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Wheat grain hardness is controlled by one major genetic factor, the puroindoline hardness (ha) locus on the short arm of chromosome 5D, but there is also evidence for other minor genetic factors modifying the effect of puroindoline alleles. In this study, the progeny of nine soft × hard wheat crosses was evaluated for kernel texture, and the allelic state of puroindoline b (pinB) was assessed by polymerase chain reaction. The F2 populations of all nine crosses showed the expected 1:2:1 segregation ratio of homozygous soft, heterozygous medium and homozygous hard offspring. A model of variance components was constructed to separate the effects of pinB‐D1 allelic variation from other genetic factors affecting endosperm hardness. This model showed that pinB‐D1 allelic variation could explain 75‐93% of the genetic variation for hardness in the F2, but there were also significant contributions from other genetic factors in all the crosses. The feasibility of pinB‐D1 alleles as a molecular marker for hardness is demonstrated, and the results also indicate the possibility of breeding wheat varieties with true medium hardness.  相似文献   

Kernel texture in wheat has been found to be directly controlled by one or two major genes. Generally, good biscuit-making wheats are those with soft endosperm texture, lower protein content, more breakflour and a smaller particle size. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the dominant soft endosperm genes on biscuit-making quality. Backcross derivatives were developed with a backcrossing procedure. The backcross derivatives and parents were planted in a randomised block design with six replications. Fourteen quality characteristics were measured. Except for hectolitremass and mixing time, the presence of the soft endosperm genes had a major effect on all characteristics used to predict biscuit-making quality. In the soft backcross derivatives there was a significant decrease in alkaline water retention capacity (AWRC), alveograph stability, alveograph strength, alveograph P/L ratio, flour extraction, and protein content. There was a significant increase in alveograph extensibility, biscuit diameter and breakflour yield. In this study, the presence of the soft endosperm genes was associated with good biscuit-making quality characteristics. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Although grain texture has been extensively studied, there is still some controversy about its mode of inheritance. The aim of this study was to use a microtome method to determine the inheritance of grain texture. The backcross method was used with a hard, well adapted cultivar, M29519 as recurrent parent, and Edwall, a soft cultivar with good biscuit-making quality, as donor. Segregation ratio's for grain texture were calculated after each backcross. The backcross derivates M29519 (soft) and M29519 (hard) and the donor and recurrent parents were also compared for biscuit-making quality. The microtome method was found to be very effective to determine grain texture. In this study grain softness was determined by a single dominant gene. M29519 (hard) and the recurrent parent did not differ significantly for any quality characteristics. M29519 (hard) and M29519 (soft) differed significantly for seven characteristics associated with biscuit-making quality, and M29519 (soft) produced a significantly larger biscuit diameter than M29519 (hard). M29519 (soft) differed significantly from the donor parent for six of the measured characteristics. Despite this, M29519 (soft) produced a biscuit similar in diameter to that of the donor parent. Therefore, although the transfer of the softness genes into a different genetic background did not transfer all the factors generally associated with good biscuit-making quality, it did produce a biscuit that did not differ significantly from that of the donor. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Data are presented which support early generation selection for white kernel color in the progeny of red/white kernel wheat crosses which are segregating at 12 or more loci for yield (or any other trait of interest). The optimum generation for selecting white kernels is determined by the frequency of seeds produced with the potential to produce plants having desired quantitative alleles from both parents, and by the frequency of white kernels produced. The F2-produced seed (F3 embryo) is shown to be the optimum generation for selecting white kernels, given that 12 or more loci are segregating for a quantitative character such as yield. When the red parent is a 2 or 3 loci red genotype, selection among F4-produced seed for white kernel color may be desirable when 5 or fewer genes are segregating for the second trait. The results have direct application for all highly heritable, recessive, sporophytic traits.Contribution from the Cornell Agricultural Research Station, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY 14853. Paper No. 723. Research supported by Hatch project 419  相似文献   

Understanding the relationships among testing environments is essential for better targeting cultivars to production environments. To identify patterns of cultivar, environment, cultivar-by-environment interactions, and opportunities for indirect selection for grain yield, a set of 25 spring wheat cultivars from China and the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) was evaluated in nine environments in China and four management environments at CIMMYT in Cd. Obregon, Mexico, during two wheat seasons. Genetic background and original environment were the main factors influencing grain yield performance of the cultivars. Baviacora M 92, Xinchun 2 and Xinchun 6 showed relatively more stable and higher grain yields, whereas highly photoperiod sensitive cultivars Xinkehan 9, Kefeng 6 and Longmai 19 proved consistently inferior across environments, except in Harbin and Keshan, the two high latitude environments. Longmai 26, also from high latitude environments in the north-eastern Heilongjiang province, was however probably not as photoperiodicly sensitive as other cultivars from that region, and produced much higher grain yield and expressed a broader adaptation. None of the environments reported major diseases. Pattern analyses revealed that photoperiod response and planting option on beds were the two main factors underlying the observed interactions for grain yield. The production environment of planting on the flat in Mexico grouped together with Huhhot and Urumqi in both wheat seasons, indicating an indirect response to selection for grain yield in this CIMMYT managed environment could benefit the two Chinese environments. Both the environment of planting on the flat with Chinese Hejin and Yongning, and the three CIMMYT environments planting on raised beds with Chinese Yongning grouped together only in one season, showing that repeatability may not be stable in this case.  相似文献   

Improvement of end-use quality in bread wheat depends on a thorough understanding of current wheat quality and the influences of genotype (G), environment (E), and genotype by environment interaction (G × E) on quality traits. Thirty-nine spring-sown spring wheat (SSSW) cultivars and advanced lines from China were grown in four agro-ecological zones comprising seven locations during the 1998 and 1999 cropping seasons. Data on 12 major bread-making quality traits were used to investigate the effect of G, E, and G × E on these traits. Wide range variability for protein quantity and quality, starch quality parameters and milling quality in Chinese SSSW was observed. Genotype and environment were found to significantly influence all quality parameters as major effects. Kernel hardness, flour yield, Zeleny sedimentation value and mixograph properties were mainly influenced by the genetic variance components, while thousand kernel weight, test weight, and falling number were mostly influenced by the environmental variance components. Genotype, environment, and their interaction had important effects on test weight, mixing development time and RVA parameters. Cultivars originating from Zone VI (northeast) generally expressed high kernel hardness, good starch quality, but poor milling and medium to weak mixograph performance; those from Zone VII (north) medium to good gluten and starch quality, but low milling quality; those from Zone VIII (central northwest) medium milling and starch quality, and medium to strong mixograph performance; those from Zone IX (western/southwestern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau) medium milling quality, but poor gluten strength and starch parameters; and those from Zone X (northwest) high milling quality, strong mixograph properties, but low protein content. Samples from Harbin are characterized by good gluten and starch quality, but medium to poor milling quality; those from Hongxinglong by strong mixograph properties, medium to high milling quality, but medium to poor starch quality and medium to low protein content; those from Hohhot by good gluten but poor milling quality; those from Linhe by weak gluten quality, medium to poor milling quality; those from Lanzhou by poor bread-making and starch quality; those from Yongning by acceptable bread-making and starch quality and good milling quality; and those from Urumqi by good milling quality, medium gluten quality and good starch pasting parameters. Our findings suggest that Chinese SSSW quality could be greatly enhanced through genetic improvement for targeted well-characterized production environments.  相似文献   

The Ppd-A1 genotype of 240 Japanese wheat cultivars and 40 foreign cultivars was determined using a PCR-based method. Among Japanese cultivars, only 12 cultivars, all of which were Hokkaido winter wheat, carried the Ppd-A1a allele, while this allele was not found in Hokkaido spring wheat cultivars or Tohoku-Kyushu cultivars. Cultivars with a photoperiod-insensitive allele headed 6.9–9.8 days earlier in Kanto and 2.5 days earlier in Hokkaido than photoperiod-sensitive cultivars. The lower effect of photoperiod-insensitive alleles observed in Hokkaido could be due to the longer day-length at the spike formation stage compared with that in Kanto. Pedigree analysis showed that ‘Purple Straw’ and ‘Tohoku 118’ were donors of Ppd-A1a and Ppd-D1a in Hokkaido wheat cultivars, respectively. Wheat cultivars recently developed in Hokkaido carry photoperiod-insensitive alleles at a high frequency. For efficient utilization of Ppd-1 alleles in the Hokkaido wheat-breeding program, the effect of Ppd-1 on growth pattern and grain yield should be investigated. Ppd-A1a may be useful as a unique gene source for fine tuning the heading time in the Tohoku-Kyushu region since the effect of Ppd-A1a on photoperiod insensitivity appears to differ from the effect of Ppd-B1a and Ppd-D1a.  相似文献   

Heat stress during grain filling has been documented to decrease wheat grain yield and quality in arid regions worldwide. We studied the effect of heat stress on wheat flour quality in heat tolerant cultivars to define the effects of heat stress on flour quality and to identify germplasm combining traits for heat tolerance and good flour quality. We studied the kernel phenotypic traits, the expression of seed storage proteins (SSPs), and the resulting flour quality under heat and normal conditions. Under heat stress, all cultivars yielded narrow-shaped seeds, and increased protein contents as compared to the control plants grown under normal conditions. The specific sedimentation values used to estimate the gluten quality varied between cultivars. We identified cultivars that could maintain good flour quality under heat stress conditions: ‘Imam’, which possessed the Glu-D1d allele responsible for the suitable bread-making; ‘Bohaine’, which displayed high expression level of SSPs; and ‘Condor’, which possessed slight variations in the ratio of each SSP under heat stress conditions. Combining the desirable traits from these cultivars could yield a wheat cultivar with heat tolerance and good flour quality.  相似文献   

T. Danon  Z. Eyal 《Euphytica》1990,47(3):203-214
Summary All possible crosses (including reciprocals) were made among four winter bread (Aurora, Bezostaya 1, Kavkaz, and Trakia) and two Israeli spring wheat cultivars (spring x winter diallel), and among two South American spring wheats (Colotana and Klein Titan) with the same Israeli cultivars (spring x spring diallel) to study the inheritance of resistance to septoria tritici blotch. Parents, F1, F2 and backcrosses were grown in two separated blocks in the field over two years. One block was inoculated with isolate ISR398A1 and another with ISR8036. Each plant was assessed for plant height (cm), days to heading (from emergence or transplanting), and percent pycnidia coverage on the four uppermost leaves. Plant height and maturity had insignificant effects on pycnidia coverage. No cytoplasmic effects could be detected. In the spring x winter diallel general combining ability (GCA) was the major component of variation. Significant specific combining ability (SCA) was present in all cases. Partial dominance was operative in populations inoculated with ISR398A1. Resistance in the winter wheats was controlled by a small number of genes (usually two). The four winter wheats derive their resistance to ISR398A1 from their common parent Bezostaya 1 which lacks the 1B/1R wheat-rye translocation. Their resistance is readily overcome by ISR8036. Inheritance of the South American wheats can be explained by additive effects, with a small number of genes of recessive mode affecting resistance to both isolates. Breeding strategies that favor additive, and additive x dominance gene action should be pursued.  相似文献   

春季低温对小麦花粉育性及粒数形成的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小麦拔节后遭遇春季低温,每穗粒数下降,产量降低。为探明春季低温引起每穗粒数减少的生理原因,以春性小麦扬麦16和半冬性小麦徐麦30为供试品种,研究小麦倒二叶出生期(昼夜5℃/–3℃)、孕穗期(昼夜8℃/–1℃)和开花期(昼夜12℃/4℃)分别进行低温处理对小麦花粉育性及每穗粒数形成的影响。结果表明:倒二叶出生期和孕穗期低温均导致2个小麦品种在二胞花粉期和三胞花粉期花药中的多糖物质淀粉和蛋白质的代谢异常,绒毡层解体延迟;孕穗期低温还造成花粉母细胞减数分裂中染色体配对异常、出现微核等情况,影响正常雄配子体形成;花粉败育率表现为倒二叶出生期低温处理>孕穗期低温处理>开花期低温处理,徐麦30败育率高于扬麦16;3个时期低温均显著降低了2个小麦品种结实小穗数、每小穗结实粒数和每穗粒数,以倒二叶出生期低温处理穗粒数降低的幅度最大。相关分析表明,春季低温引起花粉母细胞减数分裂异常、绒毡层延迟解体、花药营养物质供给不足导致的花粉育性下降,是春季低温导致小麦每穗粒数减少的主要原因。  相似文献   

Grain yield and the number of grains per ear of wheat decreased under the low temperature after jointing stage. In order to explore the physiological reasons of the decrease of grains number per ear by low temperature in spring, the spring wheat variety Yangmai 16 and the semi-winter wheat variety Xumai 30 were used as tested varieties to analyze the effects of low temperature in spring on the fertility of pollen and the formation of grain numbers at the appearance of the penultimate leaf stage (5℃/-3℃, day/night), booting stage (8℃/-1℃, day/night), and anthesis stage (12℃/4℃, day/night). The results showed that low temperature at the appearance of the penultimate leaf stage and booting stage resulted in abnormal metabolism of starch and protein in the anther both at the binuclear and tri-nuclear pollen stages and delayed degradation of the tapetum. The low temperature at the booting stage caused abnormal meiosis of pollen mother cells, abnormalities in chromosome pairing, which affected the formation of male gametophyte. The abortion rate of pollen was more significantly increased under low temperature at the appearance of the penultimate leaf stage than that at the booting stage, and it was the minimum at anthesis stage. The abortion rate of pollen in Xumai 30 was higher than that in Yangmai 16. The low temperature at three stages had significant effects on the number of spikelets, the number of fertile spikelets and the number of grains per spikelet. The effect of low temperature at the appearance of the penultimate leaf stage on grains number per spikelet was the most significant. There was a significant positive correlation between the number of grains per spike and pollen fertility, which was affected by abnormal meiosis, delayed degradation of the tapetum, and undersupply of nutriment for anther development. Therefore, the decline of pollen fertility caused by low temperature in spring is the main reason for the decrease of grains number per spike.  相似文献   

Suitability of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) for many food products depends on its unique protein. Elevated grain protein content (GPC) and its quality influences the bread making properties of wheat. The objective of this study was to examine the association of elevated GPC with agronomic and end-use quality in two hard red spring wheat recombinant inbred (RI) populations derived from wild emmer (Triticum turgidum L. var. dicoccoides). The two hard red spring populations (ND683/Bergen and Glupro/Bergen) were developed using a single-seed-descent method. ND683 and ‘Glupro’ are high in GPC (180 g kg-1), presumably due to the introgression of gene(s) from Triticum turgidum L. var. dicoccoides and ‘Bergen’ is low in GPC (145 g kg-1). From each of the two populations 12 high- and 12 low-GPC RI lines (F5:7) were selected for replicated testing at two North Dakota (ND) locations in 1995. In both populations, the high-GPC lines had significantly (p < 0.05) higher values compared to the low-GPC lines for mean GPC and water absorption. Mean grain yield of the high-GPC lines was not significantly different from the low-GPC lines in both populations. In the ND683/Bergen population, the high-GPC lines had significantly (p < 0.05) higher values than the low-GPC lines for mean plant height, days to heading, and flour extraction. GPC was significantly (p < 0.05)and negatively associated with test weight and also significantly (p < 0.01) and positively associated with water absorption in the Glupro/Bergen population. In these populations, results suggested that it may be possible to select lines that combine higher GPC and acceptable yield level, but later in maturity and taller in plant height. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the ecological effect of full biodegradable film mulching and its effect on the production of spring wheat, and to seek a green, efficient and sustainable coverage in the semi-arid area of the Northwest Loess Plateau. Taking the uncovered land as the control (CK), to systematically studied the effects of full biodegradable film mulching (BM) and the polyethylene film mulching (PM) with bunch planting on soil water status, rain fallow efficiency and its impact on yield and water use efficiency of dryland spring wheat from 2015 to 2018. The results showed that both BM and PM significantly increased the water storage of 0-200 cm soil layer and rain fallow efficiency in each growth period of spring wheat, but there was not significant differences between BM and PM. From 2015 to 2018, the water storage of BM increased by 9.5 mm, 14.2 mm, 25.0 mm, and 39.0 mm respectively compared with CK. In the fourth year of continuous cropping, the water storage of PM, BM and CK 0-200 cm soil layers were 347.5 mm, 345.5 mm and 320.0 mm, respectively. Compared with CK, the rain fallow efficiency of BM and PM increased by 39.63% and 43.98%, respectively, which effectively alleviated the risk of spring drought in the next season. BM was similar to PM in seedling rate, the number of productive ears and the percentage of productive spike, and significantly higher than CK. The number of BM seedlings increased by 15.87% compared with CK in dry year, the number of productive ears increased by 14.70% on average in other years except 2015, and the percentage of productive spike increased by 3.08% on average in four years. The total amount of dry matter accumulation of BM was basically the same as PM, and before anthesis was slightly lower than PM, but higher than PM after anthesis, which was more conducive to grain filling and yield formation, and the amount of dry matter accumulation of both BM and PM are significantly higher than CK in each growth period. The annual average water consumption of PM, BM and CK was 287.46 mm, 289.76 mm, and 276.06 mm, respectively, and compared with PM, BM increased the evaporation water consumption. Compared with CK, the grain yield of BM and PM increased 48.07% and 54.95% respectively, and water use efficiency increased 46.08% and 56.07% in four years, there was not significant differences between BM and PM. There was not significant differences in soil water effect and yield effect between the full biodegradable film and PE film, and the full biodegradable film can be applied to the whole field soil-plastic mulching with bunch planting of spring wheat in dry land and provide technical support for the green and efficient production of wheat in dry land.  相似文献   

Summary The group 1 and 6 inter-varietal chromosome substitution lines of Cappelle-Desprez (Bezostaya 1) were intercrossed along with the donor and recipient varieties, Cappelle-Desprez and Bezostaya 1, to give 36 genetically different families. The analysis of the means of these families showed that variation in SDS-sedimentation volume fitted a predominantly additive model. There were no significant within or between chromosome interactions among the group 1 and 6 chromosomes. Nor was there any evidence for interactions between these chromosomes and those of the background. Significant dominance/within chromosome interactions amongst the background chromosomes were however detected. Some of the positive effects on SDS-sedimentation were associated with increased grain hardness. Chromosome effects on % grain protein were not correlated with SDS-sedimentation.  相似文献   

The genotypes of photoperiod response genes Ppd-B1 and Ppd-D1 in Japanese wheat cultivars were determined by a PCR-based method, and heading times were compared among genotypes. Most of the Japanese wheat cultivars, except those from the Hokkaido region, carried the photoperiod-insensitive allele Ppd-D1a, and heading was accelerated 10.3 days compared with the Ppd-D1b genotype. Early cultivars with Ppd-D1a may have been selected to avoid damage from preharvest rain. In the Hokkaido region, Ppd-D1a frequency was lower and heading date was late regardless of Ppd-D1 genotype, suggesting another genetic mechanism for late heading in Hokkaido cultivars. In this study, only 11 cultivars proved to carry Ppd-B1a, and all of them carried another photoperiod-insensitive allele, Ppd-D1a. The Ppd-B1a/Ppd-D1a genotype headed 6.7 days earlier than the Ppd-B1b/Ppd-D1a genotype, indicating a significant effect of Ppd-B1a in the genetic background with Ppd-D1a. Early-maturity breeding in Japan is believed to be accelerated by the introduction of the Ppd-B1a allele into medium-heading cultivars carrying Ppd-D1a. Pedigree analysis showed that Ppd-B1a in three extra-early commercial cultivars was inherited from ‘Shiroboro 21’ by early-heading Chugoku lines bred at the Chugoku Agriculture Experimental Station.  相似文献   

Plant architecture is an accessible approach to achieving high-yield potential. The DENSE AND ERECT PANICLE 1 (DEP1) gene regulating panicle morphology, grain number per panicle, and nitrogen uptake and metabolism has been widely used for the breeding of high-yield rice in northern Chinese japonica varieties. However, there has been no consensus on the genetic effects of dep1 on grain yield and quality under different genetic backgrounds and growing environments. In the present study, we developed two sets of near-isogenic lines (NILs) of DEP1 (AKI-dep1, AKI-DEP1, LG5-dep1 and LG5-DEP1), each carrying the DEP1 region from either 'Liaogeng5' (LG5) or 'Akitakomachi' (AKI) in the AKI and LG5 backgrounds. Our results demonstrated that AKI-dep1/LG5-dep1 exhibited erect panicle and enhanced grain number per panicle, thereby consequently increasing grain yield, whereas they possessed inferior grain appearance compared with AKI-DEP1/LG5-DEP1 in the same background. However, the effects of dep1 on grain processing quality and eating and cooking quality varied with the background. These results provide useful information for high-yield erect panicle rice breeding by marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

Chromosomal location of resistance to two virulent Argentinean isolatesof Septoria tritici was studied in two wheat (Triticum aestivumL.) cultivars (Cappelle-Desprez & Cheyenne), a synthetic hexaploid(Synthetic 6x) and Triticum spelta in seedlings. Substitution lines of these(resistant or moderately resistant) genotypes into (susceptible) ChineseSpring were selected from a previous screening. For Synthetic 6x,resistance was clearly located in chromosome 7D. Chinese Spring with the7D chromosome substituted by Synthetic 6x showed almost completeresistance, similar to the level of Synthetic 6x. For the substitutions withCappelle-Desprez, Cheyenne, and T.spelta there were no lines with abehaviour similar to the resistant parent. However, some substitutions weremore resistant than the susceptible parent suggesting that severalchromosomes could be involved in the resistance of these genotypes toSeptoria leaf blotch.  相似文献   

Fusarium head blight (FHB) is an important disease of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The aim of this study was to determine the effects of quantitative trait locus (QTL) regions for resistance to FHB and estimate their effects on reducing FHB damage to wheat in Hokkaido, northern Japan. We examined 233 F1-derived doubled-haploid (DH) lines from a cross between ‘Kukeiharu 14’ and ‘Sumai 3’ to determine their reaction to FHB during two seasons under field conditions. The DH lines were genotyped at five known FHB-resistance QTL regions (on chromosomes 3BS, 5AS, 6BS, 2DL and 4BS) by using SSR markers. ‘Sumai 3’ alleles at the QTLs at 3BS and 5AS effectively reduced FHB damage in the environment of Hokkaido, indicating that these QTLs will be useful for breeding spring wheat cultivars suitable for Hokkaido. Some of the QTL regions influenced agronomic traits: ‘Sumai 3’ alleles at the 4BS and 5AS QTLs significantly increased stem length and spike length, that at the 2DL QTL significantly decreased grain weight, and that at the 6BS QTL significantly delayed heading, indicating pleiotropic or linkage effects between these agronomic traits and FHB resistance.  相似文献   

Summary Crosses were made between the highly susceptible Little Club and the partially resistant cultivars Westphal 12A, Akabozu and BH 1146 to obtain F1, F2 and backcross generations. Latency period (LP) was determined in plants inoculated at the young flag leaf stage with a monospore culture of race Flamingo of wheat leaf rust. Broad sense heritability of LP in the F2 averaged 0.8. The genes showed partial to almost complete recessive inheritance. Scaling tests indicated that additive gene action was the most important factor in the inheritance of partial resistance. The tests showed that there were no indications for additive x additive, additive x dominance or dominance x dominance interactions. The number of effective factors was estimated as one or two for Akabozu, three or more for Westphal 12A, and two or three for BH 1146. BH 1146 also possessed a (semi-)dominant gene for a lower infection type which was temperature sensitive in its expression. The genes of the various parents had unequal effect on LP.  相似文献   

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