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第十九届奥特奇国际饲料工业年会日前在美国肯塔基州列克星顿市圆满结束。本届年会向来自世界各地的1100余名代表展示了国际饲料行业的光明远景。演讲者确定并重点讲述了目前业界所面临的一些问题并研究出具有创新的、节约成本的、天然的解决方案。本届年会的主题是带领动物饲料和生产业走出目前正经历的龙卷风阶段,并迈向一个提供大量机遇而并非不稳定挑战的环境。奥特奇总裁PearseLyons博士在开幕词中激励各位代表梦想不可能发生的事情。他描绘了成功的企业如Nike(耐克)和Starbucks(星巴克)公司,并鼓励会议代表打造企业产品品牌(为饲料…  相似文献   

搭展台、做选题策划、和客户接触,这些看起来貌似简单做起来却很讲究的会展工作你会干吗?近年来,每年都有数十个国家和地区的数千家国外公司来北京参展。同时,我国即将加入世界贸易组织,中国展览业面临来自世界发达国家同行间更直接的竞争和冲击。但目前我国展览业人员素质并不高,与国际比较差距很大,北京国际会议展览业协会常务副理事长田锡苓女士指出:制约会展业发展的瓶颈是“人才”,加快会展专业人才培养迫在眉睫。记者近日从北京国际会议展览业协会获悉,该协会正在于北京工业大学等单位探讨共同开发会展专业教育的意向,本月…  相似文献   

<正>我国是世界养羊大国,奶山羊饲养量居世界首位,尽管如此,我国羊奶人均占有量仅为0.005千克,随着人们生活水平的提高和膳食结构的改变,乳制品需求与日俱增,特别是高档羊奶更显奇缺。在国际市场,羊奶的生产和销售日渐呈现出强劲的增长趋势,在一些欧美国家,羊奶已成为人们生活必需的消  相似文献   

在钢材、稻谷期货被"金融30条"点名后,生猪期货也进入了人们的视野。在中共中央、国务院出台的《关于2009年促进农业稳定发展农民持续增收的若干意见》  相似文献   

<正>我国是世界养羊大国,奶山羊饲养量居世界首位,尽管如此,我国羊奶人均占有量仅为0.005千克,随着人们生活水平的提高和膳食结构的改变,乳制品需求与日俱增,特别是高档羊奶更显奇缺。在国际市场,羊奶的生产和销售日渐呈现出强劲的增长趋势,在一些欧美国家,羊奶已成为人们生活必需的消  相似文献   

2008年,我国鸡肉市场见证了一个转折.从2006年7月开始的上涨行情,一路攀升到2008年4月达到了顶峰.之后,从2008年5月份开始,市场价格如车轮下山,持续下滑.国内市场毛鸡价格从2008年4月份最高时期的10元/千克下降到目前的7元/千克左右,下降幅度高达30%.国内鸡肉市场的大转折,标志着新一轮肉鸡业大发展行情正面临着调整的风险.  相似文献   

《蜜蜂杂志》1989年第4期发表了邵有全的"蜜蜂尸体营养成分分析"一文,1990年第7期又发表了章楠同志的"即便真实,也毫无价值"的商榷文章,读后颇有感想.这里提出我们的浅见,愿与大家共同讨论.  相似文献   

我国养殖业总产值连续20多年以年平均超过9%的速度增长.集约化养殖后,饲养周期缩短,出栏率大大提高,数量增幅快.但集约化养殖同时又存在疫病蔓延快、滥用药物和污染环境等问题.  相似文献   

羊肉市场供需两旺,价格稳中有升.在江苏省市场上,活羊价格在9元(千克价,下同)左右波动,羊肉价格为15元左右,羊皮价格为25元/张左右.以铜山县吕梁乡农贸市场为例,全年活羊价格平均为8.96元,比2003年增14.1%;羊肉价格平均为14.75元,比2003年增1.2%;羊皮价格平均为28.4元/张,比2003年增3.4元/张.在东台市安丰交易市场,全年活羊价格平均为8.5元,比2003年增8.7%.预计2005年江苏省肉羊业将继续保持良好势头,活羊和羊肉价格稳中有升.  相似文献   

Background:The direct use of medical zinc oxide in feed will be abandoned after 2022 in Europe,leaving an urgent need for substitutes to prevent post-weaning disorders.Results:This study investigated the effect of using rapeseed-seaweed blend(rapeseed meal added two brown macroalgae species Ascophylum nodosum and Saccharina latissima)fermented by lactobacilli(FRS)as feed ingredients in piglet weaning.From d 28 of life to d 85,the piglets were fed one of three different feeding regimens(n=230 each)with inclusion of 0%,2.5% and 5% FRS.In this period,no significant difference of piglet performance was found among the three groups.From a subset of piglets(n=10 from each treatment),blood samples for hematology,biochemistry and immunoglobulin analysis,colon digesta for microbiome analysis,and jejunum and colon tissues for histopathological analyses were collected.The piglets fed with 2.5% FRS manifested alleviated intraepithelial and stromal lymphocytes infiltration in the gut,enhanced colon mucosa barrier relative to the 0% FRS group.The colon microbiota composition was determined using V3 and V1-V8 region 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing by Illumina NextSeq and Oxford Nanopore MinION,respectively.The two amplicon sequencing strategies showed high consistency between the detected bacteria.Both sequencing strategies indicated that inclusion of FRS reshaped the colon microbiome of weaned piglets with increased Shannon diversity.Prevotella stercorea was verified by both methods to be more abundant in the piglets supplied with FRS feed,and its abundance was positively correlated with colonic mucosa thickness but negatively correlated with blood concentrations of leucocytes and IgG.Conclusions:FRS supplementation relieved the gut lymphocyte infiltration of the weaned piglets,improved the colon mucosa barrier with altered microbiota composition.Increasing the dietary inclusion of FRS from 2.5% to 5% did not lead to further improvements.  相似文献   

尽管我们很清楚丁酸在动物营养中的功能,但是在不同的胃肠道区段,丁酸对动物的消化功能、肠道微生物菌群组成和免疫应答反应的影响也不相同。  相似文献   

1. Fermented feed has been shown to be beneficial in pig nutrition as a tool to reduce gut microbial disorders. Experiments with fermented feed in poultry are scarce, probably because of the belief that wet feed is less suitable for this species and causes wet litter.

2. A total of 280 one-d-old Ross 308 chickens were used in a completely randomised design with two dietary treatments (7 replicates of 20 birds/treatment); air-dry feed versus the same feed in moist form (water:feed ratio of 1.3:1, on a weight basis), inoculated with Lactobacillus plantarum NCIMB 40087 (9 log10 CFU/kg feed) and batch-fermented for 48 h at 26°C. The birds were given starter (d 0–13), grower (d 4–26) and finisher (d 27–39) diets ad libitum. At the end of the grower and finisher period, two birds per pen were removed to sample intestinal contents for cultivating bacteria and intestinal tissue to determine villus height and crypt depth.

3. Fermented moist feed (FMF) batches showed good characteristics, with a pH between 3.9 and 4.4 and DL-lactic acid between 137 and 286 mmol/l. Daily feed intake and gain were reduced considerably in the FMF group in the starter (–40 and –44%, respectively) and grower (–23 and –16%) period, though in the finisher period these birds performed better, with an improved feed utilisation. Concomitant with the latter, villus height at the mid-jejunum and mid-ileum on d 39 was higher (+22.6% and +16.0%). Significantly more Lactobacilli and less coliforms were found in the foregut and less Streptococci in ileum and caeca of birds given FMF.

4. This trial showed that FMF was detrimental for early bird growth but affected beneficially feed efficiency, the composition of the gut bacteria and villus height in the small intestine in the finisher period in broilers.  相似文献   

Three hundred thirty-six Ross 308 male broiler chicks were used in a 21-d study to explore performance and gut function when treated with a proton pump inhibitor(PPI;0 or 89 mg/kg)in a 2×2 factorial arrangement with a xylanase(Xyl;0 or 0.1 g/kg)to determine if the beneficial activity of arabinoxylan(AX)depolymerisation,through arabinoxylo-oligosaccharides(AXOS)production,starts in the upper gastrointestinal tract.Treatment with the PPI started from d 14,and by d 21 animal performance had deteriorated(P<0.001).An interaction was observed between PPI and Xyl for feed conversion ratio(FCR)(P<0.05),whereby the combination reduced the negative effect of PPI on FCR.Application of PPI raised digesta pH in the gizzard and caecum(P<0.05),increased protein concentrations in the lower gut(P<0.05)and reduced intake of digestible nutrients(P<0.05).Caecal concentrations of indole,p-cresol,ammonia and the ratio of total volatile fatty acid(VFA)to butyric acid were increased with PPI(P<0.05),indicating enhanced protein fermentation.Xylanase activity in the digesta were greatest in the caeca,especially when Xyl was supplemented(P<0.001).The concentration of total soluble AX was greater in the gizzard and ileal digesta with Xyl supplementation(P<0.05),supporting the depolymerisation action of xylanase even under acidic conditions.These data suggest xylanase may function in the gizzard even though pH is not optimal for activity and emphasises the importance of chlorohydric acid secretions in ensuring overall optimum gut function.AX depolymerisation benefits animal performance although it is still unknown how the AXOS produced with xylanase supplementation in the upper gastrointestinal tract influence the microbial populations and overall gut functionality.  相似文献   

<正>随着饲料原料价格的不断上涨,饲料行业的成本压力越来越大,人们在饲料中使用越来越多的植物原料和玉米、小麦等深加工副产物以及一些非常规原料,动物性蛋白原料越来越成为饲料原料中的奢侈  相似文献   

Piglets with a high voluntary feed intake were compared with piglets fed restrictedly. Weaning induced changes in gut morphology and permeability. The intake level of dry pelleted feed affected intestinal villous architecture but did not affect permeability to small or large molecules from d0 to d7 post-weaning. A restricted feed intake level negatively affected gut morphology at d4 post-weaning. This effect could be alleviated but not completely prevented by a high voluntary intake of dry pelleted feed directly after weaning.  相似文献   

多年来,减少抗生素的使用一直是畜牧业关注的焦点。益生菌、益生元、精油和有机酸正被成功地用作抗生素的替代品,以促进动物肠道的健康。然而,维持动物肠道健康的关键是要理解肠道发育的基本方面以及家禽在整个生命过程中的肠道需求。  相似文献   

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