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Vogel G 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2000,289(5483):1271-1273
Fourteen years ago, Congress declared the Southern California coast an otter-free zone--but the unwitting creatures aren't cooperating. That's no surprise to federal biologists, who this summer issued a report concluding that the otter-free zone harms the already-endangered population. Federal officials are now trying to come up with a better plan, but it's likely to draw from politics as well as science.  相似文献   

After committing a crime in Ohio, an offender from California, for example, may flee to Florida, having profitably disposed of his stolen goods in still another State. With all the marvels of modern transportation, all this can and does occur while the police pore over the fresh traces at the crime scene. To solve crime in the space-age tempo of today's society demands that law enforcement officers have available immediately the facts of crime whenever or wherever they are likely to confront suspected elements of it.  相似文献   

The Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, one of the nation's most distinguished scientific institutions, has been struck by a series of "free speech" controversies in recent months. The laboratory, which is operated by the University of California and is almost entirely funded by the Atomic Energy Commission, has facilities in two California locations, Berkeley and Livermore. Each has been under fire for allegedly stifling open discussion of controversial issues. The Berkeley facility, a leading center for the study of high-energy physics and fundamental nuclear science, has been split by an internal debate over the right of scientists to hold formal political discussions at the laboratory during their lunch hours. The controversy has led to the banning of meetings, the circulating of petitions and counterpetitions bearing hundreds of names, the publishing of an underground newspaper, and the suspension of a controversial physicist. The Livermore facility, a major center for developing nuclear weapons, has been accused of trying to muzzle two staff scientists who contend that existing radiation standards are too lax to protect the public from nuclear radiation hazards. Livermore has also been the target of demonstrations and of a lawsuit seeking to open the weapons laboratory to allow discussions between outsiders and staff scientists concerning the implications of weapons research. The article below discusses the controversy at the Berkeley laboratory, where only unclassified research is performed. A subsequent article will discuss the conflict at security-conscious Livermore.  相似文献   

电力市场交易模式的现状与发展趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了电力工业放松管制后出现的新实体,详细分析了英国和美国加州的电力市场模式和最新发展,讨论了加州的电力危机。得到一些启示。根据英国和加州电力市场的经验和教训,建议我国采用简化的市场结构;除独立省网外首先建立区域级电力市场进而建立国家级电力市场;市场交易种类多样性,避免过分依赖现货市场;成立PX与DGC-一体化的ISO;研究基于e-commerce的ISO可行性。此外,针对诸如能源短缺、环保、市场监管、系统规划与投资、需求侧管理以及资源优化配置等问题提出了建议。  相似文献   

本文分析了全国人大及其常委会对国务院的三个授权决定的主要内容,指出在当前改革深入发展和立法技术提高的情况下,全国人大及常委会对国务院的三个授权决定中存在的明显缺陷,建议依据金法法》对国务院重新授权并作出相应规定。  相似文献   

为明确小型水体上的大气湍流特征和涡度相关系统的适用性,基于2018年安徽省滁州市全椒县官渡村小型农业养殖塘的通量观测数据,分析该地的大气稳定状态、湍流方差相似性、湍流速度谱和协谱、湍流强度及湍流动能的变化特征。结果表明,该小型农业养殖塘上1 d内约21 h大气处于不稳定状态;Monin-Obukhov相似理论适用于该农业养殖塘;三维风速归一化标准差随大气稳定度的变化符合1/3次方规律,不稳定条件下的拟合效果优于稳定条件下,且以垂直方向上拟合效果最佳,温度和湿度的归一化标准差在大气不稳定时符合-1/3次方规律;三维风速的湍流谱在惯性子区中符合-2/3次方关系,垂直风速与标量的协谱在惯性子区中符合-4/3次方规律,涡度相关系统能够观测该小型农业养殖塘上的感热、潜热和CO2通量;该小型农业养殖塘上的湍流强度随风速衰减的速度快于大型湖泊,风速大于1 m·s-1时湍流强度趋近于常数,且水平方向上的湍流强度大于垂直方向;该小型农业养殖塘上的湍流动能在中性条件下最大(3.0 m2·s-2),且以风切变贡献为主;湍流动能随风速增大而增大,并呈现昼高夜低的变化特征。上述结果可为明确小型水体上的大气湍流特征及小型农业养殖塘与大气之间能量和物质的交换机制奠定一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

Drawing from a four-year study of US science institutions that support biological control of arthropods, this article examines the decline in biological control institutional capacity in California within the context of both declining public interest science and declining agricultural research activism. After explaining how debates over the public interest character of biological control science have shaped institutions in California, we use scientometric methods to assess the present status and trends in biological control programs within both the University of California Land Grant System and the California Department of Food and Agriculture. We present available data on the number of scientific positions and the types of positions to discuss the impact on the amount of public interest research on biological control in California. We use sociograms to depict how biological control science networks have been reconfigured over time. Our quantitative and qualitative analyses indicate that the following factors contributed to the decline of biological control science in California over the 45-year period analyzed: (1) the institutional reconfiguration of university research priorities; (2) the fraying networks within and increasing specialization of biological control science; (3) the transformation of the social organization of the life science work, including privatization; and (4) the abandonment of this thematic area by civil society activist groups. This broad array of forces suggests that biological control, as a public interest science, will require a deliberate intervention, based on advocacy of clear public interest criteria.  相似文献   

高校二级学院学习贯彻党的十七大精神,关键是要全面把握科学发展观内涵和实质,坚持“以人为本、统筹兼顾、全面协调可持续”的方针,用科学发展观统领学院各项工作。二级学院办学要深入研究高等教育特别是职业教育发展的规律,紧紧抓住“发展”这个第一要务,坚持以学生和教师为本,以学科建设为龙头,以改革为动力,以服务社会和地方经济发展为目标。带领学院广大教职员工解放思想,锐意进取,促进学院各项事业又好又快发展。  相似文献   

“三个代表”是我们党的立党之本、执政之基、力量之源,也是新时期人大工作的指导思想。“人民代表”通称“人大代表”,是我国根本政治制度的基石和组成细胞,是实现伙民当家作主和体现一切权力属于人民的社会主义民主的重要途径。在人大工作中,特别是在人民代表大会的代表制度建设中,落实”三个代表”的要求,是新时期所面临的新要求、新任务和新挑战。  相似文献   

We report the detection of pulsed gamma rays from the Crab pulsar at energies above 100 giga-electron volts (GeV) with the Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System (VERITAS) array of atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. The detection cannot be explained on the basis of current pulsar models. The photon spectrum of pulsed emission between 100 mega-electron volts and 400 GeV is described by a broken power law that is statistically preferred over a power law with an exponential cutoff. It is unlikely that the observation can be explained by invoking curvature radiation as the origin of the observed gamma rays above 100 GeV. Our findings require that these gamma rays be produced more than 10 stellar radii from the neutron star.  相似文献   

2019 年全国十三届二次会议正式审议通过《外商投资法》并将在2020 年11 月1 日起施 行。该法案的颁布将建立起新外商投资的法律体系的基本框架、基本原则、指导方向,对我国新 时期新形势的要求作出了响应,为我国市场经济发展注入新的外资活力,但外商投资法带来的 机遇也伴随着问题和挑战,本文通过对外商投资法颁布的背景和外商投资法颁布后所将引发的 现象结果进行分析我国企业在其中的处境,从而为我国企业更好发展,我国市场更加繁荣提供 合理建议。  相似文献   

Numerous human learning phenomena have been observed and captured by individual laws, but no unified theory of learning has succeeded in accounting for these observations. A theory and model are proposed that account for two of these phenomena: the power law of practice and the problem-solving fan-effect. The power law of practice states that the speed of performance of a task will improve as a power of the number of times that the task is performed. The power law resulting from two sorts of problem-solving changes, addition of operators to the problem-space graph and alterations in the decision procedure used to decide which operator to apply at a particular state, is empirically demonstrated. The model provides an analytic account for both of these sources of the power law. The model also predicts a problem-solving fan-effect, slowdown during practice caused by an increase in the difficulty of making useful decisions between possible paths, which is also found empirically.  相似文献   

Farmers have always played a key role in developing and testing agricultural technology. Scientist initiated agricultural research models and methods that explicitly include the participation of farmers principally have been developed and implemented in the Third World. Recently, these strategies have begun to receive attention in the US sustainable agriculture research community. This paper presents a case study where scientists collaborated with farmers in developing, implementing, and revising research in peach insect pest management in sustainable agroecosystems in California. A theoretical framework constructed from emerging epistemological and philosophical premises is used to point out the imperative of including participatory strategies in US sustainable agriculture. Methods drawn from Rapid Rural Appraisal were adapted to fit the local circumstances of working within intensive peach production systems and with a US farmer or ganization, California Clean Growers Association, in developing a research agenda. Farmer-scientist participation continued throughout the research implementation phases via individual and group meetings. A mid-project workshop provided a forum where farmers had explicit decision-making power over the course of the research project. Selected natural science research results are presented to illustrate the value of merging farmers' and scientists' knowledge in achieving relevant and scientifically interesting information. It is argued that the adoption and innovation of participatory research strategies in US sustainable agriculture will require confronting philosophical and methodological issues at individual and institutional levels.  相似文献   

With 12 percent of U.S. electricity now being supplied by nuclear power, Commonwealth Edison has found nuclear plants to be good investments relative to other base load energy sources. The country's largest user of nuclear power, Commonwealth Edison, estimates that its commitment to nuclear saved its customers about 10 percent on their electric bills in 1977, compared to the cost with the next best alternative, coal. This advantage is seen as continuing, contrary to criticisms of the economics and reliability of nuclear power and claims that it has hidden subsidies. It is concluded that there is a need for both nuclear and coal and that government policy precluding or restricting either would be unwise.  相似文献   

Over the past several decades, a group of scholars at the Berkeley campus of the University of California have frequently challenged many of the dominant themes of contemporary agricultural research. In their work, they have organized curricula questioning the assumptions of conventional agriculture and its sciences while encouraging the development of alternative agricultural practices based on principles of ecology. Their collective critique has stimulated an intellectual climate calling forth a scrutiny of the university's role in the production of knowledge and the social consequences of its works. The result of this intellectual project has been a group that has also largely challenged the dominant themes of the modern university. In place of a setting where ideas are a passive currency, the modern university is a place where knowledge and power are manifest in a dialectic that is revealed not simply by the production of knowledge, but its destruction as well. It is in this context that the recent history of a group of scholars at the University of California provides a striking testimony concerning the disturbing character of science in the modern university. The ecological and social dimensions of “killing fields” that captures the contemporary hazards of food and fiber production in California is also reflected in the gradual demise of a group of researchers at Berkeley who have endeavored to provide an alternative vision of agriculture.  相似文献   

Taylor幂法则模型的遗传算法最优拟合研究   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
Taylor幂法则模型是研究种群空间格局的重要工具之一,其拟合方法通常采用对数线性化-最小二乘法求得a、b值.这种方法显然不是最优的,本文首次用遗传算法最优拟合该模型,并比较了各种方法的拟合结果,证明遗传算法筒单、精确,优于其他拟合方法.  相似文献   

At present, nuclear explosions are limited by treaty to underground testing with yields of no more than 150 kilotons, and recently there have been renewed calls for further test restrictions. As part of these discussions, the U.S. Congress is considering bills that would legislate new limits to testing,whereas the Reagan Administration opposes such constraints. The editors of Science have asked two groups of participants in the debate to present their arguments for or against new limits to testing. Feiveson, Paine, and von Hippel argue for a treaty of indefinite duration between the United States and the Soviet Union, which includes the following provisions: (i) a ban on all testing outside a desiqnated site having known seismic properties; (ii)verification by means of on-site inspection and in-country seismic monitoring; (iii) unlimited testing below 1 kiloton at the special site; and (iv) an average of one test per year with a yield of up to 15 kilotons for ensuring reliability of the nuclear stockpile. MiUer, Brown, and Nordyke argue that a lowering of the present 150-kiloton threshold would be undesirable, and that new test bans would divert attention from a comprehensive approach to negotiated reductions in the nuclear and conventional arsenals of the United States and the Soviet Union.  相似文献   

The observed variation in the activity ratio of plutonium-238 to plutonium-239 plus plutonium-240 in rainwater in Japan over the period from 1961 through 1968 seems to indicate that the influence of the plutonium-238 released by the burnup of the nuclear auxiliary power generator (SNAP-9A) became noticeable within about 6 months and that variation in the isotope ratio with time is affected by nuclear debris produced in the latest explosions as well as by the plutonium-238 released from the SNAP-9A generator.  相似文献   

Establishment of the Mediterranean fruit fly in California   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
J R Carey 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1991,253(5026):1369-1373
Principles of invasion biology are brought to bear on the question of whether the medfly is established in California. Since its first discovery in 1975, the pest has been captured in the Los Angeles Basin in nine separate years including every year from 1986 through 1990. The trend has become distinct--the intervals between captures are decreasing, the numbers captured are increasing, and the area over which they are detected is expanding. In addition, appearances are seasonal and captures in recent years have occurred in many of the same cities and neighborhoods where medflies were found several years before. Evidence suggests that the medfly may be established in the Los Angeles area and that previous eradication programs did not eradicate the medfly from California. It follows that detection, exclusion, and eradication protocols may need to be reexamined.  相似文献   

Power fluctuations and power duration curves for wind energy generators, including energy storage facilities of a certain capacity, are compared to those of typical nuclear reactors. A storage system capable of delivering the yearly average power output for about 10 hours already makes the dependability of the wind energy system comparable to that of a typical nuclear plant.  相似文献   

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