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卡氏住白细胞虫的发育包括裂殖生殖,配子生殖和孢子生殖三个阶段,裂殖生殖和配子生殖的鸡体内完成,配子生殖的一部分及孢子生殖在库蠓体内完成,不同阶段的虫体具有不同的抗原成份,自然感染或人工接种子孢子于鸡均能诱导强烈的体液免疫应答,并对再次感染表现坚强而持久的抵抗力。据此建立的免疫扩散诊断方法具有方便,快速,准确等优点。卡氏住白细胞虫的子孢子能成功感染鸡胚。体外培养裂殖子可以发育到配子体阶段。此外,抗病  相似文献   

鸡卡氏住白细胞虫病是由卡氏住白细胞虫引起的寄生于白细胞和红细胞内的原虫病。对育成鸡造成较高的发病率和死亡率 ,对蛋鸡则造成产蛋量下降、蛋品质量下降 (软壳蛋、破蛋等 ) ,给养禽业造成较大的经济损失。现将一起蛋鸡发生本病的防治体会介绍如下。1 发病情况及临床症状东莞市某蛋鸡场一群商品蛋鸡共 82 0 0只 ,40周龄时部分鸡只出现精神沉郁 ,食欲不振 ,毛松头缩、两翅下垂 ,冠及肉垂苍白 ,拉黄绿色稀粪。病重者咯血 ,出血。 2天内共死亡 1 5只。产蛋率由原来的 86 2 %下降至 73 5%。软壳蛋、破蛋明显增多。2 剖检变化病死鸡消瘦 ,…  相似文献   

鸡卡氏住白细胞虫病是由卡氏白细胞虫引起的一种细胞内寄生性原虫病。病禽主要表现为严重贫血、精神沉郁、共济失调、咯血等症状。菏泽市郊某镇连续3年均在8~10月份发生鸡卡氏住白细  相似文献   

鸡卡氏住白细胞虫病是由鸡卡氏住白细胞虫寄生于鸡的血细胞和一些内脏器官中所引起的一种血孢子虫病,俗称白冠病。该病几年来在我市山区流行较普遍,每年以7、8、9月份发病率最高,养鸡户往往忽视该病的预防。2004年7月,我市某蛋鸡场的280日龄产蛋鸡发生卡氏住白细胞虫病,发病900余羽,死亡183羽,损失较大,现报导如下:  相似文献   

鸡卡氏住白细胞虫病的诊断及防治陈根富黄岩市畜牧兽医站1病原及流行情况本病是由卡氏住白细胞原虫引起的。1992年6月至9月份,此病在黄岩市广泛流行.且主要发生在成年鸡,造成鸡产蛋率下降10~60%,死亡率达5~30%,给养鸡户造成较大的经济损失。2主要...  相似文献   

鸡住白细胞虫病又称为鸡白冠病、鸡出血性病,是住白细胞虫寄生于鸡的白细胞(主要是单核细胞)和红细胞内,由吸血昆虫传播引起的以贫血、下痢、咯血、全身器官与组织出血和粒状结节为特征的一种血液原虫病。该病呈地方性、季节性流行。在我国已发现寄生于鸡的卡氏和沙氏住白细胞虫,  相似文献   

鸡卡氏住白细胞虫病又名白冠病,是由卡氏住白细胞虫寄生在鸡体内所引起的一种血液原虫病,其特征是内脏器官广泛出血,并有明显的季节性流行。以1~3月龄的鸡发病率最高,若不及早治疗,容易造成大批死亡。成鸡感染多呈隐性,症状轻微,死亡率较低,但产蛋率下降。1996年4~5月间,本省北流市先后有50多个鸡场发生该病。现将情况报道如下。1发病情况及临诊症状1996年4月中旬以来,北流市气温都在25℃以上,各地鸡场病鸡骤然增多。急性病鸡精神沉郁,喜饮水,咳嗽,呼吸急迫,食欲减少或废绝,缩头颈呆立,体温43℃,两…  相似文献   

王翔 《中国家禽》1999,21(5):25-25
鸡卡氏住白细胞原虫病(又称“白冠病”)是由住白细胞虫寄生于鸡的白细胞和红细胞内引起的一种急性血孢子原虫病。该病在许多地区都有发病报道,1998年在海安地区呈大范围流行。为了提高广大养殖户认识该病的能力,做到防治结合、预防为主,尽量减少由该病带来的损失...  相似文献   

鸡卡氏住白细胞虫病是由鸡卡氏住白细胞虫寄生于鸡的血细胞和一些内脏器官中所引起的一种血孢子虫病,俗称白冠病。该病几年来在我市山区普遍流行,每年以7、8、9月份发病率最高,养鸡户往往忽视该病的预防。2004.年7月,我市某蛋鸡场的280日龄产蛋鸡发生卡氏住白细胞虫病,发病900余羽,死亡183羽,损失较大,现报导如下:  相似文献   

鸡卡氏住白细胞虫病是一种以鸡冠发白为特征的疾病 ,故又称之为白冠病。近年来 ,鸡卡氏住白细胞虫病不断发生和流行 ,给养鸡业带来了巨大的经济损失。根据对 2 0 0 1~ 2 0 0 2年来我处就诊病鸡群的不完全统计 ,8月份就诊病鸡 1 87群 ,确诊为卡氏住白细胞虫病的为 1 6群 ,约占 8.6 % ;9月份就诊1 56群 ,确诊为该病的 2 1群 ,约占 1 3 .5 % ;1 0月份该病逐渐减少 ,就诊 1 2 3群 ,确诊为该病的有 5群 ,约占 4 .1 %。 1 0月中旬以后 ,几乎再见不到典型的鸡卡氏住白细胞虫病病例。在发病的鸡群中 ,不同日龄的肉鸡和蛋鸡都可发生 ,雏鸡较成鸡多 ,…  相似文献   

鸡卡氏住白细胞原虫各期虫体形态结构的观察研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采取同居感染病鸡的外周血液 ,观察研究鸡卡氏住白细胞原虫 (LeucocytozoonCaulleryi)不同发育阶段的裂殖子和配子体的形态特点。光镜下 ,裂殖子呈圆点状 ,胞核圆形 ,着染紫红色 ,胞浆少量呈淡蓝色 ,位于血浆和血细胞内 ,配子体呈圆形或椭圆形 ,雌配子体 (大配子体 )虫体深蓝色 ,核较小 ,呈深粉红色 ,平均直径 16 6 5× 15 79μm ,雄配子体 (小配子体 )为淡蓝色 ,核较大 ,染色较雌配子体浅 ,平均直径为 11 2 7× 11 10 μm。电镜下 ,裂殖子呈圆形或卵圆形 ,外包有两层膜 ,外膜较薄 ,内膜较厚 ,内包一个圆形或卵圆形的核 ,位于红细胞细胞质内早期发育的配子体呈球形 ,表面隐约可见两层膜 ,细胞核大而淡染 ,位于中央 ,核膜呈双层 ,中间有明显的空隙 ,细胞质内可见数量不等的细微颗粒。  相似文献   

卡氏住白细胞虫在鸡体内的发育及与库蠓的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将健康鸡与卡氏住白细胞虫病鸡混养,其间加入一定量库蠓,经12~13d后出现明显的临诊症状(贫血、排绿便等)。第9d血片检查出少量裂殖子,至13~14d染虫率达到最高峰,至18~20d找到成熟的大、小配子体。在病鸡、病愈鸡的血涂片中,均可见到数量不等的Ⅱ期裂殖子,持续时间达35d以上,证明有带虫鸡存在。调查地主要有尖喙库蠓、荒川库蠓和大熊库蠓存在,以尖喙库蠓比例最大,占93.4%,是本地的优势种。  相似文献   

在细胞松弛素B的参与下,通过Ficoll密度梯度离心法可有效制备小鼠无核ES细胞,在适宜条件下,悬液培养中40%的小鼠ES细胞可发生去核作用,经Hoechst染色和形态观察确定:80%的去核ES细胞在30min内可恢复其原有形态,但其生活力不会超过48h,这为研究ES细胞的胞质功能及核质互作效应提供了一种可行的细胞去核方法。  相似文献   

根据已测得的卡氏住白虫ITS-2序列,在3'端设计一种特异引物,另外采用一个位于5’端的保守引物,建立了鸡卡氏住白虫病的PCR诊断方法。特异性试验和敏感性试验表明,该诊断方法与其他虫体如疟原虫,弓形虫,微孢子虫,球虫等无交叉反应性,能检测的卡氏住白虫最低DNA浓度为1000fg,可用于本病的早期诊断。  相似文献   

The objective was to investigate whether it is possible to improve the quality of stallion semen, with respect to sperm morphology and chromatin integrity, both of which have been linked to fertility, using either density gradient centrifugation (DGC) or a new method, hereby named single layer centrifugation (SLC). The two methods of colloidal centrifugation were evaluated using 38 ejaculates from 10 stallions. Sperm morphology, subjective motility and sperm chromatin integrity were compared in uncentrifuged samples and in centrifuged sperm preparations. The proportion of morphologically normal spermatozoa varied between stallions (p < 0.001) and was increased by both methods of colloidal centrifugation (median value before centrifugation 67.5%; after SLC 78%; after DGC 77%; p < 0.001). The incidence of certain abnormalities was reduced, e.g. proximal cytoplasmic droplets were reduced from 12.9% to 8.8% (p < 0.001), and mid-piece defects from 5.3% to 1.4% (p < 0.05). Similarly, sperm motility and chromatin integrity were significantly improved (p < 0.001), with no difference between the two centrifugation methods. Centrifugation through colloids can enrich the proportions of stallion spermatozoa with normal morphology and normal chromatin structure in sperm preparations. The new method, SLC, was as effective as DGC in selecting motile stallion spermatozoa with normal morphology and intact chromatin. SLC, being simpler to use than DGC, would be appropriate for routine use by stud personnel to improve stallion sperm quality in insemination doses.  相似文献   

In the absence of commercially viable methods for cryopreserving turkey spermatozoa, new processing methods are required to extend the functional life of stored turkey spermatozoa for artificial insemination. The present study evaluates the efficacy of a new extender (Turkey Semen Extend) and investigates the use of density gradient centrifugation in processing turkey spermatozoa for artificial insemination. The new extender is compared with two commercially available turkey semen extenders, Beltsville Poultry Semen Extender and Ovodyl. Turkey spermatozoa in Turkey Semen Extend were still motile 20 h after collection, representing a considerable improvement over the other semen extenders (40%, 0% and 8% for Turkey Semen Extend, Beltsville Poultry Semen Extender and Ovodyl, respectively). A field trial on a commercial turkey farm showed improved fertilization rates following insemination of turkey hens with semen extended in Turkey Semen Extend (89.7%) compared with Beltsville Poultry Semen Extender (86.9%). This difference is statistically significant (p < 0.05). Processing on a density gradient, optimized for turkey spermatozoa, also increased sperm survival (50% gradient-prepared spermatozoa still motile after 18 h compared with <10% non-processed spermatozoa). Preliminary studies indicate that gradient preparation of spermatozoa may aid survival during cryopreservation.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to compare the motility and functional integrity of bull spermatozoa after single and double freezing and thawing. The viability and morphological integrity of spermatozoa selected by PureSperm density gradient centrifugation after cryopreservation of bovine semen in two commercial extenders (Experiment 1) and the function of bull spermatozoa before and after a second freezing and thawing assisted by PureSperm selection (Experiment 2) were examined. On average, 35.8 +/- 12.1% of sperm loaded onto the PureSperm density gradient were recovered after centrifugation. In Experiment 1, post-thaw motility and acrosome integrity were higher for spermatozoa frozen in Tris-egg yolk extender than in AndroMed, whether the assessments were made immediately after thawing [80.4 +/- 12.7 vs 47.6 +/- 19.0% motile and 78.8 +/- 8.3 vs 50.1 +/- 19.5% normal apical ridge (NAR), p < 0.05] or after preparation on the gradient (83.3 +/- 8.6 vs 69.4 +/- 15.9% motile and 89.5 +/- 7.2 vs 69.1 +/- 11.4% NAR, p < 0.05). For semen frozen in Tris-egg yolk extender, selection on the PureSperm gradient did not influence total motility but significantly improved the proportion of acrosome-intact spermatozoa. After the gradient, both the total motility and percentage of normal acrosomes increased for spermatozoa frozen in AndroMed (Minitüb Tiefenbach, Germany). In Experiment 2, there was no difference in sperm motility after the first and second freeze-thawing (82.9 +/- 12.7 vs 68.8 +/- 18.7%). However, the proportion of acrosome-intact spermatozoa was significantly improved by selection through the PureSperm gradient, whether measured by phase contrast microscopy (78.9 +/- 9.7 vs 90.4 +/- 4.0% NAR, p < 0.05) or flow cytometry (53.4 +/- 11.7 vs 76.3 +/- 6.0% viable acrosome-intact spermatozoa, p < 0.001). The improvement in the percentage of spermatozoa with normal acrosomes was maintained after resuspension in the cooling extender and cooling to 4 degrees C (88.2 +/- 6.2) and after re-freezing and thawing (83.6 +/- 6.56% NAR). However, flow cytometric assessment of the sperm membranes revealed a decline in the percentage of viable spermatozoa with intact membranes after the second freezing and thawing compared with after gradient centrifugation (76.3 +/- 6.0% vs 46.6 +/- 6.6%, p < 0.001) to levels equivalent to those obtained after the first round of freeze-thawing (53.4 +/- 11.7% viable acrosome-intact spermatozoa). Sperm movement characteristics assessed by computer-assisted analysis were unaffected in the population selected on the PureSperm gradients but declined after cooling of the selected and extended spermatozoa to 4 degrees C. There was no further change in these kinematic measurements after the cooled spermatozoa had undergone the second round of freeze-thawing. These results demonstrate that bull semen can be frozen and thawed, followed by a second freeze-thawing cycle of a population of spermatozoa selected by PureSperm, with retained motility and functional integrity. This points to the possibility of using double frozen spermatozoa in bovine artificial insemination programmes and to the potential benefits of PureSperm density gradient centrifugation for the application of cryopreserved bull spermatozoa to other biotechnological procedures such as flow cytometric sex sorting followed by re-freezing and thawing.  相似文献   

采用火焰光度法对 40头门源县本地黄牛进行了血钾浓度测定 ,其血清钾浓度为 5 .5 2± 0 .82mmol L ,全血钾浓度为 8.90± 3.32mmol L ,红细胞钾浓度为 15 .5 2± 10 .2 5mmol L  相似文献   

为研究利用不同纯化浓缩方法制备的新城疫疫苗对SPF鸡免疫效果的影响,试验取经过纯化浓缩的新城疫抗原制备的疫苗、经离心未经浓缩的抗原制备成的疫苗和经浓缩未离心的抗原制备成的疫苗分别免疫30日龄SPF鸡,免疫后分别在第7d、14 d、21 d、28 d、35 d、45 d、70 d、90 d采集血清检测新城疫抗体水平。结果表明,经浓缩纯化后抗原制备的疫苗与其他两组抗原制备的疫苗相比,物理外观性状基本相同,浓缩纯化后抗原制备的疫苗其单位抗原含量更高、杂质更少,抗体水平更高,统计数据显示差异显著。因此研究得出,浓缩倍数(即抗原含量)越高,抗体水平越高,持续的时间也越长。  相似文献   

丁达尔效应定位伪狂犬病病毒密度梯度离心区带   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在病毒密度梯度离心纯化过程中,利用光对不同大小粒子发生散射的强弱,即丁达尔效应,定位超速离心后形成的离心区带;以伪狂犬病毒为研究对象,以不连续梯度蔗糖为介质,超速离心后,通过光束对离心区带生的丁达尔效应进行精确分层取样,并对处理后的离心区带样品分别进行透射电镜观察,发现区带3中存在大量符合伪狂犬病病毒形态学特征的病毒颗粒。本研究将光学物理现象与经典病毒纯化方法相结合,大大提高了病毒纯化成功率,对密度梯度离心法提纯各种病毒或者蛋白的实验操作均有指导意义。  相似文献   

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