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王潇 《保鲜与加工》2009,9(3):51-52
从食品安全一直受到人们的关注的角度,对食品包装材料与食品安全是同样重要的安全问题进行了阐述,同时探讨了食品包装材料对食品安全的影响,并且提出通过加强食品企业社会责任感的倡导,推动我国食品包装企业管理制度规范化和系统化发展。  相似文献   

ZHOU Zhuo-hu  LI Song  HU Li 《保鲜与加工》2005,(7):137-139152
The authors analyze the existing problems that those traditional firm valuation methods and Real Option Theory in corporate valuation in M&As face with, a new model based on real options method which makes full use of market information including price, cost and production is developed,which improves the real options method.  相似文献   

The enterprises' environmental responsibility is the duty of the enterprises in environmental protection for the society. In this paper, by analyzing the imperfection of legislation in enterprises' environmental responsibility, it is pointed out that legislation perfection should be done through affirming the enterprises' environmental responsibility, completing the resource utilization legislation and paying attention to the construction of interrelated legal system. So, it can make the enterprises do some measures actively to use the resources properly and put the cleaner production into practice.  相似文献   

The peace dividend typically is conceptualized as the transfer of dollars from defense to domestic, social needs. This Perspective redefines the peace dividend in terms of the conversion of talent, expertise, and technologies from the production of weaponry to commercial products and processes, which will have positive effects overall on the American economy. The dynamic of this conversion is specified in terms of corporate reorganization among American military industrial firms (MIFs) in existing and strategic industries such as electronics, as well as new growth sectors such as environmentally conscious industries.  相似文献   

焦善伟 《种业导刊》2017,(11):12-14
随着2017年产稻谷的陆续收获上市,国内稻米市场供应压力逐渐增大,尽管部分地区、部分品种因灾导致减产,但由于市场需求受经济形势影响并无明显回暖,总体上稻米供需仍保持宽松格局,这也使得国内稻谷市场价格对政策性收购的依赖仍然较大.后期来看,预计国内稻米市场仍将保持“稻强米弱”、“优强普弱”、“新强陈弱”的特征,受2017年最低收购价格普遍下调、且2018年政策底价预期继续下降等影响,稻谷价格上涨动能乏力.  相似文献   

王伟 《种子世界》2009,(7):21-21
1从农资市场需要出发,推进企业文化建设的自觉性 首先要从种子企业的行业特点认识企业文化建设的重要性。种子行业是一项技术性、专业性、科学性很强的工作,这是由种子本身的特殊性决定的。  相似文献   

在对农产品加工业现状分析的基础上预测了我国农产品加工业市场特征的发展趋势,并为我国农产品加工企业做大做强提出了对策意见。  相似文献   

The annexation activity of municipalities is studied in a market framework. A sample of 659 municipalities of 25,000 or more population is used to analyze the effects of municipal government structure and annexation statutes on municipal government behavior. Both annexation laws and types of municipal governments are found to be significant determinants of the level of municipal annexation activity. Since some studies indicate that annexation activity affects municipal efficiency, these results have policy implications for state legislators who control the institutions under which municipalities operate.  相似文献   

知识经济时代的来临,科学技术的飞速发展,从根本上改变了人们的生活方式和社会的生产方式,使社会经济环境变得比以往更复杂、更快速,引起全球的剧烈竞争,演绎出一个全新的市场。综述了中国的新市场新特征。  相似文献   

In this paper, the idea and analytical means of statistics used in the study of expected returns, risk and efficient market are introduced. It is pointed out that the statistics has a great practical use in the field of investment.  相似文献   

According to Coase and Alchian's definition ,the corporation is a contract consisting of variety essential factors.The essential factors of the firm can be separated into human capital and non-human capical. The owner of the factors will be confronted with rearrangement of the property rights when forming a contract. At the same time, the firm is a special contract which different from other short-term contract. Therefore, its property rights arrangement is dynamic and its surplus distribution is dynamic ,too. By analyzing the arrangement process of the property rights and surplus, the paper draws a conclusion about distribution equilibrium.  相似文献   

中国玉米种植面积2007年达到历史最高的4.2亿亩,玉米制种也获得了好收成.玉米种子市场形势可以概括为:郑单958仍在市场唱主角,种子供大于求,营销峰期延迟,价格持续走低.农业部出台玉米良种补贴新法,可能为今年种子市场走向增添许多扑朔迷离的未知因素.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper focuses on cyclical and regional variations in vacancy dynamics in labor markets with persistent imbalances between demand and supply. In particular the so-called matching approach is used to investigate labor market efficiency across regions and over the business cycle. In this matching approach the relationship between the flow of filled vacancies and regional stocks of unemployed job seekers and vacant jobs is specified in a “search production” function. The matching approach is applied to the Dutch labor market, which is characterized by strong disequilibria and persistent regional differences in unemployment and vacancy rates. To explore the development of these regional imbalances from a demand side perspective, the dynamic structure of regional data on vacancies is analyzed over the business cycle. The movements of vacancy duration and the change in the vacancy stock over time appear to be similar across Dutch regions. Moreover, an investigation of the structural causes of regional variations in vacancy duration via shift-share analysis makes clear that regional differences in sectoral composition of unfilled vacancies do not contribute to regional differences in vacancy duration in the period 1989–93. Estimation results of a matching model reveal that there are no region-specific differences in labor market efficiency to produce filled vacancies. The ratio of vacancies to unemployment appears to be the critical determinant of the matching process in the Dutch regions. Another general (non region-specific) finding is that the estimated labor market efficiency increases during recessionary and recovery periods while it decreases during an economic boom.  相似文献   

王军  孙扬  石鑫  孙红  仇燕  刘艳 《种子科技》2001,19(3):136-136
随着市场经济不断发展 ,省辖市市区农作物种子市场正逐步走向开放 ,形成市、县 (区 )种子公司、农技部门、科研部门和省市农垦部门及个体经营相互竞争的新格局。国有种子公司如何适应市场变化 ,制定正确的竞争策略并参与市区种子市场竞争 ,显得十分迫切和必要。1 建好门市部 ,抢占阵地长期以来 ,国有种子公司一直是农作物种子生产经营主渠道 ,为农业生产提供了大量优质高产新品种 ,深受基层广大干群的信赖。在市区种子市场竞争中 ,国有种子公司应当抓好门市部建设 ,抢占有利阵地 ,创造有利条件 ,发挥这一传统优势。种子门市部以建在公司经…  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The period 1966 to 1976 was a decade of change, contrast and challenge. In this article a model is developed and estimated contrasting the labor market experiences of young men who participated in post-school occupational training during this period with those young men who did not participate. Participation in post-school forms of occupational training is identified as a significant contributor to individual labor market success during the period and racial differences in returns to training participation are highlighted. The results prompt questions concerning the direction of current federal training policy.  相似文献   

Architecture market is a typical dynamic game market with incomplete information, in which exists three principal parts who are proprietors, supervising companies and contractors. There is a complex principal-agent relationship among them. With the analysis of the principal-agent relationship among proprietors, supervising companies and contractors, two dynamic games of incomplete information have been established and analyzed. If the proprietor only pay instant fee to supervising company, the supervising company will take weak supervise. Only with appropriate incentive way, the strong supervise can be done. Based on it, an incentive system is established to make the supervising companies and contractors work hard, to realize the given purpose of the proprietors.  相似文献   

吴云霞  侯旭光 《华北农学报》2004,19(Z1):186-188
以工作实践及自身体会为基础,阐述审稿人的遴选及其在科技学术期刊中的重要职责.  相似文献   

调查了2005年—2007年河南省市场上豆腐、豆腐皮和腐竹等3种豆制品中甲醛次硫酸氢钠的使用情况。结果显示,豆腐和豆腐皮中添加的甲醛次硫酸氢钠较少,而腐竹中的添加量不容乐观。  相似文献   

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