is sensitive to both inhibitors. Cloning of the target enzyme gene, CYP51, from the two species revealed an important polymorphism between them. Further sequencing of CYP51 from sixteen T. acuformis and eleven T. yallundae strains with different phenotypes with regards to resistance to DMIs confirmed that at least eleven variations are species related. Among them, a conserved phenylalanine residue at position 180, found both in T. yallundae and in all known CYP51 proteins from filamentous fungi and yeast, was replaced in T. acuformis by a leucine. Therefore, a leucine at 180 could be possibly involved in natural resistance of T. acuformis to triazoles. Other mutations were observed in some resistant strains, sometimes simultaneously, but in contrast to what was reported for other filamentous fungi, where a mutation at the 136 position of the CYP51 gene product seemed to correlate with resistance to DMIs, we did not find a clear relationship between a given mutation and a particular phenotype. This result suggests that resistance to DMIs could have a polygenic nature in Tapesia. We took advantage of species-related variations to develop a PCR-based assay allowing rapid and easy discrimination between field strains of the two species.  相似文献   

A multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) assay was developed to detect and quantify four fungal foliar pathogens in wheat. For Septoria tritici (leaf blotch) and Stagonospora nodorum (leaf and glume blotch), the -tubulin gene was used as the target region. Diagnostic targets for Puccinia striiformis (stripe or yellow rust) and P. recondita (brown rust) were obtained from PCR products amplified with -tubulin primer sequences. Final primer sets were designed and selected after being tested against several fungi, and against DNA of infected and healthy wheat leaves. For detection of the four pathogens, PCR products of different sizes were amplified simultaneously, whereas no products were generated from wheat DNA or other non-target fungi tested. The presence of each of the diseases was wheat tissue- and cultivar specific. Using real-time PCR measurements with the fluorescent dye SYBR Green I, PCR-amplified products could be quantified individually, by reference to a standard curve generated by adding known amounts of target DNA. Infection levels for each of the diseases were measured in the flag leaf of 19 cultivars at Growth Stage (GS) 60–64 in both 1998 and 1999. The infection levels for the cultivars were ranked, and showed, with a few exceptions, a good correlation with the NIAB Recommended List for winter wheat, which is based on visual assessment of symptoms. With PCR, the presence of the different pathogens was accurately diagnosed and quantification of pre-symptomatic infection levels was possible. Although sampling and DNA detection methods need further optimisation, the results show that multiplex PCR and quantitative real-time PCR assays can be used in resistance screening to measure the interaction between different pathogens and their hosts at different growth stages, and in specific tissues. This should enable an earlier identification of specific resistance mechanisms in both early-stage breeding material and field trials.  相似文献   

Interactions between Plasmopara helianthi, Glomus mosseae and two plant activators DL--amino-n-butyric acid (BABA) and CGA 245704 (acibenzolar-S-methyl (BTH)) in sunflower plants susceptible to downy mildew were studied in four experiments using different methods of treatment and pathogen inoculation. Both chemicals were applied as soil drenches and foliar sprays, whereas P. helianthi infection was obtained by root and cotyledon inoculations of the seedlings. Soil drenches at the rates of 50 and 100mgkg–1 soil of BABA and BTH given 1 and 3 days before P. helianthi inoculation, respectively to mycorrhizal plants, provided moderate protection against the pathogen (about 50–55%). Morphological changes and decrease in mycorrhizal colonization in roots of BTH-treated plants and in BTH-treated mycorrhizal plants were also observed. Delay in the emergence and reduction of the root systems were more evident at the highest concentration but decreased with time. These effects were absent with the BABA treatment.Foliar spray treatment of BABA and BTH, applied at 4000 and 200µgml–1, respectively (1 day post-inoculation) to mycorrhizal plants provided good protection (about 80%) against P. helianthi foliar infections. No effects on mycorrhizal colonization or on root systems were observed. In vitro tests on the effect of the compounds on the mycorrhizal fungus showed that the germination of G. mosseae sporocarps increased with BABA treatment whereas it was greatly inhibited by BTH treatment.  相似文献   

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