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Vegetable farmers’ knowledge and perceptions of pests, diseases and pest management practices were investigated by interviewing 112 growers in Botswana between April and June 2004. Most of the farmers grew brassicae crops, Swiss chard and tomato, and considered arthropod pest problems as the major constraint to vegetable production. Bagrada hilaris Burm., Plutella xylostella L. and Brevicoryne barassicae L. were the most serious pests on brassicas, with red spidermites (Tetranychus spp.) being the most serious pests on tomato. Ninety-eight percent of farmers relied heavily on the use of synthetic pesticides to control these pests. Their decision to apply pesticides was mostly on noticing the presence of a pest or disease. An integrated pest management programme is needed to reduce over reliance on pesticides.  相似文献   

Widespread use of highly toxic pesticides primarily for agricultural purpose has generated increasing concerns about the negative impact of pesticides on human health and the environment. Integrated pest management (IPM) usually seeks to minimize the use of pesticides and can be utilized to solve pest problems while minimizing risks to people and the environment. A total of 220 vegetable farmers in Nakhon Ratchasima Province of Thailand was interviewed with the objective of investigating the factors determining their adoption or non-adoption of IPM practices. The findings demonstrated that farmers had different uncompromising reasons for determining the use of IPM for their insect pest management. Higher costs of insecticides (91%), adverse effects of insecticides on human health and the environment (80%), and a greater risk of insect pests developing resistance to insecticides (28%) were the primary reasons for the adoption of IPM by vegetable growers in the study area. The reasons for the rejection of IPM practice were unsuitability of IPM for a large farm (52%), implementation difficulties (80%) and a greater belief in synthetic insecticides and their efficacy for target pest control (39%). A comparison between the IPM and the non-IPM farmers showed a significant difference (P < 0.01) in farmers' knowledge of pest management, which influenced IPM adoption or non-adoption. The IPM farmers had greater knowledge about identifying natural enemies and their beneficial role in controlling insect pests, about plant extracts and their efficacy in controlling insect pests and about sticky traps and their efficacy in monitoring natural enemies and controlling insect pests. For example, 24% of IPM farmers had knowledge of natural enemies whereas it was only 4% for the non-IPM farmers. A logistic regression model was fitted which showed that lower cost of pest management, better knowledge on IPM after training and availability of extension services were the factors which influenced farmers' adoption of IPM practice. The non-IPM farmers rejected adoption of IPM due to the common belief that natural enemies would not be effective in controlling insect pests and yields of vegetables would not be increased by practicing IPM.  相似文献   

Effects of farmer field school (FFS) and the conventional (classroom lectures) training on acquisition of pest management knowledge and skills by small vegetable farmers were studied in Yunnan province, China from 2003 to 2007. There were significant gains of knowledge about vegetable pests, natural enemies, insect and disease ecology and pest management among the FFS farmers, but were no significant improvements of knowledge among the conventional trained farmers. Vegetable FFS enabled farmers to learn simple knowledge as well as complex IPM knowledge. In contrast, the conventional training only improved vegetable farmers' simple knowledge. The potential and limitations of FFS as a unique extension tool to disseminate the complex knowledge of IPM to smallholder farmers were demonstrated.  相似文献   

Insect pests are a key constraint to effective utilization of cereal crops in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), with damage caused by these pests in the stores of particular concern. Although a number of approaches have been advanced for control of storage pests of maize, uptake remains a challenge, with effectiveness of some approaches being questionable. We conducted a survey in western Kenya among 330 respondents using face to face interviews and focus group discussions to evaluate farmers' practices, knowledge and perceptions of storage pests of maize, and their current practices in managing such pests as a basis for development of efficient integrated pest management (IPM) approaches for the pests. Majority of the respondents stored maize in traditional granaries, with less than 10% of them using modern improved facilities, mainly due to inability to afford these. Majority of the respondents also cited attack of their stored grains by a number of insect pests, causing about 40% grain losses. The larger grain borer, Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae), sawtoothed grain beetle, Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L) (Coleoptera: Silvanidae), and maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), were perceived as the most common and damaging pests. Farmers' perceptions of pests were positively and significantly influenced by level of education and farming experience, indicating that education and experience build farmers' understanding of storage pests. Storing maize in unshelled form seemed to result in less pest attack, although majority of the respondents stored their maize in shelled form. Moreover, local maize varieties were perceived to be resistant to pests. The farmers applied various control methods, with sun-drying being the most popular practice. Usage of pesticides was minimal, mainly due to high costs, lack of information, and unavailability of appropriate and effective products. There were also other cultural methods applied, such as use of smoke and insecticidal plants. The respondents decried lack of training and extension services on storage pests and their management, underscoring the need to develop extension services. The underlying mechanisms of the perceived pest resistance in local varieties of maize and cultural pest management methods need to be established for exploitation in development of effective IPM approaches. There is also need to address the challenges hindering uptake of modern storage and control approaches.  相似文献   

Ugandan farmers were interviewed in order to investigate their knowledge, perceptions and ability to manage pests in agroforestry generally and on Alnus species particularly. Farmers’ ability to recognise pest problems on Alnus species was significantly influenced by their length of experience in cultivating the species, but not their age, sex or formal education. Most farmers (77%) were aware of pest problems on Alnus species. However, identification of pest problems was based largely on damage type rather than causal agents. Whereas farmers had good knowledge of vertebrate pests of Alnus, insects and diseases that infest the tree species were unknown to most farmers. Apis mellifera damage on Alnus was the most frequently described damage, but its cause was either unknown or misdiagnosed. Most farmers did not control insect and disease infestations on Alnus because they did not know the causal agents and/or appropriate control measures. Farmers were generally more knowledgeable on insect and disease infestations on crops than on multipurpose tree species (MPTS) and most of them (98%) perceived that crops suffer more damage from such pests than do MPTS. However, farmers’ ability to manage insect pests and diseases seemed weak on both crops and MPTS. Most farmers suggested the use of pesticides to combat pests, but they mentioned only one insecticide, permethrin and one fungicide, mancozeb. More alarming were the suggestions by a few farmers on the use of mancozeb against aphids, and permethrin to combat crop wilt and dieback. Farmers need to be educated about diagnosis, basic ecology and management strategies for both crop and tree pests to ensure sustainable pest control in agroforestry.  相似文献   

Chemical pesticides play crucial roles in the management of crop diseases and pests. However, excessive and irrational use of pesticides has become a major concern and obstacle to sustainable agriculture. As a result, the quality and security of agricultural products are reduced, and the ecological and environmental integrities are threatened. Recently, environment-friendly pest management measures have been introduced and adopted to manage rice insect pests and reduce the use of insecticides. This paper reviewed the advancements in development and application of non-chemical technologies for insect pest management during rice production in China.  相似文献   

分析影响海南冬种瓜菜质量安全的原因:高温高湿的气候引起病虫发生严重和使用农药不科学是引发冬种瓜菜质量安全问题的主要原因。生产和流通环节的组织化程度较低,全程质量安全控制难以实施;科研基础比较薄弱;质量安全监管体系不完善等因素也是造成冬种瓜菜质量安全隐患较多的重要原因。提出提高海南冬种瓜菜质量安全水平的对策和建议:进一步加大宣传力度,提高全社会的质量安全意识;发挥专业合作社和龙头企业的带动作用;加强认证管理和品牌建设;加强监管体系建设;加强农资市场的监管;加强冬种瓜菜的科研和推广工作。  相似文献   

茶园间作作为病虫害综合治理的一项措施,对农药减量使用与茶叶绿色安全生产具有重要意义.合理间作可改善茶园小气候、优化天敌生存条件、提高生物多样性,使物种间构成复杂的食物链和食物网,从而加强对病虫害的控制,降低其暴发风险.此外,部分植物可干扰昆虫种群活动,选择性间作可达到吸引天敌及毒杀、驱避或诱集害虫等目的.本文综述了茶园...  相似文献   

The Kenyan horticultural industry faces a new challenge following invasion by the quarantine Liriomyza leafminer species Liriomyza huidobrensis, Liriomyza sativae and Liriomyza trifolii which have recently become pests of economic importance. Controlling Liriomyza leafminers poses serious difficulties due to their biology and quarantine status. This paper examines farmers’ awareness of the pests and difficulties faced in controlling them. (1) A questionnaire survey showed that snow pea farmers in Kenya rely mainly on pesticides for control of invasive Liriomyza leafminers; (2) Sixty five percent of respondents perceived pesticides to be ineffective; (3) As a result, 74% of respondents increased the frequency of pesticide applications, 61% increased dose rates and 58% used broad-spectrum insecticides to avert damage by the pests; (4) Snow pea farmers who signed contracts with exporters and whose production practices were monitored for compliance with Good Agricultural Practices (GlobalGAP) used fewer control strategies; (5) These findings imply that the pest status of Liriomyza leafminers is likely to increase and snow pea production will significantly decrease in Central areas of Kenya unless an integrated leafminer management strategy is developed and farmers educated on methods of identifying them in their early stages of attack and use appropriate chemicals and application methods.  相似文献   

分析了上思甘蔗主要虫害发生原因及特点:主要是与当地气候条件关系密切,粗放的栽培管理方式与不合理的施药方法是导致虫害泛滥成灾的人为因素。提出了防治对策:通过科学的栽培管理方式与综合防治虫害措施,可达到趋利避害、高产优质的甘蔗生产目标。  相似文献   

Grain legumes play an important role in community livelihood and in the national economy in Kenya. Unfortunately, in many African countries, production doesn't satisfy the demand in grains due to various constrains. Understanding farmers practices and behavior in the management of grain legume pests is a crucial step in the development of sustainable management strategies. A total of 216 farmers were surveyed in eight districts of eastern Kenya to evaluate farmers' knowledge and perceptions of grain legume pests; to examine current pest management practices, and to identify other production constraints. Grain legumes are grown by a wide age-group of farmers, with both genders equally represented. Chemical control remains the main pest management strategy, and, to ensure pesticide effectiveness, farmers also use increased application rates, chemical alternation, frequent application and mixtures of chemicals. While farmers used other control measures, they showed only limited interest in biological control. The majority of the farmers had experience in grain legume farming and were able to identify the major pests, which were the legume flower thrips Megalurothrips sjostedti Trybom, the cowpea aphid Aphis craccivora Koch and the legume pod borer Maruca vitrata Fabricius. Our survey revealed that education and proximity to extension services contributed significantly to farmers' knowledge of grain legume pests, suggesting the need to provide continuous training and capacity building on integrated pest management in grain legume farming. The study also suggests integration of other pest management strategies such as the use of early maturing varieties, biopesticides and biofertilizer to reduce the use of chemical for sustainable pest management.  相似文献   

Pea weevil (Bruchus pisorum L.) is one of the most serious insect pests of field pea (Pisum sativum L.) in Ethiopia. A survey of 400 farmers was conducted in four main pea-growing districts in north and north-western Ethiopia. The objectives were to assess farmers' knowledge and perceptions of pea weevil, to examine their current pest management practices and to identify challenges to pea weevil control, so that participatory integrated pest management for smallholder farmers in Ethiopia can be developed. The results revealed that most (71%) of the farmers surveyed had knowledge about pea weevil and were able to identify damaged seeds based on common visible symptoms of weevil infestation. However, most farmers did not know that pea weevil attacks plants in the field, but rather considered it a storage pest. The results also showed that farmers' cultural practices influence the incidence and spread of pea weevil and that most farmers did not check seed for pea weevil symptoms before planting. Only a minority of farmers (19%) harvested peas early and some harvested late, unintentionally promoting infestation and carryover of weevils. In addition, most farmers (74%) were not aware of the source and means of weevil spread on their farm and some did not clean up fallen and shattered peas during harvesting and threshing. The majority (63%) of the farmers surveyed relied on chemical insecticides, namely actellic dust and phostoxin, to treat harvested peas in storage. However, the results revealed a knowledge gap in that farmers were well aware of the problem of pea weevil, but lacked knowledge of cultural practices affecting pea weevil and of problems in the use of pesticides. This highlights the need for farmer training and for development of participatory integrated pest management methods for pea weevil.  相似文献   

菜用大豆是浙江省区域特色明显的优势农作物,出口数量逐年增加.但是菜用大豆的病虫害发生越来越严重,成为制约浙江省菜用大豆产业发展的重要因素之一.因此,该文通过对浙江省出口菜用大豆病虫害种类和主要农药使用现状及风险情况的分析,对常见的使用农药与主要进口国农药残留限量标准进行比较,提出在生产中应注意的问题和建议,以期为相关部...  相似文献   

为了满足实际病虫害诊断对专家系统的需求,根据芒果病虫害特征诊断与防治的特点,结合芒果病虫害的相关信息,基于案例模糊推理的推理机制和结构框架,以VS2008和SQL Server 2000为开发工具,建立了芒果病虫害诊断系统的知识库规则库和案例库,并设计了推理机制,通过专家系统技术和计算机技术构建了面向农户的数字化芒果病虫害诊断系统。系统的实施对于推广植保知识、指导农户科学防治芒果病虫害有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

Pesticide use in developing countries increases rapidly. In many regions, we miss knowledge of how frequently pesticides are applied and which active ingredients are used. We present a new cost-efficient and rapid assessment method of recording pesticides diversity in rice-dominated landscapes and present some evidence of the misuse of active ingredients in our study regions. We investigated 17 rice fields in two regions of Northern Vietnam in 2014 and 2015. At each region, we explore the abundance of pesticides used with three methods including (1) the novel approach of collecting pesticide packages close to our target rice fields, (2) observations of farmers spraying pesticides in the surrounding and (3) interviewing local farmers. By collecting pesticide packages, we found 811 packages containing 74 different active ingredients. On average, 19 active ingredients (ranging from four to 40 active ingredients) were applied with an average content of 275.3 g of active ingredients per site. Insecticide packages (39%) were most abundant followed by those of fungicides (31%), herbicides (16%) and other active ingredients (14%). On all sites, active ingredients banned in the European Union were applied by the farmers. Collecting pesticide packages proved to be an efficient and rapidly implemented method to obtain some baseline information about pesticide application (for Northern Vietnam). We suspect that improved agricultural extension services could contribute to good agricultural practices in pest management. Generally, better information and education for local farmers for appropriate use of pesticides seem a necessity.  相似文献   

为评估3CG-45型茶园管理机的喷雾性能,本试验利用水敏纸测试了该机器的雾滴雾化效果,利用诱惑红水溶液作为示踪剂研究该机器的雾滴沉积分布,并进行了田间药效评价试验。结果表明,3CG-45型茶园管理机的雾滴细,单位面积内雾滴数多于常规背负式喷雾器,茶树1/2高度正面45°处,3CG-45型茶园管理机的雾滴在水敏纸上印痕直径为(300.24±157.23)μm,雾滴密度为(141.25±23.85)个·cm~(-2)。雾滴在茶树上部、中部、下部及地表的诱惑红沉积量分别为(0.64±0.14)μg·cm~(-2)、(0.20±0.05)μg·cm~(-2)、(0.18±0.03)μg·cm~(-2)和(0.14±0.02)μg·cm~(-2)。田间药效试验结果显示,3CG-45型茶园管理机在农药剂量减少的情况下,防治效果仍然高于常规背负式喷雾器,适用于茶园病虫害喷雾防治。  相似文献   

广西芒果病虫害发生情况和防治现状调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为准确了解当前广西芒果病虫害的防治现状及存在的问题,本研究通过网络平台、会议交流、实地调查等形式进行调研并统计分析,以期为芒果病虫害的绿色防控提供基础数据。广西芒果产区经营方式主要以家庭农场经营为主,占70.83%;种植品种主要包括‘台农’、‘桂7’、‘金煌’、‘热农1号’、‘贵妃’、‘桂10’和‘金兴’等,且71.58%的果园同时种有2个或2个以上品种。总体上芒果病害的发生为害程度较虫害严重,以芒果细菌性黑斑病和炭疽病最为严重。芒果病虫害使用最普遍的防治方法为施用化学药剂,且98.95%的种植户单次用药选择2种或2种以上混配使用,其中单次选用2~3种药剂混配的占55.32%。对于选择药剂的方式,不同种植年限的种植户不同,总体上,44.34%的种植户依靠自己经验或邻居介绍,36.79%依靠农药店推荐,18.87%按农技人员指导用药。药剂成本的投入在200~1000元/667 m 2不等,但是药剂投入与产量并没有成正比关系。  相似文献   

The introduction of ULV (ultra-low-volume) spraying to cotton farmers in western Tanzania in the early 1970s was a major contribution to the cotton industry as the control of cotton insect pests was made easier and possible in many areas. However, spray drift and increased cost of ULV insecticides and batteries have been major constraints to ULV spraying in recent years, so a spraying technique allowing greater efficacy and reduced costs is needed. Trials to assess the potential of electrodynamic spraying as an alternative to ULV spraying started in western Tanzania in 1979. The present study assessed swath width, dosage rates and farmer's reaction to the ‘Electrodyn’® hand-held sprayer as compared with the hand-held spinning-disc sprayer (Micron ULVA), currently used by farmers in Tanzania, in order to identify the optimum combination package to be recommended to farmers. Cypermethrin ED applied at a dosage rate of 15·8–31·6 g a.i./ha by the Electrodyn sprayer over a swath width of 3·0 m gave good control of H. armigera. Yields of seed cotton were comparable to those with ULV cypermethrin applied at a dosage rate of 62·5 g a.i./ha. The spray volume was reduced from 2·5 l/ha applied with the spinning disc to 0·35 l/ha with electrodynamic spraying. Reduced drift, dosage of active ingredient and volume rates, and reduction in the number of batteries needed in a season, were among the major advantages of electrodynamic spraying over ULV spraying in western Tanzania.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to quantify the relationship between synthetic pesticide use and agricultural intensification in the northern highlands of Thailand. We surveyed the crop management decisions of 295 farmers across 12 villages, and assessed the level of pesticide use in terms of monetary value, the active ingredients used, and using the Environmental Impact Quotient method. The results show that 77% of the farmers relied solely on synthetic pesticides for their pest management activities. The average farmer used 13.3 kg of active ingredients per hectare of agricultural land, but the variation was large. The highest levels of pesticide use were observed with the cultivation of cut flowers and greenhouse vegetables, while greater land use intensity was associated with increased usage of synthetic pesticides and a greater potential environmental impact. We found that those farmers following public certification of Good Agricultural Practices (Q-GAP), were neither able to reduce pesticide use nor its environmental impact. The findings suggest that to limit the environmental impact caused by the use of synthetic pesticides, greater priority must be given to developing and promoting non-synthetic methods of pest control together with gradually restricting the supply of highly hazardous pesticides.  相似文献   

A programme of investigation was started in mid-1977 in Spain into the performance of the ‘Electrodyn’ sprayer for the control of insect pests on cotton. The first stages of the programme, reported in this paper, evaluated the effect on spray deposition and distribution of emission height, speed of travel, wind speed, and position of the ‘Electrodyn’ sprayer nozzle relative to the row, in order to define the optimum method of use. In replicated field trials ultra-low-volume low volatile formulations were applied and performance was measured by assessing subjectively fluorescent spray deposition and distribution over samples of all plant structures at two heights in the plant. Plants were sampled from one row upwind and three rows downwind from each single spray run. The overall distribution of fully charged spray from the ‘Electrodyn’ sprayer was, in general, similar to that of discharged spray applied by the ‘Electrodyn’, with more than 80% deposited on ‘top’ leaves. A smaller proportion of the fully charged spray cloud penetrated to the lower half of the crop than did discharged spray. Variability from leaf to leaf was less and, of the total spray recovered, the proportion deposited on the main stem and branches in the top of the plant was four times greater, with charged than discharged spray. Cover of a greater part of the circumference of stems and branches and the only significant underleaf cover (the ‘wrap-around’ effect) was achieved by charged spray in the top of the plant and there was a concentration of spray at the tips and edges of leaves and bracts. Subjective assessments of deposition showed that 2·5 times more spray was recovered in the crop when charged than when discharged In practice the improvement could range from about 1·25 to 5 times depending upon the efficiency of the conventional system. Different speeds of travel, between 0·5 and 1·5 m/s (the highest reported) did not affect pest-control performance. An optimum mode of use was devised to facilitate subsequent comparisons of pest control between the ‘Electrodyn’ sprayer, rotary atomizers, and hydraulic nozzle sprayers. The ‘Electrodyn’ sprayer should be held downwind of the operator. At a nominal walking speed of 1·0 m/s in cotton less than 0·4 m tall, the nozzle is held 0·2 m directly above the row and all rows are sprayed: in taller cotton (0·4–1·5 m) the nozzle is held above the inter-row space and either taken along every inter-row with the nozzle 0·2–0·4 m above the crop, or, for low input/high risk crops (minimum levels of pest control) the nozzle is taken along alternate inter-rows, 0·4–0·5 m above the crop.  相似文献   

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