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The goal of this study was first to assess the dynamics of the bacterial community during a growing season in three Indian rain-fed wheat fields which differ mainly through their fertilizer management and yield and then to study the effects of PGPR/AMF bio-inoculations on the bacterial community structure and wheat growth. The bacterial community structure of the rhizosphere soil (RS) and the rhizoplane/endorhizosphere (RE) was determined by PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Seed treatments consisted of consortia of two PGPR strains alone or combined with AMF or AMF alone. The PGPR strains were Pseudomonas spp. which included some or all of the following plant growth promoting properties: phosphate solubilisation and production of indole-3-acetic acid, siderophores, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase and diacetyl-phloroglucinol. The mycorrhizal inoculum was an indigenous AMF consortium isolated from the field with the lowest level of fertilization and yield. Variation partitioning analysis of the DGGE data indicated a predominant effect of the wheat growth stage (30.4% of the variance, P=0.001) over the type of field (9.0%, P=0.027) on the bacterial community structure in the RE. The impact of plant age in the RS was less than in the RE and the bacterial community structure of the field with the highest input of fertilization was very different from the low input fields. The bio-inoculants induced a significant modification in the bacterial community structure. In the RS, the bacterial consortia explained 28.3% (P=0.001) and the presence of AMF 10.6% (P=0.02) of the variance and the same trend was observed in the RE. Plant yield or grain quality was either increased or remained unaffected. For example, protein content was significantly higher in the treated plants' grain compared to the control plants; maximum values were obtained when the PGPR were co-inoculated with the AMF. The percentage of root colonization by AMF was significantly higher in the treatments containing a mycorrhizal inoculum than in the untreated control and remained unaffected by the PGPR treatments. In conclusion, the wheat rhizobacterial community structure is highly dynamic and influenced by different factors such as the plant's age, the fertilizer input and the type of bio-inoculant. In addition, there is a distance-related effect of the root on the bacterial community. Finally, a combined bio-inoculation of diacetyl-phloroglucinol producing PGPR strains and AMF can synergistically improve the nutritional quality of the grain without negatively affecting mycorrhizal growth.  相似文献   

Effect of mineral fertilizers on the vitamin content of plants has received very little attention by scientists in English‐speaking countries, especially in recent years. A review of the literature, however, has revealed a rich source of information mostly published in non‐English journals. Based on these reports, nitrogen fertilizers, especially at high rates, seem to decrease the concentration of vitamin C in many different fruits and vegetables, among them potatoes, tomatoes and citrus fruits, the major sources of this vitamin in human nutrition in many societies. Nitrogen fertilizers are also shown to increase the concentrations of carotenes and vitamin B1 in plants. Since excess use of nitrogen fertilizers increases the concentration of NO3 in plant foods and simultaneously decreases that of ascorbic acid, a known inhibitor for the formation of carcinogenic N‐nitroso compounds from nitrite, it appears that the use of these fertilizers may have a double negative effect on the quality of food plants. Vitamin C and several carotenoids have antioxidant properties and reportedly reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and some forms of cancer. Whether long‐term consumption of food plants grown with excess use of nitrogen fertilizers would have an overall positive or negative effect on the total intake of antioxidative vitamins by consumers warrants investigation.  相似文献   

为探究灌溉量在根际-茎流-空气环境中的调节响应机制,以薄皮甜瓜为试材,采用盆栽,根据甜瓜日蒸腾耗水量的80%(T1)、100%(T2)、120%(T3)设定3个灌水梯度处理,每7天进行一次矫正。通过监测温室空气环境和甜瓜根际环境以及甜瓜茎流量变化,筛选分析了典型天气温室空气环境、植株茎流、根际环境之间的关系。结果表明,灌溉量越大,茎流量越大;根际温度日变化典型阴天为T2>T1>T3,典型晴天为T3>T2>T1;根际绝对含水率(Rhizospheric Water Content,SWV)日变化典型阴天0:00-14:00段T3>T2>T1,14:00-24:00段T3>T1>T2,典型晴天T3...  相似文献   


Yellow sweet clover (Melilotus officinalis L.) was assessed for its yield in an agri-silvicultural model of the plum (Prunus domestica (L.) cv. Opal). The treatments included two sun light exposures (morning light and afternoon light) as main plots and species of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) (Funneliformis mosseae, Rhizophagus irregularis and no-AMF-inoculated control) as subplots. The treatments were separately arranged for two irrigations (rainfed and supplemental irrigation) during 2016–2017. In irrigated and AMF-inoculated plants, a significant increase was observed in the performance of yellow sweet clover (dry weight and biological yield), seed nutrients (phosphorus and potassium) and weight of aerial parts in morning light conditions as much as rainfed conditions, identically for two species of fungi. In both rainfed and supplemental irrigations, the biological yield of F. mosseae inoculated plants increased by up to 23%. In supplemental irrigation, the maximum growth of plant height and relative water content were obtained from AMF-inoculated plants (R. irregularis) in afternoon light area as much as rainfed condition. In conclusion, the identical beneficial effects of mycorrhizal fungi species were enhanced by single supplemental irrigation. However, plant performance, including the quality and quantity of yield, was superior in the morning light part of each treatment.  相似文献   

Within agricultural landscapes, linear features such as hedgerows and tree-lines provide valuable habitat for many species. We use data from 315 transects, completed as part of a national acoustic survey of bat distribution, to examine the incidence of four bat species adjacent to linear features in rural areas. The use of linear features was assessed in relation to hedgerow width, tree density, the presence of water and woodland proximity. To examine the effect of tree density, linear features were classified as either hedgerows without trees, hedgerows with sparse trees (comprising <50% tree canopy) or tree-lines (>50% tree canopy). The use of linear features by Pipistrellus pipstrellus was not affected by tree density; linear features of all types were associated with a similar increase in P. pipistrellus incidence. The use of linear features by Pipistrellus pygmaeus was dependent on both tree density and the proximity of woodland; only linear features containing trees provided an increase in P. pygmaeus incidence regardless of woodland proximity. P. pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus incidence was not affected by hedgerow width or the presence of water. Incidence of Nyctalus noctula and Eptesicus serotinus was unaffected by the density of linear features of any type. Many agri-environment schemes offer financial incentives for the creation and management of hedgerows. Optimising the biodiversity gain provided by linear features will maximise the effectiveness of these schemes. Agri-environment measures that encourage the provision and retention of hedgerow trees will benefit bats in agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

Upland soils have been identified as a major CO2 source induced by human activities, such as fertilizer applications. The aim of this study is to identify the characteristics of soil CO2 emission and carbon balance in cropland ecosystems after continuous fertilizer applications over decades. The measurements of soil surface CO2 fluxes throughout the years of 2009 and 2010 were carried out based on a fertilization experiment (from 1990) in a double cropping system rotated with winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) in upland soil in southern China. Four treatments were chosen from the experiment for this study: no-fertilizer application (SR), nitrogen–phosphorus–potassium chemical fertilizers (NPK), NPK plus pig manure (NPKM) and pig manure alone (M). Results showed that the mean value of soil CO2 fluxes from 08:00 to 10:00 am could represent its daily mean value in summer period (June–August) and that from 09:00 am to 12:00 pm for the rest season of a year. Soil temperature and moisture combined together could explain 70–83% of variations of CO2 emission. Annual cumulative soil CO2 fluxes in the treatments with manure applications (8.2 ± 0.8 and 11.0 ± 1.2 t C ha−1 in 2009, and 7.9 ± 0.9 and 11.1 ± 1.2 t C ha−1 in 2010 in NPKM and M, respectively) were significantly higher than those in the treatments with non-manure addition (2.5 ± 0.2 and 3.4 ± 0.2 t C ha−1 in 2009, and 2.1 ± 0.2 and 3.7 ± 0.3 t C ha−1 in 2010 in SR and NPK, respectively). However, the treatments with manure applications represented a carbon sink in the soil (carbon output/input ratio < 1.0), which demonstrated potential for carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

Kerosene, an industrial petroleum product characterized by the presence of a large number of petroleum hydrocarbons (C9-C15), was selected as an example of a non-aqueous pollutant liquid (NAPL) mixture for our studies. Three inert materials (fine, medium and coarse sand) were used in the experiments and the initial amount of kerosene applied ranged from residual to saturated retention capacity. Volatilization in the air phase and saturated mass flow of kerosene in the three sands were studied in the laboratory under controlled conditions. The volatilization was the major physicochemical process affecting the fate of kerosene in the inert porous medium. During volatilization the liquid kerosene changed its composition by gradually losing its light components (C9-C13), and the viscosity of the remaining liquid kerosene increased. The increase in viscosity led to a decrease in the infiltration rate, for example, by about 20% when the viscosity increased from 1.3 × 10?3 to 2.0 × 10?3 Pa s. The relationship between the composition of the residual kerosene following volatilization and its mass flow in a sand illustrates the behaviour of non-aqueous pollutants in inert porous media.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that rice plants growing in reduced soil are able to solubilize P by inducing an acidification in the rhizosphere through H+ produced in Fe2+ oxidation by root–released O2, and by the direct release of H+ from the roots to balance excess intake of cations over anions. In this paper, equations for the diffusion and interaction of P and acid in soil are developed to predict the resultant increase in P uptake by the roots. Good agreement was obtained between the profiles of P and pH in the rhizosphere measured in the previous experiments, and those predicted using the equations with independently measured parameter values. The equations showed that solubilization accounted for over 80% of the P taken up. Measurements of the solubilization parameters in a range of reduced rice soils showed that H+ addition increased the quantity of P that could be desorbed per unit weight of soil and the concentration of P in solution, in all the soils tested. The quantity of P solubilized per unit H+ added at a given solution P concentration varied about 50–fold between soils, with a median of 11.9 mmol P per mol H+. The native soil solution P concentration varied 50–fold (median = 0.91 UM) and the soil pP buffer power (the quantity of P desorbed per unit decrease in –log of the P concentration in solution) varied 100–fold (median = 0.36 mmol kg?1 pP?1); the soil pH buffer power varied 7–fold (median = 0.075 mmol kg?1 pH?1). Calculations indicated that, in most of the soils tested, rice plants would depend upon solubilization for the bulk of their P.  相似文献   

The analysis of literature sources and a database on soil physical properties collected by the Department of Soil Physics and Amelioration of Soils of the Faculty of Soil Science of Moscow State University made it possible to compare three major constituents of the particle-size distribution analysis (PSDA): (a) the classification of soil separates with respect to their sizes and the classification of soil textures, (b) the procedures used to prepare soil samples for the PSDA, and (c) the specificity of the determination of the particle-size distribution by different methods. It was shown that there are good physical and statistical grounds for the conversion of data on the particle-size distribution from the Russian classification system into other systems. Much larger problems are related to the pretreatment of soil samples for the PSDA. The diversity of existing methods, classification schemes, and technical devices based on different physical principles (sedimentation and laser diffractometry) should be taken into account in the analysis and quantitative conversion of particle-size distribution data from a given classification system into another system. The Russian classification of soil textures and soil particle-size groups developed by N.A. Kachinskii has certain advantages and can be easily converted into other systems. In the choice of a particular system, it is important to take into account the goals of the study. Agreement between soil scientists concerning the major constituents of the PSDA has to be reached.  相似文献   

A novel screening method using an automated flow injection electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry system is proposed for the simultaneous determination of five nonprotein amino acids (β-alanine, alloisoleucine, ornithine, citrulline, pyroglutamic acid) and three betaines (glycine betaine, trigonelline, proline betaine) after derivatization with butanolic HCl. MS/MS experiments were carried out in a triple-quadrupole instrument using multiple reaction monitoring mode in <2 min. The proposed method provided high fingerprinting power to identify the presence of five of the studied compounds in different types of vegetable oils (soybean, sunflower, corn, olive) with LODs at parts per billion levels. The method was validated, and different mixtures of extra virgin olive oil with seed oils were analyzed, achieving the typification for the detection of adulterations in extra virgin olive oils up to 2% w/w. The nonprotein amino acid ornithine was confirmed as a marker for adulteration in the olive oils analyzed.  相似文献   

In a series of community food webs from native and agricultural soils, we modeled energetics and stability, and evaluated the role of the various groups of organisms and their interactions in energy flow and community stability. Species were aggregated into functional groups based on their trophic position in the food webs. Energy flow rates among the groups were calculated by a model using observations on population sizes, death rates, specific feeding preferences and energy conversion efficiencies. From the energetic organization of the communities we derived the strengths of the mutual effects among the populations. These interaction strengths were found to be patterned in a way that is important to community stability. The patterning consisted of the simultaneous occurrence of strong top down effects at lower trophic levels and strong bottom up effects at higher trophic levels. These patterns resulted directly from the empirical data we used to parameterize the model, as we found no stabilizing patterns with random but plausible parameter values. Also, the impact of each individual interaction on community stability was established. This analysis showed that some interactions had a relatively strong impact on stability, whereas other interactions had only a small impact. These impacts on stability were neither correlated with energy flow nor with interaction strength. Comparison of the seven food webs showed that these impacts were sometimes connected to particular groups of organisms involved in the interaction, but sometimes they were not, which might be due to different trophic positions in the food webs. We argue that future research should be directed to answer the question which energetic properties of the organisms form the basis of the patterning of the interaction strengths, as this would improve our understanding of the interrelationships between energetics, community stability, and hence the maintenance of biological diversity.  相似文献   

钨(W)已被美国环境保护署(EPA)列为一种新兴污染物。钨可通过多种途径在土壤中累积,进一步对土壤环境和生物生态系统造成潜在危害,而目前人类对土壤中钨的赋存、生物地球化学循环和生态风险等方面的认识严重不足。结合国内外研究进展和本课题组的试验数据,系统梳理了典型区域土壤钨含量水平、钨在土壤中的环境界面行为以及钨在生物中的富集特征和潜在健康风险。指出目前该研究领域存在的科学问题与研究方向,旨在呼吁更多学者关注土壤系统中钨的生态环境风险、生物地球化学过程及风险管控与治理修复。  相似文献   

土壤中钨的环境行为与潜在风险:研究进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钨(W)已被美国环境保护署(EPA)列为一种新兴污染物。钨可通过多种途径在土壤中累积,进一步对土壤环境和生物生态系统造成潜在危害,而目前人类对土壤中钨的赋存、生物地球化学循环和生态风险等方面的认识严重不足。结合国内外研究进展和本课题组的试验数据,系统梳理了典型区域土壤钨含量水平、钨在土壤中的环境界面行为以及钨在生物中的富集特征和潜在健康风险。指出目前该研究领域存在的科学问题与研究方向,旨在呼吁更多学者关注土壤系统中钨的生态环境风险、生物地球化学过程及风险管控与治理修复。  相似文献   

 通过涪江流域水文站控制区域的地貌与土地利用类型的综合分析,以不同土地利用类型地块作为侵蚀量计算单元,计算每个流域发生侵蚀的地块(即旱坡地、陡坡旱地、有林地、疏林地、草地、灌木地和裸地)侵蚀量,得到全流域年均侵蚀量为2 460万t/a,年均侵蚀模数为813.9 t/(km2.a),上游山地区侵蚀模数>1 000 t/(km2.a),紫色丘陵区侵蚀模数50~0800t/(km2.a);流域平均泥沙输移比为0.83,上游泥沙输移比>0.90,中下游丘陵区泥沙输移比在0.30~0.80之间,而在流域上中游山地丘陵衔接的冲洪积扇区的年均泥沙沉积量约144万t/a;流域泥沙输移比与流域面积不存在固定的线性关系,其根本原因在于流域面积是度量衡单位,而不是影响因素。  相似文献   

Information on atmospheric inputs, water chemistry and hydrology were combined to evaluate elemental mass balances and assess temporal changes in elemental transport from 1983 through 1992 for the Arbutus Lake watershed. This watershed is located within a northern hardwood ecosystem at the Huntington Forest within the central Adirondack Mountains of New York (USA). Changes in water chemistry, including increasing NO3 ? concentrations (1.1 μmol c , L?1 yr-1), have been detected during this study period. Starting in 1991 hydrological flow has been measured from Arbutus Lake and these measurements were compared with predicted flow using the BROOK2 hydrological simulation model. The model adequately (r2=0.79) simulated flow from this catchment and was used to estimate drainage for earlier periods when direct hydrological measurements were not available. Modeled drainage water losses coupled with estimates of wet and dry atmospheric deposition were used to calculate solute budgets. Export of SO4 2? (831 mol c ha?1 yr?1) from the greater Arbutus Lake watershed exceeded estimates of atmospheric deposition in an adjacent hardwood stand suggesting an additional source of S. These large drainage losses of SO4 2? also contributed to the drainage fluxes of basic cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ and Na+). Most of the atmospheric inputs of inorganic N were retained (average of 74% of wet precipitation and 85% total deposition) in the watershed. There were differences among years (56 to 228 mol ha?1 yr?1) in drainage water losses of N with greatest losses occurring during a warm, wet period (1989–1991).  相似文献   

Negative interactions between earthworms may arise from high earthworm population densities. Under high populations in the field, niche separation or migration away from competitive pressure may help to regulate a multi-species population to a given level. This may not be possible in laboratory experiments, leading to an increase in competitive interactions which may alter earthworm growth rates and affect decomposition and nutrient mineralization processes. The objective of this experiment was to determine how growth rates of the endogeic earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa Sav. and the anecic earthworm Lumbricus terrestris L. are affected by increasing population density and container size in both single- and multi-species cultures. Earthworm growth responses were compared in 1-L cylindrical pots containing disturbed soil and in 2.3-L PVC cores containing undisturbed soil. The relationship describing intra- and inter-specific competition was not affected by container type for both species. Nonetheless, decreasing the container size restricted the growth of L. terrestris in both single- and multi-species cultures, but only restricted the growth of A. caliginosa in multi-species cultures. For both species, a population density greater than one individual per litre reduced earthworm growth rates significantly, while weight loss in monocultures occurred when there were more than 10 A. caliginosa, and more than three L. terrestris per litre. Growth rates of both species were restricted in all population density treatments including the lowest of 0.9 individuals per litre. Further work is needed to find the population density at which growth rates are not affected and which may be used as an appropriate population in laboratory pot experiments to measure the effects of earthworms on soil processes and plant growth.  相似文献   

To manage and conserve wildlife populations effectively it is necessary to use methods that identify the often non-linear trends in populations, have an inbuilt assessment of trend quality and can analyse count data from a range of spatial scales. We present a method of trend analysis using generalised additive models. These produce smoothed indices of abundance that can be used to assess population change from one or more sites or time periods, with any number of estimates of abundance per index period. We apply this method to count data collected under the Wetland Bird Survey, a national scheme that monitors waterbirds in the United Kingdom. To highlight declining populations, ‘alerts’ were raised if the population decline was equal to or greater than 50%. Significance was determined using bootstrapped confidence intervals for analyses that included many sites, or a novel Monte-Carlo method for single site analyses. The impact of missing data, species count variability and the number of months used to calculate the population change was greater at individual sites than for national datasets, which were relatively insensitive to changes in the above parameters. For single sites it is essential that three or more counts be made per index period if reliable estimates of population change are required. We propose that the method presented could be applied to a wide range of national or other monitoring schemes for a variety of taxa.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The impact of acid-base balance on health is widely accepted. Here, we describe the potential renal acid load (PRAL) in the diet of healthy German children and adolescents. DESIGN: The Dortmund Nutritional and Anthropometric Longitudinally Designed (DONALD) Study is an ongoing longitudinal (open cohort) study (start 1985) collecting detailed data on diet, growth, development and metabolism in infants, children and adolescents. SETTING: Research Institute of Child Nutrition, Dortmund. SUBJECTS: Seven hundred and twenty children and adolescents (351 boys and 369 girls), aged 3-18 years, provided 4187 yearly collected 3-day dietary records between 1995 and 2005. RESULTS: Mean daily PRAL was positive in all age/sex groups (6-21 mEq day-1), and significantly higher in boys than in girls after the age of 8 years, even when calculated as mEq MJ-1. Fruits, vegetables and potatoes had a negative impact on PRAL; cheese, dairy products, cereals/bread and meat/fish/eggs had a positive impact. In a mixed linear model, PRAL, expressed as mEq day-1 and mEq MJ-1, remained stable during the study period, since time trends of PRAL-relevant food groups countervail each other. PRAL intake (mEq MJ-1) was significantly positively associated (P < 0.0001) with fat intake (% of energy intake, %E), but negatively with carbohydrate intake (%E; P < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: The analysis of dietary habits in our sample of German children and adolescents showed a moderate excess of acidity. Especially older boys should be encouraged to eat more potatoes and vegetables as good sources of dietary alkalinity. The PRAL concept is compatible with current concepts for a healthy diet.  相似文献   

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