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Abstract –  Food consumption by Eurasian perch ( Perca fluviatilis L.) and ruffe ( Gymnocephalus cernuus [L.]) was studied in single and mixed-species treatments in the laboratory, where alternative food resources, chironomids and zooplankton, were offered simultaneously. The effects of structural complexity, which was represented by substrate grain size, and of feeding level on food consumption were analysed. Across all experiments, the outcome of competition between perch and ruffe depended on food abundance and on the structural complexity of the environment. Perch and ruffe both changed their food consumption in the presence of a heterospecific competitor. With high food supply, perch consumed more benthic food than ruffe. With low food supply, the consumption of perch decreased strongly, while that of ruffe remained high on fine sediment. Under all conditions tested, the mechanism of competition appeared to be of interference rather than of exploitative nature. It is suggested that with decreasing lake productivity caused by re-oligotrophication, habitat shifts of both species will occur, which will alleviate interspecific competition. Ruffe will forage over fine sediment and perch over coarse sediment, whereby both species will achieve the highest foraging efficiency under conditions of low food supply.  相似文献   

Exploitation can have a pronounced effect on fish populations. Yellow perch, Perca flavescens (Mitchill), populations in Nebraska Sandhill lakes were sampled in 1998 and 1999. Three of the 29 lakes containing yellow perch have been closed to fishing for at least 10 years. Unexploited yellow perch populations had fast growth rates, but age structure was similar to exploited populations. For unexploited lakes combined, mortality and condition were not different from exploited lakes. However, one unexploited lake, Marsh Lake, had the fastest growth, highest proportion of older fish and highest condition of all populations sampled. This lake had low interspecific competition and high invertebrate abundance, which likely resulted in fast growth and high condition. However, size structure and growth were also related to lake productivity. Although exploitation may affect yellow perch populations, other factors (food availability, predators and lake productivity) also play an important role in structuring these populations. Regardless, these results indicate the potential of yellow perch in Nebraska Sandhill lakes given no exploitation.  相似文献   

Formulation of nutritionally complete and cost efficient diets for yellow perch (Perca flavescens) is a prerequisite for successful intensive culture of this species. One of the objectives of this study was to determine the optimum diet for the grow‐out phase of juvenile yellow perch. Fish at the size of 12.9 ± 4 g were individually marked with passive integrated transponders (PIT)‐tags and randomly distributed into six 400 L tanks, 45 fish per tank. This experiment included lysine‐deficient [(?) Lys] and lysine‐supplemented [(+) Lys] wheat‐gluten‐based diets in triplicate groups. Our experiment showed that the mean weight of fish fed (+) Lys diet (83.9 ± 1.5 g) was significantly larger than fish fed (?) Lys diet (68.6 ± 5.2 g) (< 0.05). This experiment also showed that the blood plasma concentration of free lysine in (+) Lys group was significantly higher than in (?) Lys group (< 0.05) and the same trend appeared also in methionine concentrations. The concentration of Lys in deficient group of fish, 3 h after a meal was lower compared with levels of Lys 24 h post‐feeding (< 0.05). Lysine deficiency in diet resulted in significantly higher level of serine, and a similar trend occurred in small and large fish.  相似文献   

Light intensity has been shown to influence the foraging success of larval fish. However, the effect of light intensity on larval foraging is likely variable and influenced by both the density and characteristics of planktonic prey. In this study we examined the influence of light intensity of 0.1, 2.0, and 60 μmol·s?1·m?2 Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) on foraging of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) larvae at two prey densities. We fed them with a mixture of zooplankton taxa common to lakes inhabited by yellow perch. In addition to light intensity and prey density, the effect of larval yellow perch size was examined by using fish ranging from 9 to 15 mm. The results of our study indicated that yellow perch larvae are well adapted to feed at a wide range of light intensities, as there was no difference in foraging success at investigated light intensities. Increasing prey density from 25 to 150 (zooplankton·l?1) significantly improved the foraging success of larval yellow perch. However, the influence of prey density on foraging success was dependent on fish length. Improved foraging success at increased prey densities occurred only for individuals with a total length >10 mm. Overall, prey selection by fish larvae was influenced by light intensity, prey density, and fish length. However, the factors that influenced selection for specific prey types differed. Our study, combined with evidence from other field and laboratory work, highlight the need for a better understanding of the influence of prey density on foraging throughout ontogeny.  相似文献   

Abstract – Piscivorous fish can affect prey growth in two ways: directly by reducing prey density and indirectly by inducing predator-avoidance behaviors. We investigated these two pathways in yellow perch ( Perca flavescens ) growth responses to walleye ( Stizostedion vitreum ) stocking in Canadarago Lake, New York (USA) using a 25-year time series. Before walleye stocking, yellow perch growth rate was low and independent of body size. As walleye abundance increased, yellow perch growth increased and became size-dependent. The switch to size-dependent growth occurred in 1 year, indicating a rapid behavioral response to predators. Mean growth rate increased more gradually and was linearly related to walleye density, indicating a slower numerical effect of walleye on yellow perch densities. Although the net effect was an increase in perch growth, small perch growth initially decreased as walleye became established. Therefore, the combination of numerical and behavioral effects produced a complex pattern of size-dependent changes in growth of yellow perch.  相似文献   

Lymphocystis disease is a prevalent, non-fatal disease that affects many teleost fish and is caused by the DNA virus lymphocystis disease virus (LCDV). Lymphocystis-like lesions have been observed in yellow perch, Perca flavescens (Mitchell), in lakes in northern Alberta, Canada. In an effort to confirm the identity of the virus causing these lesions, DNA was extracted from these lesions and PCR with genotype generic LCDV primers specific to the major capsid protein (MCP) gene was performed. A 1357-base pair nucleotide sequence corresponding to a peptide length of 452 amino acids of the MCP gene was sequenced, confirming the lesions as being lymphocystis disease lesions. Phylogenetic analysis of the generated amino acid sequence revealed the perch LCDV isolate to be a distinct and novel genotype. From the obtained sequence, a real-time PCR identification method was developed using fluorgenic LUX primers. The identification method was used to detect the presence/absence of LCDV in yellow perch from two lakes, one where lymphocystis disease was observed to occur and the other where the disease had not been observed. All samples of fin, spleen and liver tested negative for LCDV in the lake where lymphocystis disease had not been observed. The second lake had a 2.6% incidence of LCD, and virus was detected in tissue samples from all individuals tested regardless of whether they were expressing the disease or not. However, estimated viral copy number in spleen and liver of symptomatic perch was four orders of magnitude higher than that in asymptomatic perch.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of three formulated diets: wheat‐gluten‐protein‐based diets supplemented with Lys‐Gly dipeptide (LG) or free lysine and glycine (FL), a control diet without lysine supplementation (C) and commercial starter Bio Oregon (BO) for on the growth and digestive system morphology of yellow perch. After 48 days of experimental feeding, fish fed LG diet showed the highest body mass. Fish fed LG diet showed the highest number of gastrin/cholecystokinin positive cells and the lowest number of CD3‐positive cells. The brush border of anterior intestine was the most PepT1 immunopositive in fish fed LG diet, the weakest in fish fed C diet. The largest hepatocytes were observed in fish fed BO, while the smallest in those fed FL diet, the difference being statistically significant. Relative hepatocyte cytoplasm volume occupied by lipids was higher in fish fed BO and FL compared to those fed C and LG. Number of proliferating cell nuclear antigen‐positive hepatocyte nuclei did not significantly differ among experimental groups. These results indicate that wheat‐gluten‐protein‐based diets supplemented with dipeptide Lys‐Gly (LG) were appropriate for yellow perch.  相似文献   

In Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis), the variability in spawning quality is a major limiting factor for successful production, especially when breeders are fed with an artificial diet. The influence of the dietary DHA/EPA/AA ratio on the egg and larval quality and on the fatty acid and lipid class composition of eggs has been investigated in perch broodstock. Two experimental diets (16% lipids) with two different DHA/EPA/AA ratios, D1 (3/2/2) and D2 (23/9/1), were compared with a natural diet consisting of cultured carp juveniles, CC (10/10/1) and with a commercial diet for salmonids, CDS (14/16/1). Percentages of fertilization and hatching were comparable between fish fed D1, D2 and CC, with the highest hatching rate observed for D1 (63.5 ± 3.8%). These diets supported better values than the CDS. Larval survival and TL50 observed after osmotic stress were higher for the D1 group, followed by larvae produced by fish fed D2 and CC. Larvae from fish fed D1, D2 and CC were significantly more robust than larvae from the CDS group. Differences were observed regarding the fatty acid (FA) profile in the eggs, which was related to the dietary FA composition. The results indicate that a ratio of 3/2/2 seemed to be effective for obtaining eggs and larvae of good quality.  相似文献   

  • 1. Lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) are threatened or endangered throughout much of their range. Juvenile sturgeon utilize sandy and silty habitats extensively during their growth. Invasive zebra mussels change the nature of sandy and silty habitats because they settle on and coat the habitat with the shells of living and dead individuals. The potential impacts of this increased habitat complexity on lake sturgeon is unknown.
  • 2. Juvenile lake sturgeon habitat choice was assessed in laboratory experiments, and zebra mussel impact on the foraging success of juvenile lake sturgeon on three different prey species was measured.
  • 3. Sturgeon foraging on chironomids was virtually eliminated by 95% zebra mussel cover of the sand floor of the foraging arena, and 50% cover reduced foraging significantly. Foraging on more mobile prey items (amphipods and isopods) was essentially eliminated by either 95% or 50% zebra mussel cover of the arena floor. In habitat choice experiments, sturgeon avoided the zebra‐mussel‐covered habitat more than 90% of the time.
  • 4. This combination of zebra mussel avoidance and reduced foraging in the presence of zebra mussels may be detrimental to sturgeon restocking programmes utilizing smaller sturgeon in zebra‐mussel‐infested waterways.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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