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Piglets with a high voluntary feed intake were compared with piglets fed restrictedly. Weaning induced changes in gut morphology and permeability. The intake level of dry pelleted feed affected intestinal villous architecture but did not affect permeability to small or large molecules from d0 to d7 post-weaning. A restricted feed intake level negatively affected gut morphology at d4 post-weaning. This effect could be alleviated but not completely prevented by a high voluntary intake of dry pelleted feed directly after weaning.  相似文献   

李职  周琳 《猪业科学》2020,37(3):38-42
随着非洲猪瘟疫情的暴发,我国的生猪养殖业遭受了前所未有的毁灭性打击,使得中国猪肉的自给能力也面临着巨大的威胁与挑战。由于非洲猪瘟病毒结构的复杂性,安全有效的疫苗开发道路也是曲折且漫长。对此,文章主要围绕母仔猪的日粮营养和饲料安全两方面展开讨论,旨在浅析非洲猪瘟常态下,如何维持和提高猪场的稳定与发展,促进我国养猪生产水平的迅速恢复与猪肉供给能力,稳定终端消费市场。  相似文献   

The impacts of using a modified farrowing pen (MOD) on the performance of sows and their litters and on ambient air quality over a hot and a cool season were evaluated. Primiparous Yorkshire × Landrace sows farrowed either during the months of February and March (thermoneutralily, TN) or June and July (heat-stress, HS). Temperatures within each season were controlled to 21 and 29 °C, respectively, for TN and HS. Animals from each group were assigned to a standard farrowing crate (STD; TN, n = 17; HS, n = 16) or a MOD pen (TN, n = 19; HS, n = 19). The MOD pen consisted of a STD crate with a 1.5 × 1.6-m comfort zone in the back, equipped with rubber floor mats, a feeder and a nipple waterer. Litter size was standardized to 10 or 11. No creep feed was provided and piglets were weighed weekly. Sows were weighed on days 2 and 22. Feed intake of sows was monitored daily, a milk sample was obtained on day 21 for compositional analyses and jugular blood samples were collected on days 2 and 21 to measure prolactin, IGF-I and urea. Sows consumed less feed (3.4 vs. 4.7 ± 0.1 kg/day, P < 0.001) in a hot than in a cool season and, at 29 °C, sows in MOD pens consumed more feed (3.9 vs. 3.0 ± 0.2 kg/day, P < 0.01) than sows in STD pens. Sow lactation weight loss was greater (− 26.4 vs. − 19.1 ± 1.9 kg, P < 0.05) for sows in STD than MOD pens in a hot season. The reduction in prolactin concentrations from days 2 to 22 of lactation tended to be greater (P = 0.08) in a hot season for sows in STD pens. Concentrations of urea and IGF-I increased as lactation advanced (P < 0.01) and IGF-I was lower for HS compared to TN sows on both days (P < 0.01), whereas urea was greater for HS sows on day 2 only (P < 0.01). Milk DM was less in a hot than in a cool season (P < 0.01). Average piglet weight gain was reduced in a hot compared to a cool season during the second week of lactation (P < 0.05) and this reduction was less in MOD than STD pens during the third week of lactation (P < 0.01). During a hot season, even though not significant, average weight gain of piglets from days 2 to 21 of lactation was reduced by 6.0% in MOD pens compared to 9.7% in STD pens.  相似文献   

Through genetic selection and improvement of environment, litter size of sows increases. Increased energy requirement during lactation, increases the risk of excessive mobilization from body stores, with detrimental effects on reproductive performance. Feed intake capacity tends to decrease due to selection towards leaner pigs with a lower feed conversion ratio. However, to facilitate sows to wean large litters extra feed intake, or even better, a higher feed efficiency during lactation would be favourable. The objective of the present study was to describe the dynamics of body composition of sows and piglets during lactation, and to relate these traits to a newly introduced trait called “lactation efficiency”. Energy metabolism of lactating sows was described, based on on-farm observations of weight and backfat of sows before parturition and at weaning, weight of piglets at birth and at weaning and feed intake of sows during lactation. “Lactation efficiency” was defined as energy efficiency of sows, and calculated for individual sows at two different farms. The average lactation efficiency was 68% and 65% for both farms; meaning that 68 and 65% of the metabolisable energy through feed intake or mobilization from body stores, above maintenance of the sow (input), was used for piglet growth and piglet maintenance (output). The association between lactation efficiency and other reproductive traits was studied by estimating the correlations within farms. Sows with a higher lactation efficiency showed lower feed intake (r = − 0.27 and r = − 0.35 for both farms respectively) and smaller fat losses (r = − 0.34 and r = − 0.29, respectively). The energy output of efficient sows was slightly higher (r = 0.23 and r = 0.30). The more efficient sows were the better mothers, as mortality of their piglets was lower (r = − 0.12 and r = − 0.16), piglet growth rate was higher (r = 0.16 and r = 0.23), and at weaning their litters were less variable (r = − 0.08; only available at one farm). Results were remarkably similar for the two farms, despite different feeding strategies. Extra input, by means of feed intake or mobilization from body stores generated extra output by means of litter weight at weaning. This experiment demonstrated that an accurate recording of energy metabolism and relevant reproduction traits with little intervention is possible on commercial farms.  相似文献   

酸化剂被视为在畜禽饲料中的能有效替代抗生素的产品之一,近几年有关酸化剂的抗菌作用和调节营养生理功能的研究又取得许多新进展.通过搜索PubMed、CAB、Agricola、国家科技文献图书中心(NSTL)、国家知识基础设施(CNKI)数据库、万方数据库、维普数据库及相应的期刊,对国内外在仔猪日粮中添加饲用酸化剂研究应用概况作了较为全面综述.以期为饲用酸化剂在肉猪生产上的应用提供参考.  相似文献   

母猪铁代谢与仔猪铁代谢之间有很紧密的关联,近年来关于是否能通过在母猪饲料添加铁来给仔猪补铁做过很多相关研究,得出的结论不尽相同.母猪铁代谢对仔猪的铁代谢有很大的影响,下面就母猪铁代谢与仔猪铁代谢之间的关系和影响进行相关综述讨论,为弄清母猪铁代谢和仔猪铁代谢之间的关系和影响提供一定的参考.  相似文献   

The effects of floor heating at parturition on sow and piglet behaviour in pens were examined in a Danish production herd. A total of 50 gilts and sows were split into two groups; one (n = 25) experienced no treatment; one (n = 25) was exposed to floor heating in the area of the sow around parturition. The sows and piglets were recorded on video 24 h a day for behavioural analyses.Floor heating tended to improve piglet weight at weaning (P = 0.05) but did not affect average daily gain. Piglets in pens with floor heating were more often in proximity of the sow at posture changes than piglets from pens without floor heating on day one postpartum (P = 0.01). Floor heating did not affect duration of parturition or any of the recordings of sow behaviour significantly.  相似文献   

In sows, a strong relationship exists between body condition and reproductive efficiency and milk yield. Leptin may act as a metabolic gate which permits the activation of reproductive axis: in the sow, serum concentration of leptin was positively correlated with adiposity at farrowing. An interesting aspect useful to clarify the biology of leptin, was the discovery that the placenta expresses the ob gene, the ob receptor gene and it is a site of leptin production, suggesting a possible role of the hormone in fetal growth; after birth, the placenta functions were taken over from milk, especially to the delivery of maternal hormones and growth factors to the neonate. The exact role of maternal leptin in the physiology of neonatal piglets remains to be determined. Our aim was to evaluate if maternal leptin levels at the beginning of lactation and at weaning could predict the resumption of cycle activity and/or the piglet gain. Thirty-eight Large White × Landrace pregnant sows (16 nulliparous and 22 pluriparous) were used. Blood samples were taken from sows and piglets at d 5 and d 21 after farrowing; in the same days, milk samples were taken after oxytocin injection by means of complete manual milking of all mammary glands of one side. On the basis of the blood leptin at d 5, sows were divided into 3 groups (Low: < 2.3 ng/ml; Medium: 2.3 to 2.6 ng/ml; High: > 2.6 ng/ml). Our results show a correlation at d 5 between backfat thickness and blood leptin (r = 0.342; P < 0.05). The resumption of the cyclic activity was faster in sows with a leptin level at d 5 greater than 2.3 ng/ml (P < 0.01). Milk composition at d 5 and 21 was not affected by parity and leptin. Piglet ADG was significantly (P < 0.05) influenced by sow leptin groups (0.180 kg day− 1 for piglets from Low group and 0.224 for High group). Piglets weaned by High group sows have shown a greater blood leptin content at weaning (P < 0.01) than other groups. In conclusion we have found a significant correlation between leptin and productive and reproductive performances of pigs. This paper underlines the pleiotropic actions exerted by leptin in the productive sow.  相似文献   

高剂量氧化锌能控制乳仔猪腹泻,在养猪业上应用广泛,但长期应用有很多副作用。本文就高剂量氧化锌在乳仔猪上的应用效果、作用机理、影响氧化锌作用效果的因素及目前存在的问题和解决途径作以综述,旨在为合理、有效、合法利用氧化锌提供帮助。  相似文献   

本试验将繁育母猪60头,随机分为免疫组和对照组,每组各30头,免疫组注射PRRS活疫苗(R98株),于母猪配种前一周接种,接种剂量2 mL/头;接种疫苗的母猪所产仔猪于断奶前一周接种PRRS活疫苗,接种剂量1 mL/头。对照组及所产仔猪不接种PRRS活疫苗。通过小群试验对比观察,收到了理想的免疫效果。在规模猪场和养猪大户中进一步推广应用,PRRS的流行得到了有效控制。  相似文献   

The effects of fibre in diets for periparturient sows are poorly documented. Three weeks before farrowing, 41 sows (LACT) were fed a diet containing 3.8% crude fibre. Other 40 sows (FIBRE) received a diet containing 7% crude fibre. We estimated the intestinal activity of the sows with a daily qualitative evaluation of their faeces. The FIBRE group had a qualitative faeces score value of 2.1 ± 1.3 and the LACT group had a value of 1.2 ± 1.1 (P < 0.001). Individual daily water consumption was higher in the FIBRE group than in the LACT group (P < 0.001). Piglet weight gain at day 5 was higher in the FIBRE group (P < 0.05). The energy balance related parameters did not differ between the treatments.Concluding, diets containing more fibre can be successfully used around farrowing reducing prolonged constipation of sows with no negative effect on their energy balance related parameters.  相似文献   

The voluntary water intake was evaluated in 62 growing Holstein bulls (mean body weight range = 193 to 550 kg) during a whole fattening period. The diet was composed of corn silage and concentrates. Water was offered for ad libitum consumption. A total of 17,772 measurements of water intake were recorded over 282 days. The average daily water consumption was 18 kg/animal (S.D. = 6.7 kg). Applying a multiple regression analysis to the data set yielded the following equation: voluntary water intake (kg/day) = − 3.85 + 0.507  average ambient temperature (°C) + 1.494  dry matter intake (kg/day) − 0.141  roughage part of the diet (%) + 0.248  dry matter content of roughage (%) + 0.014  body weight (kg). The incorporation of the variables body weight gain, relative humidity, maximum ambient temperature, Na intake, and K intake into the equation did not increase the accuracy of the prediction.  相似文献   

In the present study, we aimed to evaluate the effects of maternal yeast-based nucleotide (YN) supplementation on the intestinal immune response and barrier function in neonatal pigs, as well as the diarrhoea rate and growth performance in suckling piglets. Sixty-four late-gestation sows were assigned to the following groups: the CON (fed a basal diet) and YN groups (fed a basal diet with 4 g YN/kg diet). The experiment started on d 85 of gestation and ended on d 20 of lactation. Diarrhoea rate and average daily gain of the piglets were recorded, and samples of blood and intestines from neonatal piglets were collected before they consumed colostrum during farrowing. Compared with the CON group, maternal YN supplementation increased the weaning weight of litter and decreased the diarrhoea rate (P < 0.01). In addition, maternal YN supplementation promoted the ileal villus development in the neonates compared with that in the CON group (P < 0.01). Maternal YN supplementation also increased the ileal secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) level compared with that in the CON group (P < 0.05). The real-time PCR results showed that maternal dietary YN supplementation increased the jejunal and ileal expression of interleukin (IL)-17, IL-8, IL-1β, IL-10 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)- α in the neonates compared with that in the CON group (P < 0.05). Overall, maternal nucleotide supplementation improved the villus development and innate immunity of neonatal piglets during late pregnancy. This may be associated with the decrease in diarrhoea and the increase in weaning weight of the litter of suckling piglets.  相似文献   

在断奶仔猪日粮中添加三甲胺盐酸盐,探讨氯化胆碱中三甲胺超标对断奶仔猪采食量的影响。试验分为两组,对照日粮和试验日粮的氯化胆碱中三甲胺含量分别为220 mg/kg和22 g/kg,同时进行组内比较和组间比较2个试验。组间比较试验采用断奶后5~9 d的杜×(大.长)三元杂交仔猪90头,随机分为对照组及试验组,每组5个重复,每重复9头猪,每栏一个料槽,饲喂对照日粮或试验日粮,试验期8 d。试验结果表明,试验组平均日采食量明显低于对照组(291 g/头vs 382 g/头),其中第0~3天的日采食量差异显著(213 g/头vs 313 g/头,P<0.05)。组内比较试验采用断奶后4~13 d的杜×(大.长)三元杂交仔猪24头,随机分为6组,每组4头猪,每栏设两个料槽,同时饲喂对照日粮和试验日粮,试验期10 d。试验结果表明,仔猪对高三甲胺日粮的采食量明显低于对照日粮,在试验第5~10天和整个试验期日采食量均存在显著差异(202 g/头vs 305 g/头;179 g/头vs 287 g/头,P<0.05)。说明氯化胆碱中三甲胺严重超标对仔猪的采食量会产生不良影响。  相似文献   

核苷酸饲料添加剂的使用效果及作用机理探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
核苷酸已逐渐被看做是一种条件营养素。对于处于快速生长期的肉仔鸡、肉鸭、断奶仔猪等幼龄动物,应该保证饲料中含有足够的核苷酸。本文分别从饲料业重点关注的提高日增重,缩短饲养周期;增强消化功能,降低饲料能量蛋白需求;减少腹脂沉积,提高屠体价值;提高健康程度,降低死淘率;以及增强甜菜碱对蛋氨酸的替代作用等五项生产性能指标出发,初步综述和探讨了补充外源核苷酸的使用效果和对应的作用机理。旨在对增强饲料科学研究人员和从业者对核苷酸添加剂的认识,起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

本试验主要研究在基础日粮中添加紫皮大蒜汁对饲料防霉效果及饲料适口性的影响。结果表明:在饲料中适当添加0.8%~1.2%的紫皮大蒜汁有利于推迟饲料发霉时间,增强猪的胃液分泌,刺激猪的食欲,增加采食量,提高经济效益。  相似文献   

分两组从母猪产前30 d至断乳进行试验观察。考虑到猪场喂药、产仔、拌料方便,试验组选择53头母猪在产前30 d给怀孕母猪饲喂添加新型中草药制剂(主要含多喂康颗粒Ⅰ型、益母草、鱼腥草);对照组选择42头母猪,根据该场日常饲养状况进行饲养(产前10 d投喂抗生素进行预防性用药)。通过新型中草药制剂喂养试验说明,新型中草药添加剂在产前30 d投喂对提高健仔数、成活率、出生重和断乳重有重要作用,使用新型中草药新制剂作为预防用药与抗生素相比成本降低了,生态效益也得到改善。  相似文献   

Different methods of estimating weight gain were compared for accuracy and utility, using the amount of error variation from fitting the residual feed intake (RFI) model. Data were collected on 1481 cattle of temperate and tropically adapted breeds, feedlot-finished for the domestic (liveweight 400 kg), Korean (520 kg), or Japanese (steers only; 600 kg) markets. Cattle were tested in 36 groups over 4 years. The aim was to estimate weight gain over the period feed intake was measured, which was at least 49 days and averaged 63 days, including time for animals to adapt to the automatic feeding system. The different estimates were derived from linear and quadratic regressions of weight over time fitted to: F1) all weighings in the feedlot and F2) all weighings in the feedlot excluding atypical records in the first few weeks following feedlot entry. More complex linear and quadratic models were also fitted to weighings when feed intake was being measured, using the amount of feed eaten on the day of weighing, and previous days, to adjust for gut fill. Finally, a random regression model including general trends in the growth of each animal and short term measurement error was fitted to dataset F2 to estimate weight gain for the period feed intake was measured.The RFI equation: feed intake=intercept(s)+βw*mean(weight0.73)+βg*weight gain+error (i.e. RFI) was fitted using the different weight gain estimates. Based on mean squared errors from fitting this equation, longer measurement periods generally resulted in more accurate estimates of weight gain. The increased accuracy from using all weight measurements in the feedlot outweighed the loss from not measuring over the desired time interval—i.e. the period for which feed intake was measured.  相似文献   

Mammary uptake of nutrients is dependent on their availability in the circulation but the role of hormones in that process is not known. Arteriovenous differences (AVD) of glucose and key hormones across the mammary glands were therefore determined in sows fed varying levels of protein. Sixteen lactating sows (four/dietary treatment) were fed a 7.8, 13.0, 18.2 or 23.5% crude protein (CP) isocaloric diet throughout lactation and their litters were standardized to 11 pigs within 48 h of birth. The anterior main mammary vein and a carotid artery were cannulated on day 4+/-1 of lactation and blood samples were collected every 30 min over 6h on days 10, 14, 18 and 22 of lactation to measure glucose, insulin, IGF-I, and prolactin (PRL) concentrations. Amino acid data from these sows were previously published and used here to determine residual correlations. Dietary treatments had no effect on any of the insulin or PRL variables measured (P>0.1) and, on day 18 only, IGF-I AVD was greater (P=0.05) for sows on the 23.5% compared to the 18.2% diet. On days 18 and 22, sows fed the 13% CP diet had greater arterial, venous and AVD glucose concentrations than sows fed other diets (P<0.05). Total arterial amino acid concentrations were correlated to arterial insulin (P<0.001) and PRL (P<0.05) concentrations, but not to those of IGF-I (P>0.1). Mammary AVD for total (P<0.001) and essential amino acids (P<0.05) were correlated to arterial concentrations of insulin, but not to those of IGF-I (P>0.1) or PRL (P>0.1). Mammary AVD of both total (P<0.01) and essential (P<0.05) amino acids were also correlated to mammary PRL AVD. In conclusion, dietary protein level did not affect mammary AVD and circulating lactogenic hormone concentrations. Yet, amino acid utilization by the sow mammary gland seems to be regulated via both circulating insulin concentrations and PRL binding to and uptake by porcine mammary cells.  相似文献   

Effect of floor cooling on performance of lactating sows during summer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Forty Landrace × Large White lactating sows were used to evaluate the effects of cooling of the floor when maintained under high temperature conditions during summer on their productive and reproductive performance. The sows were allocated in a completely randomized design with two treatments with 20 replicates according to parity number and body weight, with each animal being considered an experimental unit. The treatments consisted of cooling of the floor under the sow with water circulation at about 17 °C and no cooling. The resulting temperatures of the floor were 27.6 and 35.8 °C for the cooled and the control treatments, respectively. The sows from both treatments were exposed to average maximum and minimum environmental temperatures of 26.9 and 20.8 °C, respectively. Sows maintained on a cooled floor had a higher feed intake (6.47 vs. 5.61 kg/day; P < 0.01). Despite this higher intake, sows maintained on a cooled floor had higher body weight and body protein losses during the lactation period (P < 0.01) in connection with a higher milk yield and subsequent growth of the litter (2280 vs. 1798 g/day; P < 0.01). There was an effect of treatment on rectal temperature, surface temperatures and respiratory rate (P < 0.01) with lower values in sows submitted to floor cooling. It is concluded that floor cooling under the lactating sow improves its productive and reproductive performance, as well as the performance of its litter.  相似文献   

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