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An approach to on-farm diagnostic research on alley cropping is described. The objective of economic assessment was to evaluate the adoption potential of the technology. Three activities were included. In the first research activity, cost-route surveys and field measurements were carried out for a small sample of farmers with recently established alleys. Although research-resource intensive, the cost-route studies and field measurements were necessary to develop a framework for analyzing alley cropping on-farm because rapid methods of assessing intrinsically dynamic technologies are not yet available. Administration of a focused, formal single visit survey to a large sample of farmers who have participated in alley farming trials at several locations was the second activity. Intensive data collection with a small sample continued in order to quantify factors identified as key in the first activity. Although still developmental, it is hoped that the combination of methods will contribute to development of more rapid and readily accessible methods of evaluating agroforestry technologies on-farm. IITA Journal Article No. IITA/90.JA/23.  相似文献   

Nutrient contribution and maize performance in alley cropping systems   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Dry matter yield and potential contribution of N, P and K of some woody perennials as well as performance of maize were assessed in an alley cropping system at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria. Dry matter yield was highest forCassia, followed byGliricidia and theFlemingia. Whereas dry matter yields ofCassia varied significantly at the various pruning times, those ofGliricidia andFlemingia were relatively uniform.Gliricidia contributed the highest amount of N from the cutback (first pruning) and three subsequent prunings. Dry wood yield at cutback was 14.5, 6.8 and 29.7 tonnes/ha forGliricidia, Flemingia andCassia respectively. Coppicing rate was faster inGliricidia thanFlemingia andCassia. Maize height, stover and cob weights were reduced though insignificantly, for the maize rows close to the shrub hedgerows compared to those in the middle of the alleys. For the plots without N application and prunings removed, the maize near the hedgerows showed better performance than those in the middle of the alleys. The results indicate that N supplementation is needed in the alley cropping systems to optimize yield. The amount of N required is higher inFlemingia alleys than forGliricidia andCassia. Root growth of maize was found to be restricted in control plots without hedges; uptake of the major nutrients (N, P and K) was also found to be similarly affected in those plots.  相似文献   

A crop/hedgerow interface design was used to test three leguminous species,Inga edulis, Leucaena leucocephala andErythrina sp., for their potential use for alley cropping on alluvial soils in the upper Amazon Basin. Prunings were applied as mulch at three rates 0, 3.3 and 6.7 Mg dry matter/ha/crop. Competition, crop yields, nutrient budgets, and weed control were monitored for three consecutive crops of upland rice. Crop yield reductions were evident up to 1.5 m from each of the hedgerow species, but were more pronounced withLeucaena hedgerows. Additional mulch was able to compensate for these reduced yields close to the hedges inLeucaena leucocephala andErythrina but not inInga edulis systems. In general rice yields were higher withLeucaena leucocephala andErythrina mulch as compared toInga mulch, perhaps because of higher levels of available N provided by the rapidly decomposing leaves ofLeucaena leucocephala andErythrina sp. as compared toInga. Weed control was greater, however, with the slowly decomposingInga mulch. For all three hedgerow/crop systems there was a net export of P from the system which was exhibited by declining soil P levels and decreasing crop yields.
Resumen Un diseño de interfase cultivo/hilera de árboles se uso para ensayar tres especies leguminosas:Inga edulis, Leucaena leucocephala, y Erythrina sp. con el propósito de conocer su potencial para ser usadas en cultivos en callejones en suelos aluviales de la parte alta de la cuenca amazónica. Se aplicaron podas en 3 cantidades, 0. 3.3, y 6.7 Mg ha–1 por cultivo. El efecto de competencia, rendimiento del cultivo, balance de nutrientes y control de malezas fueron medidos durante tres cultivos consecutivos de arroz de altura. Reductiones en el rendimiento del cultivo fueron evidenctes hasta 1.5 m de distancia de las hileras de árboles, las reducciones fueron mayores con hileras deLeucaena eInga. Incrementos de las cantidades de podas aplicada fueron capaces de incrementar los rendimientos cerca de las hileras deLeuceana leucocephala yErythrina pero no deInga. En general los rendimientos de arroz fueron más altos con podas deLeucaena yErythrina en comparación con podas deInga, debido quizás a los niveles más altos de nitrógeno disponible proveído por las podas deLeucaena yErythrina, que son de más rápida descomposición. Para las 3 especies estudiadas en interfase, hubo una exportación neta de nutrientes con el grano y rastrojo de arroz que se observó en el declinar de los niveles de P en el suelo y en el declinar de los rendimientos.

A study was carried out in southern Indiana, USA with the objective of comparing soil core sampling and the minirhizotron technique in quantifying fine root biomass and root distribution patterns in an alley cropping system with black walnut (Juglans nigra L.), northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) and maize (Zea mays L.). Spatial variation in tree rooting pattern was investigated prior to planting maize. Tree fine root biomass was quantified at distances of 0, 1.1, 2.3, 3.5, and 4.3 m where 0 m represents the tree row and 4.3 m represents the middle of the alley. Root samples were collected to a depth of 90 cm using a hydraulic auger. Maize rooting pattern was determined 65 days after planting to the same depth. Using plexiglass access tubes installed near the actual soil core locations and a minirhizotron camera root images were recorded on a VHS tape. These images were later analyzed using a raster based GIS software (ERDAS-IMAGINE). Regression analysis revealed significant relationships between root surface area measurements from minirhizotron observations and fine root biomass data from soil coring for all species. Predicted fine root biomass data were also in close agreement with actual fine root biomass for all species examined. Maize root biomass was slightly, but not significantly, underestimated by the minirhizotron technique in the top 30 cm soil layer. No significant underestimation or overestimation of root biomass in surface or deeper soil layers was observed for the tree species. The results indicate that minirhizotron can be used in quantifying fine root biomass if site and species specific predictive models can be developed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In alley farming, crop response to mulching is the most important determinant of whether or not the use of prunings for feeding animals is economic. At low crop yields, and low crop response to mulching, feeding part of the tree foliage to small ruminants is economically gainful but at high crop yield levels and higher crop response to mulching, the use of pruning for feeding animals is uneconomic at current market prices.  相似文献   

Decomposition of prunings and weed monitoring studies were conducted in a field under alley cropping with hedgerows ofCassia Siamea, Flemingia Congesta andGliricidia Sepium, at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria. Decomposition of cutbacks and subsequent prunings ranged from 2.7 to 5.8% dry matter loss per week and the order was: gliricidia > flemingia > cassia for the cutbacks, and gliricidia > cassia > flemingia for the prunings. In 120 days, gliricidia cutbacks released 71% of the total N required by maize, flemingia, 26%, and cassia 77%. It appeared possible to supply the 29% N deficit in the gliricidia plots from a second pruning at about 66 days after planting (DAP) of maize. In the case of flemingia and cassia, external sources of N would be needed. During the fallow period, weed control was most effective under cassia, followed by gliricidia and flemingia, and during the cropping period, cassia mulch still maintained a fairly good weed control.  相似文献   

The pattern of soil moisture changes was studied during a cropping season in an alley cropping experiment of maize withLeucaena leucocephala andFlemingia macrophylla at the SADC/ICRAF Agroforestry Research Station in a semiarid region near Lusaka, Zambia (28°2956 East and 15°2132 South). Soil moisture potential was monitored at regular intervals using tensiometers installed at 15, 30 and 45 cm depths in fertilized and unfertilized alleys within the double hedgerow, and the first, second and third rows of maize in the alleys.Soil moisture moved mostly towards the top horizon during very dry conditions. Alleys that had received a combination of fertilizer and hedgerow prunings depleted more moisture than those that had only hedgerow prunings. There were no differences in moisture utilization pattern between leucaena and flemingia hedgerows. The hedgerows depleted the same amount of moisture as the maize plants. However, during dry conditions, there was a higher soil moisture content under the hedgerows than in maize rows, indicating that there was no apparent competition for moisture between the hedgerows and the maize plants.  相似文献   

A study was conducted at Fasola (7°45 N and 3°5 E) in southwest Nigeria to determine the best tree cutting scheme for forage production and the effects of hedge configurations on tree, grass and total forage productivity of 6–8-year-old leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala Lam. de Wit) and gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium Walp.)-Guinea grass (Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. Ntchisi) mixture. After a uniform cut at the end of January 1990 (mid-dry season), the trees were cut according to the following cutting regimes: one cut after a 12-month regrowth (12M); two cuts after three- and nine-month regrowth (3–9M); two cuts every six months (6-6M); two cuts after nine- and three-month regrowth (9-3M); three cuts, two cuts every three months and the third cut after a six-month regrowth (3-3-6M), and four cuts every three months (3-3-3-3M). Grass was cut every six weeks between April and October followed by a cut in January. The hedge configuration was either one or three hedgerows of mixed stands of leucaena and gliricidia. There were twice as many trees and one-third less grass in the triple than in the single hedgerow hedge configuration.The 3-3-3-3M, 9-3M and 3-3-6M cutting regimes produced the highest total forage (tree foliage + grass) dry matter yields (DM) of 6.54, 5.80 and 5.77 t DM ha–1 annum–1, respectively. The magnitude of the difference between the tree forage yields of the triple and single hedgerow plots (16%) did not reflect the theoretical difference in the number of trees (33%) in the two arrangements.  相似文献   

A simulation study relating the effect of the spatial arrangement of trees on the photon exposure above an associated crop (PEi) was carried out for an alley cropping system of the leguminous treeErythrina poeppigiana (Walpers) O. F. Cook with sequential maize-bean cultivation. These results were combined with estimates of the nitrogen supplied by prunings from different tree densities to rank the arrangements. A significant difference was found in the PEi between the east-west and north-south-oriented alleys. The latter exhibited more areas of moderate shade, while the former has unshaded centres and heavily shaded parts next to the tree row. When the simulated PEi data was combined with the N supply from tree residues, the wider between-row tree spacings (6 or 8 m, with 1 or 2 m within-row spacing) appeared to be best. In general, to minimize shading of the crop, yet maintain a sufficient supply of organic matter and nitrogen in prunings, alley cropping tree arrangements of high between-row and low within-row spacings seem to be most promising. The east-west orientation seems to be more promising than north-south.  相似文献   

The effects of leucaena hedgerows, mulching with leucaena foliage (0,50 and 100% of harvested foliage), cowpea intercropping and adition of dairy cattle slurry (55 t ha–1 per maize crop) on the yield of maize from a sandy soil were assessed. The four-year results from five maize crops are reported.Except in the first year, yields of maize grain and stover were significantly reduced by 30% in the presence of leucaena hedgerows. Use of leucaena mulch eliminated this effect; application of all the harvested leucaena mulch (100%) increased the total maize grain yield of the five crops by 44% over sole maize. Hedgerow and mulching management required an additional 36 mandays labour ha–1 which was more than compensated by the increased maize yields. Furthermore leucaena hedgerows substantially depressed the growth of weeds between cropping seasons.Intercropping with cowpea significantly depressed yields of maize grain and stover when both crops were sown together, but not in later seasons when cowpea was sown four weeks after the maize. Application of slurry increased the total yields of maize grain and stover by 35 and 37%, respectively. The grain yield of maize in leucaena hedgerow treatments fertilized with slurry did not respond to application of more than 50% of leucaena foliage, which suggested that half of the foliage could be spared for feeding to livestock. The cumulative yield of maize grain from the highest yielding organic system was 85% of the yield from the fertilizer treatment.The study, which is continuing, demonstrates that large increases in agricultural productivity are possible through the intercropping of maize with woody forage and grain legumes and the integration of dairy cattle production into the system. It thus shows the importance of exploiting crop/livestock interactions.  相似文献   

Alley cropping is increasingly becoming accepted as an appropriate technology with the potential to provide stable and sustainable food production in the tropics. However, only a few of the potential trees/shrubs have been tested. The performance of Calliandra calothyrsus (Meissn) as an alley cropping species was evaluated on an Oxic Paleustalf. The treatments were: prunings removal, prunings application; and three N levels, 0,45, and 90 kg N ha–1, in a factorial arrangement. The cropping sequence was maize (main season) follwed by cowpea (minor season). Nitrogen fertilizer treatments were applied to the maize crop only. Four annual prunings of Calliandra hedgerows produced a total of 6 t ha–1 of dry matter prunings containing about 200 kg ha–1 of N. Maize yields were increased by the application of prunings but no benefits were obtained by supplementing the prunings with inorganic N. An average maize grain yield of 3.1 t ha–1 per year was maintained without any chemical fertilizer input. However, without any prunings, maize yields were substantially increased by the application of inorganic N. Cowpea yield did not respond to application of prunings but plants grown adjacent to the hedgerows had reduced yield probably due to shading. Our results suggest that six rows (0.57 m inter-row spacing) between Calliandra hedgerows spaced at 4 m are optimum for this cowpea variety. The performance of Calliandra was comparable to that of Leucaena which has been widely shown to be effective in alley cropping systems of the region.  相似文献   

The effects of no-tillage and alley cropping withCassia spectabilis hedgerows on soil properties and crop yields in a Typic Kandiudult of the humid forest zone of Central Africa were studied over the period 1990–1992 in southern Cameroon. The experimental treatments were no-tillage and hand tillage, both of which were either alley cropped withC. spectabilis hedgerows at interhedgerow spacings of 6 m or not alley cropped (control). A maize + cassava intercrop was planted in all plots at the commencement of each growing season.No-tillage had no significant effects on soil physical properties except to decrease soil temperature. In comparison to hand tillage, no-tillage increased soil organic C and total N in both years and pH in 1991. Mean organic C and total N with no-tillage were 1.77% and 0.174%, respectively, whereas with hand tillage were 1.35% and 0.145%, respectively. Notillage also resulted in a greater proportion ofC. spectabilis roots occurring in the topsoil. Alley cropping caused significant reductions in dry season soil temperature, surface seal formation and cassava root growth, and increases in exchangeable Ca, effective CEC and water infiltration compared with non-alley cropped controls. Infiltration rate at 2 h after commencing measurements were greater by 75% with alley cropping. Lowest maize cob and cassava tuber yeilds were observed when no-tillage was combined with alley cropping whereas highest yields occurred with no-tillage alone.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that agroforestry systems conserve P in forms that are more crop-available than those found in annual cropping systems was tested on two tropical sites: an Ultisol in Yurimagas, Peru, and a volcanically derived Inceptisol in Turrialba, Costa Rica. In both sites, the Hedley P fractions were compared in annual cropping, alley cropping, multistrata agroforestry and old forest systems. On the Ultisol, the effect of P fertilization on the soil P fractions was also examined. Under non-fertilized conditions, the multistrata and forest systems maintained more and a greater proportion of P in plant-available resin form than the annual or alley cropping systems. Greater resin P was associated with greater amounts and percentages of P in bicarbonate fractions and less P in residual fractions. The latter may be caused by greater and more temporally constant organic matter additions, less mineralization of labile soil organic matter fractions due to lower soil temperatures, and the long-term mobilization of residual P due to P immobilization in the biomass of the multistrata or forest systems. With P fertilization, resin P was related to inorganic P fractions. However, resin P increased even more when inorganic P fertilizers were combined with organic residue additions. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Theee trials to evaluat the potential of alley cropping in maize production on the low fertility, acidic soils in Northern Zambia are described. Leucaena leucocephala, Gliricidia sepium, Sesbania sesban, Albizia falcataria, Fleminga congesta, and Cassia spectabilis, were grown in alley crops with hybrid maize and soybean. All trials received recommended rates of P and K fertiliser; N fertiliser was applied at three rates as a subplot treatment. One trial received lime before establishment.Only in the limed trial was there a significant improvement in maize yields through alley cropping; when no N fertiliser was applied, incorporation of Leucaena leucocephala prunings resulted in an increase of up to 95% in yields, with a smaller improvement being produced by Flemingia congesta. There was a significant correlation between the quantity of prunings biomass applied and the proportional increase in maize yields over the control treatment. It is suggested that the lack of effect of most of the tree species on crop yields was due to low biomass production.An economic analysis showed that alley cropping with limed Leucaena was only profitable when fertiliser costs were high in relation to maize prices. However, lime is both expensive and difficult to obtain and transport for most small scale farmers in the region, and is therefore not a practical recommendation. It is suggested that future alley cropping research should focus on screening a wider range of tree species, including other species of Leucaena, for acid tolerance and higher biomass production.  相似文献   

Maize growing next toErythrina hedgerows had 44% lower biomass (p<0.01) and 35% lower N content (p<0.1) than maize growing in the middle of the alleys. Maize growing next toGliricidia hedgerows had the same biomass but 56% higher N content (p<0.1) than maize growing in the middle of the alleys. However these differences did not develop until 2 months after sowing of the maize.Spatial variability in soil nitrogen mineralization and mulch nitrogen release did not explain any of the differences in growth or N uptake of the maize with respect to distance from the trees. It is hypothesized that the slower growth of the maize next to theErythrina trees after 2 months is due to increasing light and/or nutrient competition from the trees as the trees recover from pollarding. The apparent lack of competition fromGlirigidia may be due to different rates of regrowth or different shoot and root architecture.A theoretical model is described demonstrating that if a crop is to take advantage of the higher nutrient availability under alley cropping it must complete the major part of its growth before the trees recover significantly from pollarding, and start competing strongly with the crop.  相似文献   

A detailed study of the soil chemical and physical properties in seven-year-old alley cropping trial containingLeucaena leucocephala andFlemingia congesta in Northern Zambia is described. There was a strong correlation between the maize yield and the total amount of nitrogen applied, both from prunings and fertiliser, suggesting that a major reason for the observed benefit from alley cropping, particularly withLeucaena, was due to an improvement in nitrogen supply.Leucaena produced significantly more biomass, and its leaves had higher concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium and lower C/N and C/P ratios than did those ofFlemingia. There was also evidence that the trees had a beneficial effect on other soil chemical properties; under the hedgerows, particularly those ofLeucaena, there were higher levels of organic carbon, Mg, K and ECEC, and pH values were also highest.It is suggested that higher levels of organic carbon in the alley crop treatments were responsible for the improvements observed in soil physical properties. Lower bulk density, lower penetration resistance, and a higher infiltration rate and pore volume fraction were measured in the alley crops, although there was no significant change in the soil water release parameters.A deteriorating effect of constant applications of nitrogen fertiliser on soil fertility was observed; as the level of urea application increased, there were significant decreases in Mg, K and pH, increases in Al and soil acidity, and higher penetrometer resistance. These results highlight the urgent need for further research on biological methods of maintaining soil fertility.  相似文献   

Exploiting the principles of biological control of crop pests is an important management strategy for the resource-poor smallholder farmers of the tropics. The effects of nine hedgerow species on the abundance of major insect pests of beans and maize, and predatory/parasitic-arthropods were monitored over two cropping seasons and the intervening dry period. The tree/shrub species evaluated were Gliricidia sepium, Grevillea robusta, Senna siamea, Senna spectabilis, Flemingea congesta, Croton megalocarpus, Morus alba, Calliandra calothyrsus and Lantana camara. Arthropod abundance was monitored through counts of infested plants and using yellow pan and pitfall traps. Beanfly (Ophiomyia spp.) infestation was significantly higher in the presence of hedgerows (35%) than in their absence (25%). Hedgerows did not influence aphid (Aphis fabae) infestation of beans. In contrast, maize associated with hedgerows experienced significantly lower stalk borer (Busseola fusca and Chilo spp.) and aphid (Rhophalosiphum maidis) infestations than pure maize, the margin of difference being 13% and 11% respectively for the two pests. Ladybird beetles closely followed their prey, aphids, with significantly higher catches in sole cropped-plots than in hedgerow-plots and away from hedgerows. Activity of wasps was significantly greater close to hedgerows than away from them. Spider catches during maize season were 77% greater in the presence of hedgerows than in their absence, but catches during other seasons were similar between the two cropping systems. Differences among hedgerow species were not significant for most of the arthropods monitored, except that beanfly infestation was greater with Gliricidia hedgerows. The study indicates that the effect of hedgerows on pest infestations of crops and their role as refugia for predators cannot be generalized but depends on the specific arthropods.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Black locust and alfalfa mulch quality were characterized over a 9-week period of decomposition. Both mulch materials were harvested with a forage harvester. The black locust material was harvested from trees annually coppiced for four years, the alfalfa from a preflorescent second cutting. Two identical, adjacent experiments were conducted, one on each mulch source. A randomized complete block design was used with four replications for this single factor experiment. Fifty grams fresh weight of both mulch types were placed in litter bags, made of 98% shade cloth, a woven plastic with holes approximately 1×0.5 mm. The treatments included two placements of the mulch material, surface and buried. Sampling took place on weeks 0, 1, 3, 6, and 9.The incorporation of mulch materials appears to accelerate dry weight loss. From an initial dry weight of 44.25 g, the buried black locust mulch averaged 4.58 g, while the surface mulch averaged 7.41 g by week 6. The alfalfa mulch initially weighed 40.99g, with buried mulch averaging 1.75 g and surface mulch averaging 4.08 g by week 9.Carbon concentration of alfalfa mulch increased with time in both mulch placements from 43.6% to 57.6% and 51.8% in surface and buried mulch, respectively. Black locust, with an initial carbon concentration of 46.9% increased to 55.9% for the buried mulch and to 53.89% in surface mulch. Nitrogen concentrations increased as well in buried mulch. Lignin concentrations increased dramatically over time for both species of mulch. Black locust lignin concentrations rose from 13.11% to 51.0% (buried) and 32.9% (surface); alfalfa mulch lignin concentrations rose from 6.67% to 31.4% (buried) and 47.7% (surface).  相似文献   

Agroforestry has been advocated as a means of managing excess water that has accumulated in the agricultural landscape of southern Australia since clearing of native vegetation. This article examines the feasibility and profitability of agroforestry systems designed to manage rising, saline watertables. A framework for Australian conditions is described that considers the interactions between trees, crops and their below ground environment and how they influence water use, crop yield and profitability. Data is presented from a study of a commercial scale agroforestry system under ideal conditions where trees have access to a shallow fresh water table. The discussion is then broadened to encompass soil, relief and ground water conditions more typical of the southern Australian cropping zone. The relative merits of segregating, integrating and rotating trees with crops are then examined. It is concluded that, in most cases, trees would need to be widely dispersed over a significant proportion of the landscape to manage deep drainage and salinity. Agroforestry is therefore only likely to be an effective solution to water management where trees can compete directly on commercial terms with conventional agriculture. Given the generally low rates of biomass accumulation in semi-arid woody species, this presents a significant challenge for agroforestry in the cropping zone of southern Australia. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Reductions of up to 90% in weed biomass was observed under Leucaena leucocephala alley cropping with varying tree between (2,4 and 8 m) and within-row spacing combinations when compared to crop-only control. An increase of 24 to 76 % in maize yields of alley cropped plots compared to the crop-only control was also recorded. The 2m alley widths closed canopy faster than the 4 and 8m, and hence realized highest weed biomass reduction during the short-fallow period between two cropping seasons. At the end of the short fallow period, substantial fuelwood (up to 8 t ha –1) was realized.  相似文献   

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