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郭瑛 《中国瓜菜》2006,(3):28-29
通过引进国外洋葱品种进行栽培比较试验,筛选适宜洛阳种植的优良品种,总结出配套栽培技术,旨在为建立出口加工洋葱生产基地提供参考。试验选用4个国外优良品种,以2个国内品种为对照,分黄皮和白皮2组进行田间小区试验,结果表明,黄皮洋葱适宜在洛阳地区种植,其中日本红叶3号(黄皮)产量达6817.2kg/667m2,比对照增产12.3%;白皮洋葱抗抽薹力差,产量低。  相似文献   

Onions normally form bulbs in the first year of growth; however, exposure to low temperatures can induce flowering (vernalisation) before bulbs are produced. Based on the cultivation data of onions grown in Japan, we evaluated and validated a reported model describing the onion vernalisation response. The observed bolting rates of ‘Sapporoki’, which was used in the construction of a previous model, were a good fit to the model, whereas, the bolting rates of one of the overwinter-type cultivars, ‘Momiji No.3?, were lower than the predicted value. The difference between the predicted and observed bolting rates in ‘Momiji No.3? was caused by a larger VD0.5, the coefficient in vernalisation response models that represents the time point when half of the plants have bolted. Overwinter-type and/or bolting resistant cultivars can have parameters that indicate a further vernalisation requirement for bolting. The parameters in our model can be customised to the cultivar being investigated, and our study suggests the viability of modelling onion bolting by using air temperature.  相似文献   

In vitro culture represents a tool for the ex situ conservation of a high number of sanitised plants in a reduced space. However, the culture media and/or other growing conditions need to be optimised to minimising plant growth and storage cost. Growth on MW medium was evaluated in the commercial cultivars ‘Airén’, ‘Bobal’, ‘Chardonnay’, ‘Garnacha Blanca’, ‘Moscatel de Alejandría’, ‘Moscatel de Grano Menudo’, ‘Pedro Ximénez’, ‘Pinot Blanc’, ‘Pinot Gris’, ‘Sauvignon Blanc’, and ‘Tempranillo’; the minor cultivars ‘Chelva’, ‘Valencí Negre’, ‘Valencí Blanc’, and ‘Verdil’; and the endangered cv. ‘Esclafacherre’. Different growth rates were observed among cultivars: those with faster growth need to be subcultured every 1.5–2.0 months; those with the slowest growth every 3.5–4.0 months. The effect of halving the sucrose in MW reduced the growth of the cultivars that grew faster without compromising survival. When IBA was removed from MW, growth was also reduced in some cultivars. Therefore, small modifications of the MW composition are adequate for grapevine in vitro storage under standard incubation conditions. This is an advantage with respect to the change of temperature used in other work to achieve growth reduction, and allows the use of the same chamber for different in vitro culture procedures.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the effects of genetic and environmental factors on onion pungency, estimated as pyruvic acid levels. Genetically identical clones were grown at three different field locations and in a greenhouse. Onion pungency was significantly influenced by clone type, location, and their interaction. Genetic differences were the major determining factor of onion pungency (81.3% of total variation). Location, including all environmental factors, and the clone × location interaction comprised 11.4% and 7.3% of the total variation, respectively. The magnitude of the pungency difference among field-grown onions was about 1.5 μmol/ml. The pungency levels were not positively correlated with soil sulfur nutrition levels, which ranged from 16 to 97 ppm. Within clones, onion pungency levels were loosely inversely correlated with increasing bulb weight. The clones proved to have the most uniform pungency (8% CV), followed by hybrids (10.6% CV) and open-pollinated cultivars (21.3% CV). We have demonstrated that genetic factors were determinant of onion pungency. Environmental factors influenced pungency to a lesser degree. Therefore, choosing cultivars with low pungency, ideal growing environments and proper sulfur nutrition control, are key factor in producing sweet onions.  相似文献   

Salinity tolerance in garlic cultivars was studied in pots. A 50% yield reduction occurs at 5.60-7.80 dS m1, depending on genotype. It was estimated that if soil salinity exceeds 1.70 dS m_l, the mean garlic yield declined by 1.68% per unit increase in soil salinity.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate onion accessions regarding their resistance to Thrips tabaci Lindeman, in order to enable the development of cultivars that are resistant to this pest. The experiments were carried out without chemical control, in a randomized block design with three replications, in Petrolina, PE and Juazeiro, BA. Six evaluations of thrips populations were carried out starting 15 days after transplanting, each one after 7 days. Simple correlations were estimated among all variables. Statistical differences were observed for the number of adults in different evaluations, while the number of nymphs showed no statistical differences. The largest average yields of commercial bulbs were observed for ‘Vale Ouro IPA 11?, ‘BRS Alfa São Francisco’, ‘Franciscana IPA 10? and ‘Sirius F1? while ‘Red Creole’, ‘Creole Mercosul’ and ‘Conquista’ had the lowest yield. The bulb commercial yield had simple negative correlations with nymph degree of infestation (DI) in the four evaluation phases and adult DIs at 22 days. Negative correlations between commercial bulb yield and central angle of the plant were observed, indicating that plants with higher bulb yield have a lower angle of the central leaves. The results of the study suggest that the resistance mechanism is due mainly to tolerance to the pest.  相似文献   

The effects of three set-sizes (12.5, 17.5 and 22.5 mm in diameter) and seven storage temperatures (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 °C) on bolting, bulbing and seed yield in two onion (Allium cepa L.) cultivars ‘Hygro’ and ‘Delta’ were investigated. The incidence of bolting increased linearly with set-size and curvi-linearly with decreasing storage temperature. Time to inflorescence emergence and floret opening showed a curvi-linear response to storage temperature with the earliest inflorescence emergence and floret opening occurring at 5 °C and the latest at 30 °C for ‘Hygro’ and at 25 °C for ‘Delta’. Seed yield per umbel also showed a curvi-linear response to storage temperature with the lowest seed yield occurring at 30 °C for ‘Hygro’ and at 25 °C for ‘Delta’ and the highest seed yield at 5 °C. For a seed crop, storage of large sets (22.5 mm) of these cultivars at 5 °C for 120 days appeared to be optimum with 5–12% higher seed yield per umbel than that of 90 days storage. Bulb yield showed a curvi-linear response to storage temperature with the highest bulb yield occurring at 25 °C and the lowest at 5 °C.  相似文献   

Seven F1 hybrids of Antirrhinum majus were grown in a range of environments and measurements were made of the time from sowing to budding and of the time from budding to flowering. The time to budding of all cultivars varied with environment, but was always longer for late-flowering types. The time from budding to flowering changed with environment in the early-flowering cultivars. This period was shorter and apparently independent of environment in the late-flowering types.The possibility of selecting types which combine the short vegetative phase of the early-flowering cultivars with the lower time for inflorescence development of the late ones is discussed.  相似文献   

Smoke-water and a biologically active butenolide compound (3-methyl-2H-furo[2,3-c]pyran-2-one) derived from burning plant material, show stimulating effects on a number of agricultural and horticultural crops. In these trials, onion (Allium cepa L.) plants were treated (drenched) with either a 1:500 (v/v) smoke-water solution or a butenolide solution of 10−10 M under greenhouse conditions. Onion plants supplied with smoke-water and butenolide solution exhibited a significantly greater number of leaves, increased leaf length, and a higher fresh and dry leaf weight than untreated plants at 175 days after seed sowing (DASS) (third harvest). In addition, smoke-water and butenolide-treated onion plants exhibited a significantly higher bulb diameter and bulb weight than untreated plants, when these plants were harvested at 175 DASS. Overall, smoke-water was more effective than butenolide and achieved the highest harvest index. Genotoxicity was not detected in the bulbs of onion when they were treated with either smoke-water or butenolide.  相似文献   


The effects of organic vs. conventional growing practices on yield, pest attacks, N uptake, and NO3 contents of three vegetable crops were examined. A range of cultivars of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. cv. Botrytis), bulb onion (Allium cepa L.), and carrot (Daucus carota L.) were grown organically and conventionally in a sandy-loam soil. Ranking of cultivars according to yield and susceptibility towards insect attack and fungal disease was similar in the two systems. Yields of cauliflower and onion were 20% and 45% higher, respectively, when grown conventionally. No differences in carrot yields and discard rates were observed between the two systems. Generally, the reasons for discarding varied between the two systems. In organically grown cauliflower, damage by slugs was the main reason for discarding, with 9% discarded, while hollow stem was more prevalent in conventionally grown cauliflowers, where 7% was discarded. No statistically significant differences were found between discard rates or causes in bulb onions grown organically or conventionally. Conventionally grown carrots were significantly more damaged by carrot root fly with 5% of carrots discarded, even though the flies were also present in the organic system. In contrast, more carrots with morphological defects were seen in the organic system, where 29% were discarded. The lower yields in organically grown vegetables can be explained mainly by the management practices specific to the organic system that are designed to facilitate weed and pest management. In addition, inadequate early nutrient supply provides a possible explanation for the lower yields in organically grown cauliflowers and onions, as well as the lower planting density of onions.  相似文献   

为探讨新疆南疆地区加工用杏品种制汁相关性状的评价标准,以轮台国家果树资源圃的库尔勒托永、小白杏、赛买提等18个品种果实为试材,比较南疆加工用杏品种制汁相关性状,结果显示18个杏品种平均单果质量为14.4~52g,出汁率为44.6%~62%,可溶性固形物含量为13.2%~25.4%,可滴定酸含量为0.67%~1.59%,维生素C含量为26.7~146.5mg/kg,糖酸比为4.35~17.09,可溶性糖含量为6.64%~15.52%。以目前生产中仅15%~25%的品种能达到的性状为特级指标,我们提出南疆制汁用杏品种的特级标准为:单果质量≥40g、出汁率≥58%、可溶性固形物含量≥21%、维生素C含量≥100mg/kg、糖酸比达到8.31~12.19且可溶性糖含量为7.81%~15.11%。  相似文献   

Murashige and Skoog medium (MS), woody plant medium (WPM), and a mixture of equal parts of MS and WPM (MW) were compared for in vitro shoot proliferation and rooting of four highbush blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) cultivars. During the multiplication stage, the shoots on WPM showed worse growth than the other shoots. The MW produced the best shoot growth. The shoots on MS grew well but tended toward hyperhydricity in the multiplication stage, especially in the case of ‘Bluecrop’ shoots. Rooting was worst in the shoots multiplied on WPM, while the best rooting percentage of ‘Bluecrop’ shoots was obtained on MS, and that of ‘O’Neal’ on MW. The rooted shoots developed a good root system and were easily acclimatized after potting.  相似文献   

基于华北高寒区气候冷凉干燥、适宜洋葱生产的背景,为了丰富区域蔬菜种类、促进产业结构升级,通过调查分析以北京、甘肃、广州、武汉、辽宁为代表全国主要蔬菜批发市场的洋葱周年价格,结合坝上高寒区洋葱生产试验,探索华北高寒区洋葱生产的市场与经济适宜性。结果表明,全国主要市场的洋葱价格表现冬春季高、夏秋季低的时序同步变化特征,不同市场的洋葱淡旺季差价率在54.1%~203.3%,地区间差价率旺季为203.3%。华北坝上高寒区洋葱收获与上市期,洋葱价格处于低谷转向上升的初期,洋葱就近与即时销售不具经济优势。坝上洋葱"南苗北植"生产较当地育苗移栽成本降低了121.7元·667 m~(-2)元,经济效益提高16.7%~38.3%;按产地收购价计,比坝上主栽蔬菜经济收益提高74.6%~127.0%。洋葱可作为华北高寒区蔬菜生产结构调整的供选菜种,"南苗北植"方式可有效提高洋葱的经济效益。  相似文献   

To study the morphological diversity of the popular ornamental crop Calibrachoa, traded since the 1990s, floral and vegetative characters of 91 commercial cultivars were compared to those of natural species. Floral colours were classified according to the ISCC-NBS system and the CIE LAB system. The numerical data obtained by measuring 19 floral and vegetative characters was tested with principal component (PC) analysis. Floral colour classes of commercial cultivars were divided into 37 groups according the ISCC-NBS system, whereas those of natural species were divided into 9 groups. These tendencies were readily observable in the scatter diagrams of the a* vs. b* values and the C* vs. L* values. As the result of PC analysis, six PCs were obtained. For PC4, which negatively correlated with the degree of nocturnal corolla limb closure, the majority of natural species showed negative scores whereas the majority of cultivars had positive PC4 scores. In terms of PC2 (flower size), PC3 (growth form), PC5 (floral shape) and PC6 (leaf shape), natural species were dispersed in a range wider than the cultivars. These results suggest that Calibrachoa cultivars possess more highly variable floral colour than natural species, and breeding programmes to diversify the floral colour seem to have progressed rapidly. The tendency of natural species to close the corolla limb toward evening has been removed almost completely from the cultivars. The floral size, growth form, floral shape and leaf shape of the cultivars were rather uniform compared to those of natural species.  相似文献   

Oleander (Nerium oleander L.) is an evergreen shrub of great ornamental interest which, in recent times, has been increasingly used as a flowering pot plant. Plants grown in pots undergo more frequent water stress conditions than those grown in the soil, due to the limited volume of substrate available for the roots. Oleander is a species adaptable to dry conditions and able to survive long periods of drought. It is well known that under water stress conditions all plants reduce photosynthetic activity, resulting in reduced plant growth. In case of severe water stress, leaves undergo strong wilting and senescence resulting in the loss of ornamental value. In the present work, a study was conducted to evaluate the ecophysiological response to water stress in four oleander cultivars previously recognised (on the basis of traits such as size, habit, earliness, abundance and duration of flowering, aptitude for cutting propagation and rapidity of growth) as suitable for pot plant production. Our data confirm the high drought tolerance of oleander. In the studied cultivars, plants submitted to water stress showed only minor variations in leaf gas exchange parameters [transpiration (E), stomatal conductance (gs) and CO2 net assimilation (A)] for at least 10 days without a change in leaf water content [assessed as relative water content (RWC)] for 22 days from the beginning of the stress treatment. During this period, non-irrigated plants maintained the same water status as control plants and were visually undistinguishable from them. Moreover, plants survived without water supply for one month. Following the supply of water again, they were able to restore RWC, gas exchange parameters and instantaneous water use efficiency [A/E ratio (WUEinst)] to the values of control plants. Furthermore, if at the end of the stress period plants appeared withered and were pale green in colour, they regained their normal appearance after they were irrigated again. Although the four studied cultivars showed some minor differences in leaf gas exchange parameters and in the manner in which the latter parameters changed after irrigation was stopped, the response to water stress was essentially the same. Therefore, as far as drought tolerance is concerned, all these cultivars have a good aptitude for use as flowering pot plants.  相似文献   


Three different PCR methods [Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD), Inter-Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR), and Directed Amplification of Minisatellite DNA (DAMD)] were used to analyse genetic diversity and parentage among 20 mango cultivars, including 18 landraces and two hybrids (‘Amrapali’ and ‘Mallika’). These hybrids together with a third hybrid (‘Ratna’), and an out-group species (Mangifera sylvatica) were also analysed for parentage. Fifteen, seven and four primers were used to amplify a total of 158, 69 and 59 distinct DNA fragments by RAPD, ISSR and DAMD, respectively. Of these, approx. 85%, 64% and 90% were polymorphic, respectively. Genetic distances between pairs of mango cultivars were measured separately by each method and depicted graphically as a Neighbor Joining (NJ) tree. The three methods revealed different groupings of cultivars and hybrids. A NJ tree based on the cumulative data from all methods correlated well with the parentage of the mango hybrids, and the grouping of cultivars on a regional basis. Genetic markers likely to be associated with important agronomic traits were identified by further analysing the hybrids, with their respective parents, using all three methods. On the basis of the highest number of polymorphic bands observed (90%), DAMD was judged to be the best method with which to analyse mango germplasm.  相似文献   


Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to estimate genetic diversity among 24 cultivars of short-day onions. Total genomic DNA was extracted and subjected to RAPD analysis using 90 arbitrary 10-mer primers. Of these, 15 primers were selected which yielded 137 bands, 91.24% of which were polymorphic. None of the primers produced a unique banding pattern for each cultivar. RAPD data were used to calculate a Squared-Euclidian Distance matrix which revealed a minimum genetic distance between cultivars ‘AFLR-722’ and ‘PBR-140’, and a maximum genetic distance between cultivars ‘PBR-139’ and ‘A.Kalyan’, and ‘MS-48’ and ‘A.Kalyan’. Based on the distance matrix, cluster analysis was done using a minimum variance algorithm.The dendrogram thus generated, based on Ward’s method, grouped the 24 onion cultivars into two major clusters. The first cluster consisted of cultivars from the northern region, and the second of cultivars from the southern region of India. The present study shows that there is high diversity among the onion cultivars selected and indicates the potential of RAPD markers for identification and maintenance of onion germplasm for crop improvement purposes.  相似文献   

厚皮甜瓜新品种秋季设施栽培适应性试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以新疆哈密瓜研究中心选育的4个高档厚皮甜瓜品种黄皮98-18、绿皮98-18、雪里红和新金雪莲为材料,研究了在武汉市秋季塑料大棚栽培条件下4个厚皮甜瓜品种的生长发育过程,以期筛选出适宜华中地区秋季栽培的厚皮甜瓜品种。结果表明,4个甜瓜品种的果实发育期依次为45、47、40和35d,单果重依次为952.08、995.26、937.84和661.28g,果形多样;黄皮98-18和新金雪莲风味浓郁,口感绵软,绿皮98-18和雪里红鲜脆淡爽;4个品种都富含维生素C、游离氨基酸和可溶性蛋白。4个厚皮甜瓜品种都适合秋季设施栽培,综合产量、品质和抗病性考虑,黄皮98-18是最佳品种。  相似文献   

2014—2015年海南三亚厚皮甜瓜品种比较试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了筛选出适合海南地区种植的厚皮甜瓜新品种,以从全国各地广泛征集而来的180个甜瓜品种为试验材料,对其抗性、产量、品质等方面的主要农艺性状进行比较。结果表明,光皮甜瓜中‘S35’‘蜜世界’‘S41’‘D13’‘玉姑’‘S66’‘欣源欣红瑞’‘欣源红宝’‘D11’‘甜瓜14001号’等品种综合表现较突出,网纹甜瓜中‘Q5’‘T1’‘y-14’‘欣红密25号’‘sy-m402’‘西州密25号’‘S49’‘S72’‘S78’‘S77’‘S48’等品种综合表现较突出,该21个甜瓜品种可在海南进行推广试种。  相似文献   

Effects of the commercial product TrichoFlow WP™ (Agrimm Technologies Ltd., New Zealand), based on the fungus Trichoderma harzianum, on quality characteristics and yield of bulb onion was investigated. Bulb sets of the local cultivar Kantartopu was planted in soil with in and between row distances of 0.15 m and 0.40 m, respectively. The product, at considerably high dosages of 5 g m−2, 10 g m−2 and 15 g m−2, was mixed with water and sprinkled once to the plots at planting. Analyses of data at harvest did not show statistical significance for Trichoderma effect on total bulb yield, bulb diameter, leaf length, number of shoot apex, %titratable acidity, number of internal (fleshy) leaves, number of external (papery) leaves, %soluble solids and %bulbs with diameters of 20–39 mm, 40–69 mm and ≥70 mm. The yields obtained from the plots treated with the dosages of 5 g m−2, 10 g m−2 and 15 g m−2 and the control plots were 1063.7 kg da−1, 1051.0 kg da−1, 1066.5 kg da−1 and 985.0 kg da−1, respectively. Our results showed that high dosages of the Trichoderma product were not effective in enhancing onion bulb and yield characteristics under the given conditions.  相似文献   

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