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Thin slices of tissue from low (1.075–1.078 and high (1.092–1.094) specific gravity tubers were soaked in distilled water (100g/250ml) for 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 hours. Following the soak periods, the soak water and remaining tissues were separated and analyzed. Analyses of the soak water included pH, electrical conductivity, total solids, K, P and citric acid. The tissue analyses included total ash, alkalinity of ash, Ca, Mg, total N and phytate P. Other tissue samples were soaked the same periods of time and used to evaluate the amount of sloughing that occurred during cooking. All constituents studied diffused into the water during the soak periods. The greatest loss from the slices occurred in the first 2 to 3 hours and were similar for both specific gravity groups. After 6 hours the average amounts of material in the soak water were: total solids — 23%, P — 68%, phytate P —55%, K — 71%, total ash — 62%, total nitrogen — 56%, Ca — 35% and Mg —50%. Citric acid diffused into the soak water during the first 3 hours and the amount in the water then decreased. This apparent change may be due to metabolism of the acid. The sloughing of tissue decreased with the length of the soak period. The decrease in sloughing was highly correlated (P<1 %) with the length of the soak period, increases in electrical conductivity of the soak water, and with the leaching of all constituents measured.  相似文献   

Tuber discs of potato (Solanum tuberosum) growing on a modified Murashige and Skoog medium produced callus and embryoid bodies but failed to form shoots. However, if 0.4 ppm of 6-benzylaminopurine was added to the basal medium, shoots became visible seven weeks after inoculation.  相似文献   

Summary Seven tuber attributes were measured for a number of cultivars and breeding lines: two shape indices for the length and flatness of the potato, one index for the narrowness of the pith, three volume parameters for the relative proportion of cortical, perimedullaryand pith zones of the potato, and specific gravity. The three index traits, specific gravity and volume of the pith zone showed highly significant genotype x year interactions. Significant genotypic and seasonal effects were usually detected for the three volume traits and specific gravity. The percentage volume of the cortical and perimedullary zones showed no genotype x year interactions. Correlations between the traits were estimated, and a factor analysis was performed based on the correlation matrix. One factor appeared to control the negative allometric relationship between the percentage volumes of the cortical and perimedullary zones, and another factor indicated the relationship between the length and flatness indices of the potato. The negative association of the percentage volume with the narrowness index of the pith and positive association between the length of tuber and narrowness of the pith suggested that long potatoes having narrow pith were inclined to have a smaller volume of pith. Factor analysis can be used to identify genotypes with desirable tuber attributes.  相似文献   

Summary Attempts were made to increase the starch content of callus tissue from tubers of cvs Lemhi Russet and Russet Burbank by varying growth regulator concentration, sugar source, sugar concentration, temperature and callus shape. Starch content was always higher in media containing no growth regulators. Callus spread over the media contained more starch than unbroken rectangular or cube-shaped callus. Sucrose was superior to glucose and fructose for starch formation. A sucrose concentration of 20 % produced more starch than lower concentrations. Callus growth decreased as the sucrose concentration increased. ‘Lemhi Russet’ callus incubated with 8 % sucrose at 20, 25 and 30 °C contained 1.2, 0.4 and 0.8 % starch respectively, which was much higher than in ‘Russet Burbank’ callus. With varying amounts of mannitol as an osmoticum in 8 % sucrose, the most starch was found in the medium containing 5 % mannitol. Research Paper 92B2 of the Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station  相似文献   

Some problems in the analysis of pectin in potato tuber tissue   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Simultaneous determination of the degree of esterification and pectin content, without extraction, by Cu2+ ion exchange is described. The method, based on the high affinity of Cu2+ for pectic carboxylic acid groups, is applied to potato tuber tissue and potato, tuber cell wall material, and the results are compared with a combination of pectolytic extraction for pectin content and methanol determination after saponification and distillation. Cu2+ ion exchange appeared a valuable method for potato cell wall analysis. During analysis of potato tissue phosphate covalently bound to starch interferes in ion-exchange and leads to erroneous results. A means of correction is given for interference of neutral sugars in the carbazole test after pectolytic extraction of pectic substances.
Zusammenfassung Eine Ionen-Austauschmethode, basierend auf dem Austausch von Cu2+-Ionen mit den S?uregruppen des Pektins, wurde im Hinblick auf die des Pektins untersucht. Diese neue Methode wurde mit der pektolytische Extraktion von pektinischen Substanzen für den Pektingehalt, verbunden mit der Methanol-Bestimmung nach Verseifung und Destillation für den VG von Pektin, verglichen. Beide Methoden wurden bei Kartoffelknollengewebe angewendet. Cu2+-Ionen-Austausch ergab h?here Pektingehalte und niedrige VG als die pektolytische Extraktion /Methanol-Analyse (Tabelle 2). Isolierung des Pektins aus Kartoffelgewege in relativ gereinigter Form, z.B. aus den Zellw?nden, und Anwendung beider Analysenmethoden, führten zu einer besseren übereinstimmung des Pektingehaltes und des VG (Tabelle 3). Es wurden einige Anhaltspunkte dafür gefunden, dass Phosphate, die kovalent an die Kartoffelst?rke, die bei der Zellwandpr?parierung entfernt wird, gebunden sind, beim Cu2+-Ionen-Austausch st?rend wirken. Für die Analyse von Pektin in den Zellw?nden der Kartoffel scheint sich der Cu2+-Ionen-Austausch als eine brauchbare Methode zu erweisen. Die pektolytische Extraktion/ Methanol-Analyse brachte befriedigende Ergebnisse für den Pektingehalt und VG von Kartoffelknollengewebe (Tabellen 2 und 3). Nach der pektolytische Extraktion von Pektinsubstanzen aus Kartoffelknollengewebe wurde die Modifikation der Carbazolreaktion nach Rouse und Atkins zur Bestimmung von Pektin als wasserfreie Galakturons?ure angewendet. Die Korrektur der erhaltenen Werte mittels eines neutralen Zuckertestes (Phenol-Schwefels?uretest) trug zu einer besseren Bestimmung des Pektingehaltes im Kartoffelknollengewebe (und in den Zellw?nden der Kartoffel) bei. Ohne diese Korrektur würde der Pektingehalt um zirka 20% übersch?tzt.

Résumé Les auteurs ont fait des recherches sur une méthode d'échange ionique, basée sur l'échange de i'ion Cu2+ avec les groupes d'acide pectinocarboxylique, dans la détermination dans le tissu de tubercule de pomme de terre, à la fois de la teneur en pectine, et de son degré d'estérification (=DE) sans extraction du complexe pectine. Les auteurs ont comparé la nouvelle méthode avec l'extraction des substances pectiques pour ce qui concerne la teneur en pectine, en combinaison avec leurs déterminations au méthanol après saponification et distillation pour ce qui concerne l'ester de pectine (DE). Les deux méthodes furent appliquées au tissu de tubercule de pomme de terre. La méthode de l'échange d'ion Cu2+ donne des teneurs plus élevées en pectine, et plus basses en ester de pectine, que l'analyse ‘extraction pectolytique/méthanol’ (tableau 2). L'isolement, dans les échantillons de tissu de pomme de terre, de la pectine dans une forme déjà relativement purifiée, comme dans les parois cellulaires, et l'application des deux méthodes d'analyse ont conduit à une meilleure estimation aussi bien de la teneur en pectine que de DE (Tableau 3). Les auteurs ont recueilli des preuves que le phosphate est combiné par ses valences à la fécule de pomme de terre qui est enlevée au cours du traitement de la paroi cellulaire, et qu'il interfère dans l'échange d'ion Cu2+. L'échange d'ion Cu2+ se révèle une méthode pleinement utile pour l'ane lyse de la pectine de la paroi cellulaire de la pomme de terre. La méthode ‘extraction pectolytique/méthanol’ donne des résultats satisfaisants pour l'analyse de la pectine et de DE du tissu de tubercule de pomme de terre (tableaux 2 et 3). Après extraction pectolytique des substances pectiques des tissus de tubercules de pomme de terre, on utilise la réaction du carbazole, modifiée par Rouse et Atkins pour déterminer la pectine sous forme d'acide anhydrogalacturonique. La correction des valeurs obtenues par un test de sucre neutre (test à l'acide phénol-sulfurique) contribue à une meilleure détermination de la teneur en pectine du tissu de tubercule de pomme de terre (et de la paroi cellulaire de pomme de terre). Sans cette correction la teneur en pectine serait surestimée de 20% environ.

Summary Radioactively-labeled shikimic acid (14C) was incubated with potato tuber tissue disks to determine the relative rate of tyrosine synthesis in blackspot-resistant and susceptible cultivars. Tyrosine synthesis was 55% higher in the susceptible cultivar, Lemhi Russet, than the resistant clone TXA 763-5. The susceptible clone also partitioned a lower percentage of14C tyrosine into soluble protein than did the resistant genotype. The percentage of labeled free tyrosine which would be available for oxidation by polyphenyloxidase was therefore much higher in the susceptible cultivar. Hort/LA Paper No. 90-27. Project No. 0766. Washington State University, College of Agriculture and Home Economics Research Center, Pullman, WA 99164  相似文献   

In 1965 and 1966 potato clones from Maine, New Jersey, Ohio and Wisconsin field tests were evaluated subjectively for the translucent appearance of processed dice in milk and were examined colorimetrically for the degree of oxidative discoloration. There was a highly significant positive correlation between discoloration and translucency. The effects of time and location were minimized by relating each clone to the values for Katahdin in corresponding plots. By setting arbitrary selection limits of 40% and 75% of the Katahdin mean optical density, it was found that the method could be used for either selection of low-translucency or rejection of high-translucency types. Values less than 40% were generally acceptable, greater than 75% unacceptable and intermediate values were inconclusive. A scheme is presented whereby this method, in combination with a soluble protein method, was applied to several clones.  相似文献   

Potato tuber tissue inoculated at cutting withFusarium spp. orErwinia carotovora and exposed to conditions favorable for infection did not heal rapidly enough to prevent decay. Seven days of wound healing at 20 C and high relative humidity prior to inoculation were necessary to provide protection againstFusarium and two days were required to protect againstErwinia. Histological examination of cut and chemically treated tuber tissue revealed that the wound healing process was only minimally affected by mancozeb, zineb-streptomycin, zineb-fir bark, captan, captan-mertect, captan-fir bark, and sodium hypochlorite. Ethylmercury p-toluene-sulfonanalide and pyrrolidine induced formation of discontinuous wound periderm after 21 days of healing. Streptomycin and captan-rhodamine had very detrimental effects on wound healing and suberin formation. In general, the seed-piece treatment chemicals tested had only minor effects on normal wound healing. It is concluded that wound healing alone may not be sufficient to controlFusarium caused seed piece decay and chemical treatment is recommended to provide protection until wound healing can occur. At least two days of wound healing are required for control of decay caused byErwinia carotovora.  相似文献   

Physiological regulation of potato tuber dormancy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
At harvest, potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers are dormant and will not sprout. As the period of postharvest storage is extended, tuber dormancy is broken and sprout growth commences. The loss of tuber dormancy and onset of sprout growth is accompanied by numerous biochemical changes, many of which are detrimental to the nutritional and processing qualities of potatoes. Endogenous hormones have been proposed to play a significant role in tuber dormancy regulation. The involvement of all major classes of endogenous hormones in tuber dormancy is reviewed. Based on available evidence, it is concluded that both ABA and ethylene are required for dormancy induction, but only ABA is needed to maintain bud dormancy. An increase in cytokinin sensitivity and content appear to be the principal factors leading to the loss of dormancy. Changes in endogenous IAA and GA content appear to be more closely related to the regulation of subsequent sprout growth.  相似文献   

A method for calculating the surface area of potatoes by measuring the major and minor semi-axes of potato tubers is described. Surface areas calculated by use of the equation correlate highly with measured surface areas of the same tubers.  相似文献   

Summary The wound healing potential of 15 UK maincrop potato cultivars was assessed from the ability of discs of cortical and medullary tissue to become resistant to the loss of water vapour, as their surfaces suberized. Varietal rankings were moderately consistent over four experiments in two years, with cvs Désirée, Bintje and Pentland Hawk showing rapid healing and Majestic, Redskin and Pentland Crown rather slow healing. Wound healing rates in cortical and medullary tissue were generally similar. Since fast wound healing is not the dominant mechanism of resistance to disease, correlations with established ratings for resistance to individual diseases were not found, but some protection against a broad spectrum of storage diseases is likely. Wound healing rankings correlated with varietal resistance to mechanical damage.
Zusammenfassung Die Versuche sollten sortenbedingte Unterschiede bei Wundheilungs-Raten demonstrieren. Ausserdem galt es herauszufinden ob sich Unterschiede im Wundheilungs-Potential zwischen Rinden- und Markgewebe ergeben, wodurch sich die relative Bedeutung von flachen gegenüber tiefen Wunden darstellen würde. Der Anstieg in der internen Widerstandsf?higkeit im Hinblick auf Verlust von Wasser-Dampfdruck von Scheiben von Knollengewebe, ein Mass für die Suberinisierung an Wundoberfl?chen, wurde über 6–9 Tage in vier Versuchen über zwei Lagerperioden verfolgt. Die 15 untersuchten sp?ten Kartoffelsorten zeigten betr?chtliche sortenbedingte Abweichungen in allen vier Experimenten (Tabellen 1 und 2). Zwischen den beiden Perioden waren die Schwankungen nur gering, ebenso zwischen den Untersuchungen im Herbst und im Frühjahr (Tabelle 3). Die H?he des Wasserverlustes bei Rinden- und Markgewebe waren im wesentlichen gleich (Tabelle 2) und korrelierten zwischen den Sorten (r=0,84,P<0,001). In den ersten 4–5 Tagen der Inkubation entwickelte sich die interne Widerstandsf?higkeit gegen Wasserverlust z?gernd, bei ungef?hr 6 Tagen dann schneller (Abb. 1). Sowohl das Ausmass des schnelleren Anstiegs als auch die Zeit des Beginns bestimmten den generellen Grad an Resistenz gegen Wasserverlust über die gesamte Inkubationsperiode (Abb. 1). Sorten mit rapider Wundverheilung in diesen Untersuchungen, z.B. Désirée und Bintje, befanden sich unter denjenigen, welche von Blight & Hamilton (1974) mit geringer Anf?lligkeit gegen mechanische Besch?digung eingestuft worden waren.

Résumé Le but de cette étude est de mettre en évidence l'importance des variations dans le taux de cicatrisation des blessures selon les variétés et de rechercher s'il existe une différence dans le potentiel de cicatrisation entre les tissus corticaux et médullaires qui pourraient déterminer l'importance relative des blessures légères et profondes. L'augmentation de la résistance interne à la perte en vapeur d'eau à partir de lamelles de tissus de tubercules, comme mesure de subérisation des surfaces blessées, a été suivie pendant 6 à 9 jours dans 4 expérimentations au cours de deux campagnes de conservation. Les 15 principales variétés testées ont montré un degré variétal important dans les 4 essais (tableau 1 et 2). Le classement des variétés n'a guère varié d'une année à l'autre et entre automne et printemps (tableau 3). Les taux de perte en eau des tissus médullaire et cortical sont en général équivalents (tableau 2) et correlés avec les variétés (r=0,84,P<0,001). La résistance interne à la perte en eau évolue lentement les 4–5 premiers jours d'incubation, et plus rapidement après 6 jours environ (fig. 1). La variation dans la phase rapide, et dans sa date de démarrage détermine le niveau global de résistance à la perte en eau pour toute la période d'incubation (fig. 1). Les variétés qui montrent une évolution rapide de cicatrisation dans cette étude, telles que Désirée et Bintje, sont parmi celles estimées par Blight & Hamilton (1974), qui présentent une faible sensibilité à l'endommagement mécanique.

Summary Potatoes of cvs Record (maincrop) and Red Craigs Royal (second early) were harvested at intervals from 22 August to 14 October. Half of the plots were mechanically defoliated on 22 August, by which date haulms of cv. Red Craigs Royal were largely dead. Tubers of cv. Record were immature at the first lifting date and matured thereafter, particularly after defoliation. Wound healing rates were assessed from the ability of discs of tuber tissue, cut the day after harvest, to become resistant to the loss of water vapour as suberization progressed at high relative humidity. Cv. Red Craigs Royal showed little variation in wound healing rate. Wound healing in cv. Record became more rapid with increasing maturity, particularly after defoliation when it reached a maximum by 1 October. After storage until March in the following year, the effect of maturity at lifting on wound healing rate was no longer evident.
Zusammenfassung Zweck dieser Versuche war herauszufinden ob die Intensit?t der Wundheilung unmittelbar nach der Ernte bei unreifen Knollen beeintr?chtigt war und ob irgendwelche Effekte nach Lagerung erhalten blieben. Knollen der mittelfrühen Sorte Red Craigs Royal und der sp?ten Sorte Record wurden um 22. August bis zum 14. Oktober 1979 in Intervallen geerntet. Am 22. August wurde die H?lfte der Parzellen mechanisch abget?tet, der Rest starb auf natürliche Weise ab. Das natürliche Absterben war bei der Sorte Red Craigs Royal am 22. August und bei Record am l. Oktober fast komplett. Am Tage nach jeder Ernte wurden 11×4 mm starke Scheiben aus dem Mark entnommen, nach 10 Tagen die Entwicklung der internen Widerstandsf?higkeit gegen Wasserverlust durchgeführt. Diese Massnahme stellt ein Mass der Suberinisierung der Schnittfl?che dar (Jarvis & Duncan, 1975). Die Knollen von Red Craigs Royal waren zum ersten Erntetermin reif und zeigten danach wenig ?nderungen in der Wundverheilungsrate. Die Knollen von Record hatten unreif eine langsame Wundverheilungs-Rate, bei sp?teren Ernteterminen wurde das Wundverheilen progressiv schneller, haupts?chlich bei Knollen aus den abget?teten Parzellen, und erreichte zum l. Oktober ein Maximum (Abb. 1). Abbildung l basiert auf über 10 Tage Wundheilung summierter interner Widerstandsf?higkeit, aber die Unterschiede zwischen den Behandlungen über die Wundheilperiode hinweg waren durchweg einheitlich (Abb. 2). Nach 5–7 Monaten Lagerung bei 10°C entwickelte sich interne Resistenz schneller als nach der Ernte, und blieb bei Record schneller als bei Red Craigs Royal. Die Unterschiede zwischen den Erntezeitpunkten waren jedoch nicht mehr eindeutig (Tabelle 1). Folglich ist die langsame Wundheilung bei unreif geernteten Knollen nur ein Kurzzeiteffekt. Beim Gewicht der Scheiben w?hrend der Wundheilung ergaben sich keine betr?chtlichen ?nderungen (Tabelle 2). Dies zeigt dass sich der Wassergehalt, welcher die Wundheilrate beeinflussen kann, nicht ?nderte.

Résumé Le but de cette étude est d'étudier l'influence du niveau de maturité des tubercules sur le taux de cicatrisation des blessures immédiatement qprès récoltés à différentes dates, entre le 22 ao?t et le serve également après conservation. Des tubercules de la variété demi-précoce Red Craigs Toyal et de la variété principale Record ont été récoltés à différentes dates, entre le 22 ao?t et le 14 octobre 1979. Sur la moitié des parcelles, un défanage mécanique a été réalisé le 22 ao?t et le reste a été maintenu jusqu'à maturité. La senescence naturelle était pratiquement atteinte au 22 ao?t pour la variété Red Craigs Royal et au ler octobre pour la variété Record. Des lamelles de 11 mm × 4 mm dans le tissu médullaire des tubercules sont réalisées un jour après prélèvement et l'évolution de la résistance interne à la perte en eau, comme mesure de la subérisation à la surface des la melles, a été observée pendant 10 jours (Jarvis & Duncan, 1979). Les tubercules de la variété Red Craigs Royal étaient m?rs à la première date de récolte, et par conséquent, peu de différence dans le taux de cicatrisation a été observé. Les tubercules de la variété Record ont un faible taux de cicatrisation lorsqu'ils sont immatures, mais aux dernières dates d'arrachage la cicatrisation s'accélère, notamment pour les tubercules des parcelles défanées, quiatteint un taux maximal de cicatrisation vers le ler octobre (fig. 1). La figure l donne le total de la résistance interne pour 10 jours de cicatrisation, mais la différence entre les traitements est demeurée nette tout au long de cette période (fig. 2). Après une conservation de 5 à 7 mois à 10°C, la résistance interne à la perte d'eau s'effectue, plus rapidement qu'après la récolte et elle demeure plus forte avec la variété Record qu'avec Red Craigs Royal, mais la différence observée entre les dates d'arrachage ne para?t plus évidente (tableau 1). Donc, la lente cicatrisation des blessures pour les tubercules non m?rs n'est qu'un effet à court terme. Aucune modification substancielle n'est apparue dans le poids des lamelles pendant la période de cicatrisation (tableau 2), ceci montre que la teneur en eau qui peut influencer le taux de cicatrisation n'a pas évolué.

A corky patch syndrome that effects potato tuber tissue may be a later manifestation of pink eye disease of potato although an actual cause and effect relationship between the two diseases has not been firmly established. The causal agent for pink eye of potato is unknown but the disease has been associated with the fungiVerticillium andRhizoctonia and the bacteriumPseudomonas fluorescens. Pink eye and corky patch symptoms on the periderm of affected tubers are accompanied by a band of tissue beneath that is intensely auto-fluorescent when viewed under ultraviolet illumination. Studies to determine the cause of the fluorescent reaction were performed using HPLC and a fluorescence monitor. Three phenylpropanoid compounds, chlorogenic acid, esculin and scopoletin, were found to be involved. It appears that these compounds are produced by tuber tissues in response to pathogen invasion and also as part of the wound healing process. Tissues with corky patch syndrome, silver scurf and root-knot nematode contained high concentrations of chlorogenic acid and esculin and low concentrations of scopoletin. Tissues infected with dry rot were visibly less fluorescent, and contained less chlorogenic acid and esculin, and no detectable level of scopoletin.  相似文献   

The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was adapted for the detection of potato virus M (PVM). Detectability of PVM was influenced by the stage of plant growth and that of the plant part assayed. In young potato plants, one week prior to flowering, PVM titer was relatively high (0.77 A405nm units) in the basal leaves and barely detectable (0.09 A405 nm units) in the top leaves. In mature plants, two weeks prior to harvesting, top leaves contained more virus (0.34 A405 nm units) than middle (0.24 A405nm units) or basal leaves (0.15 A405 nm units). In rapidly growing tubers PVM content was higher (1.57 A405 nm units) than that in fully grown tubers (0.71 A405nm units) whereas the virus was not detectable in the mother tuber four weeks following planting. PVM was reliably detected when disks from intact leaves were substituted for leaf extracts as the test sample  相似文献   

J. Weber 《Potato Research》1990,33(3):335-340
Summary The intercellular volume within tuber tissue increases with tuber maturation. At the same time, both tuber injury after mechanical load and lentical perforation after water uptake by tubers in wet peat decreases. The degree of tuber injury is correlated with intercellular space (r=−0.667,n=16) and with water saturation of tissue (r=0.697,n=16). The tubers lose water during storage. In wet soil wilted tubers take up significantly higher amounts of water than turgid tubers, and lenticel perforation is much more frequent. Tuber maturation in autumn and low water loss during storage enhance the cushioning effect of the intercellular gas volume of tuber tissue against outside mechanical load and internal tension after water uptake.  相似文献   

Several volatile monoterpenes, which are among the major constituents of several easily obtainable essential oils, were phytotoxic in the gaseous phase to emerged potato tuber sprouts. Analyses of the more phytotoxic monoterpenes were conducted using a continuous-flow system in which the compounds were released as volatiles into the headspace surrounding the tubers. Several of these compounds, which have low mammalian toxicities and are currently used in large amounts as flavorings, over-the-counter medications and perfumes, effectively inhibited sprouting and fungal growth at relatively low molar concentrations.  相似文献   

Varietal differences in potato tuber greening   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Greening reactions of 144 potato varieties (16 russet, 29 red, 99 white) were evaluated. Three components of greening (external color, internal color, and depth of color) were measured. In general, depth of greening was less in russetted varieties than in white varieties. Red varieties showed less discoloration for all three components. The three greening components appeared to be independent, and might be inherited separately.  相似文献   

A device and procedure have been developed for measuring tuber skin strength of Russet Burbank potatoes. Tests were designed to quantitatively measure the effects of: 1) various vine killing methods, 2) elapsed time between digging and testing, 3) tester tip hardness and 4) skin strength changes for three weeks following vine kill. Results show that no differences in skin strength can be detected between vine killing methods. Skin strength values of 2160 g-cm or greater are estimated to provide adequate resistance to harvest and handling damage. Location of the test area on the tuber influences results as well as does the elapsed time between digging and testing. Some commencai users find this testing device to be advantageous.  相似文献   

A study was carried out with potato (Solanum tuberosum; cv. Atlantic) during 2001 and 2002 to determine the effect of soil salinity on internal tuber browning. The effect of varying levels of soil salinity on proline content, polyphenol oxidase enzyme activity, and chlorogenic acid content in potato leaves and tubers was examined. NaCl treatments (2.1, 4.25, 6.38, 8.5 g NaCl L?1) were applied to the pots, the first 46 days after planting, and four additional treatments were applied, each about 7 days apart. Increasing NaCl concentrations resulted in an increase in browning of tuber tissue and proline content in the tubers. Chlorogenic acid content in the leaves increased up to 6.4 g NaCl L?1, but then decreased at 8.5 g NaCl L?1 and in tubers tended to be maximal at the highest saline concentration tested (8.5 g NaCl L?1). Increasing NaCl concentration resulted in a reduction in yield per plant and average tuber weight, and also increased tuber number. There were major differences in the impact of salinity over the 2-year period, which was probably due to the impact of the growing media; a low organic matter (about 1% OM) silty loam soil and a high organic content (about 90% OM) Muck soil were used in 2001 and 2002, respectively. Tuber browning increased linearly with salinity in 2002, but only markedly increased at 8.5 g NaCl L?1 in 2001. Sodium and chloride ion concentration was always greater (about two times) at equivalent application rates in the 2002 trial. The high organic matter content soil retained sodium and chloride ions more effectively than the silty loam soil and enhanced the impact of increased salinity concentration on physiological properties of potato plants and particularly on tuber tissue browning and proline accumulation.  相似文献   

Wound-healing tuber tissues from two potato cultivars, one resistant (cv. Reddale) and one susceptible (cv. Kennebec) to Verticillium wilt caused by the fungusVerticillium dahliae were treated with elicitor preparations of either an autoclaved mycelial extract of the fungus or with the fungal component arachidonic acid (AA). Wound-healing tissues were analyzed for hypersensitive cell browning (HCB) and alterations in lipoxygenase (LOX), polyphenoloxidase (PPO), and peroxidase (PER) activities, because all three enzymes are thought to be involved in the hypersensitive response and plant defense. Healing Reddale tissues that were treated with the elicitors exhibited a much more rapid and intense HCB than did the healing Kennebec tissues. By 96 h, Reddale tissues treated with either elicitor preparation appeared dark brown and necrotic. Treated Kennebec tissues appeared only slightly darker than the controls after 96 h. LOX, PPO and PER activities in treated Reddale tissues were significantly less than that found in the control after 48 h, and by 96 h PPO and PER activities were nearly zero. In contrast, LOX activity in AA-treated Kennebec disks was higher than in the control at 96 h, while the activities of PPO and PER had decreased to about 60% of the control at the same time period. Our results show that HCB is strongly correlated withV. dahliae and AA elicitor treatments in the resistant vs. the susceptible cultivar, while the overall role of the three enzymes in cell browning and death remain unclear.  相似文献   

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