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In soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), stems remain a competitive carbon resource sink during reproduction. Radial stem expansion after termination of axial stem growth requires resources to produce secondary cell walls in secondary vascular tissues. The impact of both the timing and extent of secondary growth in stems on fruit production in soybean is unknown. We hypothesized that cultivars gaining higher amounts of secondary vascular tissues during seed filling would experience lower reproductive output. Four determinate cultivars were grown in a greenhouse and harvested at the beginning and ending of seed filling for biomass determination and tissue composition measurement (ImageJ-Fiji). Cultivar ‘Hanover’ entered seed filling with the lowest amount of secondary phloem. It produced the largest increase in radial stem expansion, largest seeds, and fewest undeveloped (aborted) fruits. The physiological role of active secondary phloem production in stems for seed production in soybean reproduction is unclear. We reject our initial hypothesis and propose that high fitness may require the concomitant growth of vegetative and reproductive organs.  相似文献   

大豆食心虫抗性品种鉴定及抗性性状分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
38份大豆品种(系)大豆食心虫抗性鉴定结果表明,供试品种间在着显著差异。筛选出高抗大豆食心虫品种1份和抗性品种17份。抗虫性状分析表明,虫食粒率与百粒重,荚皮内糖分含量呈极显著正相关,而与荚皮内纤维素含量,荚皮硬度,荚皮颜色呈极显著负相关。  相似文献   

中国大豆市场近年来进口量巨大,形成了国产大豆,美国大豆,南美大豆三方存的问题,在价格上,时间上断绝了国产大豆价格暴涨暴跌的可能性,使中国大豆市场成为平稳的市场。  相似文献   

夏大豆秋播初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用夏大豆品系驻9414进行田间秋播试验,对其植株性状,生育期及产量等进行研究,结果表明,秋播夏大豆生育期(95d)缩短,株高降低,主茎节数减少,百粒重和蛋白质含量(48.7%)增加,籽粒产量2868kg/hm^2,或毛豆荚6000-7000kg/hm^2。证明夏大豆秋播的可行性,在生产、科研等方面有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

利用Charleston×东农594重组自交系构建的SSR遗传图谱,采用WinQTLCart2.5软件的CIM和MIM分析方法对2006年-2010年连续5年的大豆荚数的数据进行QTL定位,在11个连锁群上共定位了43个QTLs。检测到15个控制一粒荚数的QTLs,分别位于A1、A2、C2、D1a、D1b和N连锁群;检测了10个控制二粒荚数的QTLs,分别位于A1、B1、D1a、I、J和N连锁群上;检测了10个控制三粒荚数的QTLs,分别位于A1、B1、C2、D1a、D1b和I连锁群;检测到8个四粒荚数的QTLs,分别位于A1、D1a、E和H连锁群。在2007年和2009年检测到3个QTLs位点,Qspntws-J-2、Qspntws-N-1、Qspnfs-D1a-2均为多年稳定遗传的QTL位点;分别在A1、D1a、D1b连锁群上各检测到一个QTL位点,同时控制多个性状。  相似文献   

氮素对油菜角果生长及结角层结构的影响   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
对4个甘蓝型油菜品种在不同氮素水平下的结角情况进行了研究,结果表明,施氮使根、茎的干物质分配比例下降,叶和分枝的干物质分配比例上升,而角果的变化不大,但不同品种有差异。4个品种的单株角果数随氮肥水平的提高而不断增加,特别是从低氮到中氮水平,各产量性状指标都有显著的提高,但高氮水平下每角粒重开始下降。增施氮肥明显提高各品种下部分枝的结角起止点,并使各种结角层厚度增加。  相似文献   

自然降水与夏大豆生长发育关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用安徽省濉溪县1970 2004年大豆统计产量和相应的实测气象数据进行了统计分析。结果表明:濉溪县大豆幼苗期和鼓粒期的降水量、花荚期和全生育期的雨日与气象产量呈显著直线相关,大豆生长季节降水及其时空分布是造成实际产量围绕生产水平线波动的主要原因。大豆生育期内适宜降水为:降水量380~540mm,雨日24~34d。濉溪县大豆生育期内降水适中,涝多于旱。当耕层土壤含水量低于16%,预计5~7d内又无雨量较大的降水时,要及时灌溉浇水。  相似文献   

Changes in the concentrations of vicine, convicine and L-DOPA in two cultivars ofVicia faba L. seeds in different stages of pod development were determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The vicine and convincine conent was highest in fresh green cotyledons (moisture content about 80%) and gradually declined until a constant level was reached when seed dry matter percentage was around 40%. A similar pattern of variation in glucoside concentration was observed for the seed coat. The pods contained neither vicine nor convicine but they were particularly rich in L-DOPA. These compounds were not homogeneously distributed in the seeds.  相似文献   

盐碱胁迫伴随作物生长各个阶段,筛选获得全生育期耐盐碱大豆资源意义重大。试验通过测定大庆地区盐碱土含盐碱种类、含盐量及pH值等指标,确定筛选用盐碱种类、浓度。在培养皿、发芽袋和盆栽试验筛选中,通过大豆芽期发芽率、芽苗期物质生长量、成熟期物质生长量鉴定耐盐碱大豆种质。结果显示大庆地区盐碱土壤为硫酸盐苏打盐碱土,确定盐碱溶液为NaCl、Na2CO3、NaHCO3和Na2SO4(摩尔比为1∶1∶9∶9)的混合盐碱溶液,以Na离子含量计算总盐浓度为80 mmol·L-1,溶液pH值为8.9,盆栽筛选用土壤盐含量为3.3‰,pH值为8.9。鉴定的887份种质资源中种皮颜色有黑、褐、红、绿、黄及双色等,相关性分析发现大豆耐盐碱性与大豆种皮颜色极显著正相关。通过芽期耐盐碱鉴定,887份大豆资源中筛选获得296份耐以上资源,进一步芽苗期筛选有123份显示高耐,再经过全生育期筛选获得7份高耐资源,5份来源于南方,2份来源于黄淮,62份耐资源,盆栽筛选比例为56.10%。本研究建立了从芽期、芽苗期到全生育期的逐级筛选方法,从887份大豆种质资源中筛选获得69份耐盐碱资源,为耐盐碱育种与耐盐碱基因资源利用提供基础材料。  相似文献   

专用叶面肥对花生生长,光合及产量的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
花生结荚期施用花生专用叶面肥,能增加叶片的厚度,提高叶绿素含量,加快叶片的光合速率,促使叶片中的同化物向荚果运输和积累,从而加强了荚果的生长发育,使结荚率、百果重、百仁重增加,出仁率提高,花生增产18.5%。其作用效果优于高美施通用型叶面肥。  相似文献   

Spatial occurrence of endoreduplication, a variant of the cell cycle resulting in endopolyploidy, was investigated in the developing sorghum caryopsis between 5 and 16 DAP (days after pollination). This was a period of intense mitotic and endoreduplication-associated endosperm growth. Endopolyploidy was quantitatively analyzed on median caryopsis sections using image densitometry that provided in situ cytometrical data. In the endosperm, the first endopolyploid nuclei with a nuclear DNA content of 12C (where 1C represents the nuclear DNA content of a non-replicated haploid genome) were detected at 5 DAP. In subsequent days progressively higher levels of endopolyploidy occurred, and nuclei with the highest amount of DNA (96C) were first observed at 10 DAP. The highly endopolyploid nuclei were located only in the central region of the endosperm and their occurrence coincided with the onset of starch deposition in the endosperm. Cells with non-endopolyploid nuclei (3C and 6C) were found exclusively in the peripheral layers of the endosperm. No starch was observed in the basal part of the endosperm where the highest level of endopolyploidy was 24C. The volume of endosperm nucleai and cells showed a positive correlation with the level of endopolyploidy. Endoreduplication was also prominent in the pericarp, where the highest level of endopolyploidy was 16C.  相似文献   

0前言 自1995年黑龙江省承担"大豆大面积高产综合配套技术研究开发与示范"课题以来,我省和来我省工作的中直单位以及湖南、河南等兄弟省区的专家学者、科技人员、各级领导干部、农民工人,在省委、省政府的正确领导下,按照课题的设计技术路线和总体实施方案,经过5省区6年的努力,依靠科技,各个试区的试验基点,超额完成了国家交给我们的攻关任务."一田三区"累计达6千多万亩,单产平均提高59.3公斤,增产大豆37.6亿公斤,增收76.3亿元;同时带动全省3000万亩大豆平均亩产增加10.5公斤,大豆加工增值5.3亿元;带动玉米、水稻、小麦攻关增值78亿元.没有辜负党和国家对我们的厚望、没有辜负亿万人民对我们的期望.  相似文献   

SoySim is a new soybean (Glycine max, L. Merr) simulation model that combines existing approaches for the simulation of photosynthesis, biomass accumulation and partitioning with several new components: (i) flowering based on floral induction and post-induction processes, (ii) leaf area index based on logistic expansion and senescence functions, (iii) integration of canopy photosynthesis using a beta function, and (iv) yield simulation based on assimilate supply and seed number. Simulation of above ground dry matter (ADM) and seed yield by SoySim were validated against data from field studies at Lincoln (NE), Mead (NE), Whiting (IA), and West Lafayette (IN) that included 147 site-year-cultivar-planting date-plant-plant population combinations. In each of the four field studies, agronomic management other than planting date and plant population was optimized to achieve growth with minimal limitation from pests, nutrients, or other controllable factors. SoySim requires just two genotype-specific and two crop management-specific input parameters and yet provides reasonable accuracy in simulating growth and yield under optimum growth conditions across a wide range of sowing dates, plant population, and yield (2.5–6.4 Mg ha−1) in the North-Central U.S. Corn Belt. Simulated seed yield had a RMSE of 0.46 Mg ha−1. Few cultivar-specific parameter input requirements, lack of requirements for specification of key developmental stages, and mechanistic treatment of phenological development, canopy photosynthesis, and seed dry matter accumulation give several advantages to SoySim for use in research and for use as a decision-support tool to evaluate the impact of crop management options on yield potential in favorable environments.  相似文献   

不同生育期大豆去叶对生长发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对大豆不同生育时期摘除不同量叶片的研究表明:整个生育时期随着叶面积的损失量增大,大豆的单株有效荚数,有效粒数,籽粒增长强度及百粒重降低就越明显,在盛花期以前损失30%-50%的叶面积,对产量无明显影响,鼓粒期叶面积稍有损失,大豆产量就会明显降低。  相似文献   

播期对麦茬大豆生长发育特点及产量形成规律的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了播期对麦茬复种大豆生长发育特点和产量构成各因素的影响。结果表明,在栽培条件相同的情况下,除受品种本身丰产潜力等因素影响外,播种期的早晚是影响麦茬大豆产量的主要因素。要想提高春麦区麦茬复种大豆产量和品质,必须抢时早播,为创造高产提供较充余的生育时间。  相似文献   

We investigated the change in seed shape and weight as well as the accumulation and distribution of anthocyanins, melanin, and flavonoids during tartary buckwheat seed development. Pericarp dry weight increased slowly while the increase in flour dry weight was much greater. Increases in the dry weight of the embryo and endosperm were associated with change in seed shape. The highest anthocyanin content was observed in stage two while the highest melanin content occurred in stage five. There was a considerable decrease in total flavonoids, rutin, quercetin and kaempferol in mature seeds relative to seeds that were still developing. Additionally, there were significant correlations (correlation coefficient > .900, p < .05) among the changes in rutin, quercetin and kaempferol between flour and the pericarp. In mature seeds, 95% of the flavonoids were present in flour.  相似文献   

大豆生育期性状QTL定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用中豆31×B13杂交组合的182个F2单株构成的群体,构建了一张包含155个SSR标记的简单遗传图谱。利用构建的遗传图谱采用区间作图法对在田间自然条件下大豆的出苗至初花日数、初花至完熟日数和全生育期进行QTL定位,以研究大豆生育期性状的遗传规律。结果发现在C1连锁群上有1个QTL与出苗至初花日数有关,可解释66.40%的遗传变异;发现7个QTL与初花至完熟日数有关,分别位于A2、B2、C1、L、M 5个不同的连锁群上,可解释6.70%~18.00%的遗传变异;2个QTL与全生育期有关,均在C1连锁群上,可分别解释31.90%和36.70%的遗传变异。这些QTL的发现可以为大豆生育期QTL的发掘和利用以及分子辅助育种提供参考。  相似文献   

外源钙对盐碱土壤花生荚果生长及籽仁品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探明外源钙对盐碱地花生荚果发育的影响,以花育25号品种为试材,采用盆栽法研究施用外源钙肥CaO对盐碱土花生荚果发育动态、籽仁品质及产量的变化。CaO用量设置0kg/hm^2(Dck)、52.2kg/hm^2(DCa1)、104.55kg/hm^2(DCa2)、156.6kg/hm^2(DCa3)4个水平,并以非盐碱土空白为对照(Lck)。结果表明:盐碱土对花生荚果的生长具有抑制作用,而DCa1、DCa2、DCa3处理均可促进盐碱土花生荚果与籽仁的生长发育,使籽仁膨大时间提前,其中以DCa3处理提高荚果干重、体积和籽仁干重的幅度最大,分别提高24.1%、15.5%和20.36%。施用外源钙降低了盐碱土花生籽仁蛋白质与亚油酸含量,提高了籽仁可溶性糖、脂肪、油酸含量与油酸亚油酸(O/L)比值。此外,外源钙的施用提高了盐碱土花生百果重、百仁重与出仁率从而提高了产量,以DCa3处理产量的增幅最大,达到43%。  相似文献   

通过用三种包衣剂对大豆种子包衣的研究,结果表明:大豆种子包衣后,种子的发芽势、发芽率、活力指数均优于不包衣种子,但包衣与不包衣种子的发芽率、发芽势、活力指数差异均未达显著水平。三种包衣剂都能协调大豆的营养生长和生殖生长的关系,增加百粒重,提高产量,其中2号包衣刺产量增加15.51%,差异达极显著水平,1号包衣刺产量增加1.31%,差异不显著,3号包衣剂增产4、49%,差异不显著。  相似文献   

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