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Aim of this study was to determine the intrauterine activity of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP)‐2 and ‐9 after cessation of the local effect of progesterone. For this purpose, pregnancy was terminated in 10 bitches at mid‐gestation with the progesterone receptor antagonist aglepristone (10 mg/kg body weight, sc, Alizine®; Virbac, France) at two subsequent days (group IRA = induced resorption/abortion). The IRA group was divided into two subgroups (Group I, n = 5, days 25–35 of pregnancy; group II, n = 5, days 36–45). Five further bitches were introduced with beginning abortion (group SRA = spontaneous resorption/abortion). Seven healthy bitches between day 25 and 45 of gestation served as controls. After ovariohysterectomy at the end of abortion and between days 25 and 45 of gestation, respectively, the distribution and activity of collagenases were investigated by immunohistochemistry and gelatin zymography. At placental sites, MMP‐2 activity in the endometrium was significantly lower in IRA groups than in the SRA group (33.7 ± 11.8% and 39.3 ± 5.4% vs 52.2 ± 10.2%, p < 0.05); however, MMP‐2 expression was lowest in the control group (control: 21.4 ± 6.3%; p < 0.01) and similarly in the myometrium (controls: 13.1 ± 2.5%; p < 0.05). MMP‐9 activity was also lower in the endometrium and myometrium of the control group in comparison to SRA and IRA groups (11.8 ± 3.2%; p < 0.01 and 28.4 ± 32.8%; p < 0.05). At interplacental sites, the amount of active collagenases in the myometrium was significantly lower in the control group. It is concluded that the blockade of the biological progesterone effect was associated with an increase in activity of both collagenases.  相似文献   

Plasma concentrations of oestradiol-17ß, progesterone, 15-keto–dihydro–PGF and luteinizing hormone (LH) were monitored in llamas and alpacas after mating with an intact male. Concentrations of LH and PGF metabolite were high immediately after copulation. Ovulation occurred in 92% of the animals. The first significant increases in progesterone were recorded on day 4 after mating. In non-pregnant animals the lifespan of the corpus luteum was estimated to be 8–9 days. Luteolysis occurred in association with the release of PGF. In pregnant animals, a transient decrease in progesterone concentrations was observed between days 8 and 18 in both species. No significant changes in PGF secretion were registered during this period. Oes– tradiol–17ß concentrations were high on the day of mating, declined to low values on day 4, and started to increase again on day 8. Peak values after luteolysis in non-pregnant animals were significantly higher than those registered in pregnant ones. Furthermore, concentrations of oestradiol-17ß were elevated for a longer period in non–pregnant than in pregnant animals. The results suggest that progesterone from the corpus luteum exerts a negative influence on follicular activity in pregnant animals by reducing oes– tradiol-17ß secretion.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinase-2 and -9 involvement in canine tumors   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a family of enzymes implicated in the degradation and remodeling of extracellular matrix and in vascularization. They are also involved in pathologic processes such as tumor invasion and metastasis in experimental cancer models and in human malignancies. We used gelatin zymography and immunohistochemistry to determine whether MMP-2 and MMP-9 are present in canine tumors and normal tissues and whether MMP production correlates with clinicopathologic parameters of prognostic importance. High levels of pro-MMP-9, pro-MMP-2, and active MMP-2 were detected in most canine tumors. Significantly higher MMP levels were measured in canine tumors than in nontumors, malignancies had higher MMP levels than benign tumors, and sarcomas had higher active MMP-2 than carcinomas. Cartilaginous tumors produced higher MMP levels than did nonsarcomatous malignancies, benign tumors, and normal tissues, and significantly greater MMP-2 than osteosarcomas and fibrosarcomas. Pro-MMP-9 production correlated with the histologic grade of osteosarcomas. The 62-kd form of active MMP-2 was detected only in high-grade, p53-positive, metastatic malignancies. Zymography proved to be a sensitive and quantitative technique for the assessment of MMP presence but has the limitation of requiring fresh tissue; immunohistochemistry is qualitative and comparatively insensitive but could be of value in archival studies. MMP presence was shown in a range of canine tumors, and their link to tumor type and grade was demonstrated for the first time. This study will allow a substantially improved evaluation of veterinary cancer patients and provides baseline information necessary for the design of clinical trials targeting MMPs.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-I and -II in uterine tissues from pregnant and non-pregnant bitches, taken at different time periods after mating. The pregnant bitches were ovariohysterectomized during the pre-implantation (group 1, n = 4), implantation (group 2, n = 7) and placentation stage (group 3, n = 7). Non-pregnant animals in diestrus served as controls (group 4, n = 7). The expression of MHC- I and -II in salpinx, apex, middle horn, corpus uteri and at implantation sites was investigated by immunohistochemistry as well as qualitative and quantitative RT-PCR; MHC-I mRNA was detected in all tissues and with quantitative RT-PCR, and no significant changes were detected until placentation. Immunohistologically, at the apex and corpus site, the average number of MHC-II positive cells increased from the pre-implantation to the post-implantation stage (apex: 1.54 ± 1.21 to 3.82 ± 2.93; corpus: 1.62 ± 1.9 to 5.04 ± 4.95; p < 0.05). The greatest numbers of MHC-II positive cells were observed at placentation sites (6.64 ± 5.9). In parallel, a marked increase in the relative mRNA expression of MHC-II in uterine tissues was assessed from the pre-implantation to the placentation stage (relative to Glycerinaldehyd-3-phosphate-Dehydrogenase (GAPDH): 6.9 ± 9.5, 8.4 ± 5.8, p > 0.05). Immunohistologically, in the salpinx, significantly greater numbers of MHC-II positive cells were found in the tissues of pregnant animals than in the control group (p < 0.05). It is proposed that the increase in MHC-II is pregnancy-related, even though the impact on maintenance of canine pregnancy is still unclear.  相似文献   

应用免疫组化分析猪囊尾蚴基质金属蛋白酶-9(MMP-9)的表达.用猪带绦虫卵1 mL(8万个/mL)灌胃20 d龄健康乳猪6头,于感染后40、80、120 d分别宰杀2头猪并取含囊尾蚴的肌肉及脑组织制作4μm厚石蜡切片,采用Envision二步法,观察不同时期寄生在肌肉及脑组织的猪囊尾蚴基质金属蛋白酶-9的表达.结果显...  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to demonstrate the presence and localization of MMP-2 and -9 by means of RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry (IHC) within the canine uterus from the pre-implantation stage until mid-gestation and to determine MMP-2 and -9 activities by means of zymography. For this purpose, samples of the uterus and salpinx from bitches were obtained after ovariohysterectomy. Pre-implantation stages (5-12 days after mating, n = 11) were determined by verifying embryos after flushing the uterus. Further groups were determined as implantation (15-19 days after mating, n = 9), post-implantation (20-30 days after mating, n = 9) and placental stages (30-45 days after mating, n = 3). A non-pregnant group (17-30 days after mating, n = 4) served as control. MMP-2 and -9 positive cells were detected in all specimens from pregnant and nonpregnant bitches, however, with different distributions. MMP-2 was present in endothelium and smooth muscles of blood vessels and the myometrium of pregnant and nonpregnant bitches, additionally in the surface epithelium of the oviduct. The latter also stained positive for MMP-9. During placentation, MMP-2 was detected mainly in fetal blood vessels and trophoblastic cells. Higher MMP-2 activity was observed in the endometrium and myometrium of all pregnant groups compared with the nonpregnant group (p < 0.05). The pregnant groups did not differ significantly from each other (p > 0.05). MMP-9 was present in blood vessels, smooth muscle cells and epithelia, such as maternal surface epithelial cells, uterine crypts and glands. During placentation, the deep uterine glands and the epithelium of the glandular chambers were immunoreactive to MMP-9. Highest MMP-9 activities were reached in the endometrium of the pre-implantation group (23.2% of total MMP-9) and placental parts (33.3%).  相似文献   

Veterinary Research Communications - Ribeiro, L.A., Turba, M.E., Bernardini, C., Zannoni, A., Bacci, M.L. and Forni, M., 2007. Matrix metalloproteinases -2 and -9 in swine luteal tissue...  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinase-2 and -9 are activated in joint diseases.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A study was performed to identify the activation status of the gelatinase MMPs, MMP-2 and -9, in both normal and diseased equine articular tissues. In addition, the production and activation status of equine MMP-2 and -9 by equine articular cells and tissues in response to increasing IL-1beta concentrations was assessed. The study was performed to test the hypothesis that activation of MMPs is a fundamental step in the pathogenesis of joint diseases; and that this activation is mediated by the cytokine IL-1. Using purified equine MMP-2 and -9, the molecular weights of the zymogen and activated form of equine MMP-2 and -9 were identified by a combination of gelatin zymography and a gelatin degradation assay using aminophenylmercuric acetate as a chemical activator of the molecules. Normal equine articular tissues (cartilage and synovial membrane) maintained in short-term tissue culture produced MMP-2 zymogen alone, while similar tissues obtained from a variety of pathological conditions produce both zymogen and active MMP-2, as well as MMP-9 monomer and dimer. Activated MMP-9 was an inconsistent finding. Normal equine synovial fibroblasts in monolayer culture produced zymogen MMP-2 alone under basal conditions. A mild increase in active and zymogen MMP-2 levels occurred with IL-1beta treatment. Equine synovial membrane explants demonstrated a dose-dependent increase in active and zymogen MMP-2 and MMP-9 levels following IL-1beta treatment. Monolayer chondrocyte cell cultures demonstrated a dose-dependent mild increase in active and zymogen MMP-2 following IL-1beta treatment. Explant cartilage cultures demonstrated a dose-dependent mild increase in zymogen MMP-2 alone following IL-1beta treatment. This study supports the hypothesis that activation of MMPs is occurring in joint disease, and that in vitro stimulation of equine articular cells and tissues causes not only an increase in MMP production, but also an increase in amount of activated enzyme released. Further research is required to investigate the role of MMP activation in joint diseases, and to investigate the potential use of therapeutic agents, which inhibit MMP activation, in the treatment and prevention of joint diseases.  相似文献   

Sera of healthy pregnant (group I, n = 11) and non-pregnant (group II, n = 11) bitches were screened for autoantibodies (AAb). In both groups, blood samples were drawn every fifth day between days 5 and 55 after mating. Serum was analysed via indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) with the Canine ANA HEp-2 Screening Kit. In all animals, anticytoplasmic AAb were detected. Utilizing primate-heart substrate slides AAb against contractile proteins of the cytoplasm could be observed. The predominating fluorescence pattern in pregnant animals resembled above all desmin, which was proven via Western blot. The sera were then pre-incubated with tropomyosin, actin, vimentin, vinculin and keratin solutions, and assessed on HEp-2 slides and on human and canine fibroblasts as well. The latter substrate was used to verify whether the detected Ab were in fact AAb. Utilizing tropomyosin, revealed elimination of the cytoplasmic fluorescences on all three substrates. It is therefore assumed, that in sera of healthy dogs, AAb against contractile structure proteins of the cytoplasm are present regularly. The majority of pregnant bitches presented with higher end-point titres (EPT), than to be found in non-pregnant dogs. AAb against desmin played the key role in those patterns. In addition, sera were screened for thyroid specific AAb, namely thyroglobulin, thyroid peroxidase (TPO), T3 and T4, and for AAb against insulin by ELISA or Western blot (TPO). Only in two of the pregnant bitches a weak positive reaction (1:100) for T3-AAb was detected.  相似文献   

The dynamics of prolactin (PRL) and luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion in the anoestrous bitch is poorly known. Therefore, the objective of this study was to characterize the 24 h profiles of serum PRL and LH in crossbred anoestrous bitches and to assess whether a relationship exists between the secretory patterns of these two hormones. Serum PRL and LH concentrations were measured in 10 healthy anoestrous crossbred bitches at 145 min intervals for 24 h. During the experiment the animals received continuous artificial illumination and remained undisturbed except at the time of blood sampling. Serum PRL was measured by a homologous enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay, whereas LH and progesterone (P4) were determined by radioimmunoassay. The anoestrous state of the bitches was assessed by vaginal cytology, vaginoscopy and physical examination. Two groups of animals were identified according to their PRL levels: a high PRL group (n=3, mean ± SEM 12.3 ± 2.7 ng/ml) and a low PRL group (n=7, mean ± SEM: 2.5 ± 0.9 ng/ml). In the low PRL group, the PRL profiles were flat and did not show any significant circadian pattern. Nevertheless, occasional single‐point peaks were detected in some of the bitches. In the high PRL group the individual PRL profiles were variable. To detect the presence of a circadian change of PRL concentrations, two different sets of time windows (TW) of sampling were studied. The first set was: day [TW1A, samples 1–5 (0900–1840 h)] and night [TW1B, samples 6–10 (2105–0645 h)]. The second set was chosen after visual inspection of the average PRL profiles for both (high and low) groups: [TW2A, samples 3–7 (1350–2330 h) and TW2B, samples 1–2 and 8–10 (0155–1125 h)]. PRL concentrations were not significantly different between day and night. In the high PRL group, but not in the low PRL group, average serum PRL was significantly (p < 0.01) higher in TW2A than TW2B. In both groups serum LH levels were more homogeneous than PRL levels. Neither TW showed circadian changes in LH patterns of secretion (TW1A versus TW1B, p < 0.69; TW2A versus TW2B, p < 0.88). On the other hand, bitches in the high PRL group showed significantly (p < 0.01) lower serum LH levels than those in the low PRL group of animals. Serum PRL concentrations presented a significant inverse correlation with LH concentrations (r=?0.21, p < 0.03) and a significant positive correlation with P4 concentrations across the study (0.92, p < 0.01). It is concluded that in anoestrous crossbred bitches serum PRL is highly variable and inversely related to LH. No circadian rhythm of PRL secretion appears to exist in most anoestrous bitches.  相似文献   

Uterine tissue from pregnant bitches was investigated by qualitative RT-PCR for the gene expression of local factors potentially important for the implantation of canine embryos. For this purpose, 10 bitches identified as being at the time of implantation or early placentation by means of ultrasonography before ovariohysterectomy (days 20–35, n = 10) provided tissues for comparison to tissue collected in a previous study and identified as early pregnant (n = 10) or non-pregnant (n = 4) by embryo flushing after ovariohysterectomy (days 10–12 after mating; Schäfer-Somi et al. 2008 ). Uterine tissue was excised from the middle of the left horn from early pregnant and non-pregnant animals, including from interplacental and placentation sites. The following genes were investigated: CD-4, -8; cyclooxygenase (COX)-1, -2; granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF); hepatocyte growth factor (HGF); insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1, -2; transforming growth factor (TGF) and tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α; interferon (IFN)-γ; interleukin (IL)-1β, -2, -4, -6, -8, -10, -12; leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) and leptin. Gene expression for CD-8, COX-1, TGF-β, HGF, IGF-1, IL-2, -4,-10, IFN-γ and LIF were detected in the pre-implantation uterus, and all except IL-2 and -10 were still detectable during the implantation and placentation stage. During implantation, mRNA for IGF-2 and GM-CSF were additionally detected. The dioestrous uterus differed from the pregnant uterus because of the absence of CD-8, IL-4 and IFN-γ and the expression of CD-4, TNF-α and IL-6. The results suggest that IL-4, IFN-γ, CD-8, GM-CSF and IGF-2 are regulated in a pregnancy-specific manner and that GM-CSF and IGF-2 probably have growth supporting and immune modulating functions during implantation of the canine embryo.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are important enzymes found in connective tissues and thought to be involved in cartilage degradation. They are detectable in bovine synovial fluid and may play a destructive role in bovine septic arthritis. The MMP gelatinase enzymes were detected by gelatin zymography using image analysis of the gels. The active gelatinase levels were determined by a gelatin degradation enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Increased concentrations of MMP-9 activity were found in the synovial fluids of cows with septic arthritis (P < 0.001) in comparison with fluids from normal joints. Using the gelatin degradation ELISA the net active gelatinases were measured, and significant increases were found in gelatinase bioactivities in synovial fluids from septic joint disease cases (P < 0.001). Increased concentrations of MMP-2 activity were found in the synovial fluids of cows with aseptic arthritis, which appeared to be playing an important role in degradation of articular cartilage in joint disease. This finding required further investigation.  相似文献   

本试验旨在观察补肾活血方对骨性关节炎模型SD大鼠关节软骨中基质金属蛋白酶-1(MMP-1)和关节液中前列腺素E2(PGE2)水平的影响,以探讨补肾活血方对骨性关节炎关节软骨的保护机制。将24只SPF级健康雌性SD大鼠随机分为假手术组、西药组和中药组,通过切除两侧卵巢并切断右侧膝交叉及内侧副韧带建立骨性关节炎动物模型。术后第4周开始,中药组灌服补肾活血中药,西药组灌服等量的西乐葆,假手术组灌服等量的生理盐水,于术后第8周处死动物,采用骨性关节炎软骨病理变化评价系统(OARSI)评价关节软骨的病变,采用光镜观察软骨细胞生长情况,运用免疫组化法测定关节软骨中MMP-1的含量,抽取关节液做PGE2测定,对比各组数据。结果显示,假手术组、西药组、中药组软骨退变程度依次减轻,光镜下,假手术组、西药组仅见少量软骨细胞,而中药组见大量软骨细胞增生;西药组中各层软骨细胞几乎都可见大量的MMP-1阳性表达,中药组和假手术组MMP-1阳性表达极显著低于西药组(P<0.01);中药组和假手术组关节液中的PGE2分别显著和极显著低于西药组(P<0.05,P<0.01);中药组和西药组分别较其术后4周的结果极显著升高(P<0.01)。补肾活血方能显著抑制骨性关节炎关节软骨中MMP-1的表达及降低关节液中的PGE2水平,促进软骨细胞生长,以减缓骨性关节炎的发展,故具有治疗骨性关节炎的潜力。  相似文献   

This study was conducted in order to evaluate effects on prolactin (PRL) concentration and mammary milk secretion of an injectable cabergoline formulation administered to five lactating Beagle bitches during early postpartum (PP). Bitches were bled twice daily (from PP day 3 to PP day 12) and then daily (from PP day 13 to PP day 16) to assay serum PRL. On PP day 6, a subcutaneous (SC) injection of 0.1 ml/kg of placebo was administered. On PP day 9, a SC 0.1 ml/kg dose of injectable cabergoline was administered. All bitches were checked for milk production, using a clinical scoring in order to quantify milk expression from each teat. A circadian variation of serum PRL was evident during the 6 days of pre-treatment monitoring. The day after cabergoline injection, an 80% decrease of PRL serum concentration was observed (p < 0.05). The circadian oscillatory pattern of PRL secretion disappeared after administration of cabergoline, and PRL values remained significantly lower than in the previous days for the first 60 h following treatment (p < 0.001). Milk production was drastically reduced when comparing pre-treatment to post-treatment scores (p < 0.001). A single dose of injectable cabergoline caused a significant reduction in serum PRL concentration and a significant reduction in milk flow. The injectable formulation of cabergoline appeared to be safe and well tolerated.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) play very important roles in extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling during ovarian follicular development, ovulation and atresia. The aim of the present study was to determine the content of gelatinases in follicular fluid in various sized bovine follicles. Bovine ovaries were collected from local slaughterhouse and follicular fluid from follicles of 2 to over 25 mm in diameter was collected. Gelatinase activity within the follicular fluid was analyzed by gelatin zymography. The concentration of inhibin in the follicular fluid was also measured by immunoblot analysis. The proMMP-2 and alpha-subunit (alphaN) inhibin was detected in all follicles regardless of their size. The abundance of proMMP-2 varied with follicular size, while alphaN inhibin increased significantly (P<0.01) in follicles of 10-14 and 15-20 mm in size. There was a positive and negative correlation between estradiol (E(2)) and progesterone (P(4)) concentrations with abundance of proMMP-2, respectively. Follicles of diameter over 25 mm had greater proMMP-9 activity than other follicles. These same follicles had significantly (P<0.01) lower inhibin levels than follicles of 10-14 and 15-20 mm in size. In conclusion, these results suggest a significant role of these proteases in growth and development of bovine follicle, particularly proMMP-2 and active MMP-2 activities in the follicular fluid could serve as markers of follicular health while abundance of proMMP-9 may possibly denote a follicular cyst.  相似文献   

A total of 73 bitches with ovarian cysts were ovariohysterectomized. Cysts were characterized by gross pathology and endocrine parameters. Therefore, oestradiol‐17ß and progesterone concentrations were assessed in cyst‐fluid and corresponding blood plasma in each bitch. Our data demonstrated that multiple cysts were often present in a single individual (82%) and that cysts were commonly found on both ovaries (77%). The number of cysts per individual varied from 1 to 35. Most cysts were small in size (range 0.2–4.0 cm in diameter). No cyst was found to produce solely oestradiol‐17ß or progesterone. Plasma levels of oestradiol‐17ß and progesterone for a given individual were positively correlated with levels of these same hormones in their cyst‐fluid (r = 0.334 and p = 0.001 for oestradiol‐17ß; r = 0.419 and p < 0.001 for progesterone). Our study is the first to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the gross pathology and endocrinology of ovarian cysts in a larger number of bitches.  相似文献   

采用玫瑰花环抑制试验(RIT)对17头人工授精孕牛血清中早孕因子生物活性进行检测,并进行了妊娠结果回访。结果显示,孕牛在排卵后2 d~7 d内,13头孕牛血清经RIT检测出早孕因子活性,4头孕牛血清中经RIT未检测出早孕因子活性。回访发现8头孕牛娩出胎儿,2头孕牛流产,4头未妊娠,人工受精率为76.47%,妊娠率为58.82%,妊娠至分娩的成功率为47.06%,妊娠早期流产率为11.76%,测出早孕因子活性随访未妊娠的植入期胚泡丢失率为23.08%。用RIT对孕牛血清中早孕因子生物活性的研究,对建立早期妊娠诊断方法和检测早期胚胎发育情况及确定早期胚胎死亡的方法具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

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