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A sward of S24 perennial ryegrass was sampled at 4-weekly intervals over two seasons with either a Haldrup 1500 plot harvester or a hand-controlled mower fitted with a fixed reciprocating cutter bar. Plot dimensions were adjusted to the width of the machines'cutter bars (1.5 m and 1.0 m respectively) so that there were no discard areas to require removal. Plots were cut either once, or twice in opposite directions. After cutting, residual stubble heights and the proportion of ground surface covered by leaf laminae were recorded.
Mean annual dry matter (DM) yields recorded in ten harvests made each year showed no overall significant difference between the machines. However, previous practice had been to sample plots with one pass of the hand-controlled mower and to trim the sampled area while removing the usual discard strips. The comparison of annual DM yields from one cut taken with the Haldrup or from two cuts taken with the mower, but with the yield at the second cut excluded, showed a mean advantage of 1.55 t DM ha−1 a−1 for the Haldrup technique or a 14.6% increase over previous practice.
Cutting twice significantly ( P <0.001) reduced herbage production by a mean of 0.85 t DM ha−1 a−1, mean residual stubble height by 9.8 mm and the proportion of ground covered by leaf laminae by 9.8%. Provided that judgment is exercised when planning treatments and layout of trials, it is concluded that the Haldrup 1500 plot harvester is a valuable labour-saving tool. However, DM yields from trials cut frequently with this machine are likely to exceed those from similar trials cut with a hand-controlled mower, following the usual G.R.I. Staff (1961) technique.  相似文献   

Herbage quality, yields, tiller and plant populations of 'Grasslands Matua' prairie grass and 'Caramba' tetraploid Westerwolds ryegrass were investigated in a 2-year field trial on a sandy soil. Plots were either harvested frequently (five to six cuts per year) or infrequently (four cuts). During the first year, herbage was separated into leaf, vegetative and reproductive pseudostem, and analysed separately.
With very mild winters and adequate water supply, swards had good persistence and production for 2 years. Total yield in the first year (10.5 t DM ha−1) was similar for both species. Yields in the second year were (t DM ha−1) 13.4 and 18 for Matua and 11.1 and 13 for Caramba under frequent and infrequent cutting respectively. Leaf contributed 58% to yields and reproductive pseudostem 35%. Infrequently cut plots had: 23% higher dry matter yields, primarily due to higher yields of reproductive pseudostem; higher yields of most chemical components and higher contents of water-soluble carbohydrates and cell walls; lower digestibility and nitrogen content. Cell wall content was consistently higher in Matua but otherwise herbage quality was similar for the two species. It is suggested that prairie grass should be considered as a replacement for spring-sown Westerwolds ryegrass on sandy soils in The Netherlands.  相似文献   

The results are reported of a 2-year plot experiment investigating the potential of lucerne as a silage crop in a comparatively high-rainfall area (annual average of about 900 mm). The performance of the lucerne on the remainder of the field in which the plot experiment was located is also discussed. With below-average rainfall in the sowing year a good establishment was obtained and a single cut to a stubble height of 75 mm in August gave a dry matter yield of 3 t ha-1. In the first harvest year, summer rainfall was again below average and a total dry matter yield of 13·8 t ha-1 resulted from three cuts to 75 mm above ground level. However, the total yield was reduced to 10·11 ha-1 in the second year when the rainfall was considerably above average. Attempts to increase the feeding value of the lucerne herbage by increasing cutting frequency and by increasing cutting height showed little effect over the standard system of three cuts to a stubble height of 75 mm. The effects of applying potassium fertilizer at rates supplying 100,200 or 300 kg K ha-1 either as a single spring dressing or in equally divided dressings were not significant in either of the two years  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted on a grassland site at Wrest Park, Silsoe, Bedfordshire between 1987 and 1989, to compare herbage yields from slurry applied by deep and shallow injection, low trajectory and conventional vacuum tanker methods. Slurry application rates for all spreaders were calibrated at 86 ± 5 t ha-1, an equivalent of c. 200 kg NH4+-N ha-1 applied in autumn or in spring.
As expected, herbage yields following spring applications were higher than from autumn applications, with average mineral fertilizer equivalents of 122 and 89 kg N ha-1 respectively. Yields from the conventional and low trajectory spreaders showed no consistent differences. However, in both years, first cut yields from plots were significantly lower ( P < 0·05) where slurry had been injected than where surface applications had been used by an average of 0·7 t DM ha-1. Subsequent cuts in 1988 demonstrated higher residual effects from injection so that annual total yields were similar from all slurry applications irrespective of spreader type.
Analysis of N content revealed high N levels in herbage from deep injection plots. Mean concentrations of N in the herbage, expressed as a percentage of the dry matter, were 1·43 for surface treatments and 1·79 for deep injection in 1988, and 1·84 for surface treatments, 2·13 for shallow injection and 2·68 for deep injection in 1989.  相似文献   

Estimates of the total acidity of silage effluent from a range of first-cut silages varied from 1025 to 21,125 mg Ca CO3 per l with a weighted mean of 8817 mg l-1. Quick-lime (CaO), hydrated lime [Ca(OH)2] or caustic soda (NaOH) were found to be effective neutralizing agents when thoroughly mixed with the effluent. Results from seven field-plot experiments carried out between 1973 and 1977 involving application of silage effluent to grass swards are reported. Leaf scorch occurred when silage effluent with a total acidity equivalent to more than 6000 mg CaCO3 per l was applied at rates exceeding 50 m3 ha-1 to swards with several weeks regrowth. Scorch was most severe when applications were made during periods of dry sunny weather and to mechanically damaged swards. In these conditions reducing the total acidity to below 2000 mg CaCO3 per l by neutralization or dilution allowed rates of over 100 m3 ha-1 to be applied without harmful effects.
Acid neutralization was found to be unnecessary when silage effluent was applied to recently cut swards. Here rates of up to 150 m3 ha-1 were applied without adverse effects and generally resulted in increased grass growth.  相似文献   

The effects of fertilizer nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) on herbage production were investigated in herb-rich hay meadows in Somerset, UK. Swards were cut after 1 July each year, followed by one or two aftermath cuts. Dry-matter (DM) yield at cutting, metabolizable energy (ME) production and recovery of N, P and K were measured over 4 years.
Total annual DM production increased from 4·7t ha−1 without fertilizers to 10·5t ha−1 with 200 kg N, 75 kg P and 200 kg K ha−1 per year, and ME output from 38·8 GJ ha−1 to 92·5 GJ ha−1. Applying moderate replacement rates of P and K without N increased annual DM and N yields by 43% and 36% respectively, but N response was modest unless high rates of P and K were used. Annual ME output and recovery of N, P and K were all significantly increased by taking an additional, earlier cut for silage, even though DM yield was unaffected.
The results suggest that potential output of these meadows is similar to that of a wide range of less diverse permanent pastures. Data from this and a concurrent experiment will help to estimate the financial implications of fertilizer and cutting date restrictions within Sites of Special Scientific Interest and the wider Environmentally Sensitive Areas.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out during 1986 and 1987 to examine the effects of mid-season slurry injection and fertilizer-nitrogen (N) application on herbage dry matter (DM) yield and N recovery. Cattle and pig slurry were injected at 56 and 112 m3 ha−1 into an established sward. Five rates of fertilizer-N, as calcium ammonium nitrate, ranging from 0 to 120 kg ha−1 in 30-kg increments, were superimposed on these treatments, and in both years DM yield was measured in one cut after 70 d regrowth. Slurry treatments increased herbage DM yields significantly ( P < 0-001). The efficiency of slurry total N compared with calcium ammonium nitrate-N averaged 53% in 1986 and 86% in 1987. The mean apparent recovery of slurry total N in herbage was 55% in 1986 and 40% in 1987. Fertilizer-N application increased ( P < 0.001) the mean yields of herbage in both years but when combined with some of the slurry treatments, DM yields over the five N-levels did not differ significantly, giving rise to interactions in 1986 ( P < 0-001) and 1987 ( P < 001). It is concluded that mid-season injection of slurry can be an effective means of utilizing slurry-N in terms of herbage DM production and consequent N use.  相似文献   

A long-term fertilizer experiment, which was set up in 1941 on extensively grazed heathland, naturally dominated by Calluna vulgaris L. and Nardus stricta L., is presented. The turf layer was grubbed and reseeded with a grass/legume mixture, and plots were fertilized with (a) lime only as calcium (including magnesium), (2) lime and nitrogen (Ca/N), (3) lime, nitrogen and phosphorus (Ca/N/P2O5) and (4) lime, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (Ca/N/P2O5/KCl and Ca/N/P2O5/K2SO4). Since 1941 these experimental plots have been mown but not grazed.
After 50 years of imposing the experimental treatments, dry-matter (DM) yield was found to be positively affected by N, P and K application. Soil N and P concentrations were significantly higher in fertilized than in unfertilized plots. No differences in soil K concentration were found between the two treatments with KCl and K2SO4. Net energy concentration in the plant DM was highest with the Ca/N treatment, but differences were slight. Crude protein concentrations varied from about 110 to 170 g kg–1 DM. In all plots and all years protein concentrations were lower in the first cuts than in the second cuts.
Considerable differences in floristic composition were found between different fertilizer treatments. The treatments receiving only Ca contained more than sixty species, many of them representative of oligotrophic extensively managed grassland. In fully fertilized plots, herbs were suppressed by tall-growing grasses. In these plots the number of species was low.  相似文献   

Small plots of permanent pasture containing 50% Agrostis capillaris-Festuca rubra were defoliated frequently or infrequently during the growing seasons in 1978–80 and fertilized with 133, 125 and 125 kg N, P2O5 and K2O respectively ha−1 a −1 or not fertilized during 1978–81. Yields of herbage were assessed during 1979–80 and botanical composition assessed on three occasions in 1978, once in April 1979 and once in 1982.
Fertilizer application increased annual dry matter (DM) harvested from frequently cut plots by 40%, 53% and 65% in 1978, 1979 and 1980 respectively, and on infrequently cut plots it doubled hay DM harvested in 1978 and increased total DM harvested by 126% and 186% in 1979 and 1980 respectively. Infrequent cutting and fertilizer both decreased the proportion of A. capillaris but only fertilizer decreased the proportion of F. rubra. Fertilizer greatly increased the proportion of Holcus lanatus especially where plots had been cut frequently and of Alopecurus pratensis where they had been cut infrequently. It decreased the proportion of Luzula campestris. Infrequent cutting, especially with fertilizer, discouraged Cerastium fontanum ssp. glabrescens and Trifolium repens but encouraged Rumex acetosa.  相似文献   

Replicated plots of Hungaropoly red clover were sown on a sterilized area in May 1975 alone (seed rate 11 kg ha-1) or with one of six cultivars of perennial ryegrass (seed rate 3·5 kg ha-1) viz. Cropper and S24 (early heading), Barlenna and Hora (medium heading) and Melle and Perma (late heading). In 1976 and 1977 primary growth was cut at one of four dates ranging from mid-May to mid-June and thereafter plots were harvested twice each year.
Varying the time of first cut did not have a significant effect on total dry matter (DM) yield in either year despite differences in means of cutting treatments on annual red clover yields of the order of 6–9%.
In some companion grass treatments total DM yield in 1976 was increased and total red clover yield and percentage red clover contribution were reduced relative to swards sown only with red clover. In 1977 a similar but non-significant trend was found. Swards containing early ryegrasses had higher total herbage DM yields but lower red clover yields and contents than all other swards at the first harvest in both years.
Delay in date of taking the first harvest in 1976 reduced DM digestibility in the first cut and increased it in the second in both years.
It is suggested that by cutting early and increasing the number of harvests from three to four per year, differences in the content of red clover between the first and second cut might be reduced, and it is concluded that more benefit is derived from red clover when medium or late heading ryegrasses are used as companion grasses.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to estimate the influence of initial cutting dates in March and April and of cutting frequencies on Guinea grass, elephant grass and star grass productivity. Increasing delay in date of first cut in the season resulted in a progressive increase in dry-matter yield. 72–81% of the tiller population at any cut were vegetative and this helped to maintain good aftermath yield for each date of first cut. Early April cuts gave the highest dry-matter yield and early March the least.
Harvesting frequencies affected the sward productivity such that the annual dry matter yield increased with increasing harvesting interval from 6800 kg ha-1 for a 3-week interval to 13,000 kg ha-1 for a 10-week interval. The proportion of green leaf in the dry matter dropped from 57·7% at 3-week intervals to 32·0% at 10-week intervals. Seasonal effects showed that potential yield was reduced by a short interval between harvests early in the season but not late in the season. Species differences in quality and in the harvesting interval that gave the maximum yields were noted. These results are discussed in relation to management of the sward throughout the growing season.  相似文献   

Comparison of white clover varieties under cutting and grazing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Seven varieties of white clover ( Trifolium repens L.), of varying leaf size from large to small, were sown with perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.) in 1985, at an upland site, and compared over three harvest years under a cutting management (5-6 cuts), and under continuous grazing by sheep. Fertilizer N input totalled 80 kg ha−1 in both the cutting and the grazing trial. The same varieties were included in two official National List (NL) trials sown the same year at a nearby site; these comprised a yield trial with 6-7 cuts and a persistency trial mown very frequently (17 cuts) to simulate intensive grazing.
At the upland site the large-leaved varieties, Milkanova and Blanca, were the highest yielding under cutting (mean 3·3 t DM ha−1), and the small-leaved S184 and Kent the lowest yielding (mean 2·3 t DM ha−1). The rankings were reversed under grazing (corresponding yields 1·1 and 2·1 t DM ha−1). The medium-leaved varieties Donna, Menna and Grasslands Huia behaved similarly to the large-leaved varieties. Ranking order in the cutting trial was similar to that in the NL trial.
Ground covers after three harvest years differed significantly only under grazing, when the small-leaved varieties had a 2-3 times greater cover than the larger-leaved varieties. A poor separation of the varieties in the NL persistency trial suggests that defoliation was not sufficiently severe to simulate intensive grazing.
These comparisons indicate that the performance of clover varieties under the cutting regimes used should not be extrapolated to continuous sheep grazing.  相似文献   

Over a 24-week period, three groups of dairy cows were continuously stocked at 8, 10 or 12 cows ha-1 between morning and afternoon milkings, and overnight were housed and offered grass silage ad libitum. Due to a prolonged drought, sward heights only averaged 4·1 cm.
The increase in daytime stocking rate led to a decline in herbage intake, and increases in silage intake. At the highest stocking rate (12 cows ha-1), the silage intake failed to compensate for the reduced herbage intake. Consequently the total dry matter and estimated metabolizable energy intakes were lower than for the 8 and 10 cows ha-1 treatments. Milk yields and milk composition were not significantly affected by treatment but the 12 cows ha-1 stocking rate gave the lowest milk and milk solids yields.
The utilized metabolizable energy (UME) on the grazed swards was greatest for the 10 cows ha-1 treatment. The sward cut to provide the silage had a UME level (GJ ha-1) 32% greater on average than the grazed swards during the same growth period. The total areas utilized for grazing and silage production for 8, 10 and 12 cows ha-1 were 0·240, 0·224 and 0·215 ha respectively. Fat and protein yields per unit area were greatest for the 10 cows ha-1 group.  相似文献   

The effect of applying 100kg P ha-1 per year in the form of triple superphosphate to mixed swards of perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne ) and white clover ( Trifolium repens ) was examined on a soil of low P status.
The dry matter yield of total herbage was increased by 10'/i by added P. In the year of sowing the ryegrass benefited more than the clover from added P: in the subsequent four years the two species benefited equally. Both species responded 10 added P to a similar extent in terms of leaf size; the clover responded less well than the ryegrass in terms of rate of leaf emergence. However, clover responded positively to added P in terms of stolon internode length, length of stolon per m2 and number of growing points per m2. It is suggested that the application of P may promote the spread of white clover within an open sward, but that its application may not enhance the competitive power of white clover when growing with vigorous grasses.  相似文献   

Herbage growth was measured in two contrasting years on five farms representing a range of soil types. On fields cut for conservation in 1982 DM production varied between farms from 12.3 tha-1 to 14.1 tha-1 in line with fertilizer N levels, which ranged from 220 to 333 kg ha-1. In 1983 production was from 10.3 tha-1 to 12.3 tha-1; this again corresponded with fertilizer N, except on farm B which had the shallowest soils. On fields used for grazing all farmers used rotational management. Herbage accumulation was measured by trimming to 25 mm and harvesting after 4 weeks. As on conservation fields, herbage accumulation was generally greater on farms using more N, at least up to 300 kg ha-1.
In 1982 growth consistently exceeded predictions based on plot experiments. In 1983 growth was on average less than predicted on grazing fields but slightly more than predicted on cutting fields-We conclude that such predictions of annual production are a valuable aid to farm planning, and need not be reduced to allow for on-farm conditions, although they are least good at low levels of N. Predictions of individual cuts were not satisfactory, with a strong tendency to overestimate first cut and underestimate second cut.
There was no indication that annual herbage production was less on badly drained than on well drained soils. Indeed, in the dry summer of 1983 badly drained land appeared to have an advantage, despite considerable poaching damage in the spring. Furthermore, there was no evidence that production was deficient on swards dominated by Holcus and Agrostis spp.  相似文献   

A perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne )-white clover ( Trifollum repens ) sward, that had been grazed for over 2 years, was cut at 1-, 2-, 3- or 6-week intervals from 18 April to 28 November 1986. The effects of two rates of N application in spring, 0 and 66kg Nha−1, were compared. Clover growth was studied in three six-week periods that began on 18 April, 18 July and 17 October respectively. Increasing the interval between cuts increased the yield of herbage without reducing the proportion of clover in the harvested herbage, but the combination of applied N and the six-week interval was harmful to clover production. Increasing the interval between cuts tended to increase the proportion of resources allocated to stolons rather than to leaves, and to increase the weight of new dry matter (DM) per growing point rather than per m2. In the third period of the study, when the ten youngest internodes per stolon were examined separately, all ten ages of internode were found to have been affected by the cutting management. This was indicated by the positive effect of the length of the interval between cuts on the weights of N, P and K per intemode. The concentrations of N, P and K were highest in the youngest intemodes. The application of N reduced the proportion of new DM allocated to stolen rather than to leaf and it reduced the number of clover growing points per m2.  相似文献   

A coordinated experiment was set up in eight fields of established grass; four In Northern Ireland and four in the West of Scotland. At each site one of three different fertilizer rates (0, 75 and 150 kg N ha-1) were applied to plots that had previously either received a 0.72 kg ha-1 chlorpyrifos treatment to control leatherjackets or no spray. Both fertilizer and insecticide applications increased herbage yields. Yield increases in response to chlorpyrifos treatments were equivalent to that obtained from 75 kg N but were not linearly related to leatherjacket numbers. A curvilinear function relating loss per leatherjacket to population size was derived and its validity is discussed. It is concluded that herbage yield increases resulting from chlorpyrifos and nitrogen applications were independent and cumulative.  相似文献   

Over three grazing seasons (1984-1986) a sward of perennial ryegrass, cv. Talbot, which received a total of 336 kg N ha-1 each season, was cut or grazed with ewes at 3- or 4-week intervals on a rotational basis.
Sward productivity was higher under cutting than under grazing irrespective of the interval between defoliations. Under cutting, mean herbage organic matter (OM) yields over both intervals were 8·66, 9·62 and 8·17 t ha-1 in 1984, 1985 and 1986 respectively while under grazing the corresponding yields were 7·65, 8·63 and 7·50 t ha-1. The mean annual yield of herbage defoliated at 3-week intervals was 7·50, 8·64 and 7 ·20 t OM ha-1 compared with 8·80, 9·60 and 8·46 t OM ha-1 for swards defoliated at 4-week intervals in the three years respectively.
The nitrogen (N) content of both the available and the residual herbage was consistently higher under grazing than under cutting. Available herbage contained 31·3 and 27·7 g N kg OM-1 and residual herbage 26·1 and 22·7 g N kg OM-1 under grazing and cutting respectively.
The mean yield of N under cutting was 284 kg ha-1 compared with 304 kg ha-1 under grazing. Defoliation interval had no effect on N yield, the overall mean yield being 294 kg ha-1 under both 3- and 4-week defoliation intervals. The effect of the treatments on tiller population was slight and inconclusive.
The process of grazing reduced yield probably as a result of damage to the sward through trampling; the positive effect of excretal N on yield was minimal on account of the short grazing periods.  相似文献   

Field plots were established in autumn 1992 in which endophyte [ Neotyphodium coenophialum Glenn. Bacon, Price and Hanlin (formerly Acremonium coenophialum )]-infected (E+) and endophyte-free (E) isolines of three tall fescue [ Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) genotypes were planted. Plants were subjected to three water-withholding periods in 1993 and one in 1994, or were kept well watered throughout the experiment. There were no consistent endophyte effects for leaf elongation, tiller density or dry weight per tiller. There were genotype X endophyte interactions ( P <001) for tiller density and shoot dry weight per area and genotype X water X endophyte interactions ( P <005) for cumulative leaf elongation in 1993. These interactions indicated the highly specific effect of host genotype-endophyte association on the expression of plant growth. Leaf rolling in the stressed treatments was more severe in E than in E+ plants in 1993, but there were no differences in 1994, and stomatal conductance tended to be lower in E than in E+ plants in 1993. Fractional water content of the lower 3 cm of the youngest fully developed leaf sheath was usually greater, and never less, in E+ than in E plants. The leaf rolling and stomatal conductance results suggest that E plants were more severely stressed in the summer after planting. Thus, the endophyte may induce greater water retention in the leaf sheath and therefore better protect the internal growing zone from lethal desiccation.  相似文献   

Results from a series of five small-scale plot experiments which simulated different strategies for lowering ammonia volatilization following slurry application to grassland are reported. Strategies studied were band spreading, shallow-channel application, spike injection, rate of surface application and dilution. Volatilization was measured over the first 4 h following application with ventilated enclosures. Band spread slurry resulted in 0·4 of the volatilization that occurred from surface application of the same rate of slurry. The benefit of band spreading was shown to arise from higher application rates in the bands when compared with the same quantity of slurry spread over the surface. When surface-spread slurry was applied to the same depth of slurry as in bands, the volatilization per unit volume of slurry was the same. Shallow-channel application was more effective than band spreading and lowered volatilization per unit volume of slurry to <0·1 of that from surface-spread slurry. Spike injection was equally effective as shallow-channel application but, owing to perceived difficulties in machine design, construction and operation, was deemed impractical. Shallow-channel application has potential, though further work is required to optimize centre-to-centre spacing of the channels. As the application rate of surface-applied raw slurry increased, ammonia volatilization per unit volume of slurry applied decreased. Application at 50 m3 ha−1 resulted in 0·4 of the specific volatilization per unit volume of slurry that occurred at 6·3 m3 ha−1. Within the dilution treatments, the amount of water added to the slurry was linearly and inversely related to volatilization. At a dilution of 0·9-1·2:1 water: slurry the specific volatilization per unit volume of slurry was 0·5 of that from undiluted slurry.  相似文献   

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