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The model outlined above is an advance over other proposals in the following respects. 1) The objectives of the public social services are related to the realities of at-risk target populations, but in a moderate and attainable fashion, borrowing from the approach already advanced by HEW. 2) It has proposed a composite target population, which permits the dimensions of the public social service program to be outlined and then reorganized by central function, rather than by coordination among conceptually unrelated units. 3) The laundry listing of service programs has been regrouped into a limited number of service functions, each of which has a relatively well-defined function and permits measurement. 4) The aims, service typologies, and populations at risk have all been developed in some coherent and consistent relationship with each other so that progress in the development of a service and the achievement of the aims in relation to manageable populations can be achieved over time. 5) These steps are consistent with preliminary actions already taken by HEW and by some state superagencies. This interrelationship among aims, service conception, and populations at risk seems to be an essential characteristic of any welfare reform if the public social services are to have a capacity for synergism-that is, a capacity to use experience, to develop greater overall power for the achievement of desired ends than is now attainable by individual, unconnected segments. This pattern of interrelationships permits a testing of various service components in relation to populations and in relation to objectives, with an ultimate substitution of more successful approaches over time, and with the consequent emergence of a science of human services.  相似文献   

动物福利既涉及动物保护、自然环境、人文政治、国际贸易,还有社会自身的发展等.猪的福利化饲养关键是为不同阶段的猪提供良好的环境、管理,福利,避免单调的环境造成伤害行为、生理学问题和免疫抑制,提高猪的健康水平及猪肉品质.  相似文献   

结合能力框架探讨了福祉的内涵,界定了生态系统服务及其功能对人类福祉的内涵,指人类在生态系统生产和利用中的自由选择和能力,而贫穷指能力和发展的受限即福祉的下降.生态系统的退化和破坏将严重威胁人类福祉(尤其是穷人的福祉),生物多样性作为生态系统的核心,生物多样性的保护将促进生态系统服务的保护,进而提高人类福祉.关注强烈依赖于生态系统服务的贫困人群的福祉,并科学有效地实施生态补偿将可能实现生态保护和人类福祉改善的双赢.  相似文献   

Welfare dependence within and across generations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A central question in the debate about the effects of welfare programs is whether their intended positive results--providing needed resources to recipients and their children--outweigh any unintended negative results--for example, the breaking up of families, reduction in work effort, or the fostering of a welfare "culture" that is passed on from parent to child. Recent research shows that although work effort is affected adversely by the generosity of welfare programs, effects on family structure appear quite weak, most welfare experiences are relatively short, and the majority of women who grew up in homes heavily dependent on welfare do not rely on those programs when they are young adults.  相似文献   

集约化畜牧业生产与奶牛福利   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
讨论了集约化畜牧业生产与奶牛福利的关系,提出由集约化畜牧业生产对奶牛福利的影响,并从建立奶牛安全生产环境、改进奶牛生产工艺、奶牛福利法规建设等方面加强奶牛福利建设进行了设想。  相似文献   

Despite large structural changes in the economy and major antidiscrimination legislation, the economic well-being of women in comparison with that of men did not improve between 1959 and 1983. The women to men ratio of money income almost doubled, but women had less leisure while men had more, an increase in the proportion of adults not married made more women dependent on their own income, and women's share of financial responsibility for children rose. The net result for women's access to goods, services, and leisure in comparison with that of men ranged from a decrease of 15 percent to an increase of 4 percent, depending on assumptions about income sharing within households.  相似文献   

孙永岭 《安徽农学通报》2010,16(23):183-184,193
随着社会进步和文明的发展,生物科学研究领域中实验动物的使用量增加,动物福利引起了人们越来越多的关注。减少、替代和优化动物实验的“3R”原则是动物福利的一种具体反应和实施方法。  相似文献   

阐述了实施家禽福利的现实意义,指出了我国推行家禽福利所面临的问题,并提出了相关改善措施。  相似文献   

旅游作为关系到人类福祉的重要活动,已经成为人们日常生活必不可少的部分,旅游幸福感也愈发受到学者们的关注。通过回顾近20年相关研究文献发现,①国内有关旅游幸福感的文献最早出现在2009年,2013年后旅游幸福感更受关注。②有关旅游幸福感的研究主要有3个方面,旅游社区居民幸福感、旅游者幸福感(包括主观幸福感、心理幸福感)以及他们的影响因素。③在旅游经济背景下有学者认为旅游者幸福感和旅游目的地居民幸福感是在参与旅游过程中对旅游影响的感知。④旅游者幸福感由旅游前、中、后三个时段的情感和价值构成,对社区居民的幸福感构成暂无明确的分析维度。大部分幸福感测量直接借用了心理学的主观幸福感或心理幸福感量表,也有学者根据中国游客的特殊性从主客观方面进行探究。⑤社区参与度、性别、年龄、学历、收入等对旅游幸福感的影响存在着人群差异。  相似文献   

中国的法律制度和世界贸易组织的规则安排各有自已的逻辑起点。入世后,如果二者相和,则有利于双赢的达成;如果逻辑起点相左,则冲突不断。本文从对公共利益的界定入手,以博弈论的囚徒困境理论为基础,假设了中国行政法制度安排与WTO规则二者的公益基础的四次博弈,并提出了中国的最佳选择以及实施策略。  相似文献   

通过解读宁夏庭院美化的区域特点,对宁夏老年福利中心的景点布局和植物造景特点进行探讨。  相似文献   

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