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Pot experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of basic slag (6 to 18 t/ha), lime (CaCO3: 3 to 9 t/ha), lime (3 t/ha) plus MnO2 (100 mg/kg), and leaching (1.8 L/kg soils) on the growth, yield, and nutrition of rice plants grown on two saline-acid sulfate soils. The Sulfic Fluvaquent (Chakaria series) and Typic Sulfaquent (Badarkhali series) respectively showed low pH (4, 4.3); high electrical conductivity (16.2, 14.2 mS/cm), sodium adsorption ratio (13.6, 12.8), and water soluble SO42? (4.6, 4.9 cmol/kg). The growth and yield response of rice to the treatments were found better in Chakaria than in Badarkhali soil. The leaching treatment was found to be the best to produce the maximum straw, and grain yield (869% increase over the control) and the highest dose of basic slag (18 t/ha) was ranked second (728%) in Badarkhali soil. But in Chakaria soil, the best response (928%) was determined with the highest dose of lime (6 t/ha) followed by the leaching (900%) treatment. The additional application of Mn02 (100 mg/kg) with lime (3 t/ha) significantly increased the straw and grain yields of rice by 42–47% compared with the lime 3 t/ha in both the soils. Similar effects were observed for N, P, and K concentrations in plant straw at maturity. Leaching, basic slag, and lime treatments exerted significant decrease of the Fe, Mn, Zn, and S concentrations in plants, increase of soil solution pH and optimization of some element concentrations in the plants and soil solutions.  相似文献   


Ammonia (NH3) volatilization losses from surface‐applied ammonium sulphate (AS), ammonium nitrate (AN), and urea to winter wheat and the effects of the NBPT [N‐(n‐butyl) thiophosphoric triamide], PG (Phospho‐gypsum), and PR (byproduct‐Pyrite) were determined in a field experiment. Effects on grain yield and protein content of the grain were also measured. Total NH3 losses from AS, AN, and urea varied from 13.6–19.5%, 4.4–6.4%, and 3.9–12.0% depending on the compounds and their levels added to nitrogen (N) fertilizers, respectively. The compounds added to AS and AN increased NH3‐N losses with respect to unamended fertilizers (control). On the other hand, while urea treatments with two tons of PG/ha increased NH3 losses, the other compounds decreased the losses. The highest reductions of NH3 loss were observed with NBPT 0.50% and NBPT 0.25% by 63.4% and 52.8%, respectively. Although the effect of nitrogeneous fertilizers on total N losses and protein content of wheat grain was found statistically significant (p<0.01), as the compounds applied with N fertilizers have had no significant effect. Also, a negative and highly significant correlation (r = ‐0.69???) was found between total N loss and protein content of the grain.  相似文献   

Soil moisture strongly controls the uptake of atmospheric methane by limiting the diffusion of methane into the soil, resulting in a negative correlation between soil moisture and methane uptake rates under most non-drought conditions. However, little is known about the effect of water stress on methane uptake in temperate forests during severe droughts. We simulated extreme summer droughts by exclusion of 168 mm (2001) and 344 mm (2002) throughfall using three translucent roofs in a mixed deciduous forest at the Harvard Forest, Massachusetts, USA. The treatment significantly increased CH4 uptake during the first weeks of throughfall exclusion in 2001 and during most of the 2002 treatment period. Low summertime CH4 uptake rates were found only briefly in both control and exclusion plots during a natural late summer drought, when water contents below 0.15 g cm−3 may have caused water stress of methanotrophs in the A horizon. Because these soils are well drained, the exclusion treatment had little effect on A horizon water content between wetting events, and the effect of water stress was smaller and more brief than was the overall treatment effect on methane diffusion. Methane consumption rates were highest in the A horizon and showed a parabolic relationship between gravimetric water content and CH4 consumption, with maximum rate at 0.23 g H2O g−1 soil. On average, about 74% of atmospheric CH4 was consumed in the top 4-5 cm of the mineral soil. By contrast, little or no CH4 consumption occurred in the O horizon. Snow cover significantly reduced the uptake rate from December to March. Removal of snow enhanced CH4 uptake by about 700-1000%, resulting in uptake rates similar to those measured during the growing season. Soil temperatures had little effect on CH4 uptake as long as the mineral soil was not frozen, indicating strong substrate limitation of methanotrophs throughout the year. Our results suggest that the extension of snow periods may affect the annual rate of CH4 oxidation and that summer droughts may increase the soil CH4 sink of temperate forest soils.  相似文献   

Summary This study examined the effects of NH inf4 + fertilizers [(NH4)2SO4, (NH4)2HPO4, CO(NH2)2, NH4OH, and NH4NO3] on NH3 loss and the quantity of Ca + Mg, NH inf4 + and NO inf3 sup– in the solution of a calcareous soil (Harkey sicl, Typic Torrifluvent). Various NH4 fertilizers applied at a depth of 5 cm in the soil produced differing NH3 loss characteristics. Applying (NH4)2SO4 (AS) resulted in high volatile NH3 losses as compared with NH4OH (AH) and (NH4)2CO3 (AC). The AS treatment formed an equal molar amount of CaSO4, which increased the mobility of ammonium, while AH and AC treatments caused Ca precipitation and decreased ammonium mobility. Leaching the AS system before NH3 loss could occur resulted in the most rapid nitrification rate. Lower nitrification rates were found with AH and AC than AS under the same conditions. Surface placement of NH4 fertilizers resulted in variable leachate contents of Ca + Mg. Ammonium sulfate reacted with CaCO3 either to solubilize some Ca + Mg or simply to replace exchangeable Ca + Mg with NH4, while AH, AC, and (NH4)2HPO4 (DAP) precipitated essentially an equivalent molar amount of soluble and adsorbed Ca + Mg. Use of NH4NO3, which does not form an insoluble calcium precipitate, resulted in the leaching of an equivalent molar amount of exchangeable Ca + Mg from the Harkey soil.The authors are Professor and former laboratory technician, respectively, at Texas A&M Research Center at El Paso, 1380 A&M Circle, El Paso, TX 79927, USA  相似文献   

An ice core from a high-alpine glacier (Grenzgletscher, Colle Gnifetti, Monte Rosa massif, 4450 m a.s.l., Switzerland) was used to reconstruct the pollution history of Central-Europe. Concentrations of the most important acidifying species sulfate and nitrate as well as of chloride were measured in 1151 samples with 5 cm resolution from the top 60 m of a 109 m long firn/ice core. This corresponds to a mean time resolution of 8 (bottom) to 14 (top) data points per year. A 210Pb nuclear dating showed that the ice core covers a time period between 1850–1981 and that the mean accumulation rate was 0.33 m water equivalent per year. Between the two time periods 1850 – 1880 and 1965 – 1981 the mean sulfate concentrations increased by a factor of 5.8±0.9 and for nitrate by a factor of 2.3±0.3. The mean concentrations at the beginning of the industrial time (period 1850 –1880) was 0.078±0.008 mg/l for sulfate and 0.067±0.005 mg/l for nitrate. The mean chloride concentration was 0.047±0.004 mg/l and did not show a trend in concentration over the time period investigated. A distribution analysis of the measured concentrations for the two time periods 1850 – 1865 and 1965 – 1981 was performed which showed that the data have a nearly log-normal distribution.  相似文献   

It has been known that nitrogenous fertilizers can either stimulate or inhibit methane oxidation in soils. The mechanism, however, remains unclear. Here we conducted laboratory incubation experiments to evaluate the effects of ammonium versus nitrate amendment on CH4 oxidation in a rice field soil. The results showed that both N forms stimulated CH4 oxidation. But nitrate stimulated CH4 oxidation to a greater extent than ammonium per unit N base. The 16S rRNA genes and the pmoA genes were analyzed to determine the dynamics of total bacterial and methanotrophic populations, respectively. The methanotrophic community consisted of type I and type II methanotrophs and was dominated by type I group after two weeks of incubation. Nitrate promoted both types of methanotrophs, but ammonium promoted only type I. DNA-based stable isotope probing confirmed that ammonium stimulated the incorporation of 13CH4 into type I methanotrophs but not type II, while nitrate caused almost homogenous distribution of 13CH4 in type I and type II methanotrophs. Our study suggests that nitrate can promote CH4 oxidation more significantly than ammonium and is probably a better N source for both types of methanotrophs in rice field soil. More investigations, e.g. using 15N labeling, are necessary to elucidate this possibility.  相似文献   

The effects of the application of KNO3 and NH4Cl (100 kg N ha?1) on N2O release and CH4 uptake by a well-aerated topsoil (porosity: 55%, water-filled pore space: 67% of the total pore space) were studied in a laboratory incubation experiment over 50 days using a soil microcosm system with an automated registration of N2O and CH4 fluxes. The total N2O-N losses over 50 days were low for all treatments and amounted to 0.9 mg m?2 for the control, 1.2 mg m?2 for the soil columns fertilized with KNO3, and 7.3 mg m?2 for the soil columns fertilized with NH4Cl. The slightly elevated N2O release after the application Of NH4Cl was associated with the nitrification of NH4+ added. Only ?0.06% of the fertilized NH4?N was lost as N2O. This nitrogen fertilization reduced the CH4 uptake of the soil columns by 43% (NH4Cl) and 21% (KNO3), respectively.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi colonize most plant species in the savannah/oak woodland ecosystem of the California Sierra Foothills. These fungi may form belowground linkages between plant root systems, potentially altering nutrient transfers. In a laboratory experiment with two-chambered pots where only AM fungal hyphae connected the chambers, we examined nutrient transfer between native plant species of grasses and forbs. Two separate chambers with plants were separated by a set of two stainless steel screens (25 μm mesh) separated by a 1 cm air gap. These screens successfully restricted root growth but allowed hyphal coverage (15–100% of the area) of the screens. Nutrient transfers were monitored by applying nitrogen (15N), arsenic (P analog), strontium (Ca analog), and cesium and rubidium (K analogs). The analogs and 15N were applied to leaves of donor plants for 48 h. We observed transfer of 15N, As, Cs, and Rb from donor shoots to receiver shoots. Element transfers were not correlated with receiver biomass or donor concentrations. Transfers varied among the elements and plant combinations. Both Rb and Cs (K analogs) had the same pattern of transfer. Nitrogen was transferred in greatest amounts and between forbs and grasses, and grasses acted as a stronger sink for N. Forbs were generally the stronger sink for As. Fungal hyphae facilitated transfer among forbs and grasses, suggesting that they have a key role in nutrient transfer in California oak woodlands.  相似文献   

Since 1993 we are studying three Scots pine ecosystems along a deposition gradient in north-eastern Germany (formerly GDR). Dramatic reductions of pollutant emissions are reported for the period since 1989/90. S-deposition is high at the sites Roesa and Taura (25 kg S ha?1yr?1) compared to Neuglobsow. Inputs of basic cations, especially Ca, by alkaline dust immissions decrease in the order Roesa > Taura > Neuglobsow. The soil solution data show high concentrations of Ca and SO4 at Roesa decreasing drastically along the deposition gradient. The elevated pH values reflect the impact of alkaline dust deposition particularly in the organic surface layer at Roesa. The site Taura received less base cation deposition and is marked by the lowest pH values throughout the soil profile combined with increased Al concentrations in the solution of the mineral soil. Thus, the composition of the soil solutions clearly reflects the different deposition regimes of the past. The element budgets show that large amounts of base cations, sulfur, and, at Taura, also aluminum are actually released from the soils that were previously stored.  相似文献   

土壤施钙对芒果果实钾、钙、镁含量及品质的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
以"台农1号"芒果为试材,田间试验研究了花前土施不同用量硝酸钙对芒果果实钾、钙、镁含量及产量、品质的影响。结果表明:(1)与不施钙相比,土施钙肥可明显提高果实糖酸比,其原因主要是降低了可滴定酸含量,提高了可溶性糖含量,同时可显著提高果实Vc含量,降低贮藏期果实发病率,在土施钙150 g/株时产量最高,增产率为14.25%。(2)在一定钙用量范围内,土施钙肥可显著提高果肉钙含量,使果皮、果肉与果核的钾、镁含量下降。(3)果皮、果肉及果核钙含量与钙肥用量呈正相关,钾、镁含量与钙肥用量呈负相关。(4)果实可溶性糖含量、Vc含量及糖酸比与钙肥用量呈正相关,果实可溶性固形物含量、可滴定酸含量、失重率、发病率与钙肥用量呈负相关。土壤增施钙肥有利于提高芒果果实品质,提高果实耐贮性。  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) is taken up by most plant species in the form of nitrate (NO ) or ammonium (NH ). Plant response to continuous NH nutrition is species‐dependent. In this study, we compare the responses of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv. Rio Grande) plants to N source (NO or NH ). To this end, early plant growth, photosynthesis, chlorophyll, carbohydrate, and N‐compound concentrations as well as the activities of main enzymes involved in N metabolism (nitrate reductase, nitrite reductase, glutamine synthetase, and glutamate dehydrogenase) were analyzed. Early plant growth was remarkably ameliorated under NH ‐ in comparison to NO ‐based nutrition. Concomitantly, photosynthetic activity, total chlorophyll, and carbohydrate concentrations were significantly increased. With increasing external NH concentration, NH accumulated mainly in roots. In addition, root protein concentration was significantly increased, reflecting high NH incorporation into organic nitrogen. Root glutamine synthetase (GS) activity was enhanced by NH for concentrations below 5 mM, whereas root glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) activity increased in parallel to NH availability. Together with the positive effect of NH on tomato plant cv. Rio Grande growth, these results reveal that GDH could have, in addition to GS, a possible role in NH detoxification and tolerance of NH ‐based nutrition.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to study the effects of nitrogen (N) forms (NO3, 2.6 mM; NH4+, 2.6 mM; NO3, 1 mM + NH4+, 1.6 mM) on the growth and mineral composition of kiwifruit plants exposed to three boron (B) levels (0.025, 0.1, 0.3 mM). The kiwifruit plants were grown in a 1:1 sand : perlite mixture and irrigated daily with nutrient solutions. Shoot height, mean shoot dry weight, the number of leaves, mean leaf dry weight, and N concentration of NH4‐treated plants were significantly higher compared to the NO3 treatment at all B levels. The concentration of 0.3 mM B significantly reduced shoot height for all N treatments. Boron toxicity symptoms appeared 14 days after starting the experiment, when plants were treated with 0.1 and/or 0.3 mM B. The nitrate supply reduced the B concentration of roots, but B levels of different leaf parts were hardly affected by the N form. Furthermore, the NH4‐N form significantly reduced the Mg concentration of the leaves.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of liming on in-situ N transformations was studied in two stands of different ages of each of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), Douglas fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco], and common oak (Quercus robur L.). The stands were located on acid sandy soils in an area with high atmospheric N input. The organic matter of the upper 10-cm layer of the soil, including the forest floor, had a relatively high N content (C: N ratio <25) in all stands. Using a sequential core technique, N transformations were measured in both control plots and plots that had been limed 3 years previously with 3 t ha-1 of dolomitic lime. Limed plots had a higher net NO inf3 sup- production and a higher potential for NO inf3 sup- leaching than the controls in all stands except that of the younger oak. Net N mineralization did not differ significantly between limed and control plots in oak stands and younger coniferous stands but was significantly lower in the limed plots of the older coniferous stands. It is concluded that long-term measurements of net N mineralization in limed forest soils are needed to evaluate the effect of liming with respect to the risk of groundwater pollution.  相似文献   

Intensive cultivation of crop fields using agricultural chemicals and fertilizers has led to changes in ecological systems, resulting in a high possibility of environmental pollution by contamination, or occasional reactions not only in the soil but also in the water and the atmosphere. Some substances are known to be very toxic to human beings at low concentrations. For example, nitrosamines are believed to be carcinogenic and mutagenic.  相似文献   

The influence of nitrogen (N) forms and chloride (Cl) on solution pH and ion uptake in the hydroponic culture of Ageratum houstonianum [ammonium (NH4 +)‐tolerant] and Salvia splendens (NH4 +‐sensitive) for a period of 216 hours was investigated. The pH of the hydroponic solution (initially 6.50) containing either NH4 + or NH4 ++nitrate (NO3 ) was drastically lowered (3.08), whereas that of the same solution containing NO3 was raised (7.74). Solution pH changed more by ageratum than by salvia. The solution Cl concentration did not influence pH significantly. However, addition of Cl in the solution lowered transpiration rate in both NH4 + and NO3 treatments. Total N uptake was the greatest in the NH4 + + NO3 treatment and the lowest in the NO3 treatment. In the NH4 + + NO3 treatment, NO3 uptake was suppressed by NH4 + (to about 50%), while NH4 + uptake was not affected by NO3 . The rate of Cl uptake was the lowest in the NH4 + treatment, but was similar in the NH4 + + NO3 and NO3 treatments. Uptake of potassium (K+), dihydrogen phosphate (H2PO4 ), sulfate (SO4 ‐2), manganese (Mn+2), and zinc (Zn+2) was significantly enhanced in the NH4 + treatment. The uptake rate of calcium (Ca+2) and magnesium (Mg+2) was the highest in the NO3 treatment. Absorption of copper (Cu+2) and boron (B) was not affected by N source. Ion uptake was more stable in the solution containing both NH4 + and NO3 than in the solution containing either NH4 + or NO3 . The uptake rate of total N, NH4 +, NO3 , Mn+2, Cu+2, and Zn+2 was higher, whereas that of Cl and molybdenum (Mo) was lower in ageratum than in salvia. Amounts of total anion (TA) and total cation (TC) absorbed, the sum of TC and TA, and the difference between TC and TA (TC‐TA) were affected by N source, Cl level, and their interactions. The NO3 treatment, as compared to the NH4 + or the NH4 + + NO3 treatment, reduced total cation and anion uptake while increasing TC‐TA, especially in the absence of Cl. Plant tissue ion contents were also affected by N source and Cl level.  相似文献   

采用溶液培养方法,研究了氮素形态及水平对黄瓜干物质积累、膨压及光合速率的影响。结果表明,同一氮素水平时,NO3--N处理黄瓜干物质重量、叶片面积、叶片含水量、水势、膨压等均高于NH4+-N处理。低水平NH4+-N(5mmol/L)对黄瓜光合速率影响不大,甚至高于同水平NO3--N处理的,叶片面积稍有减小;高水平NH4+-N不仅显著抑制黄瓜干物质的积累,叶片面积仅是同水平NO3--N处理的12.7%,最小光合速率(Pn)为CO2 1.6mol/(m2·s),仅为同水平NO3--N处理的10%左右。NH4+-N处理引起黄瓜叶片面积的减小与叶片膨压降低相关性较大,相关系数为0.98;膨压与叶片水势直接相关,而渗透势对此影响不大。高水平NO3--N对黄瓜产生了渗透胁迫,抑制黄瓜生长,表现在渗透调节物质的大量积累。不同黄瓜品种对氮素形态及水平响应差异较大,所有处理中新泰密刺长势均好于吉尼罗。低水平的NH4+-N对黄瓜干物质的积累影响不大,高水平则明显抑制其生长。说明高浓度铵态氮对植物产生了毒害,而高浓度的硝态氮则是渗透胁迫。  相似文献   

Information on the distribution patterns of soil water content (SWC), soil organic matter (SOM), and soil exchangeable cations (SEC) is important for managing forest ecosystems in a sustainable manner. This study investigated how SWC, SOM, and SEC were influenced in forests along a successional gradient, including a regional climax (monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest, or MEBF), a transitional forest (coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest, or MF), and a pioneer forest (coniferous Masson pine (Pinus rnassoniana) forest, or MPF) of the Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve in the subtropical region of southern China. SWC, SOM, and SEC excluding Ca^2+ were found to increase in the soil during forest succession, being highest in the top soil layer (0 to 15 cm depth) except for Na^+. The differences between soil layers were largest in MF. This finding also suggested that the nutrients were enriched in the topsoil when they became increasingly scarce in the soil. There were no significant differences (P = 0.05) among SWC, SOM, and SEC. A linear, positive correlation was found between SWC and SOM. The correlation between SOM and cation exchange capacity (CEC) was statistically significant, which agreed with the theory that the most important factor determining SEC is SOM. The ratio of K^+ to Na^+ in the topsoil was about a half of that in the plants of each forest. MF had the lowest exchangeable Ca^2+ concentration among the three forests and Ca^2+:K^+ in MPF was two times higher than that in MF. Understanding the changes of SWC, SOM, and CEC during forest succession would be of great help in protecting all three forests in southern China.  相似文献   

Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are effective antimicrobial compounds that are used in a myriad of applications. Soil microorganisms play crucial roles in nitrogen cycling, but there is a lack of comprehensive understanding of the effects of AgNPs on enzymatic activity in the nitrogen cycle, nitrifying bacteria, and nitrogen transformation in soil. Herein, enzyme activities were determined following the addition of different forms of nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen ((NH4)2SO4), nitrate nitrogen (KNO3), and amide nitrogen (urea, CO(NH2)2) at 200 mg N kg-1, into the soil amended with AgNPs at 0, 10, 50, and 100 mg kg-1. After 7 d of incubation with 10 mg kg-1 AgNPs, the activities of urease, nitrite reductase (NiR), nitrate reductase (NaR), and hydroxylamine reductase (HyR) were reduced by 12.5%, 25.0%, 12.2%, and 24.2%, respectively. Of particular note, more than 53.5%, 61.7%, and 34.7% of NaR, NiR, and HyR activities, respectively, were inhibited at 100 mg kg-1AgNPs. The abundance (most probable number) of ammonia- and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (AOB and NOB, respectively) was measured using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and the Cochran method. The abundance of AOB and NOB decreased when AgNPs were present in the soil. The NH4NO3 amendment increased copy numbers of bacterial and archaeal amoA nitrification functional genes, by 38.3% and 12.4%, respectively, but AgNPs at 50 mg kg-1 decreased these values by 70% and 56.4%, respectively. The results of 15N enrichment (atom% excess) of NH4+ and NO3- experiments illustrated the influence of AgNPs on soil nitrogen transformation. According to the 15N atom% excess detected, the conversion of 15N-labeled NH4+ to NO3- was significantly inhibited by the different levels of AgNPs in soil. The reduced gross nitrification rate further confirmed this finding. Overall, this study revealed considerable evidence that AgNPs inhibited nitrogen cycle enzyme activity, the number of nitrifying bacteria, the abundance of the amoA gene, and the gross nitrification rate. Silver nanoparticles inhibited nitrogen transformation, and the rate of nitrification was also negatively correlated with AgNP levels.  相似文献   

Plant nitrogen (N) uptake, growth, and N use efficiency may be affected by N form (NO3 or NH4 +) available to the root. The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of mixed N form on dry matter production and partitioning, N uptake, and biomass N use efficiency defined as total dry matter produced per unit plant N (NUE1) in U.S. and tropical grain sorghums [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]. The U.S. derived genotype CK 60 and three tropical genotypes, Malisor‐7, M 35–1, and S 34, were evaluated in a greenhouse trial using three nutrient solutions differing in their NO3 /NH4 + ratio (100/0, 75/25, 50/50). Shoot and root biomass, N accumulation, and NUE, were determined at 10‐leaf and boot stages. Averaged over all genotypes, shoot and root biomass decreased when NH4 + concentration was increased in the solution. Shoot biomass was reduced by 11% for 75/25 and 26% for 50/50 ratios, as compared to 100/0 NO3 /NH4 +. Similarly, root biomass reduction was about 34% and 45% for the same ratios, respectively. Increasing NH4 + concentration also altered biomass partitioning between shoot and root as indicated by decreasing root/shoot ratio. Total plant N content and NUE1 were also reduced by mixed N source. Marked genotypic variability was found for tolerance to higher rates of NH4 +. The tropical line M 35–1 was well adapted to either NO3 as a sole source, or to an N source containing high amounts of NH4 +. Such a characteristic may exist in some exotic lines and may be used to improve genotypes which do not do well in excessively wet soil conditions where N uptake can be reduced.  相似文献   

Changes in soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, pH, and the abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are examined along a large-scale aridity gradient from southeast to northwest in China. Soil organic carbon and total nitrogen decreased but pH increased with increased aridity. Aboveground plant biomass, spore abundance, and colonization of roots by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi also declined as the aridity increased. Soil organic carbon and total nitrogen were positively correlated with aboveground plant biomass, and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal spore number and root colonization were positively correlated with soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, and aboveground plant biomass but were negatively correlated with soil pH. A structural equation model suggested that aridity affected soil organic carbon and total nitrogen by limiting aboveground plant biomass. Aridity exerted a large direct effect and smaller indirect effects (via changes in aboveground plant biomass) on the abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Soil pH also directly influenced arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal abundance. These results suggest that aboveground plant biomass could be a key factor driving the changes of soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal abundance along this aridity gradient in China.  相似文献   

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