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Edge effects are among the most important drivers of species interactions in fragmented habitats, but the impacts of edge effects on multitrophic interactions are largely unknown. In this study we assess edge effects on species interactions within an ant–plant mutualistic system—where ants protect plants against herbivory—to determine whether habitat edges alter the amount of protection ants provide. We focus on a single species of myrmecophytic plant, Solanum americanum, and experimentally manipulate ant access to study plants in large-scale fragmented habitat patches at the Savannah River Site National Environmental Research Park, USA. In this system, S. americanum commonly hosts honeydew-producing aphids that are tended by ants, and grasshoppers are the primary herbivores. We measured edge effects on the per-plant abundance of aphids and protective ants as well as the abundance of grasshoppers in each habitat patch, and we evaluated levels of ant protection against herbivory near and far from habitat edges. We found that ants provided significant protection to plants far from edges, where herbivory pressure was highest, despite the fact that aphids and ants were least abundant on these plants. Conversely, ants did not provide significant protection near edges, where herbivory pressure was lowest and aphids and ants were most abundant. We conclude that a strong edge effect on grasshopper abundance was a key factor determining the amount of protection ants provided against herbivory. Future studies of the impacts of habitat fragmentation on ant–plant mutualisms will benefit from studies of ant behavior in response to herbivory threats, and studies of edge effects on other species interactions may also need to consider how species’ behavioral patterns influence the interactions in question.  相似文献   



In tropical landscapes, dominant land-use changes involve conversion of intact forest to an agricultural matrix with embedded fragments of remnant forest. However, most research to date has focused on how these land-use changes affect species within the fragmented ecosystem, rather than the flux of energy and nutrients within these different landscape elements.


We examined how forest fragmentation and conversion to orange fields impact the potential for litter decomposition in a Costa Rican landscape, in particular via effects on macroinvertebrates (MIs) and microclimate.


We measured mass losses of a standard leaf litter in four habitats: orange fields, small forest fragments, large forest fragments and intact forest. Litter bags were constructed of mesh that either excluded or allowed MIs. Decomposition rates were measured in wet and dry seasons, and at different distances from the forest edge.


Forest fragmentation and forest conversion had divergent effects on decomposition rates. Decomposition rates were 7 % slower in forest fragments during the dry season than in intact forest, and this result was mediated by forest fragmentation effects on MIs. Decomposition rates were 9 % higher in orange fields during the wet season, relative to intact forest, and this pattern was explained by effects of the litter microenvironment on leaching rates or smaller invertebrates. Fragment area and distance from forest edge had minor or undetectable effects on decomposition in fragments.


We conclude that land-use changes affect decomposition processes in both forest and agroecosystems, and these effects can vary in mechanism and direction across disturbed landscapes.

通过对通辽市农业科学研究院温室土壤进行室内分析,结果表明:(1)通辽市农业科学研究院温室设施栽培土壤普遍存在酸化现象,其中1号温室土壤酸化已接近蔬菜出现生理障碍的临界水平;(2)所调查温室中土壤均呈现出不同程度的盐化现象,积盐分中阳离子以Ca^2+为主,而阴离子以SO4^2-和NO3^-为主;1号、4号温室盐化现象严重,其中4号棚中Cl^-含量出现异常,可能与长期施用的某种肥料有关。  相似文献   

Environmental changes associated with urbanisation can affect the functioning of ecosystem processes. In cities, forests are among the most frequent types of green areas and provide a wide range of ecosystem services including air cleaning, decomposition of leaf litter and recreation. The European beech (Fagus sylvatica) is a frequent and widespread deciduous tree in temperate forests in Central Europe. In this study, we examined the effects of urbanisation on decomposition processes of F. sylvatica leaves in different-sized forests in the urban region of Basel, Switzerland. We used standardised litterbags (mesh size: 2 mm) with F. sylvatica leaves to assess the impact of degree of urbanisation (indicated by the percentage cover of sealed area in the surroundings) and forest size on the early stage of leaf litter decomposition and seasonal microbial activity. We found combined effects of degree of urbanisation and forest size on the decomposition rate of leaf litter (klitter). Large forests showed the highest klitter in areas with sparse settlements and the lowest klitter in densely settled areas, whereas the opposite pattern was recorded for small and medium-sized forests. This indicates that abiotic and biotic forest characteristics of forests of similar size differently influenced klitter depending on the degree of urbanisation. Moisture content of litter was the best predictor of microbial activity, followed by forest size. We assume that factors acting at the landscape scale such as the degree of urbanisation might be too coarse to detect any differences in microbial activity. Our results revealed that even small urban forests contribute to this important ecosystem function. As decomposers are at the bottom of the food chain, management actions that support the biological activity in soil might be also beneficial for species at higher trophic ranks.  相似文献   

Timber plantation forestry is a major threat to indigenous grassland biodiversity, with ecological networks (ENs) currently being used to mitigate this threat. Being composed mostly of linear corridors, ENs create more edge than would occur naturally. To determine the minimum width of corridors for maximising biodiversity conservation, we need first to establish the extent of edge effects from plantation blocks into corridors. We compared arthropod diversity along transects that ran from within plantation blocks into grassland corridors. We also studied the edge effects of natural forest adjacent to natural grasslands within ENs. Sites in grasslands of neighbouring protected areas acted as natural reference sites against which the biodiversity of the EN transects were compared. Two types of exotic plantation trees and various tree age classes were studied. We found a 32 m edge zone from plantation blocks into grassland corridors. Few significant edge effects from plantation blocks occurred at greater distances than this, which suggested that grassland corridors with a width <64 m are essentially all edge. However, and importantly, this situation was complex, as different arthropod taxonomic groups responded differently to edges of plantation blocks and natural forest patches. Natural forest supported many additional species, not just within the forest, but also in associated grassland corridors. This means that maintaining natural forest imbedded within the ENs will protect both indigenous grassland and indigenous forest species as well as help maintain biodiversity across this timber production landscape.  相似文献   

In urban environments, anthropogenic influences play an important role in determining the distribution of woody flora and consequently, the propagation of woody invaders. Land-use changes and disturbances associated with urbanization may intensify different invasive aspects of a species. Studying the extent by which invasive species vary from non-invasive species can strengthen our understanding of urban invasions. In this study, we compared leaf litter decomposition between two confamilial exotics, an invasive Broussonetia papyrifera, and a non-invasive Morus alba (both belonging to family Moraceae), growing in urban habitats. Senescent leaves of both the species and soil were collected from five study sites in Chandigarh, India. Litterbags filled with 10 g leaves each were placed in pots containing the soil collected from respective study sites. Mass remaining, decomposition constant, and soil elemental composition were determined after periodic harvesting of the pots. Decomposition was completed within 180 days in B. papyrifera and 330 days in M. alba. Initially, the decomposition rate was low in B. papyrifera; however, a rapid degradation occurred after 90 days. Species, time, and their interaction significantly affected most of the elements in soil, whereas the effect of habitat was not significant. The faster decomposition rate in B. papyrifera may result in greater turnover of nutrients over a shorter time span, thereby, favoring its colonization in the invaded regions. The difference in litter decomposition process explains the invasion success of B. papyrifera over its confamilial species, M. alba, in urban habitats.  相似文献   

The effects of habitat area and fragmentation are confounded in many studies. Since a reduction in habitat area alone reduces patch size and increases patch isolation, many studies reporting fragmentation effects may really be documenting habitat-area effects. We designed an experimental landscape system in the field, founded on fractal neutral landscape models, to study arthropod community responses to clover habitat in which we adjusted the level of fragmentation independently of habitat area. Overall, habitat area had a greater and more consistent effect on morphospecies richness than fragmentation. Morphospecies richness doubled between 10 and 80% habitat, with the greatest increase occurring up to 40% habitat. Fragmentation had a more subtle and transient effect, exhibiting an interaction at intermediate levels of habitat only at the start of the study or in the early-season (June) survey. In these early surveys, morphospecies richness was higher in clumped 40–50% landscapes but higher in fragmented landscapes at 60–80% habitat. Rare or uncommon species are expected to be most sensitive to fragmentation effects, and we found a significant interaction with fragmentation at intermediate levels of habitat for these types of morphospecies in early surveys. Although the effects of fragmentation are expected to amplify at higher trophic levels, all trophic levels exhibited a significant fragmentation effect at intermediate levels of habitat in these early surveys. Predators/parasitoids were more sensitive to habitat area than herbivores, however. Thus, our results confirm that habitat area is more important than fragmentation for predicting arthropod community responses, at least in this agricultural system.  相似文献   

Globally, forest soils contain twice as much carbon as forest vegetation. Consequently, natural and anthropogenic disturbances affecting carbon accumulation in forest soils can alter regional to global carbon balance. In this study, we evaluate the effects of historic litter raking on soil carbon stocks, a former forest use which used to be widespread throughout Europe for centuries. We estimate, for Switzerland, the carbon sink potential in current forest soils due to recovery from past litter raking (‘legacy effect’). The year 1650 was chosen as starting year for litter raking, with three different end years (1875/1925/1960) implemented for this forest use in the biogeochemical model LPJ-GUESS. The model was run for different agricultural and climatic zones separately. Number of cattle, grain production and the area of wet meadow have an impact on the specific demand for forest litter. The demand was consequently calculated based on historical statistical data on these factors. The results show soil carbon pools to be reduced by an average of 17 % after 310 years of litter raking and legacy effects were still visible 130 years after abandonment of this forest use (2 % average reduction). We estimate the remaining carbon sink potential in Swiss forest due to legacy effects from past litter raking to amount to 158,000 tC. Integrating historical data into biogeochemical models provides insight into the relevance of past land-use practices. Our study underlines the importance of considering potentially long-lasting effects of such land use practices for carbon accounting.  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - Both climatic extremes and land-use change constitute severe threats to biodiversity, but their interactive effects remain poorly understood. In forest ecosystems, the effects...  相似文献   

Four different NaCl concentrations in the irrigation water, 0.8, 3, 6 and 9 mol m−3, were applied as experimental treatments to beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) grown in completely closed hydroponic systems in a greenhouse. Initially, the Na and Cl concentrations increased rapidly in the root zone, as indicated by the values measured in the drainage water, and this resulted in corresponding increases in the Na/water and Cl/water uptake ratios. However, as these ratios approached equilibrium with the NaCl/water ratios in the irrigation water, the Na and Cl concentrations in the root zone converged to maximal levels, which depended on the treatment. The highest Na and Cl concentrations in the root zone and the corresponding NaCl concentrations in each treatment were used to establish relationships between the external NaCl concentration and the Na/water or Cl/water uptake ratios, which proved to be exponential for Na but linear for Cl. These relationships were then used in a previously established model [Savvas, D., Kotsiras, A., Meletiou, G., Margariti, S., Tsirogiannis, I., 2005a. Modeling the relationship between water uptake by cucumber and NaCl accumulation in a closed hydroponic system. HortScience 40, 802–807] to enable the prediction of the Na and Cl concentrations in the root zone in relation to the cumulative water uptake. The curves predicted by the model followed a convex pattern, with an initially rapid increase in Na and Cl concentrations in the root zone followed by a gradual levelling out as the cumulative water consumption rose. The measured Na and Cl concentrations in the drainage water were more accurately predicted at the higher NaCl concentrations in the irrigation water, although those predicted at 0.8 mol m−3 of NaCl were considered acceptable for use in commercial practice. Bean showed a high efficiency of Na exclusion from the upper leaves, while Cl was readily translocated to the young leaves as the external Cl concentration rose. Plant growth decreased with increasing salinity in a way similar to that reported for beans constantly exposed to comparable salinity levels.  相似文献   

Lateral flows in landscape mosaics represent a fundamentally important process in landscape ecology, but are still poorly understood in general. For example, windblown litter nutrient transfer across a landscape has rarely been studied from an ecosystem perspective. In this study we measured the litter nutrient transfer from an Acacia mangium plantation to a Dimocarpus longan orchard in an agroforestry landscape for 3 years from January 2002 to December 2004. About 11% of the total litterfall of the acacia plantation were transported to the longan orchard annually, accounting for ca. 9–59% of the total litter nutrient input of the longan orchard. The windblown litter transfer showed high spatial variation mainly caused by wind speed and directions. Slope positions 5 m away from the source acacia plantation received significantly greater amount of allochthonous acacia litter than those 10 m away, and the northwest-facing slope of the longan orchard received 2 to 3-fold more litter than the southeast- and south-facing slopes because of the prevailing southeasterly wind in the region. To explore how different management practices may influence the litterfall, leaf production, and soil nutrient status of the two ecosystems, we developed a Meta-Ecosystem Litter Transfer (MELT) model to simulate the processes of litter-related transformation (production, deposition, and decomposition) and transfer (wind- and management-driven movement). Our simulation results suggest that less than 30% of acacia litter should be transferred to the longan orchard in order for the acacia plantation to sustain itself and maximize production of the longan. Connectivity of nutrient flow between adjacent ecosystems as shown here leads to a functional meta-ecosystem with higher landscape-scale production of ecosystem services. That is, managing this connectivity through landscape design or active litter transfers can lead to large changes in overall landscape functioning and service production.  相似文献   

Rates of nest predation for birds vary between and within species across multiple spatial scales, but we have a poor understanding of which predators drive such patterns. We video-monitored nests and identified predators at 120 nests of the Acadian Flycatcher (Empidonax virescens) and the Indigo Bunting (Passerina cyanea) at eight study sites in Missouri and Illinois, USA, during 2007–2010. We used an information-theoretic approach to evaluate hypotheses concerning factors affecting predator-specific and overall rates of predation at landscape, edge, and nest-site scales. We found support for effects of landscape forest cover and distance to habitat edge. Predation by Brown-headed Cowbirds (Molothrus ater) increased, and predation by rodents decreased as landscape forest cover decreased. Predation by raptors, rodents, and snakes increased as the distance to forest edges decreased, but the effect was modest and conditional upon the top-ranked model. Despite the predator-specific patterns we detected, there was no support for these effects on overall rates of predation. The interactions between breeding birds, nest predators, and the landscapes in which they reside are scale-dependent and context-specific, and may be resistant to broad conceptual management recommendations.  相似文献   

以接坝地区3种典型林分类型为研究对象,对其枯落物层和土壤层水文效应进行研究,并运用熵权法对各林分类型水文效应进行综合分析。结果表明,枯落物总蓄积量与枯落物最大持水量规律一致,其大小排序为:油松华北落叶松混交林>油松林>华北落叶松林;枯落物持水量与浸水时间呈显著对数关系,枯落物吸水速率与浸水时间呈显著幂函数关系;枯落物有效拦蓄量排序为:油松华北落叶松混交林(26.04 t/hm2)>油松林(16.46 t/hm2)>华北落叶松林(11.36 t/hm2);土壤容重均值排序为:华北落叶松林(1.29 g/cm3)>油松林(1.24 g/cm3)>油松华北落叶松混交林(1.05 g/cm3);土壤最大持水量大小依次为:油松华北落叶松混交林(1 441.4 t/hm2)>油松林(963.5 t/hm2)>华北落叶松林(829.9 t/hm2);对入渗时间和入渗速率进行拟合,呈较显著的幂函数关系。对3种林分类型枯落物层和土壤层水文效应进行综合评价,结果表明水源涵养功能最强的为油松华北落叶松混交林。  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - Harmful effects of habitat loss and fragmentation can be detected across multiple spatial scales, yet most studies that aim to characterize these effects take place at a single...  相似文献   

葡萄盐害症状与耐盐性鉴定研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以24份盆栽葡萄栽培品种和砧木为试材,进行不同浓度NaCl处理,研究其盐害症状和耐盐性。结果表明,供试葡萄品种依耐盐性可分为4类,耐盐性强的品种有Saltcreek、775P、沈512、沈522和5C;耐盐性中等的品种有葡萄园皇后、Labrusca、沈519、SO4和沈491;耐盐性较弱的品种有雷司令、沈523、灰比诺、1103P、黑虎香、Freedom、贵人香和3309C;对盐敏感的品种有巨峰、高尾、玫瑰香、沈553、Glorie、裘洛。  相似文献   

设施温室土壤线虫群落物种组成和营养类群分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王殿东  李莹 《北方园艺》2018,(1):114-118
以种植12年的设施温室土壤线虫群落为研究对象,采用土壤线虫18SrDNA克隆文库方法,研究了土壤线虫物种多样性指数、植物寄生线虫成熟度以及自由生活线虫成熟度等土壤线虫群落结构特征,以期揭示土壤健康程度。结果表明:设施蔬菜土壤线虫以食细菌线虫为优势类群,占59.4%;植物寄生线虫比例次之,占34.9%。在属水平上,以根结线虫为优势类群,比例为31.5%,其次为拟小杆属线虫,比例为28.8%。设施温室土壤线虫的成熟度指数和植物寄生线虫成熟度指数分别为1.86和1.11。总体来看,设施温室土壤中植物寄生线虫比例较高,这反映出设施温室土壤受到人为干扰较大,且线虫营养类群结构失调,土壤健康状况不良。  相似文献   

西藏色季拉山铁线莲种质资源及其生境类型   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
色季拉山有铁线莲13种,其中7种仅分布于东坡,1种仅分布于西坡。其生境类型可分类亚热带森林型,暖温带森林型、温型森林型和林缘广布型,以暖温型森林型和温带森林型的种类居多。观赏型可分为常绿型,薄膜型和厚萼型,以厚萼型居多。俞氏铁线莲处于濒危状态。  相似文献   

Blowouts are the main features of aeolian activity in many dune areas. To assess the impact of future climatic change on the geomorphological processes prevailing in a dune landscape it is essential to understand blowout formation and identify the meteorological parameters which are important.The development, that is, local erosion and accumulation, of six blowouts in a dune terrain along the Dutch coast has been related to wind velocity and wind direction, as measured at a nearby standard meteorological station. Blowout changes correlate best with wind velocities between 6.25 and 12.5 m/s (measured at 10 m height) which are the critical wind velocities for moving particles in the 0.15 to 0.42 mm range. These winds mostly blow from the southwest. Consequently, the blowouts are elongated in the same direction.Extreme aeolian events such as northwestern storms have little effect on blowout development compared to events which have a lower magnitude but occur with a higher frequency. An eventual shift towards higher effective wind velocities would probably result not in larger blowouts but in a break-down of the whole system, especially if this shift were accompanied by a change in wind direction. The accumulation of sand in the blowouts during storms should be seen as a first step of adaptation to a higher energy level.  相似文献   

Spray carnations (Dianthus caryophyllus ‘Exquisite’), planted as potted cuttings in December, had a maximum dry-matter production in summer of 22 g m?2 day?1, calculated for the net surface area completely covered by the crop. This value is fairly similar to the maxima established for outdoor crops in The Netherlands.The cation contents in the whole plant, expressed as percentages of dry matter, followed the series Na < Mg < Ca < K. They displayed no significant deviations from what was found in the literature for perpetual-flowering carnations. Growth was slow in the early phase of the crop and the cation accumulation was correspondingly slight. Growth increased at about 3 months after planting out. Over the period from March to September (24 weeks), the contents established in the aerial parts of the spray carnations amounted to 0.2 kg Na, 6.2 kg K, 2.9 kg Ca and 0.6 kg Mg per 100 m2 gross.  相似文献   

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