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京津冀农村生活能源消费结构及影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了改善农村环境污染状况,对农村生活能源消费结构及影响因素进行了深入研究。首先应用调查问卷法对京津冀农村各生活能源消费比例及人均消费量进行了调查,对京津冀农村能源消费结构特点进行了分析,然后运用Tobit模型对京津冀农村生活能源消费量及其影响因素进行回归分析。结果发现:家庭年纯收入对电能、煤炭、秸秆和油的消耗量具有显著影响;人口数量对煤炭、液化气和油的消耗量具有显著影响;种植面积对煤炭、秸秆、薪柴和液化气的消耗量具有显著影响。研究结果对于优化京津冀农村生活能源消费结构和解决雾霾天气具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

江苏农村家庭能源消费研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
王效华 《中国农学通报》2012,28(26):196-200
农村家庭能源消费是国家能源消费的重要组成部分,对农村社会、经济及生态环境有重要的影响。在江苏9个典型县3645家庭能源消费及其相关问题入户调查数据分析的基础上,给出了江苏典型地区农村家庭人均能源消费水平和最终用能消费结构,比较研究了苏南、苏中、苏北三地区能源消费结构和有效热中商品能所占比例的差异,分析了能源消费与家庭纯收入的变化关系。研究为认识农村经济发展过程中家庭能源消费特征,建立能源供需平衡体系和生物质资源的规模化利用有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

本研究通过抽样调查法及访谈法对江苏省农村户用沼气消费情况进行了实地调查。数据显示,使用沼气的家庭人均能源消费量低于未使用沼气的家庭,因为沼气对生物质能源有一定的替代作用,减少了秸秆、薪柴的大量粗放使用;同时也有助于能源结构的调整,提高新能源和商品能在家庭用能中所占的比重。对农户是否选择沼气的影响因素分析显示,政府提供资金和技术支持对促进农户选择使用沼气的推动作用最大,人均生猪饲养量、家庭留守人口中最高受教育年限与农户选择行为正相关,人均纯收入、家庭外出打工人口比例、农户位于粮食主产区、农户使用液化气与农户的选择行为负相关。  相似文献   

通过研究生活能源消费结构发现农户能源消费的模式与原因,讨论改善地方能源使用的方法和途径。具体以云南省德宏、怒江自治州为案例,基于221份有效调查问卷,利用Tobit模型对该地区农户生活能源消费结构及其影响因素进行分析。结果表明:(1)资源的可获性程度对非商品性能源消费有显著影响,商品性能源消费注重其经济性与便捷性,地形特征是重要解释变量。(2)收入水平的提高有助于降低非商品性能源的消费比例,增加农户家中电器的数量能显著提高农户电力能源的使用量,畜牧养殖等第一产业会显著增加农户秸秆等生物质能能源的消费量。(3)宗教支出的提高会增加农户非商品性能源的消费量,提高少数民族农户汉语水平有利于当地生活能源消费结构的优化。研究结果可为制定和改善我国西南少数民族地区的能源发展政策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

通过对郯城县农村生活能源消费情况的实地调查,了解了村民生活能源使用意愿的变化,对郯城县村民生活能源的消费现状进行了分析。结论如下:村民的消费观念已发生巨大变化,由单纯注重生活能源的经济性向注重其使用的方便性、清洁性及高效性转变;郯城县村民最喜欢使用的生活能源第一为太阳能、其次为电和集中供气,三者合计占到了85%。能源消费形式呈现多样化,村民使用最多的组合方式是“电+液化气+煤+太阳能”,其次是“电+液化气+太阳能”;生活能源消费类型主要是电、液化气、太阳能和煤;沼气用户仅为4.25%,根据郯城县农村的实际情况在当地发展户用沼气有一定的困难。秸秆(柴)作为传统的农村生活能源在郯城县已处于可有可无的地位。  相似文献   

我国豆浆行业的现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>根据中国豆制品专业委员会的统计显示,我国每年豆浆的消费量占传统豆制品消费总量的10%~20%,2012年全国用于豆制品的大豆消费量约600万t,则豆浆的消费量为60万t~70万t(该数据不包括消费者自制豆浆及散装豆浆)。由此可以推算出,我国工业化生产的豆浆约占全国豆浆总生产量的50%。豆浆的分类标准按照形态来分,可将豆浆分为两大类:液态豆浆和固态豆浆粉。  相似文献   

现在的农村,不仅家里储粮的农户减少了,而且存粮的数量也急剧下降。农民不愿意储粮,这既与农村家庭收入水平提高有关,也与农户储粮装具简陋、储粮损失大相关。首先,过去农村家庭存粮的主要目的是满足自家的口粮消费,但随着粮食流通体制市  相似文献   

瘤胃微生物总DNA提取方法的比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目前如何获得完整的瘤胃微生物总DNA是对瘤胃微生物在分子水平研究中关键的一步。瘤胃微生物总DNA分子片段很大,大概在15kb~20kb,因此需要选择一种合适的提取方法来获得完整的总DNA片段。笔者研究采用物理方法如玻璃珠研磨震荡法、反复冻融法、超声波破碎法、液氮研磨法等,化学方法如表面活性剂十二烷基磺酸钠(sodium dodecyl sulfate,SDS)、溴化十六烷三甲基铵(Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Bromide,CTAB等),酶解法(溶菌酶、蛋白酶K等)相结合,并对其进行比较,选择最佳的提取方法,使其符合以后PCR扩增要求以及其它后续研究工作。试验结果表明用玻璃珠研磨震荡加CTAB提取液的方法、反复冻融加SDS提取液的方法提取的瘤胃微生物总DNA的效果高于其它方法,并且通过电泳以及PCR检测,所提取的DNA的量适于进一步的分子生物学研究。  相似文献   

刘玉敬  王志武 《种子科技》2003,21(4):228-228
随着花卉业的快速发展,对高质量的花卉成品的要求越来越高,而植物生长调节物质的合理、正确使用可以增加花卉的商品价值。下面简明扼要地介绍植物生长调节物质的种类、作用和配制使用方法,同时举例说明它们在促进生根和植株矮化上的应用。1生长调节物质的种类及其作用生长调节物质通常可分5类:(1)生长素:主要有吲哚乙酸(LAA)、吲哚丁酸(IBA)和萘乙酸(NAA)等。能促进细胞分裂和伸长,促进发根,延迟叶、花、果实形成离层,促进单性结实等。(2)赤霉素(GA):为天然的植物激素,有促进茎叶伸长,打破休眠,促进花芽形成,促进开花,防止器官脱落等作…  相似文献   

种植密度和施氮量对鲜食糯玉米物质积累和分配的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用裂区试验设计获得的结果表明,群体生长率和全株鲜物质产量以乳熟初期为最高;在鲜穗采收期,中密度的鲜叶、高密度的鲜茎鞘和鲜雄穗、低密度的鲜果穗所占比例高于其他种植密度,以施氮300kg/hm^2在各时期的鲜茎鞘所占比重最低,而鲜果穗所占比重最高;各时期叶片和茎鞘干重所占比例随密度的增加而增加,果穗干重所占比例随密度增加而下降;吐丝期后,增施氮肥能明显提高叶片和茎鞘干重所占百分比,但各时期仍以施氮300kg/hm^2的果穗干重所占比例最高。  相似文献   

重庆市不同收入等级的农村居民消费特征分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为了进一步改善消费结构,提高农村居民的消费水平和生活质量,有针对性的对建设城乡统筹发展的直辖市提供科学的依据,本研究以2009年重庆市不同收入等级的农村居民人均消费支出构成数据为分析样本,运用SPSS中的“Correspondence Analysis”过程进行对应分析,得到了不同收入等级户之间、消费结构指标之间以及消费支出结构与不同收入等级户相互间关系的信息。结果表明,前2个公因子的累计贡献率达到了86.9%,其中第一主因子达到51.7%,主要以食品支出;交通通讯支出;衣着支出;教育文化娱乐及服务支出;医疗保健支出为表征。同时做出重庆市不同收入等级的农村居民消费支出对应分析平面点聚图,从中可以看出不同收入等级的农村居民消费结构上的差异。  相似文献   

通过多元回归分析农村分布式可再生能源选择的行为研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了解决能源危机问题和中国农村低碳经济发展中遇到的问题,以农村户用沼气为典型的分布式可再生能源进行研究,对河北省高家庄的农村能源情况进行调研,以面谈的方式调查农户213户,总结有效问卷为152份,并在此基础上对农户基本情况及可再生能源(“三沼”)使用情况进行统计分析,利用多种回归分析方法来研究农村分布式可再生能源选择行为,分别分析了农民收入、文化程度、能源支出与沼气采用之间的关系,继而运用Logistic多元统计分析得出了农民收入和文化程度对农户可再生能源选择行为有显著性影响的结论,并对该地区未来沼气的采用情况进行了预测分析,以期为各种农村分布式可再生能源的推广提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

This paper examines intra‐household and socio‐cultural factors leading to differential outcomes in educational attainment by gender and birth order amongst smallholder oil palm households in Papua New Guinea. Not all children share equitably in the household resources allocated to education: females have lower average education levels than males, and high birth order children have higher education attainment than lower birth order siblings, indicating preferential parental investment in sons and early born children. The findings demonstrate that despite households having regular access to relatively high incomes from oil palm and residing in close proximity to schools, primary school net enrolment rates remain significantly lower than those for East Asia and the Pacific region, and the millennium development goal of universal primary education has not been met. This finding is likely to be the result of a combination of intra‐household factors including gender power imbalances, low parental education levels, the agency of youth in educational decision‐making and the weakening attraction of education as a means of improving income‐earning potential.  相似文献   

As part of the Thai Government's objective to increase energy security through biodiesel, oil palm was introduced to Northeast Thailand in 2005. Nong Khai Province was selected as a pilot project because of its suitable environmental conditions. This study assesses the acceptance of policy interventions and socio‐economic conditions by adopters and non‐adopters. We found that total farmland size was significantly higher among oil palm producers than among non‐producers. Nevertheless, the area under oil palm cultivation did not increase in accordance with land size in the way rubber did. Oil palm and non‐oil palm farmers had almost equal amounts of rice area thereby providing household food security. Oil palm did not replace food crops. Farmers investing in oil palm tend to base their livelihood around on‐farm production, whereas non‐adopters tend to diversify with off‐farm income sources. Oil palm was found to be one component of a diversified farming system and an additional income source, albeit not the primary one. In conclusion, oil palm was a crop that had been tried by (wealthier) farmers with sufficient capital, and an aim to further diversify on‐farm household income. Oil palm is certainly not (yet) contributing substantially to household income in Thailand's Northeast.  相似文献   

The convergence hypothesis from neoclassical growth theory is examined for per capita incomes of counties within a large subnational region, the Great Plans. Convergence of the β and σ varieties are considered. The former describes the tendency for economies with low per capita incomes in an initial period to grow faster than those with higher incomes. The latter describes the tendency for the dispersion of incomes to fall over time and eventually stabilize. Total per capita incomes across the region show a β convergence speed over the past quarter century roughly equal to that found for activity measures in previous analyses of nation groups, continental regions, and states of the U.S. As concerns σ convergence, the dispersion of total per capita incomes in the region stabilized during the past decade. However, when transfer payments and dividends, interest, and rents are deducted from income, β convergence speeds drop markedly and the dispersion of incomes rises over the study period.  相似文献   

Despite its small area and intensively cropped landscape, East Java accounts for 30% of Indonesia's cattle population. About two million households draw on family labour to raise cattle in backyard sheds and small enclosures, largely for cash income. In this paper, we examine the opportunity for such small‐scale producers to benefit from Indonesia's economic transformation, given the rising urban demand for beef. The paper reports on a study in two contrasting sites in East Java – irrigated lowlands and rainfed uplands – to explore the constraints facing small‐scale cattle producers in these environments, the means by which they have adapted to these constraints (especially by going beyond the farm household to access feed supplies) and possible means to enhance their production systems and incomes. The findings suggest that such cattle production systems can provide a viable source of livelihood, even for resource‐poor households; hence, appropriately adapted cattle improvement programmes are a sensible component of a pro‐poor development strategy.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Overall total inequality for state per capita personal income as well as total inequality for nonmetropolitan and metropolitan areas are examined for the period 1969 to 1995. In each case, the total inequality was partitioned into between-and within-region variations. Statistical testing shows no perceptible differences between the major categories, nonmetropolitan and metropolitan. Further, this study uses a model to test for narrowing of income gaps within these categories. It was found that for both nonmetropolitan and metropolitan, a general trend toward equality was evidenced during the early 1970s decade. In that decade, the nonmetropolitan areas’incomes approached the metropolitan areas’incomes but showed significant divergences in the 1980s, followed again by a narrowing of the gaps in the 1990s.  相似文献   

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