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Spatial conservation prioritization (SCP) concerns, for example, identification of spatial priorities for biodiversity conservation or for impact avoidance in economic development. Software useable for SCP include Marxan, C-Plan and Zonation. SCP is often based on data about the distributions of biodiversity features (e.g., species, habitats), costs, threats, and/or ecosystem services (ES).

Objectives and methods

At simplest ES can be entered into a SCP analysis as independent supply maps, but this is not very satisfactory because connectivity requirements and consequent ideal spatial priority patterns may vary between ES. Therefore, we examine different ES and their connectivity requirements at the conceptual level.


We find that the ideal spatial priority pattern for ES may differ in terms of: local supply area size and regional network requirements for the maintenance of ES provision, for flow between provision and demand, and with respect to the degree of dispersion that is needed for ES provision and access across different administrative regions. We then identify existing technical options in the Zonation software for dealing with such connectivity requirements of ES in SCP.


This work helps users of SCP to improve how ES are accounted for in analysis together with biodiversity and other considerations.



Land use changes have modified the extent and structure of native vegetation, resulting in fragmentation of native species habitat. Connectivity is increasingly seen as a requirement for effective conservation in these landscapes, but the question remains: ‘connectivity for which species?’.


The aim of this study was to develop and then apply a rapid, expert-based, dispersal guild approach where species are grouped on similar fine-scale dispersal behaviour (such as between scattered trees) and habitat characteristics.


Dispersal guilds were identified using clustering techniques to compare dispersal and habitat parameters elicited from experts. We modelled least-cost paths and corridors between patches and individual movement probabilities within these corridors for each of the dispersal guilds using Circuitscape. We demonstrate our approach with a case study in the Tasmanian Northern Midlands, Australia.


The dispersal guild approach grouped the 12 species into five dispersal guilds. The connectivity modelling of those five guilds found that broadly dispersing species in this landscape, such as medium-sized carnivorous mammals, were unaffected by fragmentation while from the perspective of the three dispersal guilds made up of smaller mammals, the landscape appeared highly fragmented.


Our approach yields biologically defensible outputs that are broadly applicable, particularly for conservation planning where data and resources are limited. It is a useful first step in multi-species conservation planning which aims to identify those species most in need of conservation efforts.

Burgess  Malcolm  Gregory  Richard  Wilson  Jeremy  Gillings  Simon  Evans  Andy  Chisholm  Kenna  Southern  Adrian  Eaton  Mark 《Landscape Ecology》2019,34(12):2765-2778

Organisations acting to conserve and protect species across large spatial scales prioritise to optimise use of resources. Spatial conservation prioritization tools typically focus on identifying areas containing species groups of interest, with few tools used to identify the best areas for single-species conservation, in particular, to conserve currently widespread but declining species.


A single-species prioritization framework, based on temporal and spatial patterns of occupancy and abundance, was developed to spatially prioritize conservation action for widespread species by identifying smaller areas to work within to achieve predefined conservation objectives.


We demonstrate our approach for 29 widespread bird species in the UK, using breeding bird atlas data from two periods to define distribution, relative abundance and change in relative abundance. We selected occupied 10-km squares with abundance trends that matched species conservation objectives relating to maintaining or increasing population size or range, and then identified spatial clusters of squares for each objective using a Getis-Ord-Gi* or near neighbour analysis.


For each species, the framework identified clusters of 20-km squares that enabled us to identify small areas in which species recovery action could be prioritized.


Our approach identified a proportion of species’ ranges to prioritize for species recovery. This approach is a relatively quick process that can be used to inform single-species conservation for any taxa if sufficiently fine-scale occupancy and abundance information is available for two or more time periods. This is a relatively simple first step for planning single-species focussed conservation to help optimise resource use.


An area of convergence appears to be emerging between the approaches of conservation planning and the concepts of multifunctional landscapes, which if exploited correctly may assist in overcoming the resource and other constraints faced by biodiversity conservation, while at the same time furthering the aims of multifunctional landscapes to improve production abilities and overall sustainability. Using a multi-zone conservation planning approach, we explore the conservation costs, benefits to biodiversity conservation and possible ecosystem service payments associated with various land-use configurations, in the Little Karoo of South Africa, in order to develop and showcase a multifunctional landscape planning approach and its data requirements, as well as the possible cost savings to conservation agencies. The study uses four conservation planning scenarios, five land-use types, their conservation costs and biodiversity benefits, as well as possible payments from carbon sequestration and tourism. We find that the costs and biodiversity benefits associated with different land-uses varies substantially between land-uses, and also spatially within a land-use type. By incorporating this variation into a multi-zone conservation planning approach land-uses can be allocated in a way that achieves biodiversity targets while at the same time reducing costs by up to 50?% when compared with traditional binary approaches to conservation. Despite some challenges presented by cost and ecosystem service value data and the determination of land-use impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services, the ability of conservation planning approaches to reflect differential contributions of particular land-uses to biodiversity targets and ecosystem services holds much potential for conservation planning, for multifunctional landscape objectives and for growing the resources and partnerships available to the establishment of sustainable and resilient landscapes.  相似文献   



The application of regional-level airborne lidar (light detection and ranging) data to characterize habitat patches and model habitat connectivity over large landscapes has not been well explored. Maintaining a connected network of habitat in the presence of anthropogenic disturbances is essential for regional-level conservation planning and the maintenance of biodiversity values.


We quantified variation in connectivity following simulated changes in land cover and contrasted outcomes when different conservation priorities were emphasized.


First, we defined habitat patches using vegetation structural attributes identified via lidar. Second, habitat networks were constructed for different forest types and assessed using network connectivity metrics. And finally, land cover change scenarios were simulated using a series of habitat patch removals, representing the impact of implementing different spatial prioritization schemes.


Networks for different forest structure types produced very different patch distributions. Conservation scenarios based on different schemes led to contrasting changes during land cover change simulations: the scheme prioritizing only habitat area resulted in immediate near-term losses in connectivity, whereas the scheme considering both habitat area and their spatial configurations maintained the overall connectivity most effectively. Adding climate constraints did not diminish or improve overall connectivity.


Both habitat area and habitat configuration should be considered in dynamic modeling of habitat connectivity under changing landscapes. This research provides a framework for integrating forest structure and cover attributes obtained from remote sensing data into network connectivity modeling, and may serve as a prototype for multi-criteria forest management and conservation planning.

Landscape Ecology - Romania is currently one of the best-connected landscapes, with high-quality habitats and a high density of brown bears. However, regional development measures are needed for...  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - Sustainable spatial development requires the establishment of a balance between rational land use and the protection of nature, ecosystems and biodiversity on various spatial...  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - Landscape connectivity, the extent to which a landscape facilitates the flow of ecological processes such as organism movement, has emerged as a central focus of landscape...  相似文献   

We introduce a novel approach to building corridors in spatial conservation prioritization. The underlying working principle is the use of a penalty structure in an iterative algorithm used for producing a spatial priority ranking. The penalty term aims to prevent loss or degradation of structural connections, or, equivalently, to promote to a higher rank landscape elements that are required to keep networks connected. The proposed method shows several convenient properties: (1) it does not require a priori specification of habitat patches, end points or related thresholds, (2) it does not rely on resistance coefficients for different habitats, (3) it does not require species targets, and (4) the cost of additional connectivity via corridors can be quantified in terms of habitat quality lost across species. Corridor strength and width parameters control the trade-off between increased structural connectivity via corridors and other considerations relevant to conservation planning. Habitat suitability or dispersal suitability layers used in the analysis can be species specific, thus allowing analysis both in terms of structural and functional connectivity. The proposed method can also be used for targeting habitat restoration, by identifying areas of low habitat quality included in corridors. These methods have been implemented in the Zonation software, and can be applied to large scale and high resolution spatial prioritization, effectively integrating corridor design and spatial conservation prioritization. Since the method operates on novel principles and combines with a large number of features already operational in Zonation, we expect it to be of utility in spatial conservation planning.  相似文献   

Bu  Hongliang  McShea  William J.  Wang  Dajun  Wang  Fang  Chen  Youping  Gu  Xiaodong  Yu  Lin  Jiang  Shiwei  Zhang  Fahui  Li  Sheng 《Landscape Ecology》2021,36(9):2549-2564

The downlisting of giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) from Endangered to Vulnerable in IUCN Red List confirms the effectiveness of current conservation practices. However, future survival of giant panda is still in jeopardy due to habitat fragmentation and climate change. Maintaining movement corridors between habitat patches in the newly established Giant Panda National Park (GPNP) is the key for the long-term sustainability of the species.


We evaluated the impacts of conversion from natural forest to plantation on giant panda habitat connectivity, which is permitted within collective forests and encouraged by the policies for the economic benefits of local communities. We modeled distribution of giant panda habitat in Minshan Mountains which harbors its largest population, and delineated movement corridors between core habitat patches under management scenarios of different forest conversion proportions.


We applied an integrated species distribution model based on inhomogeneous Poisson point process to combine presence-only data and site occupancy data, and least-cost models to identify potential movement corridors between core habitat patches.


We found that current distribution of plantation has not damaged connectivity between core habitat patches of giant panda. However, it could be severely degraded if mass conversion occurred. Since the GPNP incorporates all the core habitats identified from our model, controlling natural forest conversion inside GPNP would maintain the movement corridors for giant panda.


We recommend no expansion of plantations inside the GPNP, and improving collective forest management for expansion of ecological forest in adjoining habitat patches.


Bridging the gap between ecology and spatial planning in landscape ecology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Opdam  Paul  Foppen  Ruud  Vos  Claire 《Landscape Ecology》2001,16(8):767-779
Landscapes are studied by pattern (the geographical approach) and by process (the ecological approach within landscape ecology). The future of landscape ecology depends on whether the two approaches can be integrated. We present an approach to bridge the gap between the many detailed process studies on species, and applied activities such as landscape evaluation and design, which require integrated knowledge. The approach consists of four components: 1) Empirical case studies of different scales, organisms and processes. 2) Modeling studies to extrapolate empirical studies across space and time. 3) Modeling studies to produce guidelines and standards for landscape conditions. 4) Methods and tools for integration to the landscape level, which can be built into multidisciplinary tools for design and evaluation. We conclude that in the landscape ecological literature, the steps 1 and 2 are well represented, whereas the steps 3 and 4 are mostly neglected. We challenge landscape ecologists to push landscape ecology to a higher level of maturation and to further develop its profile as a problem-oriented science.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The distribution of the northern brown bandicoot (Isoodon macrourus), a medium-sized ground-dwelling marsupial, was examined in habitat fragments within the urban landscape of the city of Brisbane, Australia. From surveys conducted in 68 fragments, bandicoots were found to be present in 33 (49%) despite widespread habitat loss and fragmentation. Logistic regression analysis revealed that of 13 measured independent variables, functional connectivity was the only factor that significantly predicted the presence of bandicoots within fragments, with connectivity positively correlated with the likelihood of occupation. Functional connectivity was equated to the likelihood of bandicoot immigration into the focal fragment from the nearest occupied fragment, based on the estimated resistance to movement offered by the intervening matrix. Within Brisbane, riparian habitat fragments typically have a relatively high level of functional connectivity, as thin strips of vegetation fringing waterways serve as corridors between larger riparian areas and facilitate the movement of bandicoots between patches. Analyses based on the Akaike Information Criterion revealed that the optimal model based on landscape context variables was convincingly better supported by the data than the optimal model produced from fragment characteristics. However, it is important to examine both internal attributes of habitat fragments and external features of the surrounding landscape when modelling the distribution of ground-dwelling fauna in urban environments, or other landscapes with a highly variable matrix. As urban centres throughout the world expand, it is crucial that the ecology of local wildlife be considered to ensure functional connection is maintained between habitat patches, especially for the conservation of species that are highly susceptible to fragmentation.  相似文献   

Dong  Jianquan  Jiang  Hong  Gu  Tianwei  Liu  Yanxu  Peng  Jian 《Landscape Ecology》2022,37(1):31-42
Landscape Ecology - Spatial planning system needs the support of approaches toward achieving sustainability, with sustainable landscape pattern (SLP) for one potential spatial approach. However,...  相似文献   

Existing methods for connectivity analysis still encounter difficulties in explaining functional relationships between network structure and ecological patterns over larger territories or complex structures like dendritic river networks. We propose a method that addresses the problem of scale and resolution in the connectivity analysis of dendritic network structures, illustrated here for the re-colonization of the French Loire river basin by the European otter. The ecological niche factor approach is applied to infer favourable habitat in the river network based on large scale data of land use and hydro-morphology of river segments for the entire river basin. These analyses identified the stressors to the riparian zone of channel straightening, urbanisation and forest fragmentation as the principal factors explaining otter occurrence. Using this estimate of habitat favourability, we used the Integral Index of Connectivity to quantify habitat availability and connectivity in the dendritic river network. When we calculate the integral index of connectivity over different spatial extents by constraining network distances, the scale-sensitivity of the network’s connectivity emerges. Accounting for high mobility by entering larger network distances in the analysis identifies conservation networks and priorities mainly in downstream parts of the river basin, whereas with smaller network distances, more restricted high quality areas in central and upstream parts are highlighted. The presented approach performed better than distribution modelling approaches in explaining species occurrence over the river network and confirms the crucial aspect of connectivity in otter re-colonization.  相似文献   


Many connectivity metrics have been used to measure the connectivity of a landscape and to evaluate the effects of land-use changes and potential mitigation measures. However, there are still gaps in our understanding of how to accurately quantify landscape connectivity.


A number of metrics only measure between-patch connectivity, i.e. the connectivity between different habitat patches, which can produce misleading results. This paper demonstrates that the inclusion of within-patch connectivity is important for accurate results.


The behavior of two metrics is compared: the Connectance Index (CONNECT), which measures only between-patch connectivity, and the effective mesh size (meff), which includes both within-patch and between-patch connectivity. The connectivity values of both metrics were calculated on a set of simulated landscapes. Twenty cities were then added to these landscapes to calculate the resulting changes in connectivity.


We found that when using CONNECT counter-intuitive results occurred due to not including within-patch connectivity, such as scenarios where connectivity increased with increasing habitat loss and fragmentation. These counter-intuitive results were resolved when using meff. For example, landscapes with low habitat amount may be particularly sensitive to urban development, but this is not reflected by CONNECT.


Applying misleading results from metrics like CONNECT can have detrimental effects on natural ecosystems, because reductions in within-patch connectivity by human activities are neglected. Therefore, this paper provides evidence for the crucial need to consider the balance between within-patch connectivity and between-patch connectivity when calculating the connectivity of landscapes.


Human settlement is a formidable agent of change affecting fundamental ecological processes. Decisions governing these land-use changes occur almost exclusively at the local level and, as a result, they are made at many different locations and times. Consequently, it is difficult for ecologists to provide needed scientific support for these choices. We built an information system designed to support conservation decisions at local scales by offering data over the Internet. We collaborated with local stakeholders (e.g., developers, planners, politicians, land owners, environmental activists) to design the system. This collaboration produced several generalizations about effective design of information systems to support conservation. The most important of these is the idea that ecological data and analysis must be understood by those who will be affected by the decisions. Also, planning for conservation is a process that uses scientific data, but that ultimately depends on the expression of human values. A major challenge landscape ecologists face is to extend general landscape principles to provide specific scientific information needed for local land-use planning.  相似文献   



Various species of forest trees are commonly used for ornamental purposes and are therefore frequently found in nonforest ecosystems. They constitute an important component of the so-called trees outside forests (TOF). Not much is known, however, about the drivers of TOF spatial distribution either in urbanized or in agricultural landscapes since they are generally absent from forest inventories.


The present study focused on the spatial distribution of TOF across agricultural landscapes and their potential role in the dispersal of a forest pest insect, the pine processionary moth, Thaumetopoea pityocampa (PPM).


All the TOF belonging to the genera Pinus, Cedrus and Pseudotsuga were considered as potential hosts and inventoried within a 22 × 22 km study window. We fitted a nonstationary Poisson process to the empirical data and used the distance to the nearest building as a covariate.


Both empirical and simulated data indicated that TOF associated to human artifacts/urbanized areas constituted the main source of landscape connectivity for the PPM in the open fields under study. Because they do not account for TOF, forest inventories dramatically underestimate landscape connectivity and provide an erroneous picture of the PPM habitat distribution.


We conclude that TOF, especially the ornamental component, must be taken into account when it comes to understanding forest insect landscape dynamics or genetics. The omnipresence of TOF also suggests a potentially huge role in pest dispersal and invasive species expansion.

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