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ABSTRACT:   Dried krill eyeballs were obtained from Euphausia superba and Euphausia pacifica by using a patented industry method and their chemical compositions were examined. Crude protein content was 77.7% and 80.8% of the dry matter of E. superba and E. pacifica , respectively. The dominating amino acids in both krill were glutamic acid, aspartic acid, glycine, arginine, leucine and tyrosine. Crude fat content was 10.9% and 5.4% of dry matter of E. superba and E. pacifica , respectively. The main lipid class of the extracted lipids was phospholipids at 88.5% in E. superba and 96.4% in E. pacifica . The dominating fatty acids in both krill were 22:6 ( n- 3), 20:5 ( n- 3), 16:0 and 18:1 ( n- 9). Astaxanthin (3, 3'-dihydroxy-β, β-carotene-4, 4'-dione) content of E. superba and E. pacifica was 566 mg/100 g and 252 mg/100 g of dry matter, respectively. Retinol of E. superba and E. pacifica was 153.0 mg/100 g (510 000 IU/100 g) and 57.6 mg/100 g (192 000 IU/100 g) of dry matter, respectively. The lipophilic extract of E. superba by using n -hexane contained 1923 mg/100 g of astaxanthin at approximately four times higher than the dried eyeballs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The reproductive ecology of Spratelloides gracilis was investigated in the temperate waters off Cape Shionomisaki, central Japan. Cape Shionomisaki is located at the northern margin of the distribution range of this species. Females of S. gracilis with gonadosomatic index (GSI) ≥ 4.0 were defined as mature based on the relationship between GSI and the histological maturity phases of their ovaries. More than 50% of females greater than 60 mm standard length (SL) were mature. Hatch dates of larvae and juveniles collected in the study area were determined by otolith daily ring counts and found to extend from April to November. The size at maturity of females (60 mm SL) and the spawning season of S. gracilis in the temperate waters off Cape Shionomisaki (April–November) was larger and shorter, respectively, than those in tropical waters in the western Pacific. The reproductive traits observed for S. gracilis off Cape Shionomisaki appear to be adaptive to northern temperate waters with seasonal changes in environmental conditions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   This study assessed the stock-recruitment relationship (SRR) for the Japanese sardine Sardinops melanostictus in the North-western Pacific. Of the 20 SRR models investigated, the Akaike information criterion (AIC) was the minimum (AIC = 551.2) when the data were separated into two groups (A and B) and the log-normal distribution was applied as the error term. Group A was constructed with SRR data from 1976–1987 and 1992–2004. Group B consisted of data from 1988–1991. The AIC minimum model was R  = 22.8 S  ×  e ε for Group A, where R , S , and ε denote the recruitment of sardine (individual number of 0-year old fish), spawning stock biomass (SSB), and error term, respectively. This model indicated that recruitment was proportional to the SSB and that no density-dependent effect operated over the range of SSB investigated (51 000–11.3 million t). Recruitment was markedly higher (lower) when the sea surface temperature (SST) of the Kuroshio Extension area in February was low (high). The essential SRR can simply be expressed as R  = 22.8 S  ×  e ε with the level of recruitment deviating from the model to a greater or lesser degree depending on the environmental conditions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:     The biomass of bighand thornyhead Sebastolobus macrochir was increased by the high recruitment success of the 1999–2002 year classes off the Pacific coast of northern Honshu, Japan. In this study, the growth of bighand thornyhead was examined over a 9-year period from 1996 to 2004 in this area. The growth of the 1999 year class and the 2000–2002 year classes was reduced at 3 and 2 years old, respectively, while the 1999–2002 year classes were smaller than the 1993–1998 year classes. In 2-, 3- and 4-year-old fish, the relationship between abundance and mean standard length was expressed by negative linear regressions, while fish became smaller when abundance of the year class was larger. Mean bottom temperatures were stable at depths of 350–900 m; variations in water temperature were small in the main distribution area of bighand thornyhead. We discuss the factors affecting the growth of bighand thornyhead via changes in the demersal fish community and feeding habits.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Biomass and production of Euphausia pacifica off south-eastern Hokkaido (41–43°N), Sanriku (38–41°N), and Joban (36–38°N) were investigated every two months from March 1997 to February 1998. High biomass was found in summer–autumn off south-eastern Hokkaido, and in the late winter–early summer off Sanriku and Joban. Annual mean biomass was 381, 314 and 258 mg C/m2 off south-eastern Hokkaido, Sanriku, and Joban, respectively. The total production (sum of flesh, moults and eggs) during the survey period off south-eastern Hokkaido (3829 mg C/m2) was comparable with that off Sanriku (3872 mg C/m2); both were much higher than that off Joban (2243 mg C/m2). Somatic production during the survey period contributed the highest proportion (51.5–70.9%) to the total production in each coastal area. The somatic production–biomass ratio in each coastal area (5.2–6.9) was an intermediate value among 25 populations of 16 euphausiid species previously reported. This effect resulted from the negative factor of stagnated growth of adults during summer–winter, coupled with positive factors including continuous occurrence of larvae which show high growth rate throughout the year off Sanriku and Joban, and the numerous larvae occurring in October off south-eastern Hokkaido.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Free and total histidine contents in the muscle of various fishes and invertebrates caught in the Seto Inland Sea were estimated. These contents were higher in the muscles from skipjack, yellowfin tuna, yellowtail and mackerel than in those from lizard fish, sea bream and hairtail. Invertebrate muscles, except squid, contained low free and total histidine. Boiled and dried anchovy ( niboshi ) contained lower free histidine than that of dried anchovy (suboshi). To prepare free histidine-rich extracts, the waste residue of soup stock from smoke-dried and shaved skipjack ( katsuobushi ) was digested with proteases. The extract of the enzyme digest contained high free histidine and was used to fortify niboshi with free histidine. If taken, the fortified niboshi may suppress food intake, and prevent obesity.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Crude krill digestive protease (CKP) was extracted on board a fishing vessel from fresh whole krill caught around the Antarctic Peninsula, and its protease activity was measured by using the azocasein method. CKP activity was high from December to February (in summer) and was low from March to August (in winter). CKP activity and mean feed intake index had a high correlation coefficient by Pearson's correlation coefficient test ( P  < 0.05). These results suggest that the seasonal variation of CKP activity coincides with the seasonal prevalence of some phytoplanktons as feed for krill. In summer, phytoplankton is plentiful so that krill feed on them and the krill protease activity remains high, but in winter phytoplankton abundance is low and krill do not have to keep their proteolytic activity high.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   During 1986–1989, the seasonal maturation and gonad index (gonad weight/body weight × 100) of adult Loxechinus albus were examined at nine sites, and the appearance of four-armed echinopluteus larvae was investigated at three sites off the eastern coast of Chiloé Island, Chile. Spawning occurred during November–January when the gonad indices fell to a minimum, the number of mature specimens decreased and four-armed larvae appeared, corresponding to the rise in water temperature. The number of four-armed larvae appearing at the northern site was markedly less than that at the southern site. The sea urchins matured in January and February immediately after spawning at many sites and a high percentage of maturation lasted for a long period at some sites. These findings are considered to be associated with high food availability and annual narrow ranges of water temperature.  相似文献   

From the two species of bivalves, Calyptogena soyoae around a cold seep and Bathymodiolus septemdierum near hydrothermal vents in the sea, sterols were isolated using high-pressure liquid chromatography analysis of the lipid fraction guided by characteristic 1H NMR signals of the sterol skeleton. The minor sterol composition of C. soyoae included 24-methylenecycloartanal, cycloeucalenol, and obutusifoliol, which are known phytosterols. From B. Septemdierum, lathosterol and cholesterol as main sterols together with more diverse sterols were obtained. The difference between these species and their sterol contents is most likely because of feeding modes and metabolism of nutrients from their habitat.  相似文献   

We have examined the effects of Tribulus terrestris (TT), a non-toxic herb, on sex reversal in the Convict Cichlid Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum with the aim of introducing a new environmentally friendly method for masculinization in C. nigrofasciatum. TT is a natural plant product that elevates the testosterone levels in humans and animals. Different concentrations (0.0, 0.10, 0.20 and 0.30 g/l) of TT extract were tested for their effect on sex reversal in C. nigrofasciatum by immersing newly hatched offspring once weekly for 2 months in TT extract. Of the dosages used in the present study, 0.30 g/l TT was the most effective in terms of masculinization, resulting in a maximum male ratio of 87.23% (P < 0.001). Sex ratios of 79 and 85% at 0.10 and 0.20 g/l TT, respectively, were also significantly different from the expected 1:1 ratio (P < 0.001). Histological examinations revealed that the testes of fish treated with TT extract contained all stages of spermatogenesis, clearly demonstrating that the administration of TT extract to C. nigrofasciatum stimulated spermatogenesis. Total survival rates in all treatments and the control were uniformly high, ranging from 88.57 to 90% (P > 0.05). We concluded that TT had no negative effect on the survival rate of C. nigrofasciatum. In addition, all groups of TT-treated fish exhibited successful growth acceleration compared to the control group, but only the 0.30 g/l TT treatment significantly improved the growth rate of C. nigrofasciatum. (P < 0.01). Sex reversal in C. nigrofasciatum demonstrated that TT-treated 0-day-old larvae showed successful sex reversal, spermatogenesis and a better growth rate than untreated progenies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The feeding habits of Lampanyctus jordani , an abundant mesopelagic fish in the subarctic North Pacific, was examined based on the stomach contents of 721 specimens collected over the continental slope off the Tohoku area, Pacific coast of northern Japan during April and October from 1996 to 1998. The prey items comprised mainly crustaceans such as copepods, amphipods, euphausiids and decapods. Euphausiids were the most important items in the diet both during April and October. During April, when the annual maximum of zooplankton biomass occurred and the Oyashio Intrusion Current prevailed, L. jordani fed intensively and consumed a high proportion of Euphausia pacifica . These seasonal variations also influenced the feeding intensity and dietary diversity. Feeding intensity, measured by the stomach contents index, was higher during April than October, reflecting the higher biomass of zooplankton in the Tohoku area during spring. The dietary diversity of L. jordani was lower during April than October, indicating that L. jordani shifted to a wider variety of prey when the availability of E. pacifica was limited.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Samples of river waters containing high concentrations of zinc and other heavy metals but low concentrations of other anthropogenic contaminants were collected to investigate the relationship between toxicity of heavy metals and naturally present organic matters or hardness, as well as the effects of heavy metals on aquatic organisms. Acute toxicity tests were conducted for the water samples using Daphnia magna and medaka Oryzias latipes . Almost all the D. magna died in river waters containing high concentrations of zinc, but O. latipes in the same waters were hardly affected. Since the test organisms were not only exposed to zinc but also other heavy metals in the river waters, we examined the toxicity using toxic units composed of zinc, copper, lead, and cadmium. The results of a bioassay with the river waters showed that the mortality of D. magna did not depend solely on the total number of toxic units of heavy metals. The organic matters and the hardness of the river waters could decrease the acute toxicity of zinc and other heavy metals to D. magna .  相似文献   

Underwater irradiance in sound-scattering layers (SSLs) during diel vertical migration (DVM) of marine organisms was investigated by a drifting vessel at locations in the western North Pacific during the period August 24–27, 2008. The inhabitants of the layers were identified via sampling as Diaphus theta, a type of myctophid fish, and Euphausia pacifica, a species of zooplankton. Underwater irradiance was estimated by the Beer–Lambert law using irradiance measurements on the deck and the diffuse attenuation coefficients obtained in the water. During DVM, the mean irradiances at 490 nm at the lower and upper boundaries of the SSL composed of E. pacifica were ?54.0 and ?45.3 dB, respectively. In contrast, the values for the boundaries of the D. theta SSL were ?82.5 and ?59.3 dB, respectively. It was possible to distinguish between D. theta and E. pacifica based on these ranges and the differences between the mean volume-backscattering strength (ΔMVBS) at 120 and 38 kHz. It was also possible to distinguish between D. theta/E. pacifica and other causes of scattering more clearly using these two parameters together than when using the ΔMVBS parameters separately. Our results suggest that underwater irradiance is an important parameter for discriminating among organisms in DVM.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The effects of temperature and salinity on growth of green algae Chlorella ellipsoidea and Nannochloris oculata were determined to compare the optimum culture conditions. A four-temperature (15, 20, 25, and 30°C) × three-salinity (10, 20, and 30) factorial design with triplicates was applied. Specific growth rate (SGR), maximum density, and duration to reach maximum density of C. ellipsoidea were significantly affected by both temperature and salinity. The highest SGR was observed in C. ellipsoidea at 25°C and salinity 10, but the maximum density was very low. The highest maximum density was achieved in C. ellipsoidea at 15°C and 10. The slope constant of the linear relationship between semilogarithmic growth of C. ellipsoidea and day of culture was highest at 15°C and 10. The SGR and duration to reach maximum density of N. oculata were significantly affected by both temperature and salinity. However, maximum density of N. oculata was significantly affected by temperature, but not salinity. The highest maximum density was achieved in N. oculata at 25°C and 30, but SGR was significantly lower than that of N. oculata at 25°C and 10. The slope constant of the linear relationship between semilogarithmic growth of N. oculata and day of culture was highest at 25°C and 30. Based on these results, the condition of 15°C and salinity 10 seemed to be optimal for maximum density of C. ellipsoidea , and the condition of 25°C and 10 and 30 for SGR and maximum density for N. oculata , respectively.  相似文献   

To determine how stock abundance fluctuations of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma are related to variations in reproductive characteristics, the length at 50% maturity of the fish sampled off the Pacific coast of northern Japan from 1990 to 1999 was examined. In both sexes, the fish density increased, and the body length of age-3-5 fish decreased, but the condition factor and the age at 50% maturity showed no clear trend during this period. Male length at 50% maturity decreased, while value for females showed no clear trend. In both sexes, significant negative correlations were found between density index (combined age-3-5) and each body length at age-3-5. Significant positive correlations were seen between each body length at age-3-5 and length at 50% maturity in males. Positive correlation between body length at age-5 and length at 50% maturity was significant in females from 1990 to 1999, except for the samples in 1998. We suggest that the fish density might affect the length at maturity in males and possibly also in females.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   After mechanical wounding of the marine green alga Bryopsis maxima in a phosphate buffer, one main organic component was released to the solution. The organic compound was characterized by a molecular ion at 238  m/z by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and was deduced as 8-heptadecene by the fragment pattern. To identify the stereochemistry of 8-heptadecene, synthetic ( Z / E )-8-heptadecene was coinjected to the solution of wounded B. maxima . Comparing retention times and mass spectra with the synthetic sample, the target hydrocarbon obtained from wounded B. maxima was coincident with ( Z )-8-heptadecene.  相似文献   

The ark shell Anadara granosa is a species peculiar to the Ariake Sound. To determine why distribution of A. granosa in Japan is largely confined to this area, we examined feeding and growth of A. granosa as functions of environmental and biological variables. The results were compared with those of another ark shell Scapharca subcrenata, which is ubiquitous in Japan. Feeding experiments indicated that A. granosa is eurythermal and euryhaline, as is S. subcrenata, but is adapted to temperature slightly higher than S. subcrenata. Weight-specific clearance rate (CR) of A. granosa as a function of soft-body dry-weight (w) followed the power function of w (CR=2.7×w −0.37), with coefficient and exponent very close to those for S. subcrenata. Growth rate of A. granosa increased linearly with daily ration, similar to S. subcrenata. Thus, feeding and growth characteristics of A. granosa were comparable to those of S. subcrenata and no ‘peculiarities’ of the former were detected. Therefore, the factors that make A. granosa a species restricted to the sound are probably not directly related to feeding or growth characteristics.  相似文献   

A drug–drug interaction occurs when the effect of one drug is altered by the presence of another drug which is generally associated with the induction of cytochrome P450s (CYPs) activity. Thus, unexpected treatment failures often happen resulting from inappropriate coadministration in fisheries. However, little information is available about CYP induction in fish. The reaction of difloxacin (DIF) biotransformation to sarafloxacin (SAR) belongs to N-demethylation catalyzed mainly by CYP(s). In order to supply useful information on CYP induction, the present study assessed the effects of fish-specific CYP inducers on DIF N-demethylation and enzyme kinetics in kidney cell of Chinese idle (CIK; grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus)) by RP-HPLC. Results demonstrated that the amounts of SAR formation and enzymatic parameters Clint and Vmax were significantly increased due to β-naphthoflavone (BNF) pretreatment. Therefore, we suggest that CYP1A may be involved in DIF N-demethylation in CIK. This study provides instructive information to ensure treatment success via avoiding CYP induction in fisheries.  相似文献   

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