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Summary Male mice inoculated withTrypanosoma (Trypanozoon) brucei of virulent type ETat 5, were subjected to pronounced social interaction and resultant stress by being grouped with stranger mice for 3 hours each day during the development of the infection. Three experiments were conducted and in each of these the stressed mice survived for a significantly longer period than did similarly infected control mice kept in singled isolation. One mouse survived the infection for 12 days during which time no antigenic variation was detectable by agglutination test in the infecting organism. The results establish the fact that social grouping can influence the survival time of mice to trypanosome infections. It is postulated that these results may have been due to a reduced immune response in the stressed mice which, in its turn, caused a delay in the release of harmful products of the antibodytrypanosome reaction.
Resumen Ratones machos infectados conTrypanosoma brucei (Trypanozoon) del tipo virulento E.T.a.t. 5 fueron sometidos a interacción social y la tensión social consecuente por ser agrupados con ratones más fuertes durante 3 horas por día, durante el desarrollo de la infección. Tres experimentos se llevaron a cabo y en cada uno de éstos los ratones que habían sido sometidos a tensión sobrevivieron por más tiempo que aquellos infectados similarmente pero mantenidos aislados. Un ratón sobrevivió a la infección por 12 dias durante los cuales no se detectó ninguna variación antigénica en el organismo infectante por medio de la prueba de la aglutinación. Los resultados prueban que el agrupamiento social puede alterar el tiempo de sobreviviencia de ratones con infecciónes de tripanosoma. Se postula que los resultados se pueden deber a que los ratones bajo tensión tuvieron una respuesta inmune reducida lo cual causó un retraso en la liberación de productos tóxicos de la reacción entre los anticuerpos y el trypanosoma.

Résumé Des souris males inoculées avec une souche virulente deTrypanosoma (Trypanozoon) brucei (Etat 5) furent soumises à un facteur d’agression d’ordre social résultant de leur cohabitation avec des souris étrangères à raison de 3 heures par jour pendant le développement de l’infection. Trois expériences furent conduites ainsi et dans chacune d’elles les souris soumises au ‘stress’ ont survécu de fa?on significative pendant une période plus longue que les souris témoins conservées isolées. Une souris a survécu à l’infection pendant 12 jours, période pendant laquelle aucune variation antigénique du trypanosome infectant n’a pu être décelée par le moyen de l’agglutination. Les résultats montrent que le groupage des souris peut influencer leur temps de survie aux infections à trypanosomes. On postule que ces résultats peuvent être dus à une réponse immunologique réduite chez les souris soumises au ‘stress’, ce qui provoque un retard dans le relargage des produits nocifs issus de la réaction anticorps-trypanosome.

The interaction of intensive animal production with human society depends on the combined effect of the share of agricultural production in the country or province, the density of population, the animal density and the tendency of the town people to demand country areas for vacation activities. The potential infection hazard must be paid attention to. The Swedish experience of intensive animal production and the legislation in connection with this production gives the impression that the disadvantages could be controlled. A main task for the authorities is to lead the producers to a suitable location of new production units. The use of the animal byproduct manure as fertilizer and soil improving agent will be more attractive when the petrological sources of fertilizer are limited.  相似文献   


In this talk I shall be dealing with two quite distinct groups of people who find common ground in some 40,000,000 humble animals—the sheep and cattle populations of New Zealand. You, as practising veterinarians form the first group, and your prime concern is the health (or, if you prefer it, the diseases) of these two species. The second is composed of what, for want of a better term, I shall call pasture workers, and it is concerned, directly or indirectly, with the provision of feed for those same domestic animals. The name is chosen because, under New Zealand conditions, “feed” and “pasture herbage” are virtually synonymous terms.  相似文献   

Bee pollen (BP) is one of the most useful therapeutic products favoured by natural medicine scientists because of its possible nutritional and medical applications. It exhibits many impacts such as antimicrobial, immunostimulating, antioxidants and hepatoprotective. Furthermore, BP has some useful therapeutic features in numerous pathological situations such as its impact to normalize wound healing. Based on previous literatures, the level of BP supplement in livestock and poultry ranged from 0.1 to 20 g/kg diet. This variation depends on the species, physiological status, age and purpose of addition; so far generally, it accepted to use the level with no side effects. It has been observed that BP enhanced growth performance, immunity responses and blood variables and had hypoglycaemic activity by reducing the lipid in the blood and carcass. Also, BP contains more nutrients, which stimulate faster differentiation and proliferation of the cells of immune system of birds. Therefore, the present review recommends that BP supplementation (up to 20 g/kg diet) had possible beneficial impacts, antioxidants and protective activities on most of the production, productive and health patterns of livestock.  相似文献   

There are two basic remarks that must be made about this series of articles on the theme 'Modern biotechnology: a blessing or concern?'. Firstly, it is difficult to define what 'biotechnology' is due to the diversity of techniques employed. Secondly, it is striking how biotechnological techniques may be employed for such a wide variety of goals. In this article, the ethics of using biotechnology within veterinary science and research will be discussed. Aside from its usefulness to humankind, an animal has its own value as a living creature; a fact that we should always take into account. Ethical issues such as the health, welfare and integrity of animals are discussed here in relation to developments in biotechnology. These ethical arguments reveal that biotechnology does not always have a positive impact on animals. This does not necessarily mean that biotechnology should be rejected out of hand, but that it is essential that the purpose for which the animals are being used be adequately justified. In this regard, the veterinarian may play a unique role as the guardian of both animal and human health. The veterinary profession, in all its diversity, is a participant in the development and (future) practical application of biotechnological techniques. Changes in the broader society and within the veterinary profession may continue to play a role in the societal discourse on biotechnology and its practical application, it must actively consider the ethical aspects and consequences of these scientific developments.  相似文献   

Intensive beef production and the veterinarian   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

本文是《硼对动物健康及生产的关键作用(综述)》的第三部分,主要介绍硼对激素活性、动物生产性能的影响,以及硼的抗热应激作用。  相似文献   

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