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This study evaluated the spread of a two-point transversus abdominis plane (TAP) injection in canine cadavers. Compared with previous techniques, the two-point TAP injection was developed to increase the consistency of local anaesthetic spread to the nerve segments T11, T12, L1, L2 and L3.

Study design

Prospective experimental trial.


Five fresh canine cadavers.


Two-point TAP injections were performed under ultrasound guidance by a single trained individual in canine cadavers (15.7–43.0 kg). Each hemi-abdomen was infiltrated and evaluated independently for a total of 10 evaluations of the technique. The first injection was performed at the level of the costo-chondral junction of the thirteenth rib, and the second injection was performed cranial to the tuber coxae. Each injection comprised 0.3 mL kg–1 methylene blue solution (0.0015 mg mL–1). Ten minutes after the injections, abdominal wall dissection was performed, and any nerves stained for a minimum of 10 mm along their long axis were identified and recorded.


During all injections, separation of the internal oblique and transversus abdominis muscles was observed on ultrasound. On dissection, branches of T12, T13, L1, L2 and L3 were adequately stained in 30%, 100%, 100%, 90% and 90% of injections, respectively. No staining of branches of T11 occurred in any of the cadavers. In one hemi-abdomen, branches of L1 and L3, but not L2, were stained.

Conclusions and clinical relevance

This study indicates that the two-point TAP injection delivers consistent dye dispersion to adequately stain branches of T13, L1, L2 and L3, with no coverage of T11 and poor coverage of T12, in fresh canine cadavers. An in vivo study using local anaesthetic should be performed to evaluate the analgesic efficacy of this technique in mid to caudal abdominal surgeries.  相似文献   



The major indication for antibiotic use in Danish pigs is treatment of intestinal diseases post weaning. Clinical decisions on antibiotic batch medication are often based on inspection of diarrhoeic pools on the pen floor. In some of these treated diarrhoea outbreaks, intestinal pathogens can only be demonstrated in a small number of pigs within the treated group (low pathogen diarrhoea). Termination of antibiotic batch medication in herds suffering from such diarrhoea could potentially reduce the consumption of antibiotics in the pig industry. The objective of the present pilot study was to suggest criteria for herd diagnosis of low pathogen diarrhoea in growing pigs.Data previously collected from 20 Danish herds were used to create a case series of clinical diarrhoea outbreaks normally subjected to antibiotic treatment. In the present study, these diarrhoea outbreaks were classified as low pathogen (<15% of the pigs having bacterial intestinal disease) (n =5 outbreaks) or high pathogen (≥15% of the pigs having bacterial intestinal disease) (n =15 outbreaks). Based on the case series, different diagnostic procedures were explored, and criteria for herd diagnosis of low pathogen diarrhoea were suggested. The effect of sampling variation was explored by simulation.


The diagnostic procedure with the highest combined herd-level sensitivity and specificity was qPCR testing of a pooled sample containing 20 randomly selected faecal samples. The criteria for a positive test result (high pathogen diarrhoea outbreak) were an average of 1.5 diarrhoeic faecal pools on the floor of each pen in the room under investigation and a pathogenic bacterial load ≥35,000 per gram in the faecal pool tested by qPCR. The bacterial load was the sum of Lawsonia intracellularis, Brachyspira pilosicoli and Escherichia coli F4 and F18 bacteria per gram faeces. The herd-diagnostic performance was (herd-level) diagnostic sensitivity =0.99, diagnostic specificity =0.80, positive predictive value =0.94 and negative predictive value =0.96.


The pilot study suggests criteria for herd diagnosis of low pathogen diarrhoea in growing pigs. The suggested criteria should now be evaluated, and the effect of terminating antibiotic batch medication in herds identified as suffering from low pathogen diarrhoea should be explored.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/2046-0481-67-24) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A pilot survey was conducted in 2 districts in Mozambique to determine the most important health problems facing smallholder pig producers. While African swine fever is the most serious disease that affects pigs at all levels of production in Mozambique, it is likely that productivity is reduced by the presence of mange and gastrointestinal parasites, while in traditional systems the conditions are favourable for the development of porcine cysticercosis caused by the pork tapeworm Taenia solium, which poses a health risk to communities. Results of the pilot survey confirmed that, with the exception of African swine fever, ecto- and endoparasites are probably the most important health risks for producers. Porcine cysticercosis is more prevalent among pigs in traditional, free-ranging systems, while mange becomes a serious factor when pigs are permanently confined.  相似文献   

The importance of livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (LA-MRSA) as an infectious agent for humans has increased in recent years in Germany. Although it is well known that the prevalence of MRSA in pig farms is high, risk factors for the presence of MRSA in herds of fattening pigs are still poorly understood. The aim of this study was to evaluate available data from previous studies on MRSA in fattening pigs in a meta-analysis to answer the question: What are the factors associated with the occurrence of MRSA in fattening pig herds?  相似文献   

The primary goal of this pilot study was to assess, the efficacy of a new nutraceutical, 4CYTE™ Epiitalis® Forte, containing, as a standalone, a proprietary plant oil extract, Epiitalis, in dogs presenting with signs of osteoarthritis (OA). Fifty dogs aged 9.2 (±3.2) years with signs of naturally occurring OA were included in this report. They were free of other comorbidities and were not on any medications except for those utilised for managing their OA. In these dogs, the current treatments were continued to avoid any sudden changes in their disease management. The effects of the 4CYTE Epiitalis Forte were assessed both at the beginning and at the end of a 1 month-long treatment period. The evaluation consisted of an objective lameness assessment (TPI%[total pressure index]) using a gait analysis (GAITRite® Portable Walkway System) and a subjective quality-of-life questionnaire, the Helsinki Chronic Pain Index (HCPI). Additional exploratory objective measurements included the Symmetry Index (SI) and the fore/hind limb ratio (T/P TPI%). Of dogs, 74% (34/46) registered a numerical improvement in TPI% in their worse limb. In addition, of the 93.5% of the dogs that demonstrated improvement in their HCPI scores by at least 5% on the quality-of-life questionnaire, 79% demonstrated improvements in gait based on TPI%. Finally, there were improvements measured in both exploratory objective endpoints SI and T/P TPI%. These encouraging results will be used to develop a protocol for a follow-up placebo-controlled randomised study to confirm the efficacy of this new nutraceutical for dogs suffering from OA.  相似文献   


A trial was performed to evaluate effects of mussel meal in laying hen diets. The study included 96 hens (Lohmann Selected Leghorn). Four diets with 0, 3, 6 or 9% inclusion level of mussel meal, replacing the same quantities of fish meal, were included. At 26 weeks of age, five eggs from each treatment were collected and analysed for internal egg quality. The different contents of mussel meal had no significant effect on production performance or egg quality parameters except from laying percentage and egg yolk pigmentation. Mussel meal concentration up to 6% tended to improve laying percentage compared to the 0% group. Yolk pigmentation increased significantly with increasing levels of mussel meal. There were no differences between the different diets in fatty acid pattern regarding docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), docosapentaenoic acid (DPA) and linolenic acid in the egg yolk. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) decreased significantly when fishmeal was replaced by mussel meal.  相似文献   



The project "Antibiotic resistance in bacteria of animal origin – II" (ARBAO-II) was funded by the European Union (FAIR5-QLK2-2002-01146) for the period 2003–05. The aim of this project was to establish a program for the continuous monitoring of antimicrobial susceptibility of pathogenic and indicator bacteria from food animals using validated and harmonised methodologies. In this report the first data on the occurrence of antimicrobial resistance among bacteria causing infections in pigs are reported.


Susceptibility data from 17,642 isolates of pathogens and indicator bacteria including Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Streptococcus suis and Escherichia coli isolated from pigs were collected from fifteen European countries in 2002–2004.


Data for A. pleuropneumoniae from infected pigs were submitted from five countries. Most of the isolates from Denmark were susceptible to all drugs tested with the exceptions of a low frequency of resistance to tetracycline and trimethoprim – sulphonamide.Data for S. suis were obtained from six countries. In general, a high level of resistance to tetracycline (48.0 – 92.0%) and erythromycin (29.1 – 75.0%) was observed in all countries whereas the level of resistance to ciprofloxacin and penicillin differed between the reporting countries. Isolates from England (and Wales), France and The Netherlands were all susceptible to penicillin. In contrast the proportion of strains resistant to ciprofloxacin ranged from 12.6 to 79.0% (2004) and to penicillin from 8.1 – 13.0% (2004) in Poland and Portugal.Data for E. coli from infected and healthy pigs were obtained from eleven countries. The data reveal a high level of resistance to tetracyclines, streptomycin and ampicillin among infected pigs whereas in healthy pigs the frequency of resistance was lower.


Bacterial resistance to some antimicrobials was frequent with different levels of resistance being observed to several antimicrobial agents in different countries. The occurrence of resistance varied distinctly between isolates from healthy and diseased pigs, with the isolates from healthy pigs generally showing a lower level of resistance than those from diseased pigs.The study suggests that the choice of antimicrobials used for the treatment of diseased animals should preferably be based on knowledge of the local pattern of resistance.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the ruminal degradability of dry matter (DM), daidzein, genistein, glycitein and total isoflavones in ground full-fat soybean (GFFS) and solvent-extracted soybean meal (SSBM) using the in sacco method. The experiment was carried out in three replications on ruminally cannulated sheep that were fed twice a day with a diet consisted of hay and supplemental mixture (6:4, DM basis). The nylon bags with 2 g feed samples ground to 2 mm were incubated in the rumen for 0, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 24 h. The effective degradability (ED) of DM, daidzein, genistein, glycitein and total isoflavones was calculated at outflow rate of 0.06 h. The ED of DM in GFFS was 77.8% and was higher than in SSBM being 71.8% (p < 0.001). The ED of daidzein (96.8%) and genistein (93.6%) was higher for SSBM compared with GFFS (93.9% and 92.8%, p < 0.001 and p = 0.003, respectively) while ED of glycitein was lower for SSBM than for GFFS (75.5 and 81.7%, respectively, p < 0.001). All isoflavones in the incubations were extensively degraded in the rumen, and regardless of dietary source, they were almost completely degraded after 16 h of incubation. Further, the disappearance patterns, that is the functions describing the time courses of the analyte disappearance, were assessed. The disappearance patterns of daidzein, genistein, glycitein and total isoflavones were similar and showed greater disappearance of mentioned isoflavones from SSBM compared to GFFS (p < 0.001 for daidzein, genistein and total isoflavones and p = 0.002 for glycitein). The study provides knowledge on the effect of processing on degradability of isoflavones in rumen that can be used to clarify the interrelationship between isoflavones and rumen microbiota.  相似文献   

Rabies continues to spread through the Indonesian archipelago. During the past 20 years, several islands – including Flores, Ambon and Bali – that had historically been free of rabies have become infected. However, the Dutch East Indies (a Dutch colony that became modern Indonesia following World War II) had been infected since the 1880s. The spread of rabies is a lesson in the emergence of an infectious disease.  相似文献   



To identify landmarks and to describe a technique for nerve blockade of the dorsal cranium in dogs.

Study design

Anatomic cadaveric study.


A total of 39 dog cadavers, weighing 18.0 ± 9.7 kg (mean ± standard deviation).


The study was performed in three parts. In the initial part, cadavers were dissected to determine the location of the frontal, zygomaticotemporal, and major occipital nerves, and to identify prominent landmarks for their blockade. In the second part, one technique was developed to block each of the frontal and zygomaticotemporal nerves, and two techniques, rostral and caudal, were developed to block the major occipital nerve. Injection solution was 0.05% methylene blue in 0.5% bupivacaine. In the third part, cadavers were used to test the techniques developed in the second part with 0.04 mL kg?1 of the same injectate administered at each site (maximal volume 0.5 mL per site). The length of nerve stained was measured, with a length ≥6 mm considered successful. Confidence intervals were calculated using Fisher’s exact test.


Success rates (95% confidence interval) for the frontal, zygomaticotemporal, and rostral and caudal locations for the major occipital nerve were 94% (80–99%), 91% (76–98%), 74% (58–86%) and 77% (59–89%), respectively. With a combination of both locations, the success rate for the major occipital nerve was 100% (90–100%).

Conclusion and clinical relevance

This study describes a simple regional anaesthesia technique using palpable anatomical landmarks that may provide analgesia for dogs undergoing craniotomy.  相似文献   

Campylobacter (C.) is one of the most common food-borne pathogen causing bacterial enteric infections in humans. Consumption of meat and meat products that have been contaminated with Campylobacter are the major source of infection. Pigs are a natural reservoir of Campylobacter spp. with C. coli as the dominant species. Even though some studies focussed on transmission of C. coli in pig herds and the excretion in faeces, little is known about the colonisation and excretion dynamics of C. coli in a complex gut microbiota present in weaned piglets and the translocation to different tissues.  相似文献   


Between days 24 and 32 after mating/insemination, 881 pigs (785 pregnant and 96 not‐pregnant) were tested for pregnancy on a commercial farm with a linear‐array real‐time ultrasound scanner. 5–7 Days later, 785 of these animals (708 pregnant and 77 not‐pregnant) were tested again with A‐mode equipment by farm employees. Confirmation of pregnancy was based on recorded farrowings or abortions: confirmation of non‐pregnancy was based on return to oestrus and rebreeding, recorded non‐farrowing, or inspection of the uterus of culled animals at the slaughterhouse. From the number of correct positive (a), incorrect positive (b), correct negative (c) and incorrect negative (d) diagnoses, a sensitivity (a/a + d) of 100% versus 97.5%, a specificity (c/c + b) of 90.6 versus 55.8%, a positive predictive value (a:a + b) of 98.9% versus 95.3% and a negative predictive value (c:c + d) of 100% versus 70.5% were calculated for the real‐time ultrasound technique versus A‐mode technique.

It was concluded that real‐time ultrasound scanning provides a very accurate technique for pregnancy diagnosis in pigs, enabling immediate decision making on treatment or culling of animals diagnosed as non‐pregnant.  相似文献   

The aminoglycoside gentamicin is often used in equine practice. Despite its clinical use, concerns remain regarding the potential toxic side-effects, such as nephrotoxicity, in equine patients, particularly after repeated dosing. The aim of the study was to investigate first in vitro the mechanisms contributing to the renal toxicity of gentamicin and to identify sensitive biomarkers indicating proximal tubule damage. To this end, the kidney-derived cell lines LLC-PKI and MDCK were treated with gentamicin at different concentrations. Toxicity was assessed by measuring the release of gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), and the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Cell viability was measured using Alamar blue (AB) and Neutral red (NR) cytotoxicity assays. Gentamicin exerted a dose-dependent toxicity. Primarily, loss of brush border membrane integrity, indicated by GGT leakage, and an increased ROS production were observed. As GGT was found to be a sensitive marker for gentamicin-induced renal cell injury, in the subsequent in vivo experiments, in which ponies were given gentamicin (3.0 mg/kg bw three times daily and 4.5 mg/kg bw twice daily) for five consecutive days, plasma levels and the urinary excretion of GGT and creatinine were measured and the GGT:creatinine ratio was calculated. Elevated GGT levels in urine following gentamicin therapy were observed, but this enzyme leakage was transient and returned to baseline values after cessation of therapy. It could thus be concluded that even a conservative dose regimen of gentamicin did not result in significant renal toxicity in healthy ponies.  相似文献   

To improve genetic gain of breeding programs for village poultry production, breeding schemes with observations obtained in village production systems using individual (VIO) and group recording (VGO) were examined under different levels of genotype-by-environment-interactions (GxE). GxE was modeled by varying the correlation between traits measured in the breeding station and village environments for bodyweight (rg_BW) and egg production (rg_EP). Relative and absolute genetic gains obtained from VIO and VGO were used for comparison between the schemes. Results showed that village observations significantly improved genetic gains compared to the scheme without birds tested in the village. The improvement was only slightly larger with individual observations than with group observations. Higher rg_BW and rg_EP led to lower relative genetic gain, but a higher absolute gain of VIO and VGO. It is recommended to apply a breeding scheme using group recording of village performance when strong GxE in breeding for village poultry is expected.  相似文献   

This study used a fence-line contrast approach to investigate the long-term impact of high grazing pressure on the vegetation at a site in Namaqualand, South Africa. Forty pairs of permanently marked plots were surveyed in 1996, 2006 and 2016. The main objective was to investigate changes in the vegetation structure and species composition between the near-continuously grazed communal rangelands and the relatively lightly grazed commercial rangelands over the 20-year period. The results showed a decline in total vegetation cover in both commercial and communal rangelands in 2016 relative to the two earlier sampling periods. This can be attributed to the low rainfall in 2016 and was due largely to a reduction in annual plant cover, especially on the communal rangeland. Perennial shrub species provide a fodder bank that can be utilised by livestock in times of drought and can buffer short-term deficits in forage supply. However, the annuals that dominate the vegetation of the communal rangeland do not form such fodder banks and consequently do not have the same multi-year buffering capacity as perennial shrubs. This provides the mechanism whereby long-term continuous grazing decreases resilience to rainfall fluctuations and increases livestock variability, thereby promoting non-equilibrium-type dynamics in the system.  相似文献   


This study investigated how intensively manipulated grass/clover silage (finer structure than chopped silage) fed in total mixed ration (TMR), influenced feed consumption, total tract apparent digestibility (TTAD) and pig behaviour. Ten Yorkshire x Hampshire (YH) pigs were included in a digestibility experiment and 64 YH pigs in a behaviour experiment. Pigs received TMR with 20% dry matter inclusion of either intensively manipulated (SI) or chopped silage (SC). Behaviour was registered with instantaneous and continuous sampling. SI pigs consumed more silage (p?=?0.001) and spent more time eating from the through (p?<?0.01), however no significant difference in TTAD was found (p?>?0.05). Less social interactions prior to feeding (p?=?0.029) and less rooting after feeding (p?<?0.05) were found among SI pigs, indicating SI pigs being more satisfied for a longer time after feeding. We conclude that TMR with intensively manipulated silage benefits feed consumption and increases the opportunities for pigs perform feed-related behaviours.  相似文献   

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