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During the past two decades, the Chinese wooden furniture industry has witnessed high-speed growth, making China a leading furniture exporter. Given the intensification of global competition, it is crucial to assess the present status and competitiveness of the Chinese wooden furniture industry, as well as the changes and challenges China will face in competing with other principal trading nations. Based on Balassa's Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) Indices, it can be concluded that China has experienced a transition from comparative disadvantage into a high comparative advantage over the period, and has maintained a strong position in this labor-intensive industry. However, it still falls behind traditionally strong competitors such as Italy and Germany in terms of quality and unit price. It is also experiencing a growing challenge from lower-income countries such as Poland and Vietnam. Moreover, China now faces up more unfavorable macroeconomic circumstances such as rising cost, shrinking international demand, technology gap and escalating trade barriers. Thus, the government, industrial association and enterprises need to quickly take innovative steps coordinately to promote Chinese enterprises transitioning from the original equipment manufacturers (OEM) to the original design manufacturers (ODM), further to the original brand manufacturers (OBM).  相似文献   

浅析凭祥红木家具产业发展中存在的问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对凭祥市红木家具产业的现状、面临的问题进行调查分析,提出凭祥市红木家具产业可持续发展的4点建议:一是明确发展定位,转变经营模式;二是加快红木家具代用树种或深色名贵硬木家具用材树种开发;三是加强人才与技术的培养与引进;四是加强市场监管与质量监督。  相似文献   

正确认识和分析国内家具行业的发展现状和趋势,扬长避短、把握机遇,从整体上了解和分析家具行业的发展动向、前景以及战略和政策取向,实现家具行业的全面、有序、可持续发展。  相似文献   


Emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from wooden furniture in a child's room were investigated. A model room was set up in a 12?m3 test chamber, and in parallel, a scaled-down version was run in a 1?m3 test chamber. The latter had a steady climate of 23°C/50% relative humidity (RH), while the temperature and humidity conditions were varied in the 12?m3 chamber between 18 and 28°C, and 30 and 80% RH. Compounds found were α-pinene, β-pinene, 3-carene, limonene and hexanal. Variations in the climate showed that there is an association between temperature and room concentrations of all found VOCs. Changes in RH showed effect on hexanal concentration, and all monoterpene concentrations remained unaffected.  相似文献   

中国竹藤的利用已有悠久的历史,竹藤家具是竹藤合理利用的一个重要方面。随着人们崇尚自然、珍爱绿色的观念的逐步深入,竹藤家具以其自然、环保的优势得到了越来越多的应用。本文概要介绍了竹藤家具的生产工艺,竹藤家具的不足之处及其改进方法,以及竹藤家具扩大市场的策略。  相似文献   

1 概 述在时间研究中 ,工作抽样为主要研究方法之一 ,通过对具体家具企业生产车间工人及设备作业情况的抽查统计 ,可以了解工人作业的效率和探讨非作业比例大小的原因 ,据此确定合理的宽放率 ,并估算企业设备的生产能力及利用率。除此以外 ,工作抽样更是建立生产标准的一种技术。工作抽样因其具有快速的消息 ,且比秒表的使用技术良好得多 ,故为一种成本低廉的好方法。工作抽样是一种按随机方式 (不定时间条件下 )观察随机过程来测定具体工作时间的方法。它的研究对象可以是某一项工序或作业 ,也可以是一台机器。观察可以是一系列间断的、…  相似文献   

本文通过几年来的实验和应用研究,阐明了硬质纤维板湿贴微薄木生产工艺和工艺参数,及其在板式双包镶家具生产上的应用和效果。  相似文献   

柜类家具在地震中产生震害的危害性大。在我国引起家具震害的中小地震频发,但家具震害的相关研究较少。对柜类家具在地震作用下的摇晃现象进行运动理论分析,运用数值模拟研究方法结合柜体倾翻试验,对影响地震中柜体倾翻的自身因素进行研究,用于后续指导柜类家具的防倾翻设计。结果表明:在相同地震力大小的条件下,柜体倾翻的时间会受到柜体重心深度和高度变化的影响。当地震力大小不足以克服柜脚与地面间的摩擦力时,柜体重心的深度和高度是影响柜体倾翻的主要因素;柜体倾翻时间与柜体重心的深度成正比,与柜体重心的高度成反比;当柜体深高比相同时,倾翻时间与柜体侧面体量成正比;柜体倾翻试验验证了数值模拟研究方法,具有可行性和可靠性,可用于后续柜类家具安全尺寸的设计。  相似文献   

本文分析了甲醛对人体的危害,介绍了板式家具甲醛控制的方法。  相似文献   

为探究中国智能家具的产业现状、技术发展情况和发展趋势,采用文献查阅、企业实地调研方法,对中国智能家具产业现状进行了综述分析,包括中国智能家具的发展经历和智能家具特征:中国智能家具迎来数据驱动、人工智能等多元发展的新时代;中国智能家具产业和技术发展情况:技术体系尚未完全成熟,但随着互联网行业的加入,技术上必将会进入新的高...  相似文献   

利用计算机辅助设计中的自动参数化软件整体设计家具,只要确定产品外观尺寸,就能一次性绘出产品的结构装配图和零件图,达到提高制图效率和制图质量的目的。  相似文献   

吉林省家具企业技术力量现状及发展方向探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从我省家具企业的技术力量的调查、分析入手,分析了我省家具企业技术力量、企业生产存在的问题,同时从我国家具工业的发展方向出发,提出了我省家具企业应采取的手段和措施。  相似文献   

洪莲  于娜 《林业工程学报》2021,6(1):191-196
近年来家具信息化制造水平显著提升,但由于不同类型和规模的家具企业自动化程度有所差异,绝大部分工人生产作业仍普遍采用体力和脑力劳动并存的作业模式,这势必会导致工人的体力与脑力双重疲劳.作业疲劳不仅会引发职业健康风险,还会严重影响作业绩效,甚至导致重大人因失误.在作业疲劳研究中,工人脑力疲劳的研究成为重点,而认知能力是衡量...  相似文献   

Eccentric joints are commonly used to join particleboard and medium-density fiberboard (MDF) in cabinet furniture construction. Screws and screws with plastic sockets are offered by many manufacturers for these kinds of joints, yet little information is available concerning their withdrawal capacity in these materials. Research reported here indicates that face withdrawal strengths of the screws differ slightly from manufacturer to manufacturer in particleboard and MDF, whereas withdrawal strengths of screws with plastic sockets differ greatly from one manufacturer to another. Furthermore, the withdrawal capacity of the screws was found to correlate with the density of both particleboard and MDF.  相似文献   

We investigated bending moment resistance under diagonal compression load of corner doweled joints with plywood members. Joint members were made of 11-ply hardwood plywood of 19 mm thickness. Dowels were fabricated of Beech and Hornbeam species. Their diameters(6, 8 and 10 mm) and depths of penetration(9, 13 and 17 mm) in joint members were chosen variables in our experiment. By increasing the connector's diameter from 6 to 8 mm, the bending moment resistance under diagonal compressive load was increased, while it decreased when the diameter was increased from 8 to 10 mm. The bending moment resistance under diagonal compressive load was increased by increasing the dowel's depth of penetration. Joints made with dowels of Beech had higher resistance than dowels of Hornbeam. Highest resisting moment(45.18 N·m) was recorded for joints assembled with 8 mm Beech dowels penetrating 17 mm into joint members Lowest resisting moment(13.35 N·m) was recorded for joints assembled with 6 mm Hornbeam dowels and penetrating 9 mm into joint members.  相似文献   

This paper uses a logit model to quantify the probability of generating technological innovations in a representative sample of firms belonging to the wood-based industry in Spain (lumber and wood products, pulp and paper, and wooden furniture). Special attention has been paid to the incidence of environmental and quality strategies in firms as being determinant factors of innovation. Econometric results have indicated that these two strategies have increased innovation generation in the wood-based industry. In general, environmental and quality strategies tend to exert positive effects on the specific innovation activities of firms, in spite of the fact that a substitution relationship was found between the existence of quality management systems and R&D subsidies.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of loose tenon dimensions on stress and strain distributions in T-shaped mortise and loose tenon (M&LT) furni-ture joints under uniaxial bending loads, and determined the effects of loose tenon length (30, 45, 60, and 90 mm) and loose tenon thickness (6 and 8 mm) on bending moment capacity of M&LT joints constructed with polyvinyl acetate (PVAc) adhesive. Stress and strain distributions in joint elements were then estimated for each joint using ANSYS finite element (FE) software. The bending moment capacity of joints increased significantly with thickness and length of the tenon. Based on the FE analysis results, under uniaxial bending, the highest shear stress values were obtained in the middle parts of the tenon, while the highest shear elastic strain values were estimated in glue lines between the tenon sur-faces and walls of the mortise. Shear stress and shear elastic strain values in joint elements generally increased with tenon dimensions and corre-sponding bending moment capacities. There was consistency between predicted maximum shear stress values and failure modes of the joints.  相似文献   

四川拥有丰富的生态旅游资源,发展生态旅游的条件得天独厚.但四川作为全国生态资源富集区和典型地区,生态旅游发展中存在着产业政策不完善、管理体制不顺、旅游产品单一、科技人才缺乏等问题.为从根本上解决困扰四川生态旅游业发展的种种问题,本文从政策、体制、产品、科技等创新方面进行了深层次的剖析,希望为全国资源禀赋好的地区,调整产业结构、脱贫致富、实现可持续发展提供有益借鉴和参考.  相似文献   

The history of forest management in the southern United States has been a process of intensification and the pine forests of the Coastal Plain can be regarded as in the early stage of crop domestication. Silviculture research into tree improvement and other aspects of plantation establishment and management has been critical to the domestication process, which began in the early 1950s with the paradigm shift from natural stand management to plantation forestry. Advances were incremental innovations that relied heavily on basic knowledge gained in other disciplines and from formal university–industry silviculture research cooperatives. These cooperatives played a critical role in the domestication process, especially as they disseminated technological innovations. Sixteen major pulp and paper companies were examined in terms of participation in research cooperatives, expenditures on research and implementation of innovations. Despite a lack of relationship between company size (gross sales) and expenditures on forestry research, implementation of innovations was significantly related to research expenditures, timberland owned and total sales. Adjusting for timberland ownership or annual sales, the companies that spent the most on forestry research did the best job implementing research results. Emerging trends in industry structure and support for research may indicate a new role for public research institutions in the South, and call into question the need for silviculture research cooperatives.  相似文献   

论我国家具企业的设计创新与营销创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行焱 《木材工业》2006,20(4):35-37
简要分析了我国家具行业的现状,提出了在经济全球化,家具业竞争日益激烈的形势下,家具企业要在竞争中生存、发展,设计创新与营销创新是企业发展的关键因素,并论述了创新的重要意义、内函及实现措施.  相似文献   

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