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The kinematics of the outer parts of three intermediate-luminosity elliptical galaxies were studied with the Planetary Nebula Spectrograph. The galaxies' velocity-dispersion profiles were found to decline with the radius, and dynamical modeling of the data indicates the presence of little if any dark matter in these galaxies' halos. This unexpected result conflicts with findings in other galaxy types and poses a challenge to current galaxy formation theories.  相似文献   

Yoon SJ  Yi SK  Lee YW 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2006,311(5764):1129-1132
The colors of globular clusters in most large elliptical galaxies are bimodal. This is generally taken as evidence for the presence of two cluster subpopulations that have different geneses. However, here we find that, because of the nonlinear nature of the metallicity-to-color transformation, a coeval group of old clusters with a unimodal metallicity spread can exhibit color bimodality. The models of cluster colors indicate that horizontal-branch stars are the main drivers behind the empirical nonlinearity. We show that the scenario gives simple and cohesive explanations for all the key observations and could simplify theories of elliptical galaxy formation.  相似文献   

Peebles PJ 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1984,224(4656):1385-1391
Debate on how galaxies and clusters of galaxies formed has reached an interesting stage at which one can find arguments for quite different scenarios. The galaxy distribution has a complex "frothy" character that could be the fossil of a network of protoclusters or pancakes that produced galaxies. However, there are galaxies like our own that seem never to have been in a protocluster but are physically similar to the galaxies in dense clusters. Some clues to be assessed in resolving this dilemma are the possible existence of galaxy filaments, the relative ages of galaxies and clusters of galaxies, and the continuity between cluster and field galaxies and between galaxies and clusters of galaxies.  相似文献   

Kinman TD 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1968,162(3858):1081-1085

A theory is presented in which much of the structure of spiral galaxies arises from a percolation phase transition that underlies the phenomenon of propagating star formation. According to this view, the appearance of spiral arms is a consequence of the differential rotation of the galaxy and the characteristic divergence of correlation lengths for continuous phase transitions. Other structural properties of spiral galaxies, such as the distribution of the gaseous components and the luminosity, arise directly from a feedback mechanism that pins the star formation rate close to the critical point of the phase transition. The approach taken in this article differs from traditional dynamical views. The argument is presented that, at least for some galaxies, morphological and other features are already fixed by general properties of phase transitions, irrespective of detailed dynamic or other considerations.  相似文献   

Many galaxies have taken on their familiar appearance relatively recently. In the distant Universe, galaxy morphology deviates significantly (and systematically) from that of nearby galaxies at redshifts (z) as low as 0.3. This corresponds to a time approximately 3.5 x 10(9) years in the past, which is only approximately 25% of the present age of the Universe. Beyond z = 0.5 (5 x 10(9) years in the past), spiral arms are less well developed and more chaotic, and barred spiral galaxies may become rarer. At z = 1, around 30% of the galaxy population is sufficiently peculiar that classification on Hubble's traditional "tuning fork" system is meaningless. On the other hand, some characteristics of galaxies have not changed much over time. The space density of luminous disk galaxies has not changed significantly since z = 1, indicating that although the general appearance of these galaxies has continuously changed over time, their overall numbers have been conserved.  相似文献   

Rubin VC 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1983,220(4604):1339-1344
There is accumulating evidence that as much as 90 percent of the mass of the universe is nonluminous and is clumped, halo-like, around individual galaxies. The gravitational force of this dark matter is presumed to be responsible for the high rotational velocities of stars and gas in the disks of spiral galaxie. At present, the form of the dark matter is unknown. Possible candidates span a range in mass of 10(70), from non-zero-mass neutrinos to massive black holes.  相似文献   

Aided by advances in computer technology and observations from space, astronomers have begun to unravel the mysteries of galaxy formation and evolution. Galaxies evolve by interacting with their environment and especially with each other. During brief but often fierce galactic encounters, gravitational forces generate strong tides that survive as telltale signatures for billions of years. Because these so-called collisions dissipate orbital energy, galaxies on bound orbits may eventually merge. Collisions and mergers are responsible for a great variety of phenomena, including the triggering of widespread star formation in galaxies and the fueling of nuclear activity in quasars. Evidence is accumulating that not all galaxies formed shortly after the Big Bang. A sizable fraction of them may have formed later, and many are still experiencing significant dynamical evolution.  相似文献   

Arp H 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1966,151(3715):1214-1216
Pairs of radio sources which are separated by from 2 degrees to 6 degrees on the sky have been investigated. In a number of cases peculiar galaxies have been found approximately midway along a line joining the two radio sources. The central peculiar galaxies belong mainly to a certain class in the recently compiled Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies. Among the radio sources so far associated with the peculiar galaxies are at least five known quasars. These quasars are indicated to be not at cosmological distances (that is, red shifts not caused by expansion of the universe) because the central peculiar galaxies are only at distances of 10 to 100 megaparsecs. The absolute magnitudes of these quasars are indicated to be in the range of brightness of normal galaxies and downward. Some of the radio sources which have been found to be associated with peculiar galaxies are galaxies themselves. It is therefore implied that ejection of material took place within or near the parent peculiar galaxies with speeds between 10(2) and 10(4) kilometers per second. After traveling for times of the order of 10(7) to 10(9) years, the luminous matter (galaxies) and radio sources (plasma) have reached their observed separations from the central peculiar galaxy. The large red shifts measured for the quasars would seem to be either (i) gravitational, (ii) collapse velocities of clouds of material falling toward the center of these compact galaxies, or (iii) some as yet unknown cause.  相似文献   

Irregular galaxies can be viewed as laboratories for studying the processes of star formation. This class of galaxy, unlike the more familiar spiral galaxies, forms stars without spiral arms and does so from a chemically less-evolved interstellar medium. In this article the problems associated with star formation in irregular galaxies are outlined and their relevance to our understanding of star formaton as a general astrophysical process is discussed.  相似文献   

Kron RG 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1982,216(4543):265-269
Ever since the proposal of the idea of an expanding universe more than 50 years ago, each generation of investigators has found that some current theory could be (marginally) tested by the properties of the most distant known galaxies. There has consequently been a continuing effort to identify very remote objects, especially to confront theories of the evolution of galaxies (since galaxies are seen as they were at prior epochs) and to confront cosmological theories (which make predictions about the overall dynamics of the expansion of the universe). These theories have yet to be definitively tested, but a new generation of optical telescopes and detectors provides hope for significant progress during this decade.  相似文献   

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