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When mixtures of wheat straw and organic nitrogen supplements were composted at 40° C in a simple small-scale, 1-phase composting system, initial inoculation with several species of thermophilic fungi resulted in a large improvement in the suitability of the composts for the cultivated mushroom. Ammonia levels fell rapidly and the ability of the composts to support competitor fungi was reduced. The species Torula thermophila, Cooney and Emerson, was particularly effective in bringing about these changes, and showed considerable potential as a rapid-composting organism. Composting was also accelerated by using a supplement such as sewage sludge, which had a low potential for producing ammonia. The inoculation of thermophilic fungi into conventional mushroom compost at the start of Phase II had little beneficial effect, probably because an adequate microflora of suitable composting organisms, including thermophilic fungi, was already present. If this microflora was first severely reduced, then a large effect from inoculating thermophilic fungi could be demonstrated. The results also indicated that the toxicity of ammonia to micro-organisms other than the mushroom could be an important feature of mushroom composting.  相似文献   

Oxygen concentrations and temperatures were measured in 9 representative regions of a section of a mushroom compost stack, to determine the relative rates of utilisation of oxygen by micro-organisms and replenishment of oxygen by movement of gases through the compost.Distinct patterns of change in oxygen concentration were identified. Oxygen concentration, integrated over the whole composting-time, was greater than 5% in 86% of the stack volume, but temperatures were above optimum for growth of thermophilic micro-organisms for most of the composting-time in 60% of the stack volume.  相似文献   

Temperature, initial ammonia levels and aeration were found to be major factors determining the time required to complete the Phase II stage of mushroom compost preparation. Ammonia disappeared most rapidly in the region of 40–45°C, though disappearance was still relatively fast over the range 35–50°C. As temperatures rose above 50°C, the rate of disappearance of ammonia slowed down considerably, and above 55°C a different pattern of change in ammonia levels with time was revealed, with a rapid initial fall being followed by a long slow decline. At these higher temperatures, and also at 40°C or below, the final composts were not selective and supported the growth of competitor fungi as well as the mushroom. Selective composts were produced over the range 45–55°C, though much more time was required to complete Phase II towards the top of this range. The initial levels of ammonia in the compost also affected the time required to complete Phase II, with the higher initial levels requiring more time. Aeration was also an important factor. A reduction of average oxygen levels from 19 to 14%, accompanied by a corresponding increase in carbon dioxide levels, almost doubled the time required to complete Phase II. The results indicated an active involvement in the Phase II process of the thermophilic microflora in the compost.  相似文献   

With a 3-day duration of Stage I of composting, an initial nitrogen (N) content of about 1.4% of the dry matter resulted in a shorter time in Stage II and a 14-day earlier start to cropping than a 2.4% N content. In 6 weeks cropping from each compost, the yields of mushrooms were similar.Following 13 and 23 days in Stage I, initial N content had little or no effect on the duration of Stage II or on the start of cropping, but the yield of mushrooms was greater from composts with the higher N content. These results support the proposition that with increasing duration of composting a higher initial N content of the compost is acceptable, and probably desirable, for preparing a successful compost.A direct relation between duration of composting and losses of water and dry matter from the compost was confirmed.The occurrence of Coprinus spp. (ink caps) fruit bodies during mushroom cropping was not a good indication of subsequent yield of mushrooms.  相似文献   

平菇培养料发酵度快速测定指标的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为建立平菇培养料发酵度的判定指标,选用以粉碎玉米芯小粒、中粒和大粒为主要原料配制的平菇培养料,分析了发酵过程中含水量、pH值和总碳、总氮、水溶性有机碳(DOC)、氨含量以及杂菌抑制物质含量的变化,以及栽培平菇的生产特性.结果表明,发酵过程中,3种培养料的pH值先降后升,含水量、总碳含量、C/N和DOC含量降低,氨含量先...  相似文献   

Novel container shapes have been designed where the casing soil requirement has been reduced whilst total volume of compost per unit volume of growing space has been increased relative to the conventional methods of growing. Two trials with such assemblies have given improved yields per unit volume of growing facility of 35 and 60%.  相似文献   

Experiments are described in which it was attempted to quantify the water requirement of the mushroom crop for maximum yield.The amount of water applied was positively correlated with crop weight from about the second week of cropping and increasing the amount of water applied reduced the drying of the compost and casing during cropping. The watering treatments affected the character of the mushroom mycelium developing in the casing layer.The amount of water required to maintain the percentage water content of compost and casing unchanged throughout cropping can be calculated from an equation representing the overall balance of water applied to, and lost from, the mushroom trays.  相似文献   

平菇大豆酸奶的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
平菇肉质细嫩,味道鲜美,富含多种氨基酸和磷、钾、铁、锌、铜等微量元素,有较高的营养价值。平菇中的平菇多糖具有抗肿瘤,提高人体免疫力的功效,经常食用平菇对减少体内胆固醇,降低血压和增进健康有明显效果。且平菇容易栽培,产量高,是一种深受消费者喜爱具有开发价值的食用真菌。大豆含有大量植物蛋白质,质量最好,它的氨基酸模式接近人体的需要,且富含粮谷类缺乏的赖氨酸,还含有VB、VE、多种矿物质元素,并可除去人体内过剩的胆固醇,大豆中还含有人体所必需的亚油酸,亚麻酸等必需脂肪酸及其他生理活性物质,是目前国家重点开肪酸及其他生理…  相似文献   

无公害双孢蘑菇生产技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解决菌林矛盾,减少奶牛业发展壮大造成的环境污染,我市于2003年在大竹镇进行无公害双孢蘑菇栽培试种,取得了良好的经济效益和生态效益。目前已成为闽北农业增效,农民增收的主要途径。通过几年来跟踪调查探索,现对无公害双孢蘑菇生产技术总结如下。  相似文献   

Temperatures were recorded throughout cross-sections of mushroom compost stacks, and the effect of insulating part of the stack was studied. The mean temperature throughout the total cross-section in the insulated part of the stacks was 5° C higher than in the uncovered part of the stacks. Isotherms were drawn on scaled diagrams at 10° C intervals. The areas between the isotherms were calculated and presented as cumulative frequency curves based on percentages of the total cross-sectional area; this was a useful way of assessing areas of the stack within optimum temperature ranges for different groups of microorganisms.The functions of temperature gradients in compost stacks and the possible value of covering compost stacks were discussed.  相似文献   

我国食用菌营养成分研究和报告,始见于1909年。在晚清食用菌文献中,严保诚撰写的"蕈"篇,首次提及松蕈、香蕈、白麦蕈和黑麦蕈4种食用菌的营养成分,数据未注明出处,可能是引自国外。民国时期研究和报告营养成分的食用菌有蘑菇、银耳、木耳、金耳、竹荪、香杏口蘑和茯苓等7种,其中银耳、木耳、金耳、竹荪和香杏口蘑等5种的数据是国人自己研究分析所得。最早报告蘑菇营养成分的是胡竟良1922年撰写的《蕈之栽培》篇,银耳营养成分首见于1932年胡泽撰写的《四川银耳之研究》篇。  相似文献   

Rapidly prepared substrates, suitable for the production of the cultivated mushroom, were ready for use in 5 days. Yields increased markedly when cheap commercial by-products, rich in soluble carbohydrate, were added to the basic substrate mixture at the start of composting.Products based on molasses, rich in sucrose, or milk by-products, rich in lactose, were tested. To avoid excessive production of ammonia, total nitrogen was kept to less than 1.5% of the dry matter at mixing, but there were large differences in the nitrogen content of the supplements, so that soluble carbohy drate levels of the mixtures were not similar.  相似文献   

葡萄霜霉病拮抗细菌的筛选、鉴定及发酵条件优化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【目的】分离获得对葡萄霜霉病菌(Plasmopara viticola)具有明显拮抗效果的菌株,优化其产生抑菌活性物质的发酵条件,为葡萄霜霉病菌的生物防治提供潜在的资源菌。【方法】从染病葡萄植株健康叶片中分离内生菌,采用离体叶片防效试验筛选拮抗菌。根据菌株的形态与生理生化特征、16S r DNA序列分析对其进行鉴定,并采用单因素试验优化培养基组分及发酵条件。【结果】从健康叶片中共分离得到56株内生细菌,其中编号为CS5的菌株对葡萄霜霉病菌的拮抗效果最佳,7 d后对葡萄离体叶片霜霉病防治效果达96.23%,初步鉴定该菌株属于芽孢杆菌属。其最佳发酵碳源为可溶性淀粉,氮源为酵母膏,初始p H值为6.0。【结论】经鉴定,拮抗菌株为Bacillus amyloliquefaciens。在优化的发酵条件下,该菌株对葡萄霜霉病具有更好的拮抗作用。  相似文献   

When trays were given the same total amount of water, the manner in which it was apportioned throughout the pre-cropping and cropping periods had significant effects on the mushroom crop.Delaying the start of watering, without affecting the total amount given, retarded the start of cropping slightly, reduced yield and allowed more mushroom mycelium to cover the casing layer. Where the casing was covered extensively with mycelium, fruiting was reduced even when subsequent watering removed some of the mycelial covering. In the more productive areas of the trays with excessive mycelial overlay the mushrooms were closely packed and thus of poor quality and difficult to pick.Comparison of various ways of apportioning the total amount of water applied between pre-cropping and cropping showed that yield was optimum when watering was spread regularly and evenly throughout pre-cropping and cropping.Cased trays which were not watered produced in 6 weeks a yield of mushrooms about two-thirds of that from trays watered regularly, thus showing that there is a considerable reserve of water in the compost and casing on which the crop can draw.  相似文献   

吴建成 《广西园艺》2007,18(5):39-41
金福菇是近几年来驯化成功栽培的食用菌新秀,其营养价值高,每100g金福菇干品含蛋白质27.56g、粗脂肪9.58g、总糖38.44g、粗纤维8.20g。金福菇子实体硕大,单朵重可达450g,单丛重6.5kg。菌肉肥厚嫩白,味微甜而鲜美,有突出的菇香,耐贮性好,在4~10℃的温度条件下,保鲜期可达一个月而不变色不变味,适宜鲜销和干制加工,其生物学效率可达100%。出菇温度高,有利于调节鲜菇市场,  相似文献   

指出绣球菌的主要功能性成分为β-葡聚糖、绣球菌素等,具有降血糖,促进胰岛素分泌,抗肿瘤,改善肝机能等多种保健功效。绣球菌根据品种特性可分为4种类型,有瓶栽和袋栽两种方式,采用装料量为2 kg的栽培袋栽培,生育周期60天,产量较高。  相似文献   

污泥堆肥中含有大量有机质和营养元素,具有在花卉栽培上运用的潜力。文章以菊花为例,为降低菊花栽培成本并开发新型栽培基质,通过对生活污泥堆肥在菊花栽培基质配方试验中的应用分析,结果表明:污泥堆肥具有在菊花生产上使用的前景和潜力,能减少肥料施用,降低成本,同时也为生活污泥处置困难的问题提供了思路。  相似文献   

An inverse relation between quantity of compost per unit bed area and yield of mushrooms per unit weight has been found for mushrooms grown on layers of compost 2.5–12.5 cm deep. The average increase in yield per 1 000 kg of compost was 8.3 kg of mushrooms for each centimeter reduction in depth. The feasibility of a mushroom cropping system based on thin layers has been examined and several factors likely to be important in its development have been identified.  相似文献   

榆黄菇属口蘑科、侧耳属,又名金顶侧耳。子实体浅漏斗状,浅黄或金黄色,味道类,营养丰富,食药兼用。榆黄菇生长势强,抗逆性好,栽培工艺简单,易推广,生物效率高,在我省有非常广阔的开发前景。榆黄菇在自然条件下大量生长在东北林区,人工驯化栽培是在上世纪80年代末90年代初开始,大面积栽培只有近几年的时间,主要集中在东北地区。栽培原料以木屑、段木为主。我省是食用菌栽培大省,各类食用菌栽培数量、产量及出口量均在全国前列,但榆黄菇的驯化栽培几乎空白。究其原因,  相似文献   

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