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Reflection spectra of lunar dust grains with amorphous coatings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hapke B 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1972,177(4048):535-536

Evidence for porphyrins was obtained in the Apollo 11 bulk sample of lunar dust by fluorescence spectrometry and analytical demetallation. The indicated porphyrins showed major fluorescence excitation at 390 nanometers. Abundance was about 10(-10) gram of porphyrin per gram of dust. Similar pigments were found in exhaust products from tests of a lunar descent engine. The similarity of results suggests that most if not all of the indicated porphyrin aggregate of the lunar sample probably was synthesized from rocket fuel during the landing of the lunar module. These compounds may be the product of a novel high-temperature synthesis of cosmochemical interest.  相似文献   

Determinations on 20-to 80-milligram portions of the rock samples and the -150 mesh fraction of the lunar dust show pronounced Curie points between 680 degrees and 780 degrees C. Remanent intensities of five rock fragments vary from 8.4 x 10(-5) to 0.30 X J0(-5) emu/gram. Upon demagnetization, two of the samples had only viscous magnetization and two other samples had stable magnetizations with remanent coercivities in excess of 50 oersteds. Partial thermal demagnetization suggests that these apparently stable moments may have been acquired in a magnetic field in excess of 1500 gammas. xsxs.  相似文献   

Although nothing of direct biologic interest was observed in the sample studied, small shaped glass particles and glazed pits resemble objects which elsewhere have been described as fossils. These features, although nonbiological, do bear on processes of lunar weathering and outgassing. The glazed pits are impact features. Fusion of their surfaces released gases. Electron microscopy of the glasses, pits, and angular microfractured mineral grains indicates a prevalence of destructive weathering processes-thermal expansion and contraction, abrasion by by-passing particles, and, of course, impact. ous at room temperature.  相似文献   

The opaque minerals in the lunar rocks 10047, 10050, 10057, 10059, 10068 and in the dust were studied. Rock 10047 contains ilmenite as a main component besides Al-bearing chromian ulv?spinel, a new Ti, Fe, Zr, Y, Ca silicate, troilite, cobaltian alpha Fe, minor hafnian baddeleyite and dysanalyte. Dysanalyte contains Ca, Ti, and Fe as major elements and shows concentrations (rare earth elements together approximately 10 percent) of La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Hf, Y, and Zr plus traces of Nb, Ba, and Na. The chemistry of ilmenite in the igneous rocks shows no appreciable variations. A new mineral of the solid solution series MgTi(2)O(5)-FeTi(2)O(5) has also been encountered in the polymict breccias. The microbreccias and the fines contain meteorite debris indicating an impact origin.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive determination of spallogenic (53)Mn (T = 2 x 106 yr) was accomplished in 0.99 g of lunar soil. The chemical yield of Mn is determined with "carrier-free" (52)Mn tracer. During a 23-day reactor irradiation the (53)Mn is transformed into (54)Mn (T = 300 days). Appropriate chemical recycling was done by ion exchange and distillation. Interferences of the (n,p) and the (n,2n) nuclear reactions were carefully studied. A (53)Mn disintegration rate of 30.3 +/- 5.5 dpm/kg results. This extremely economic method is proposed for further detailed lunar profile measurements. The Re content, which is of possible cosmochemical interest, was determined to be 11 ppb. Appropriate separation techniques were used. The rather weak and complex thermoluminescence properties made a more basic study advisable. Thermogravimetric analysis, mass spectroscopy, and Moessbauer spectroscopy were applied. The presence of ilmenite, metallic Fe etc., and of an unidentified Fe(2+)-containing compound was deduced. Natural thermoluminescence could not be proved with certainty in our surface sample. However, the complexity of the artificial thermoluminescence demands better defined mineral fractions. The fission track method was used to measure U distribution in glass spherules etc.  相似文献   

Nonstoichiometric grains with depletions of magnesium and silicon (relative to oxygen) and inclusions of iron-nickel metal and iron-rich sulfides have been identified in interplanetary dust particles from comets. These chemical anomalies accumulate in grains exposed to ionizing radiation. The grains, known as GEMS (glass with embedded metal and sulfides), were irradiated before the accretion of comets, and their inferred exposure ages, submicrometer sizes, and "amorphous" silicate structures are consistent with those of interstellar silicate grains. The measured compositional trends suggest that chemical (as well as isotopic) anomalies can be used to identify presolar interstellar components in primitive meteoritic materials.  相似文献   

Cold molecular clouds are the birthplaces of stars and planets, where dense cores of gas collapse to form protostars. The dust mixed in these clouds is thought to be made of grains of an average size of 0.1 micrometer. We report the widespread detection of the coreshine effect as a direct sign of the existence of grown, micrometer-sized dust grains. This effect is seen in half of the cores we have analyzed in our survey, spanning all Galactic longitudes, and is dominated by changes in the internal properties and local environment of the cores, implying that the coreshine effect can be used to constrain fundamental core properties such as the three-dimensional density structure and ages and also the grain characteristics themselves.  相似文献   

A sample of lunar dust was examined for organic compounds. Carbon detected in concentrations of 157 micrograms per gram had a delta(13)C per mil (PDB) value of + 20. Treatment with hydrochloric acid yielded hydrocarbons of low molecular weight, suggesting the presence of carbides. The gas chromatogram of the acylated and esterified derivatives of the hydrolyzate was similar to that obtained for the Pueblito de Allende meteorite. There were no detectable amounts of extractable high-molecular-weight alkanes, aromatic hydrocarbons, isoprenoid hydrocarbons, normal alkanes, fatty acids, amino acids, sugars, or nucleic acid bases. Traces of porphyrins were found, perhaps arising from rocket exhaust materials.  相似文献   

We have identified six circumstellar silicate grains within interplanetary dust particles (IDPs). Their extrasolar origins are demonstrated by their extremely anomalous oxygen isotopic compositions. Three 17O-rich grains appear to originate from red giant or asymptotic giant branch stars. One 16O-rich grain may be from a metal-poor star. Two 16O-poor grains have unknown stellar sources. One of the grains is forsterite, and two are amorphous silicate "GEMS" (glass with embedded metal and sulfides), which is consistent with astronomical identifications of crystalline and amorphous silicates in the outflows of evolved stars. These observations suggest cometary origins of these IDPs and underscore the perplexing absence of silicates among circumstellar dust grains from meteorites.  相似文献   

Gemini-N observed the properties of dust ejected from the nucleus of comet 9P/Tempel 1 before and after its encounter with Deep Impact. Marked changes were seen in the 7.8- to 13-micrometer spectral energy distribution and derived grain properties of the inner coma. A strong, broad silicate feature dominated by emission from amorphous pyroxene, amorphous olivine, and magnesium-rich crystalline olivine had developed by 1 hour after impact. The ejected dust mass is congruent with 10(4) to 10(6) kilograms on the basis of our models. Twenty-six hours later the silicate feature had faded, leaving a smooth featureless spectrum, similar to that observed before the impact, suggesting that the impact did not produce a new active region releasing small particles on the nucleus.  相似文献   

Gravity: first measurement on the lunar surface   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The gravity at the landing site of the first lunar-landing mission has been determined to be 162,821.680 milligals from data telemetered to earth by the lunar module on the lunar surface. The gravity was measured with a pulsed integrating pendulous accelerometer. These measurements were used to compute the gravity anomaly and radius at the landing site.  相似文献   

A newly available data set of daily satellite-derived, lower-tropospheric global temperature anomalies provides an opportunity to assess the influence of lunar phase on planetary temperature. These results reveal a statistically significant 0.02 K modulation between new moon and full moon, with the warmest daily global temperatures over a synodic month coincident with the occurrence of the full moon. Spectral analysis of the daily temperature record confirms the presence of a periodicity that matches the lunar synodic (29.53-day) cycle. The precision of the satellite-based daily temperature record allows verification that the moon exerts a discernible influence on the short-term, global temperature record.  相似文献   

A K-Ar age of 2300 x 10(6) years has been determined for a sample of type A crystalline rock (57,34). The presence of an anomalously large quantity of 4 degrees Ar, in a sample of type C breccia (65,35) precluded the calculation of its K-Ar age. Both of the rock types are characterized by low Rb/Sr ratios and consequently low (87)Sr/(86)Sr values. The U-Th-Pb results for a sample of type D fines (84,33) yield a (207)Pb/(206)Pb age of 4760 x 10(6) years, but ages based on U-Pb and Th-Pb ratios are anomalously high. Isotopic compositions of Li, K, Rb, Sr, U, and Th are very close to the accepted values for terrestrial materials.  相似文献   

El-Baz F 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1973,180(4091):1173-1176
Apollo 16 and Apollo 17 photographs of the far side of the moon reveal a double-ringed basin 500 kilometers in diameter centered at 1 degrees N, 112 degrees E. The structure is very old and subdued; it is probably Pre-Nectarian in age and appears to have been filled and modified by younger events. The heights of the basin's rings are based on laser altimeter data from Apollo missions 15 through 17; these data suggest a third outer ring, approximately 1000 kilometers in diameter. Laser measurements also indicate that the filled basin separates the relatively low terrain on the eastern limb of the moon from the higher, more rugged highlands to the east.  相似文献   

甜玉米籽粒含糖量性状的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究了6个新选甜玉米自交系及其15个F1组合在授粉后不同时间籽粒含糖量的遗传及变异规律。结果表明,授粉后不同时间籽粒含糖量有极显著差异,以授粉后20 d籽粒含糖量较高;要获得含糖量较高的甜玉米组合,需要选择双亲含糖量均表现优良的亲本材料进行组配,亲子遗传在不同组合中表现出明显差异。含糖量主要受加性基因效应的作用,非加性基因的作用相对很小,其遗传符合加性-显性模型。控制含糖量遗传的增效基因为隐性基因。  相似文献   

Direct shear-wave arrivals from seismtic events originating on the far side of the moon are not observed at some of the stations of the Apollo seismic network. These data suggest that the material in the lunar interior at a depth of 1000 to 1100 kilometers is more dissipative for seismic shear waves than the lithosphere above, and possibly exists in a partially molten state akin to the earth's asthenosphere.  相似文献   

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