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SUMMARY Sixty cows, 48 of which had been vaccinated with live Brucella abortus strain 19 (S19) or with killed B. abortus strain 45/20 (S45/20) and 12 of which were unvaccinated animals, were challenged with B. abortus strain 544. Ten of the 27 cattle found to be infected after challenge showed aberrant serological reactions to the Rose Bengal Plate test, serum agglutination test and/or complement fixation test. These 10 cattle were all previously vaccinated with S19 or S45/20. It was concluded that infection in cattle vaccinated with S19 or S45/20 may be more difficult to detect than infection in animals that have no history of vaccination.  相似文献   

Distribution of Brucella abortus in infected cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Experimentally and naturally infected cattle were examined bacteriologically to determine the anatomical distribution of specimens yielding Brucella abortus. In 91 experimentally infected pregnant cows, examined 3 to 4.5 months after conjunctival challenge during pregnancy, the most frequently infected specimen was the mammary (syn. supramammary) lymph node. All experimentally infected cows could be identified from cultures of the mammary, mandibular (syn. submaxillary), medial iliac, caudal superficial cervical (syn. prescapular) lymph nodes and uterine caruncles, cotyledons or foetal tissues. Forty-six naturally infected cows were examined and again the most frequently infected specimen was the mammary lymph node. All naturally infected cows could be identified from cultures of the mammary, parotid, mandibular and subiliac (syn. prefemoral) lymph nodes. The distribution of infected specimens was somewhat different in heifers. In 61 naturally infected heifers the most frequently infected specimen was the mandibular lymph node but 8 other specimens would have been required to enable identification of all infected heifers. Specimens from 3 infected bulls were cultured and 11 of the 12 specimens examined were infected in at least one of the bulls. The most frequently infected tissues were the mandibular, caudal superficial cervical, subiliac and scrotal lymph nodes. The results suggest which specimens should be selected for culture, particularly when only a limited amount of effort can be expended.  相似文献   

Brucella abortus and B. melitensis antigens were used in parallel on the National Standard Brucella abortus antiserum and on field sera coming from cattle where practically exclusively B. abortus biotypes 1 and 2 have been isolated over the last 11 years. With the National Standard serum the titres to B. melitensis were consistently lower than those to B. abortus antigen. Most were 1 dilution (twofold) lower. Although a similar trend was seen with the field sera, there were 7/346 sera which had twofold or higher titres to B. melitensis antigen. Although this may be due to the vagaries of the test it also warrants closer investigation of the animals concerned to see whether M-antigen predominant Brucella biotypes are possibly present. The use of the dual antigens could identify herds which are infected only with A-antigen predominant brucellae but would not be reliable for classifying individual animals.  相似文献   

Cell-mediated immune responses in cattle naturally infected with strains of Brucella abortus and in cattle vaccinated with B abortus strain 19 during calfhood were studied by an in vitro lymphocyte-stimulation procedure. Lymphocytes were prepared from peripheral bovine blood by the Ficoll-diatrizoate technique, suspended in RPMI-1640 medium (1.5 X 10(6) lymphocytes/ml), cultured with B abortus-soluble antigen or phytohemagglutinin, and incubated for 6 days. Sixteen hours prior to termination of incubation, cultures were labeled with 1 muCi of [3H]thymidine (3HdT) and, after harvesting, assayed for 3HdT incorporation into DNA by liquid scintillation spectrometry. Lymphocytes from cattle with bacteriologically confirmed isolation of B abortus underwent a significantly higher lymphocyte stimulation with B abortus-soluble antigen than did cattle vaccinated with B abortus strain 19 during calfhood (P less than 0.005). Standard seroagglutination tests were conducted simultaneously with lymphocyte-stimulation tests, but there was no apparent correlation between levels of humoral antibodies and the cell-mediated immune responses as measured by in vitro specific lymphocyte stimulation.  相似文献   

Tissues from 104 cows in herd were examined for brucellae. Brucella abortus, strain 19, was isolated from 22 cows, a field strain of B abortus, biotype 1, was isolated from 9 cows, and both strains were isolated from 2 cows.  相似文献   

Cell-mediated immune responses in cattle adult-vaccinated with Brucella abortus strain 19, cattle infected with B abortus field strain, and nonexposed cattle were studied by an in vitro lumphocyte-stimulation test (LST). Lymphocytes were prepared from peripheral bovine blood by the Ficoll-diatrizoate technique, and results were assayed for [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA by liquid scintillation spectrometry. Serotests and bacteriologic isolation attempts were conducted simultaneously with LST. Lymphocytes from cattle infected with field strains had significantly (P = 0.01) higher specific lymphocyte-stimulation inexposed controls. The LST, the serum standard-tube agglutination test (STT), the Rivanol (RIV) test, and the complement-fixation (CF) test correctly classified cattle from which field strains and strain 19 of B abortus were isolated. The LST was negative in cattle vaccinated with B abortus strain 19 (nonshedding), but the three serotests had many false-positive reactions. The CF test had the least false-positive reaction, followed by the RIV test, and the STT was the least specific. Well before the three serotests became positive, the LST was positive in samples from some cattle during the incubation period of the infection. There was little or no correlation between cell-mediated immune responses (as measured by LST) and serum antibody responses (as measured by STT, RIV test, and CF test) in vaccinated but culture-negative cattle and in some nonvaccinated cattle during the incubation period.  相似文献   

The Dutch national Brucella abortus eradication programme for cattle started in 1959. Sporadic cases occurred yearly until 1995; the last infected herd was culled in 1996. In August 1999 the Netherlands was declared officially free of bovine brucellosis by the European Union. Before 1999, the programme to monitor the official Brucella-free status of bovine herds was primarily based on periodical testing of dairy herds with the milk ring test (MRT) and serological testing of all animals older than 1 year of age from non-dairy herds, using the micro-agglutination test (MAT) as screening test. In addition, serum samples of cattle that aborted were tested with the MAT. The high number of false positive reactions in both tests and the serum agglutination test (SAT) and complement fixation test (CFT) used for confirmation seemed to result in unnecessary blockade of herds, subsequent testing and slaughter of animals. For this reason, a validation study was performed in which three indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs), the CFT and the SAT were compared using a panel of sera from brucellosis-free cattle, sera from experimentally infected cattle, and sera from cattle experimentally infected with bacteria which are known to induce cross-reactive antibodies (Pasteurella, Salmonella, Yersinia, and Escherichia). Moreover, four ELISAs and the MRT were compared using a panel of 1000 bulk milk samples from Brucella-free herds and 12 milk samples from Brucella abortus- infected cattle. It is concluded that the ELISA obtained from ID-Lelystad is the most suitable test to monitor the brucelosis free status of herds because it gives rise to fewer false-positive reactions than the SAT.  相似文献   

Attempts were made to define the Brucella abortus and Yersinia enterocolitica IX infection status of animal populations by means of selected agglutination tests. The Brucella abortus O, the Yersinia enterocolitica IX OH and the Y enterocolitica IX H agglutinin titres were measured in a large number of cattle, goat and pig sera In the goats and, to a much lesser extent, the pigs, the relationships between these titres suggested that Yersinia infection was common. In contrast, the results from the cattle sera were complex and tended to indicate the presence of both Yersinia infection and brucellosis.  相似文献   

Yersinia enterocolitica O9 was shown to provoke O, OH and H antibody response in calves. Brucella abortus failed to generate Yersinia H antibody response and generated Brucella O antibodies that cross-reacted with Yersinia O and OH antigens. The presence of Yersinia H agglutinins along with a higher titre of Yersinia OH antibody than Brucella O antibody is suggestive of subclinical infection with yersiniosis rather than brucellosis. Cross-absorption of sera from calves with established Yersinia infections indicated that absorption of sera with Brucella O antigens, although completely removing Brucella O antibodies, failed to remove completely Yersinia O, OH and H antibodies, and thus provides an additional method of distinguishing between the two infections.  相似文献   

A. hydrophila, A. punctata subsp. vaviae, A. salmonicida, and Plesiomonas shigelloides strains did not serologically react with three strains of Brucella abortus when tested by serum agglutination, immunodiffusion, and immunoelectrophoresis.  相似文献   

Four Texas cattle herds containing cows infected with either Brucella abortus biotype 1, 2, or 4 were studied to determine the probability of transmission of Brucella between adjacent cattle herds, the most probable means by which Brucella was introduced into the herds, and the relative frequency of strain 19 isolation from vaccinated cattle. A total of 1,935 cattle in the four herds were tested for brucellosis; 339 reactors were identified, and isolations of B abortus were made from 143. The biotype of B abortus was used to determine that purchased cattle or reentry of bred heifers into the herds was probably responsible for introducing B abortus and that the biotype was not readily transmitted to adjacent herds. Three (9%) of 32 B abortus isolations from adult-vaccinated cattle were strain 19. The data supported the hypothesis that biotypes can be useful in determining the source of B abortus for cattle and in differentiating field and vaccine strain infections in adult-vaccinated cattle.  相似文献   

A serological survey of Brucella abortus in cattle originating from communal grazing areas of Kwa Zulu Natal was carried out between March 2001 and December 2003. The survey was designed as a 2-stage survey, considering the diptank as the primary sampling unit. In total 46 025 animals from 446 diptanks of 33 magisterial districts were sampled and tested using the Rose Bengal test and Complement Fixation Test. The apparent prevalence at district level was adjusted for clustering, diagnostic test sensitivity and specificity, and mapped using ArcView version 3.3. The prevalence of brucellosis in communal grazing areas of Kwa-Zulu Natal was found to be 1.45 % (0.84-2.21%) and varied from 0 to 15.6 % between magisterial districts. In 19 of the 33 magisterial districts no serological reactors were observed. A large variation in prevalence was found within diptank areas. Brucellosis was found to be most prevalent in the northeastern area of the province. The findings of the survey are discussed.  相似文献   

Brucella abortus strain 19 salt-extractable proteins fractionated by differential ammonium sulfate precipitation were used in a western blotting method to detect bovine immunoglobulin G antibodies to B. abortus. Sera from infected cattle and from cattle vaccinated with strain 19 and subsequently exposed to virulent B. abortus bound to a common group of antigens ranging in molecular weights from 31,000 to 45,000 daltons. Immunoglobulin G antibodies in sera from the latter group in addition also bound to antigens with molecular weights of 66,000 to 71,000 daltons. Some sera from cattle vaccinated when sexually mature reacted similar to those from infected cattle, while immunoglobulin G antibodies in sera from Brucella-free cattle and vaccinated calves did not bind to either group of antigens. In general, fractionation of the proteins by ammonium sulfate precipitation offered no advantage for detecting differences between groups of sera. Ammonium sulfate fraction 0 to 35% reacted with a larger number of sera from a naturally infected group than fraction 0 to 70%. Both fractions reacted equally well with sera from the other groups of cattle, while fractions 35 to 70% and 70 to 100% reacted poorly in this technique. The attractive feature of the blot is that sera from calfhood-vaccinated cattle did not react.  相似文献   

A total of 250 adult cows and 13 (young) heifers, all seronegative for brucellosis, were vaccinated with a reduced dose (3 × 109) Strain 19 (S‐19) vaccine. Twelve months after vaccination all cattle were negative to the serological tests. The results obtained are similar to those found by other authors and support the use of reduced dose S19 under the heat conditions found in Zambia.  相似文献   

Sera from cattle naturally infected with Brucella abortus (n = 160), vaccinated with B. abortus S19 (n = 88) or immunized with Yersinia enterocolitica O:9 (n = 25) or Escherichia coli O157:H7 (n = 80) were collected. The sera were compared for antibody content to the same bacteria by indirect enzyme immunoassay (IELISA), fluorescence polarization assay (FPA) and competitive enzyme immunoassay (CELISA). Cattle sera (n = 523) collected randomly from across Canada were tested in the same tests. Sera from the B. abortus infected group reacted positively in the brucellosis IELISA (IELISA(Br)), CELISA and FPA (FPA(Br)) and the Y. enterocolitica IELISA (IELISA(Ye)) while the Y. enterocolitica FPA (FPA(Ye)) detected antibody in 93.8% and the E. coli IELISA (IELISA(Ec)) 86.9% and the E. coli FPA (FPA(Ec)) 48.1%. About 70% of the sera from B. abortus S19 vaccinated animals reacted in the three IELISAs, 45% in the CELISA, and 37.7% in the FPA(Ec), 21.6% in the FPA(Br) and 5.7% in the FPA(Ye). Sera from E. coli O:157 exposed cattle reacted mainly in the IELISA(Ec) and FPA(Ec) although surprisingly 87.5% reacted in the IELISA(Ye) and only 3.8% in the IELISA(Br). No reactions were observed with these sera in the FPA(Br) and FPA(Ye) but one serum gave a low positive reaction in the CELISA. All sera from Y. enterocolitica O:9 exposed cattle reacted in the IELISA(Br) and IELISA(Ye) and 80% in the IELISA(Ec). In the CELISA, 44% gave a positive reaction and 64% were positive in the FPA(Br), 28% in the FPA(Ye) and 12% in the FPA(Ec). Of the 523 Canadian sera, about 50% reacted in the E. coli tests with only minor reactions in the Y. enterocolitica O:9 and B. abortus assays. From the data, the cross reaction between E. coli O157:H7, Y. enterocilitica O:9 and B. abortus is dependent on the test used. Thus, extensive cross reaction was observed with the IELISA with much less reactivity in the FPA and the CELISA.  相似文献   

Specimens from 4,553 cows were examined by card, Rivanol, and complement-fixation (CF) tests and bacteriologic culture. A ring test was performed on milk from 1,003 of these cows. The isolation rate of Brucella abortus correlated directly with antibody titers, and the field strain predominated in adult-vaccinated cows when the Rivanol test titer was greater than + 100 and the CF test titer was greater than 4 + 40. The CF test had the best balance of sensitivity and specificity in adult-vaccinated cows. The false-negative rate for the Rivanol and CF tests was higher in nonadult-vaccinated cows.  相似文献   

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