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Induction of male sterility by deployment of chemical hybridizing agents (CHAs) are important in heterosis breeding of self-pollinated crops like wheat, wherein the male and female organs are in the same flower. Taking a lead from the earlier work on rice, a total of 25 N-acylanilines comprising of malonanilates, acetoacetanilides, and acetanilides (including halogenated acetanilides) were synthesized and screened as CHAs on three genotypes of wheat, viz., PBW 343, HD 2046, and HD 2733 at 1500 ppm in the winter of 2001-2002. The N-acylanilines containing variations at the acyl and aromatic domain were synthesized by condensation of substituted anilines with appropriate diesters, acid chlorides, or monoesters. The test compounds with highly electronegative groups such as F/Br at the para position of the aryl ring were identified as the most potent CHAs, causing higher induction of male sterility. A variation of N-substitution at the side chain generally furnished analogues like 4'-fluoroacetoacetanilide (7) and ethyl 4'-fluoromalonanilate (1), which induced 89.12 and 84.66% male sterility, respectively, in PBW 343. Among halogenated acetanilides, the increasing number of chlorine atoms in the side chain led to an increase in the activity of 4'-fluoro (23) and 4'-bromo (24) derivatives of trichoroacetanilides, which induced >87% male sterility. Quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) models indicated the positive contributions of the field effect exemplified by the Swain-Lupton constant (Fp) and negative contributions of the Swain-Lupton resonance constant (R) for the aromatic substitution. The positive influences of parachor (P) for the acyl domain have been underlined. These leads will be significant in explaining the CHA fit in the macromolecular receptor site. The CHAs appeared to act by causing an imbalance in the acid-base equilibrium in pollen mother cells resulting in dissolution of the callose wall by premature callase secretion.  相似文献   

Augmentation of wheat production calls for introduction of wheat hybrids in cultivation. In the absence of viable alternative technology of hybrid wheat development, chemical induction of male sterility mediated technology based on chemical hybridizing agents (CHAs) holds a great potential. The QSAR method was applied to two families of CHAs in the N-acylanilines and pyridone class of chemistry. The models for each CHA family gave good correlation between the variations in log percent of male sterility and the steric-electrostatic properties of the sets. QSAR analysis has revealed a direct relationship of the Swain-Lupton constant F(p) and molecular mass but an inverse relationship of MR, ES, and Swain-Lupton resonance constant R in influencing the bioactivity in the N-acylanilines. QSAR analysis of four parent families consisting of two training sets each of pyrid-2-ones and prid-4-ones revealed the positive contributions of field effect exemplified by the Swain-Lupton field constant (F) and the negative contributions of the molar refractivity (MR) of aromatic substituents in all but one training set. The QSAR models also indicated that increased steric bulk at the 4-position on the phenyl ring is associated with enhanced activity. These leads will be useful in explaining the CHA binding fit in the macromolecular receptor site.  相似文献   

In the absence of viable alternative technology of hybrid wheat development, chemical induction of male sterility mediated technology based on chemical hybridizing agents (CHAs) holds a great potential. N-Acylaniline derivatives, namely, ethyl 4'-fluoro oxanilate (1) and ethyl 4'-trifluoromethyl oxanilate (2) containing halogen atoms in the para position of the aryl ring and substituted amide linkage (-CO-NH-) in the acyl side chain induced >98% spikelet sterility on three genotypes of wheat, namely, PBW 343, HD 2046 and HD 2733, at 1500 ppm. The active moieties were incorporated in the form of herbicide-CHA chimera and amino acid analogues using glycine and alanine as templates. The target activity was made more selective by synthesizing chimeric structure of herbicide (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and dalapon) and the most active CHA templates, namely, 4- fluoroanilinyl and beta-ethoxycarbonyl moieties. Among herbicide-CHA chimera ethyl 2',4'-dichlorophenyl oxalate (14) induced 79.11% male sterility, whereas benzyl methyl 2-oxo-3-azaadipate (20) was the best, inducing 73.87% male sterility in HD 2733, among amino acid analogues. The CHAs were found to modify the reproductive biology to ensure cross-pollination in the cleistogamous wheat flowers, increasing the probability for the development of hybrids.  相似文献   

Induction of male sterility by deployment of chemical hybridizing agents (CHAs) holds immense potential in heterosis breeding of wheat. A total of 21 anilides having different aromatic substitutions and side-chain variation were synthesized and screened as CHAs on three genotypes of wheat viz., PBW 343, HW 2046, and HD 2733, at winter season. Various anilides having vinyl moiety in the acyl side chain were synthesized by condensation between substituted anilines with different esters or acid chlorides. Another lead in the form of N-alkyl anilines also became evident. The percent male sterility data caused by CHAs revealed the significant contribution of anilides containing vinyl double bond incorporated in the form of closed ring structure viz., furyl moiety as the side chain. 4'-Fluoro-furyl anilide (1) and 4'-bromo-furyl anilide (2) are found to be promising lead CHAs for the design of highly active molecules. QSAR analysis revealed a direct relationship of field effect exemplified by the Swain-Lupton constant F(p) for the aromatic substitution but an inverse relationship of molar refractivity MR for the side chain. The negative influences of parachor for the acyl domain have been underlined. The real guiding principle for selectivity of CHA action was found to be the pi value. The CHAs act by mimicking UDP-glucose, the key substrate in the synthesis of callose, or lead to an imbalance in acid-base equilibrium in pollen mother cells resulting in dissolution of callose wall by premature callase secretion.  相似文献   

In the self-pollinated crops such as chickpea, induction of male sterility by deployment of chemical hybridizing agents (CHAs) facilitating "two-line" approach holds immense potential in heterosis breeding. A total of 40 test CHAs comprising 20 ethyl oxanilates and 20 pyridones were screened as potential CHAs on chickpea (variety BG 1088) at 500, 800, and 1000 ppm. Three test compounds mostly having either F (4)/Br (5)/CF(3) (19) at the para position of the aryl ring from a pool of 20 ethyl oxanilates were identified as the most potent CHAs causing >or=99% induction of pollen sterility and >90% total flower sterility at 1000-ppm test concentration. Among pyridone derivatives, N-(4-chlorophenyl)-5-carbethoxy-4,6-dimethyl, 1,2-dihydropyrid-2-one (26) was found to be the most active. Quantitative structure activity relationship (QSAR) analysis has revealed a direct involvement of Swain-Lupton field constant, F(p), with the target bioactivity which implied that field rather than resonance effect (R) had a positive effect on the activity. The real guiding principle for selectivity was found out to be the hydrophobic parameter pi value. The QSAR models indicated that increased steric bulk at the 4-position on the phenyl ring is associated with enhanced activity. The CHAs appeared to act by mimicking UDP-glucose, the key substrate in the synthesis of callose, or lead to an imbalance in acid-base equilibrium in pollen mother cells resulting in dissolution of callose wall by premature callase secretion.  相似文献   

From a nutritional point of view, cereal lipids include valuable molecules, such as essential fatty acids, phytosterols, and fat-soluble vitamins. Spelt (Triticum spelta L.) is an alternative hulled bread cereal mostly grown in Belgium, where it is mainly intended for animal feed but should increasingly be used for human consumption. The present research focused on phytosterol quantification by LC/APCI-MS2 in saponified wholemeal extracts of 16 dehulled spelt and 5 winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties grown in Belgium during 2001-2002 at the same location. Glycosylated sterols and free and formerly esterified sterols could be determined in saponified extracts. Results show that the mean phytosterol content is comparable in both cereals (whereas other lipids, such as oleic and linoleic acids, are increased in spelt wholemeal): spelt extract has, on average, 527.7 microg of free and esterified sterols g(-1) of wholemeal and 123.8 microg of glycosylated sterols g(-1) of wholemeal versus 528.5 and 112.6 microg x g(-1) in winter wheat (values not corrected for recoveries). This is the first report on the application and validation of an LC/MS2 method for the quantification of phytosterols in spelt and winter wheat.  相似文献   

On the basis of our findings that the germination of intact wheat seeds (with husks) belonging to dormancy varieties was restrained as compared with that of the dehusked seeds (grains), the germination inhibitors in the husks were explored. The water-soluble extracts from the husks were separated by the aid of inhibition assay experiments, resulting in the characterization of 2-phenylethyl alcohol 1, 4-vinylphenol 2 and its 2-methoxy derivative 3, and dihydroactinidiolide 4, all of which showed clear inhibition of germination at 500 ppm in aqueous solution. The related compounds 1-phenylethyl alcohol 5 and tetrahydroactinidiolide 6 were as active as 1 and 4, while no noticeable difference in activity was detected among both enantiomers and the DL-form of compounds 4-6. Clear synergistic relations were observed between 4 and 1 and also 4 and 3. Since the present inhibitors have been isolated from various kinds of seed plants, they may be responsible for the general germination inhibition in the seed plants.  相似文献   

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to estimate the genetical variability of three salt-resistant genotypes, SARC-1, SARC-5 and S-24, exposed to saline environment. High-yielding and salt-sensitive variety MH-97 was used as standard for comparison. The behavior of these genotypes under saline environment was analyzed by using the hydroponics screening methods at the seedling stage. One hundred and fifty primers were tested of which 52 primers revealed differences between SARC-1 and SARC-5, 54 revealed differences between SARC-1 and S-24 and 61 revealed differences between SARC-5 and S-24. Polymorphism differences between MH-97 and SARC-1, MH-97 and SARC-5 and MH-97 and S-24 were 53%, 64% and 42%, respectively. Four primer pairs amplified special fragments, which were located in all the three salt-resistant genotypes but none on the salt-sensitive genotype MH-97. Primer GLD-15 (5?-CCGTGGCATT-3?) generated a prominent fragment of length 1460 bp; primer GLF-18 (5?-ACCCGGAACC-3?) produced a fragment of length nearly 980 bp in the salt-resistant genotype; the primer pair GLE-5 (5?-TTCAAGCCCG-3?) located one polymorphic amplified band of 1290 bp and the primer GLH-9 (5?-ATCCAGGTCA-3?) performed as a weak polymorphic band of 640 bp, respectively.  相似文献   


Critical values of boron (B) for wheat nutrition in soil and plant were determined through a pot experiment with twenty-one surface soils of Alluvial flood plain and Red-latertic belt comprising three major soil orders (Entisols, Alfisols, Inceptisols) with four levels of boron. Application of boron significantly increased the dry matter yield as well as uptake of B by plants. Critical concentration of hot calcium chloride (CaCl2) extractable B in soil for wheat was found to be 0.53?mg?kg?1. The critical plant B concentration varied with growth stages and values were 7.4?mg?kg?1 at panicle initiation and 4.18?mg?kg?1 at maturity, respectively. The findings of this investigation also recommend the application of 2?kg?B?1?ha?1 for ensuring B sufficiency to wheat in Indo-gangetic alluvial and Red-Lateritic soils.  相似文献   

Antioxidant activity-guided fractionation based on three in vitro antioxidant assays (Folin-Ciocalteu, TEAC, and leucomethylene blue assays) was used to identify major antioxidants in blue wheat (UC66049 Triticum aestivum L.). After consecutive extractions with solvents of various polarities and multiple chromatographic fractionations, several potent antioxidants were identified by NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. Anthocyanins (delphinidin-3-glucoside, delphinidin-3-rutinoside, cyanidin-3-glucoside, and cyanidin-3-rutinoside), tryptophan, and a novel phenolic trisaccharide (β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→6)-β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→6)-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-β-D-glucopyranoside) were the most active water-extractable constituents. However, anthocyanins were found to be major contributors to the overall blue wheat antioxidant activity only when the extraction steps were performed under acidic conditions. Alkylresorcinols were among the most active antioxidants extractable with 80% ethanol in the TEAC assay. However, this may be due to a color change instead of a bleaching of the ABTS radical. Ferulic acid was found to be the major antioxidant in alkaline cell-wall hydrolysates. The contents of the most active antioxidants were determined.  相似文献   

Two isoforms of catalase, CAT-1 and CAT-2, were purified from wheat germ after extraction, ammonium sulfate precipitations, hydrophobic chromatography, and two ionic-exchange chromatographies. The global yields and the purification factors were close to 3% and 50 for CAT-1 and close to 6% and 100 for CAT-2. Both isoforms exhibit an optimum activity at pH 7. When pH was decreased from 7 to 5.6, CAT-1 showed a decreasing affinity for its substrate, whereas the opposite was found for CAT-2. Both isoforms were irreversibly denaturated when exposed to acidic pH, CAT-1 being more sensitive than CAT-2. Conversely, CAT-2 appeared to be more sensitive to inhibitors. The rate as well as the extent of denaturation during incubation with 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole (AT) were higher with CAT-2 than with CAT-1. Guaiacol is a competitive inhibitor more potent with respect to CAT-2. The difference in affinity for hydrogen peroxide as well as the poor stability of CAT-1 in acidic medium suggests that this isoform could be less effective during dough mixing.  相似文献   

In order to study the effect of seed quality (SQ), seed rate (SR), and nitrogen rate (NR) on yield and yield components of wheat, an experiment was conducted as a factorial-split plot based on the randomized complete block design with four replications in Golestan Province, Iran. Treatments included the combination of SR and NR (recommended rate, 15 and 30% higher than the recommended rate) as the main plots, and SQ (control, 15, 30 and 45?h of accelerated aging) as the subplots. The interaction of NR?×?SR was significant on 1000-seed weight, seed yield, plant height, the number of seeds, biological yield, and harvest index. There was a significant reduction in all traits with an increase in seed aging. Seed yield had a significant and positive correlation with yield components. Using higher density and applying higher nitrogen fertilizer than those of recommended could reduce the negative effects of seed aging in wheat.  相似文献   

Benzoxazinones are naturally occurring secondary metabolites of some Gramineae plants, responsible for their resistance to some pathogenic fungi and for their allelopathic action. Six varieties of winter wheat grown in fields under organic or conventional systems and 11 old accessions were tested for two consecutive seasons and three plant development stages for the concentration in their roots of cyclic hydroxamic acids and their degradation products. This is the first report of six benzoxazinones analyzed in plants grown in the field. An analytical technique employing LC-DAD was used for determination. It was shown that 2,4-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one, its degradation product 6-methoxybenzoxazolin-2-one, and the lactam 2-hydroxy-7-methoxy-1,4-benzoxazin-2-one were predominant compounds in all tested samples. Their concentrations significantly differed with plant development stage and season, but no significant differences were found between varieties and between plant cultivation systems. The concentrations of 2,4-dihydroxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one (DIBOA) and its degradation product benzoxazolin-2-one (BOA) were much lower, ranging from 60 to 430 mg/kg of dry matter, depending on accession, stage of development, and season. There was no significant difference found between plants grown in different cultivation systems, but there were significant differences between old and new varieties; concentrations of DIBOA and its derivatives were significantly lower in old accessions. It was concluded that the concentrations of DIBOA and BOA, which are precursors of highly fungicidal 2-aminophenol, 2-amino-3H-phenoxazin-3-one, and 2-acetylamino-3H-phenoxazin-3-one, are theoretically high enough to protect plants against some soilborne pathogens.  相似文献   

Summary In this study the bacterial populations on root tips (1–2 days old) of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were compared with the populations on root segments about 1 week older (root base). The isolates were characterized with a set of physiological tests and the test results were used to group the bacteria by means of cluster analysis. Some clusters contained bacteria that occurred mainly on the root tips and were characterized by the ability to produce acid from different sugars and by the presence of the enzymes nitrate reductase, lipase, and oxidase; they were sensitive to high salt concentrations in the media. Another cluster included significantly more isolates from the root-base segments; these bacteria were characterized by a negative reaction to most of the physiological tests; the colonies formed by these bacteria had yellow pigmentation. Possiblemechanisms for the changes in the bacterial populations are discussed.  相似文献   

The cultivation of Triticum spelta (spelt) has no tradition in Hungary. In recent years the interest towards this old species renewed in many countries. This high‐nutritional cereal, which has a high ash and fibre content, can be used in many health‐oriented grain‐based food products. Therefore, field experiments have been conducted for some years to test the performance of this species under home growing conditions. Here we report the results of analyses for some important quality parameters of grain samples from the 1996/97 season in comparison with those of older and new home‐grown bread wheat cultivars. Three common wheat cultivars and one advanced spelt line were grown on small plots fertilised with an NPK dose necessary to reach the highest yield and quality. Spikes were sampled weekly from the time of 70–77% grain moisture to full ripening. The grains were analysed for ash, N, P and K content and amino acid composition. Concentrations of 16 other macro + micro elements and in the ripe grains, baking quality parameters were also assessed. The grain development of spelt showed a remarkable time‐lag compared to that of the common wheat cultivars. However, the highest thousand‐grain‐masses, ash, N, and P concentrations were measured in this cultivar after milk ripening. The grains of spelt contained the macro‐nutrient Mg and four micro‐nutrients (Zn, Mn, Fe, Cu) in higher concentrations compared to those of the common wheat varieties. The total and essential amino acid concentrations measured in the ripe grains of spelt were also remarkably higher.

Although its wet gluten content (47.5%) was considerably higher than that of the bread wheat cultivars, its breadmaking quality was poor.  相似文献   

冬小麦生物量高光谱遥感监测模型研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
【目的】高光谱遥感能快速、实时、无损监测作物长势。研究不同氮磷水平下冬小麦不同生育时期地上部生物量高光谱遥感监测模型,可提高地上部生物量高光谱监测精度。【方法】在西北农林科技大学连续进行了 5 年田间定位试验,设置 5 个施氮水平 (N, 0, 75, 150, 225 和 300 kg/hm2) 和 4 个磷施用水平 (P2O5, 0, 60, 120 和 180 kg/hm2),选用不同抗旱类型冬小麦品种,测定了从拔节期至成熟期生物量与冠层光谱反射率,通过相关分析、回归分析等统计方法,建立并筛选基于不同植被指数的冬小麦不同生育时期生物量分段遥感监测模型。【结果】冬小麦生物量与光谱反射率在 670 nm 和 930 nm 附近具有较高相关性,在可见光和近红外波段处均有敏感波段;在拔节期、孕穗期、抽穗期、灌浆期、成熟期,生物量与归一化绿波段差值植被指数 (GNDVI)、比值植被指数 (RVI)、修正土壤调节植被指数 (MSAVI)、红边三角植被指数 (RTVI) 和修正三角植被指数Ⅱ (MTVIⅡ) 均达极显著相关性 (P < 0.01),相关系数 (r) 范围为 0.923~0.979;在不同生育时期,分别基于 GNDVI、RVI、MSAVI、RTVI 和 MTVIⅡ 能建立较好的生物量分段监测模型,决定系数 (R2) 分别为 0.987、0.982、0.981、0.985、0.976;估计标准误差 SE 分别为 0.157、0.153、0.163、0.133、0.132;预测值与实测值间相对误差 (RE) 分别为 8.47%、7.12%、7.56%、8.21%、8.65%;均方根误差 (RMSE), 分别为 0.141 kg/m2、0.113 kg/m2、0.137 kg/m2、0.176 kg/m2、0.187 kg/m2。【结论】在拔节期、孕穗期、抽穗期、灌浆期、成熟期可以用 GNDVI、RVI、MSAVI、RTVI 和 MTVIⅡ 监测冬小麦生物量,具有较好的年度间重演性和品种间适用性。同时,分段监测模型较统一监测模型具有较好的监测效果及验证效果,能有效改善高光谱遥感监测模型精度。  相似文献   

The recent drought in South Africa has reduced the production of both dryland and irrigated wheat. This study evaluated physiological traits of irrigated wheat genotypes in response to water stress (WS) imposed at different growth stages. A 8?×?2?×?3 [(genotypes)?×?(water treatmets; stresses and non-stressed)?×?(growth stages; tillering, flowering and grain filling)] factorial experiment based on a randomised complete block design with three replicates was conducetd. In general, the rate of photosynthesis was unaffected by WS except for genotypes LM43 at tillering and LM98 at grain filling. Stomatal conductance (SC) and transpiration rate (Tr) followed the same treand except for genotype LM35 which reduced its SC and Tr significantly at grain filling. Instantaneous waster use efficiency (IWUE) of genotype LM35 and LM57 was unaffected (p?>?0.05) by WS at tillering but at flowering stage it was affected. However, at grain filling IWUE was affected (p?<?0.05) in genotypes LM35, ML57, LM79 and LM 98. The relative water content was unaffected at tillering except for LM35 and LM47 genotypes whereas at flowering LM57, ML79, LM83 and LM98 were affected. These results indicate some degree of drought tolerance of these genotypes at different growth stages.  相似文献   

Thermography is proposed to be an alternative non-destructive and rapid technique for the study and diagnosing of salt tolerance in plants. In a pot experiment, 30 cultivars of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were evaluated in terms of their leaf temperature and shoot growth and their ion distribution responses to NaCl salinity at two concentration levels: the control with electrical conductivity (EC) of 1 dS m?1 and salinity treatment with EC of 16 dS m?1 (150 mM). A completely randomized block design with factorial treatments was employed with three replications. The results indicated that thermography may accurately reflect the physiological status of salt-stressed wheat plants. The salt stress-based increase in leaf temperature of wheat cultivars grown at 150 mM NaCl reached 1.34°C compared to the control. According to the results obtained, it appears that thermography has the capability of discerning differences of salinity tolerance between the cultivars. Three salt-tolerant wheat cultivars, namely Roshan, Kharchia and Sholeh, had higher mean shoot dry matter (0.039 g plant?1) and higher mean ratio of leaf K+/Na+ (14.06) and showed lower increase in the mean leaf temperature (0.37°C) by thermography compared to the control. This was while nine salt-sensitive cultivars, namely Kavir, Ghods, Atrak, Parsi, Bahar, Pishtaz, Falat, Gaspard and Tajan, had lower mean plant dry matter production (0.027 g plant?1), lower mean ratio of K+/Na+ (9.49) and higher mean increases in leaf temperature (1.24°C).  相似文献   

In some European community countries up to 8% of the agricultural area is managed organically. The aim was to obtain a metabolite profile for wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grains grown under comparable organic and conventional conditions. These conditions cannot be found in plant material originating from different farms or from products purchased in supermarkets. Wheat grains from a long-term biodynamic, bioorganic, and conventional farming system from the harvest 2003 from Switzerland were analyzed. The presented data show that using a high throughput GC-MS technique, it was possible to determine relative levels of a set of 52 different metabolites including amino acids, organic acids, sugars, sugar alcohols, sugar phosphates, and nucleotides from wheat grains. Within the metabolites from all field trials, there was at the most a 50% reduction comparing highest and lowest mean values. The statistical analysis of the data shows that the metabolite status of the wheat grain from organic and mineralic farming did not differ in concentrations of 44 metabolites. This result indicates no impact or a small impact of the different farming systems. In consequence, we did not detect extreme differences in metabolite composition and quality of wheat grains.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity among 19 Triticum aestivum accessions and 73 accessions of closely related species was analyzed using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Forty-four out of 497 SSR markers were polymorphic. In total 274 alleles were detected (mean 6.32 alleles per locus). The polymorphic information content (PIC) of the loci ranged from 0.3589 to 0.8854 (mean 0.7538). The D genome contained the highest mean number of alleles (6.32) followed by the A and B genomes (6.13 and 5.94, respectively). The correlation between PIC and allele number was significant in all genome groups (0.7540, 0.7361 and 0.7482 for A, B and D genomes, respectively). Among the seven homologous chromosome groups, genetic diversity was lowest in group 7 and highest in group 5. In cluster and principal component analyses, all accessions grouped according to their genomes were consistent with their taxonomic classification. Accessions with the A and D genomes were clustered into two distinct groups, and AABB accessions showed abundant genetic diversity and a close relationship. Triticum durum and T. turgidum were clustered together, consistent with their morphological similarity. Cluster analysis indicated emmer is closely related to hexaploid wheat. Compared with common wheat, higher genetic variation was detected in spelt, T. aestivum subsp. yunnanense and subsp. tibetanum. In addition, a close genetic relationship between T. polonicum and T. macha was observed. The results of the clustering and principal component analyses were essentially consistent, but the latter method more explicitly displayed the relationships among wheat and closely related species.  相似文献   

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