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This paper describes a method for counting eggs of F. gigantica in bovine faeces that optimizes the proportion of eggs recovered and the repeatability of estimates. The method uses 3 g of faeces suspended in 0.05% Tween 20. The suspension is passed through three 6 cm diameter sieves in tandem to remove fibrous debris, with respective apertures of 1 mm, 450 μm, and either 266 or 200 μm. The filtrate is allowed to sediment for 3 min in a conical flask; the sediment is recovered, then resuspended in 200 ml of 0.05% Tween 20 and allowed to sediment. After 3 min the sediment is washed in a sieve with an aperture of 53 μm, which retains the eggs. Eggs suspended in 15 ml of 1% methylene blue are counted using a dissecting microscope. Use of Tween 20 instead of water as the suspending agent for faeces gave a significant threefold increased the proportion of eggs recovered and reduced variability between repeated counts. This method is able to detect about one-third of the eggs present. It was concluded that the high proportion of F. gigantica eggs lost may be due to the presence of hydrophobic and covalent bonds on the eggs that bind them to debris, with which they are discarded.  相似文献   

Cathepsin L cysteine proteinase from Fasciola gigantica was evaluated for its potential in the early prepatent detection of this helminth infection in bovine calves. Five cross-bred bovine calves were experimentally infected with 400 metacercariae/calf and evaluated for anti-cathepsin L antibody response. F. gigantica infection in these calves could be detected 4 weeks post-infection using an ELISA, dipstick ELISA and Western blotting with 100% sensitivity. The antigen was also used to detect F. gigantica field infection in cattle, by screening 256 sera of these animals by an ELISA, which demonstrated an overall infection rate of 26.95%. Preliminary studies showed that F. gigantica cathepsin L cysteine proteinase does not cross-react with Paramphistomum epiclitum, Gigantocotyle explanatum and hydatid cyst antigens. However, extensive studies on the cross-reactivity of this antigen with related helminth parasites of cattle and buffaloes are required, before this antigen can be considered suitable for immuno-diagnosis of fasciolosis in these ruminants.  相似文献   

An indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (iELISA) was evaluated for its diagnostic capability in detecting antibodies against Fasciola gigantica infection in cattle, sheep and donkeys sera using crude worm, excretory–secretory and glutathione S-transferase antigens prepared from adult liver fluke. Presence of F. gigantica worms at post-mortem examination of cattle, sheep and donkey’s livers was taken as a gold standard for the evaluation of the assay. The diagnostic sensitivity, specificity and accuracy percentages of iELISA were determined for each antigen. Excretory–secretory antigen gave the best results for the serodiagnosis of F. gigantica infection in cattle, sheep and donkeys using iELISA with diagnostic sensitivity percentages of 93.3%, 94.9% and 93.3%, respectively, while the specificity percentages were 96.7%, 97.2% and 96.3%, respectively, whereas the accuracy percentages were 95%, 96% and 95.7%, respectively. The diagnostic sensitivity percentages of iELISA using crude worm antigen were 96.7%, 100% and 93.3%, respectively, while the specificity percentages were 80%, 83.3% and 85.2%, respectively, whereas the accuracy percentages were 88.3%, 86.7% and 87%, respectively. The diagnostic sensitivity percentages of iELISA using glutathione S-transferase antigen were 66.7%, 71.8% and 60%, respectively, while the specificity percentages were 70%, 77.8% and 77.8%, respectively, whereas the accuracy percentages were 68.3%, 74.7% and 73.9%, respectively. Conclusively, excretory–secretory antigen dependent iELISA can be used as a reliable serodiagnostic test for F. gigantica infection in cattle, sheep and donkeys.  相似文献   

Farmer's cattle were treated with triclabendazole and used as tracer animals to detect new infections with Fasciola gigantica in three villages located on the bank of the Bassac River (a major tributary of the Mekong River) and in a fourth village located on farmland away from the river, from April 1999 until January 2001. The month of infection was estimated by subtracting 4 months from the date when eggs of F. gigantica were detected in faeces. Farmers were interviewed each month to record the nature of the agricultural and animal husbandry activities that occurred during the previous month, especially events that might have exposed cattle to infection with F. gigantica. Results support the conclusions that infection of cattle in riverbank villages acquired from about August or September until November originated from herbage and water in irrigation canals and dams on the riverbank, and that the progressively increasing monthly incidence from December until April (up to 87% per month in April 2000) was derived from herbage and water in recently harvested rice fields and lakes adjacent to the riverbank. The abrupt cessation of new infection in riverbank villages in May coincided with flooding of low-lying land, the movement of cattle to land above flood height on the riverbank, and a change of diet to dry-land crop residues, stored dry rice stalks, and herbage and water that were unlikely to contain metacercariae. It was concluded that snails in dams and canals on the riverbank became infected with F. gigantica after cattle were moved to the riverbank in May, and cercariae shed from these snails provided the new infections that occurred in cattle in August and September. In the village located away from the river, infection of cattle between September and March coincided with the rice harvest, supporting the conclusion that feeding of fresh rice stalks and stubble after the rice was harvested was the main source of infection. The low monthly incidence observed (up to 6.4% per month) was consistent with the hypothesis that snails did not survive in the dry rice fields between crops and that few snails would have been available from the small number of aquatic refuges that persisted through the dry season to recolonize rice fields during the wet season. Between April and August there was no opportunity for new infection because cattle were fed forage from around houses and headlands, and on dry-land crop residues and stored dry rice stalks. Control of fasciolosis was proposed using a single treatment of cattle with triclabendazole in riverbank villages in May when cattle were moved to the riverbank, and after harvest of the last rice field in villages located away from the river.  相似文献   

An indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using 27 kDa glycoprotein of Fasciola gigantica has been evaluated for its potential use in the diagnosis of bovine fasciolosis. Following experimental infection of rabbits, F. gigantica infection-induced antibodies were isolated and later used as ligands in affinity chromatography for isolation of infection-induced antibody-specific proteins. Among the five infection-specific proteins isolated, a glycoprotein of 27 kDa was later isolated by second-step purification using concanavalin A matrix. In crossbred cattle receiving different doses of infection (100, 200 and 400 metacercariae), the anti-27 kDa antibodies were detected as early as the 2nd week post infection. No direct correlation between initial dose, antibody response and fluke establishment was recorded. No cross-reaction was noted with the sera of goats experimentally infected with Paramphistomum epiclitum. ELISA with the 27 kDa glycoprotein could be a feasible diagnostic tool for the early detection of bovine fasciolosis.  相似文献   

Studies were undertaken on the viability of the metacercariae of Fasciola gigantica when stored in water at 13˚C for periods up to 23 weeks, exposed to the sunlight for up to 8 h or stored at a range of temperatures and humidities for up to 10 weeks. Excysted metacercariae were catergorized microscopically as viable (motile and undamaged), dubious (not motile and undamaged) or dead (visible necrosis). The infectivity of viable and dubious metacercariae and unselected reference metacercariae held in water at 7˚C for 20 days or longer was assessed by comparing numbers of flukes recovered from infected Merino sheep. Mean recovery rates were 54.6%, 7.2% and 37.2%, respectively, for viable, dubious and unselected metacercariae. Metacercariae immersed in water remained viable longer than those allowed to desiccate. Viability was promoted by decreasing temperature and increasing humidity. Exposure to direct sunlight killed metacercariae within 8 h. Results indicated that in lowland Indonesian irrigated rice paddies, metacercariae immersed in water are likely to survive for less than 5 weeks while those that become desiccated will survive less than 2 weeks. This information, together with the option of exposing fresh rice stalks to direct sunlight before feeding them to livestock, can assist farmers in reducing infection with F. gigantica.  相似文献   

Eggs of F. gigantica were placed in dung heaps that were located in the shade or exposed to sun light, and examined at intervals for up to 14 weeks. The rate and extent of decline in viability of eggs was greater in dung exposed to sun light than in shaded dung. This difference was attributed the higher temperature in dung in sun light, owing to the effect of direct sunlight and to a higher rate of fermentation in exposed than in shaded dung. It was concluded that strategies for storing dung that would reduce the risk it poses for infecting L. rubiginosa with F. gigantica when used as fertilizer in rice fields include storing dung in sun light rather than in the shade, preferably in a thin layer to allow sunlight to heat and desiccate it, and mixing a carbohydrate with the stored dung to increase heat through fermentation.  相似文献   

The immunogenic properties of cysteine proteases obtained from excretory/secretory products (ES) of Haemonchus contortus were investigated with a fraction purified with a recombinant H. contortus cystatin affinity column. The enrichment of H. contortus ES for cysteine protease was confirmed with substrate SDS-PAGE gels since the cystatin-binding fraction activity was three times higher than total ES, despite representing only 3% of total ES. This activity was inhibited by a specific cysteine protease inhibitor (E64) and by recombinant cystatin. The one-dimensional profile of the cystatin-binding fraction displayed a single band with a molecular mass of 43 kDa. Mass spectrometry showed this to be AC-5, a cathepsin B-like cysteine protease which had not been identified in ES products of H. contortus before. The cystatin binding fraction was tested as an immunogen in lambs which were vaccinated three times (week 0, 2.5 and 5), challenged with 10 000 L3 H. contortus (week 6) before necropsy and compared to unvaccinated challenge controls and another group given total ES (n = 10 per group). The group vaccinated with cystatin-binding proteins showed 36% and 32% mean worm burden and eggs per gram of faeces (EPG) reductions, respectively, compared to the controls but total ES was almost without effect. After challenge the cystatin-binding proteins induced significantly higher local and systemic ES specific IgA and IgG responses.  相似文献   

为阐明小鼠感染肝片吸虫后巨噬细胞中脂肪酸结合蛋白2(FABP2)的分布,采用肝片吸虫囊蚴为感染源,经口分别感染雌性BALB/c野生型(WT)及其IL-4单抗处置小鼠,在运用特异性PCR鉴定成功感染小鼠后获取巨噬细胞,并设立人工巯基醋酸盐诱导巨噬细胞对照组进行体外培养。用荧光定量PCR检测选择性激活巨噬细胞的标记蛋白Relmα、Ym1和 Arginase1以确定其激活状态。采用特异性抗体对所获取的巨噬细胞细胞质染色后用共聚焦显微镜摄取不同时间点从不同小鼠体内获取的巨噬细胞染色后的图片。野生型BALB/c巨噬细胞中Relmα、Ym1和Arginase1均大量表达;IL-4单抗处置BALB/c小鼠和巯基醋酸盐诱导小鼠中巨噬细胞中的Relmα、Ym1和Arginase1的表达量较野生型小鼠中的极显著或显著下降。FABP2在FeMΦ中并不分布于细胞质膜下,而是呈点状广泛分布于细胞质中,其荧光强度在12~24 h间呈上升趋势,在24~48 h间却呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

The Ryukyu long-furred rat, Diplothrix legata, is a large rodent distributed only on Amami-ohshima Island, Tokuno-shima Island and Okinawa-jima Island, Japan. This animal is endangered as a result of deforestation, predation by introduced carnivores and mortality caused by vehicles. We performed theriogenological examinations of 32 male and 25 female Ryukyu long-furred rats carcasses collected from wild populations on northern Okinawa-jima Island from December 2005 to September 2013. Adult males had remarkably large preputial glands. Seminiferous diameter of adult was significantly small (136 ± 28 µm, n=8) from April to August. Numerous spermatozoa were observed from September through February, and seminiferous diameter was significantly large (216 ± 27 µm, n=12) during this time in adults; testes length changed in a similar pattern. These findings indicate that the mating season may occur from September through February. Size (body length) at sexual maturity was estimated to be >560 mm in both sexes. From observation of corpora lutea and placental scars, litter size was estimated to range from 2 to 12 (average=6, n=4). These results provide fundamental knowledge that will be beneficial for in situ and ex situ conservation of this rare species.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to determine the effects of iPPOV on pro-inflammatoryand anti-inflammatory cytokine levels in rats. iPPOV (1 ml/rat) wasadministered intraperitoneal route to 49 rats, except for 7 rats (Control, 0 group). Serumsamples were collected from 7 rats at 1st, 2nd, 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 24th hr aftertreatments. Levels of TNF-α, IL-6, IL-12 and IL-10 were determined using ELISA.Administration of iPPOV stimulated TNF-α (16th and 24th hr) and IL-6 (12th, 16th and 24thhr) synthesis and caused fluctuations in IL-10 and IL-12 concentrations. In conclusion,increased cytokine levels could be attributed to immunomodulatory activity of iPPOV,however, detailed studies are required to fully understand effects of iPPOV on immunesystem.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of the Y chromosome on testis weight in (B6.Cg-Ay × Y-consomic mouse strain) F1 male mice. We obtained the following results: (1) Mice with the Mus musculus domesticus-type Y chromosome had significantly heavier testis than those with the M. m. musculus-type Y chromosome. (2) Variations in Usp9y and the number of CAG repeats in Sry were significantly associated with testes weight. The Ay allele was correlated with a reduced testis weight, and the extent of this reduction was significantly associated with a CAG repeat number polymorphism in Sry. These results suggest that Y chromosome genes not only influence testis weight but also modify the effect of the Ay allele in mediating this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Live yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) constitutes an effective additive for animal production; its probiotic effect may be related to the concentrate-to-forage ratio (CTFR). The objective of this study was to assess the effects of S. cerevisiae (SC) on fiber degradation and rumen microbial populations in steers fed diets with different levels of dietary concentrate. Ten Simmental × Local crossbred steers (450 ± 50 kg BW) were assigned to a control group or an SC group. Both groups were fed the same basal diet but the SC group received SC supplementation (8 × 109 cfu/h/d through the ruminal fistula) following a two-period crossover design. Each period consisted of four phases, each of which lasted 17 d: 10 d for dietary adaptation, 6 d for degradation study, and 1 d for rumen sample collection. From the 1st to the 4th phase, steers were fed in a stepwise fashion with increasing CTFRs, i.e., 30:70, 50:50, 70:30, and 90:10. The kinetics of dry matter and fiber degradation of alfalfa pellets were evaluated; the rumen microbial populations were detected using real-time PCR. The results revealed no significant (P > 0.05) interactions between dietary CTFR and SC for most parameters. Dietary CTFR had a significant effect (P < 0.01) on degradation characteristics of alfalfa pellets and the copies of rumen microorganism; the increasing concentrate level resulted in linear, quadratic or cubic variation trend for these parameters. SC supplementation significantly (P < 0.05) affected dry matter (DM) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) degradation rates (cDM, cNDF) and NDF effective degradability (EDNDF). Compared with the control group, there was an increasing trend of rumen fungi and protozoa in SC group (P < 0.1); copies of total bacteria in SC group were significantly higher (P < 0.05). Additionally, percentage of Ruminobacter amylophilus was significantly lower (P < 0.05) but percentage of Selenomonas ruminantium was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the SC group. In a word, dietary CTFR had a significant effect on degradation characteristics of forage and rumen microbial population. S. cerevisiae had positive effects on DM and NDF degradation rate or effective degradability of forage; S. cerevisiae increased rumen total bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and lactate-utilizing bacteria but reduced starch-degrading and lactate-producing bacteria.  相似文献   

In recent years, co-infection of chicken embryos with immunosuppressive viruses and bacteria occurs with an annually increasing frequency. Consequently, studies on new and safe immunoregulators, especially plant polysaccharides, have become a popular topic in the poultry industry. In the present study, we selected 300 specific pathogen free embryonated eggs, which were injected with subgroup B avian leukosis virus (ALV-B) and Bordetella avium (B. avium) to establish an artificial co-infection model. The chicks that hatched from these co-infected embryonated eggs were treated with Taishan Pinus massoniana pollen polysaccharide (TPPPS). Results indicated that relevant indices in the co-infection group were significantly lower than that in B. avium-only group. Furthermore, pathogenicity of B. avium was exacerbated, with the chicks exhibiting decreased body weights. The TPPPS groups exhibited gradual improvements in immune function and developmental status. Therefore, in terms of improving immunologic function and production performance, TPPPS could be used as immunoregulator for immune responses.  相似文献   

Activators of tissue proteolysis including Stachybotrys microspora triprenyl phenol (SMTP)-7 are a new class of agents that are expected to be effective for amelioration of chronic tissue destructive diseases. The present study was performed to examine whether SMTP-7 is effective for the amelioration or protection of early-stage IgA nephropathy (IgAN) induced by nivalenol (NIV) in female BALB/c mice. In Experiment 1, mice were administered NIV at 24 ppm in diet for 8 weeks, and during the NIV treatment, they were intraperitoneally injected with SMTP-7 (10 mg/kg) three times a week. In Experiment 2, mice were injected similarly with SMTP-7 during the last 4 weeks of a 16-week NIV treatment. Immunofluorescence analysis revealed an inhibitory effect of SMTP-7 on the glomerular deposition of IgA in Experiment 1; however, it was ineffective in Experiment 2. On the other hand, SMTP-7 did not affect the serum concentration of IgA in both experiments. These results suggest that SMTP-7 has a potential to decrease the progression of IgAN induced by NIV through inhibition of local accumulation of IgA in the glomerular mesangium, while it was ineffective for suppression of IgA production. On the other hand, SMTP-7 was found to be ineffective for already deposited IgA, suggesting that SMTP-7 may not be effective for ameliorating advanced IgAN.  相似文献   

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